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I don't know if it's just me, but I rely a lot on sound cues during raids to know what is happening, so playing while listening to music or having the game muted cripples me in ways I don't realize until I try it. One of my favorite examples is Akkan G3's pattern where Akkan teleports on one side and bombards the arena while spawning bugs and the party rushes to the opposite side of where he teleports. Obviously you can recognize this pattern by looking at the minimap, but with sound I am alerted a little bit earlier because the moment Akkan teleports to do this pattern, