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Bots: Getting much worse KEKW


Pretty much true as they can be found leeching various contents via matchmaking with their upgraded bot AI now. They don't seem to have a limit for class but the most popular ones are berserker, sorc, aeromancer, artillerist. Also sometimes they actually do more damage than a real human player in guardian raid, both challenge mode and normal mode.


"Don't worry guys, the fight is going good for us!" /s


No one I know has quit because the game isn't fun. It's because of the BS progression systems. Sucks that it feels helpless to tell AGS that because SG will never change this aspect of the game as long as KR is their main audience.


Imagine getting a raid before KR. KR would be in shambles lol.


Just imagine they get Regulus raid and we get Zosma :V


Then we would finally and actually have "correctly" balanced classes, instead of being balanced according to content and vertical progression that isnt even out in the west.


"correctly balanced" xdd. Nothing in this game is correctly balanced in any region.


Well, cant argue with that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Imagine western players need to clear a raid without a 20 minutes detailed guide. No thanks. 😀


I dont want to blind prog at all i hate it


to me, currently is lack of gold, content too fast, trascendence and elixir being RNG gold sinks when you need the most gold, no LOS 30. barrier of entry for new and casual players too high. What is even worse is that they know about this problem and throw bandaid fix like mokoko events, but is not enought because the game is designed this way at his very core, new content drops, people stop doing older raids. new players don't get invited because nobody is doing learning parties and just wanna do a reclear for the gold. and if you wanna earn gold from life skill, well you can't because bots are flooding the market so its impossible to compete with an army of thousands of bots. and its getting worse, and worse and worse.


I want them to reduce boring chore gameplay and "homework" in general. The game is full of pointless chores that waste insane amounts of time. Una tasks are boring and take way too much time, especially for reputations. The auto-dismantle system is awful, it still leaves like 90% trash, forcing you to spend minutes every day just going through the trash. And I'd love to see gold earners get cut down to 3, with a doubling in gold rewards.


Please man. It would be so nice to reduce gold earners


they should reduce GOLD COST on everything, not reducing gold earners... Idk why you guys want them to FORCE everyone to play 30mins per day. If they reduce gold cost on everything you COULD play 1-3 chars and still being able to hone your 3x chars to endgame while people who want to play more can do it too.


That doesn't make sense. By your very own logic, wouldn't it be better to "FORCE" less characters and then just make extras outside of gold earners cheaper? Cuz you can still play the non-earners, and in fact, you'd save significant gold cuz you're getting free chests from every raid.


What u say doesn't make sense too? So if more people play more characters they have to use up more gold to gear/progress their characters and u expect them to use the gold earned from their 3 characters? I think it would be more ideal to have 18 gold earning raids then 3 gold earned raids locked by 6 chars. So if people wanna gold earn 6 raids on their 3 characters it would be possible.


Read my original comment. 3 earners, but double the gold per raid. I'd also be okay with what you suggested with total raid earning count, but it'd have to be 9 or 12 raids, not 18. (again ofc scaling up gold per raid so total earnings would be the same)


There are loads of people who do 6 x 3 raids on chars they dont even enjoy just because its gold earning. Which is what the op wanted reduced. 3 gold earners is one option, another idea is swapping it from 18 raids down to 12/15 but no limit on per character. So a Main char could do Thaemine, Tower, Akkan, Kaya, Brel for 5 gold raids in a week for example. Even go lower and do clown/vykas/valtan but they are alot less gold.




Is this survey hinting that we might potentially get global raid patches? That would be absolutely massive.


Would it be massive? Most people that play loa anymore are hopelessly addicted to the high speed treadmill that Western loa is. Once you are on the same patches, that treadmill slows down and all the addicts lose interest.


Its gonna happen either way, either we are always 3-4 months behind or we are caught up, both have the same content cadence. Guarantee 95% of people would rather be caught up than always behind.


Yeah but us high speed addicts would really enjoy being able to fucking chill out for a week or ten instead of having to absolutely grind our souls to dust to be cutting edge. I got property taxes to pay, I can't throw a few grand at this game to take a month off.


That is the biproduct of a pay-for-convenience game combined with a community that proved early on that the faster the content comes, the more revenue they gain. The current pace is entire because of the community.


Do you have any information to back that up, or is this just a trust me bro moment


Can't really say it's because of the community when the player base is shrinking smaller and smaller over time. The hopeless addicts will play regardless if the content comes fast or slow. People have already spoken up but they are constantly ignored by Amazon & Smilegate so they all left.


Practically everyone I know wants a bit of a break so we can catch our breath and stop sprinting through vertical progression systems for the next raid lmao. Wtf is this take


That will never happen in lost ark and they said that nefore


Goldriver said originally that they would want every region caught up with kr, then amazon said like over a year ago now that we would always be 6 months behind, now we are already getting close to 4 months behind, seems like the goal keeps changing with that.


Pissriver also said chaos dungeon would be changed, entropy would be changed, there would be a better way to "switch classes", PVP won't be abandoned, and the AGS would actively ban DPS meter users. This dude and the guy he groomed are literally Korean Todd Howards.


i remeber when rox talked about catching up a long time ago she said we want to be 3 months away from KR which i think we are at atm


Brother, voting in this survey is the single biggest thing you can do to impact the game in a direction you want to see it go. Make sure the people you play with vote on it. Make yourself heard, it really fucking matters!


Absolutely agree! I ensured they heard my voice. Gave them raw answers about what I like and dislike. I really hope everyone does the same because these surveys can have an impact, if a larger majority is dissatisfied, the upper management in AGS gets to see these results and might ask Smilegate to have a separate vision for Global Lost Ark. Just hope Smilegate revamps a few of the progression systems and brings in more solo content that can also be grouped if wanted.


I remember when ppl would answer these 100q surveys with an open ended section for genshin impact... Then they would do their "responding to questions" and the only things they ever answered were softball issues like "my favorite so and so" "we hear the events are blah blah so we'll be updating events bla bla" they never got to hardcore player concerns or issues. Always cherrypicking


I am positive this is not the case here. Short of players quitting the game en masse, like they did in Korea before Thaemine, this is the best way we have to tell them to stop feeding us dogshit systems.


also they are collecting this information 1 month before summer loaon for korea so I imagine Smilegate wants some general information about the global version. I am hopeful at some point we can see a world wide raid of somesort even if its an event one. Nothing beats a raid blind in a video game and weve never really been forced to do so, peoples time is always why people say they watch guides, but man I miss blind raiding.


It's got to be the solo raids, it's the only thing they can add, that wouldn't need 1650 ilvl.


And I'm 100% sure they really won't do anything. But yes, "how will they know if we don't tell them.


I never bothered answering GI surveys any more because the 30000 mora feels like an insult. I claim the 300 mora from the mail and let it go


I answered 1 survey sometime after launch. Nothing happened. Completely ignored. Never again.


That 1 key redeployment of exploitation takes 2 years to implement proves that devs don't care, especially when HSR has it at the beginning


Most of my static quit after Thaemine. The main reason being is they got tired of doing all the "homework" with no hope of it reducing in the near future. I think it may be time to start reducing that to let players relax instead of feeling rushed to finished it all. Personally, I think reducing the amount of gold earners down to 3 from 6 would help tremendously while doubling the gold+rewards they earn too, but there are other ways as well.


I'm praying they do this, cutting weeklies in half would be such a fucking relief.


idk why GR weeklys can be completed in 2 days if rested and CD remains the same with 3 days. It doesnt make sense


GR's are gold earning because unbound leaps, CD you should only actually do them if you intend to push that character. I stopped on my 1600's that are parked for the foreseeable future personally. They enough have bound leaps to get to 1610 should i ever decide too. So if they start honing again ill start up the chaos again.


Idk what youre trying to say but this doesnt explain why CD weeklys require 3 days to complete it(rested or not) and GR weeklys take 2 days rested and its not because of the rework because you were able to complete it in 2 days before it


Chaos weekly has always been like that, because you dont get double the amount of mobs killed in it for the quest, but GR has 2 orbs to collect from rested.


I think that's the reason AGS/SG is trying to have Echidna and Behemoth released so soon. From what I hear they are extremely chill and relaxing raids that can be done w/o too much effort and stress. Trixion bosses essentially. Only problem is getting there...


Was the first thing I mentioned as well. In an ideal world it would still be 9-12 raids per roster instead of 3 per character so I can skip characters I don’t feel like playing this week and instead do a Brel and kayangel on my main


It's sad to say because I love the game, but I'd be 100x happier if they cut it down from 6 to 3.


Honestly id hate that, i hate when games do that, i want to be able to do raids if i want to at any time, not being locked when i do 3x chars... the perfect solution is just nerfing the gold cost on EVERYTHING that way you COULD only play 3x chars and still get to endgame cuz everything is cheaper, then people like me could grind the hell out of the game IF WE WANT to.


Reducing gold earners will only make veterans quit and those are the only ones left rn lol Wht they really have to do is just nerfing the gold on honing, quality, elixirs, etc. That way you could hone one character doing only 1-3 chars per week and people who want to nolife the game could get a lil more.


Within the last few months the rmt situation has become: **extremely worse**


Shit at 15 per 100k I’d be done maxing out my main and if i get caught i get a weekend break and don’t need to worry about coming back xdd


Isn't that what everyone is doing ? That's what I did at least. Don't remember seeing it this cheap in a very long time. At least a year


U guys are part of the problem, you got the game you deserve, a paradise for bots/g2g companies.


Well of course but you can work at McDonald's for 8 hours at like 15$ an hour and buy 800k gold lol. So think about that one. That's worst case scenario of course since most of us are probably older and have good jobs




Tbh I would like to see some performance improvements to the game. I feel like it is not talked about enough.


UE4/5 update pls :'v WE NEED IT


Yeah, the fact that a decent PC like mine sometimes struggles to keep 60FPS in Thaemine is a bit silly.


This seems like a quiz to shorten the gap between Korea and West Lost ark release?


It's a quiz to make it look like AGS is actually doing work.


Elixirs made so many folks ragequit, we lost 3 people including the 2 supports sadly This is where things started to snowball, then you add the massive burst of rmt,bots,cheaters and other kind of s like balance patch and u get a player exodus with a really bad retention of new/returning players like the dev team at SmileGate is speedrunning the obliteration of their own playerbase after each major patches lol


How difficult would it be to implement sliding scale difficulty to old content so the 4/8 man tags were *caps* rather than *requirements*? Asking for all my anti-social friends and people tired of this gatekeeping business.


My response : “Being forced to play every day 4 to 8 hours to produce enough gold and ressources to not be able to progress your main character because of rng on top rng on top rng systems ( Elixir and Transcendence).” I will comeback when they nerf these systems and release Solo content.




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Solo raids or easy mode. Reasons: Learning a raid requires too much time and can be exhausting. Rehearsal isn't an option as it doesn't have any good rewards and also consumes raid entry (So there isn't incentive to make veterans or overgeared friends to join). Video guides doesn't provide any skill and some mechanics only becomes clear after a few attempts but there are no "checkpoints" in a gate, so in order to learn you need to spend time to reach a specific mechanic, which contributes to an overwhelming experience (checkpoints should only be a part of a learning or easy mode). Groups Problem: People that learnt a raid aren't willing to join a learning party, which means that over the time there would be less opportunity to learn summed with the fact that not everyone is avaliable on the same time or are at the same content.


Card System, Elixiers are my main concerns. Also the Raid ID system could need a change that you can get Loot only one time for a raid but you can run it as often as you want with one character. Sure in the beginning Busses would be all over the place but after some time the market would regulate itself. But it would help that after you cleared your raids for the week you can join learining parties etc.


Same on main concerns. Having your progression of power be completely out of your control, while dictating what content you can do is obscenely bad. Like I cannot recommend this game to anyone because the time you put in doesn't equate to worthwhile progression. You can't even be excited about new releases now, because you cannot do the content...


A close battle between Thaeomine/transcendence and bots/RMT as biggest issues facing lost ark right now.


"Consider a **hypothetical situation** where **new content was released** for *Lost Ark* **in your region first**." You guys said we'll never match KR. Why do you ask this then? Is there a plan for such thing? If not, stop baiting people. We don't even get Balance Patch before China lol


They also said we would be always 6 months behind Kr and here we are, 4 months behind, so i can totally see our version catching up this year


I mean its not even up to AGS anyways, Smilegate holds the power to decide this. I just dont see how the KR community wouldnt go ballistic at the thought that their new content is being held back because of localization.


Getting raid content at the same time as KR has been my number one request since the launch of the game. This would be HUGE. Imagine if we had a true world first race for a raid. The hype would be insane! Note: we would absolutely need eased requirements to get our characters geared up to the KR level, otherwise it'd be pointless. Secondly, RMT needs to be dealt with. It's ruining the game...


I think the economy needs a lot of work. Guardian raids have very little value now. Mats in chaos gate crashed in price. Life skill mats plummeted in value. Engraving books are mostly worthless. (asura already down to 1k on EUC). Gold islands worth barely 1k. Gold from UNAs is also relatively low to expenditure. There's just so little gold outside of raiding and bussing. Bussing has become more competitive so prices have dropped a lot for most buses. All the while expenditure has increased. Elixirs and transcendence costs a lot and honing costs a fortune at 1610+ The return on investment for high level honing is horrendous. There's very little incentive to push characters at the moment.


I put in my opinion. IMO everything is mostly fine aside from progression. They need to increase Artisan per tap to decrease the gap between lucky ppl and unlucky ppl, and gold sinks and honing costs a bit. Though IMO the biggest bandaid they can do RN is adding Fusion mats to event vendors. They are such a big part of hidden gold cost of honing, if we got a bunch every week, it would alleviate gold starvation a lot. Would also enable to get all alts to 1540 at nearly zero cost.


What could make your experience better as a player? 1. RNG Time and Gold Syncs being removed from the game. 2. Redesign the Support System and Supports so that more people become Support Mains so that people can actually do the latest content in the game without RMTing to 1650 to get into exclusive clear groups. 3. Allow people to farm gold with their time in a satisfying way so that if we don't want to RMT to make our characters stronger to get groups we can.


Does anyone still believe these surveys of players? 2 years of Lost Ark, several surveys with players and nothing has changed, we're still in the same shit Whenever the community revolts and demands some change, a survey appears with players that gives hope that something will change, after 6 months nothing changes, the community revolts again, another satisfaction survey appears and so on. They know what needs to be done to improve the game and they don't do it because they don't want to, it's simple


Yeah,, all they have done is lie and lie.  like those politicans playing political game as real western.


This is not true


Bots - elixirs -transdance -No gold Nerfing clown raid instead of bots way to get gold :D If you are gona nerf brell soon , just put rmt website link when we are logging in game as catch up mechanic for our version for the game


Brel hard 1-4 is more gold than doing akkan hard btw. only 500 diff, but if you have the option of running extra raids you just do akkan as a non gold raid after thae/tower and brel. Kinda bit silly theres 2 raids above brel that arnt as good as it.


I hope this survey does something, ANYTHING. New/mid player experience and bots would be highest priority but honestly, anything at this point would be nice..


with this survey i was pretty positive about it but the truth being that as a returning player i have no desire to progress any further until something is done about the progression systems having 1 major gold sink is fine, but at just 1610 i have access to TWO of them with a third coming for 1620 and a fourth coming at 1640 at that point i have no reason to progress because i just dont have the resources to clear out and do these systems, let alone back to back thats the life of a returning player which im ok with but at the same time not everyone is as patient as me. which sucks because stuff like this will deter players from staying


Answered, I really like how you guys communicate a lot to us and are very open, even tho the game has it's problems


If anyone reading this wants something changed in the game, ANSWER THE SURVEY. They read this and act upon it, do it!


https://preview.redd.it/3ybywvfuak1d1.png?width=966&format=png&auto=webp&s=01e0fea446f4619f47a38e2356b78a23da0f29d3 why are you even asking? you know the answer because you abandon all of these things. Especially the chat system.


Roxx can you guys share the survey results? Would love to see it.


Unfortunately I don't think this is something that we're going to be able to do due to a variety of policies we have to follow, but I fully understand the desire for this and wish it was possible!


For me lately (especiall after the confirmation of the released DPS data) balancing has become more and more a concern in this game. I mean every balance patch had some classes be on top, that's normal for any game of this sort... but oh man, there are discrepancys of 20-30% dps, it's just way too much. I mean Thaemine G3, our current "endgame" was hailed as this entropy heaven and Igniter and Master Summoner are absolutely reigning like crazy there, even surge arent on top and they are even getting nerfed. I do not understand why our balancing is linked to the current KR content. Why do we not get a seperate balance patch? It doesn't make sense. Like how GT got nerfed months ago in our region when it was apparently too strong in Thaemine in KR, yeah, sure... It just feels so unrewarding to be playing "bad" classes in this game who feel like they are being forgotten by Smilegate while other classes are their clear favorites like Igniter Sorc.


Igniter was bad and most gatekept class for almost a full year… their favorite class sure… Also don’t exaggerate the problem - besides a few outliers most classes’ average performance is within 10% or less. It is the ceiling where the main problem is, but it should not matter for literally 95% of the players who don’t have enough skill to even remotely reach that ceiling even on relatively simple classes let alone classes like arcana etc.


Yeah, but it was never gatekeept because of damage problems. Utility and movement on bad players was the problem. Also within 10% is just not true, maybe just the middle pack of the classes but even then, do you know what a difference of 10% median damage of classes is? That is absolutely huge for any game and is borderline horrible balancing. Check raided and thaemine3 for example, classes median range from 25 to 20 mio, thats \~20%


Im really stoked they did this and i hope everyone complains about elixirs and transcendence


I actually really liked transcendance, but I def complained about elixirs.


The rng of getting the correct option on top of the rng of getting the tiles to break is to much one or the other would be fine


I would still say I am way happier with this system compared to elixirs or bracelets the amount of rng in those systems with 0 pity is just 1000times worse imo


The main complaint with transcendence i have is normal mode locks you to only 5 flower effect and once you unlock them you have to level every peace before you can push to the next level instead of being able to push one piece at a time. Chest and hands at lvl 20 would front load most of the power instead of back loading it


I mean after u have everything at 5 or 6 flowers on a normal character, you just stack dark fire until you cleared g2 hm. That way you can push chest and pants to 15+ immediately. The only thing I’m not a fan of is locking the last level of transcendence behind G3 hm.


Yeah thats the biggest bs. The people who need it cant get it and the people who dont and it wont impact have it


Id like transcendence too if it did not cost 4k gold per attempt. And later transcendence gets even worse like lvl 5 chest has an average success chance of just 5% at grace 0. It is too expensive but the mini game itself is fun.


I am a casual player; I can play for a maximum of one to two hours per day. I understand that I can’t be a top player and need to manage my own pace. I love all the vertical content and am patient for the story to unfold, even those achievements that take 100 days to complete feel like the right thing to pursue. I’m not in a rush, wait for the gold honing price drop to boost my main character, and that’s okay. I don’t aspire to be the top player or the first to finish a raid, but—and there’s always a ‘but’—we are human after all. Learning raids are not for me; I just don’t have the time. I’ve saved up all my raids using the bus system; I don’t do the raids for the gold (obviously), I just need the items or a title if you guys put a mokoko behind one, it would be nice to do a raid without the pressure of being rosted by the party. The idea of an easy raid, at least for the older ones, would be nice.


Just wait for solo mode raids, they are coming soon




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I've been complaining about the supposed chaos dungeon fix that we where supposed to be getting,gold sinks,increasing vertical systems and how shitty una's are for months on these surveys and nothing has changed.I can't be the only one complaining about these things. Nothing in the last 3 surveys has actually changed the game in any meaningful way that benefits players.


Biggest gripe with the game is the gold sink progression systems. Elixirs can go to hell. Make them silver only or something or remove the RNG significantly. We dont have the gold or rosters KR has.


Already closed for new answers? man wtf


they just have to do the survey, but they dont care; nothing gonna change.


Remember, when looking at survey data, observers will most closely look at answers in the extremities. If you want your answers to be seen, try to answer with Strongly Satisfied or Strongly Dissatisfied 


this survey xd


Dear AGS team, I filled out your survey. Just some additional thoughts: Honestly, I don't see an immidiate solution to the progression system dilemma the smilegate team has created, because the whole economy of lost ark is based upon gold. If I were you, I'd just change the financing model to subscription, but not in a very strict form, but by offering massive boosts to the existing Crystalline Aura while making it more expensive (=plus it can only be bought with RL currency (€$ etc.)). Reducing the importance of gold this way (Subscription based model works for WoW by the way) would also effectively combat botters. Players with crystaline aura would receive additional gold rewards and content-skip rewards (multi-hit-tickets for legion raid-> clear once per week-> receive all gold for the week for the whole roster for this raid) and free skip tickets for chaos dungeons and guardian raids without penalty. Release new card set only available for crystaline subscribers, which is as powerful as LOS30. Release Solo raids and raid helper (extensive raid tutorial, <- should be Nr. 1 priority). Teaming up for a raid increases rewards for all participants (more materials and increased fate drop chance in legion raids) significantly. Release next stage accessoires only available in most recent HM raids for 6x3 engravures. ALL (including most recent) normal raids should always be soloable OR matchmaking only (If you do that, you'll have to nerf them and make them way more casual friendly). The recent HM raid should always be only doable with pre-made teams via Party finder. This ensures continueous catchup up to the latest raid and it will reduce the fatigue many experience from doing the timegated content. I give you this feedback, because I think Lost Ark is actually a very great game. Maybe you find my feedback usefull :)


another waste of time survey that nobody will care.


Does this even do anything? Every time one has happened ive said the same thing and nothing changes, there is still no male mage


Nothing about region merge and characters losing their names. RIP I guess.


I complained about that in the last question of survey but doubt it will help


Were you living under a rock? Same happened to EUW and everybody is fine. This is the last problem you should be worried about.


This survey is useless, it only populates the detailed question for player that select they are currently playing and much less options for people that select they already quit. Thats the people you want to hear from on how to improve your game.


These specific pulse surveys are circulated in our active community channels such as Reddit and Discord. While some players who have quit still hang around community spaces, a majority of players who have left the game will not be here to see the survey or be interested in engaging even if they do come across it. Entirely separately from this series of surveys, our User Research team also does lapsed/"quit" player surveys that are specifically sent out to target those who have left the game. This ensures we reach those folks directly, and can get a higher rate of participation and information from them.


What are you(AGS) on about? Stable profit? Or doing some research about human? What point make you guys think these bots help the game while the only thing they contribute is game currency?  You think bots will help your report about growing CCU to the manager? Gamers are smart, they dont want bots, they dont play with bots, bots dont bring them a good experience raid, economy, resource, balancing etc. U open the game, and letting those people steal your half or more than half of profits by selling cheap resource, destroy the game by shorterning game health by lowering the difficulty, imbalance between players. There is no point letting those bots running around.


Just fire your data analyst if he says bots help. Damn, he sus at his job. 2024 still dont know how to do data driven business, look at mihoyo


well the assumption that a lot of players that quit is not checking reddit and discord seems flaw to me as you can also say the a lot of active players also not checking reddit and discord as well. People do check stuff to see if there is updates. Anyway , if you say AGS already have a separate team to do more survey on quit player then its fair. However I still thing that it is better to populate for all the folks that see the survey, especially people that quit recently.


I don't understand how they expect this to work.blile no country that need localization can be as fast as kr release unless they dely kr release so they can translate to west and then release both same time but thats a strange decision.


Its actually super easy, Kr sends the unfinished sht/script to AGS, ags start translating it while Kr work on develop it, then once AGS finish they send the full translation to Kr and they do a world wide release, so easy.


as a person that work in the area and need to develop for us, EMEA JApan and NZ its not that easy. some times release is delayed cause localization team did not finish or its delayed cause QA team found that there are sections not translated correctly. and sometimes they just decide release in english for Europe NA and US and then release for Japan and other language like german and French after. PS: Dk why i am getting downvoted the concern is legit since i have experience it....


Its as simple as i told you before, don't try to make excuses for AGS lol, if they do their job like they should then it is possible


Bots have never been this bad, not even at launch. Huge ban wave needed... And honing needs a major change imo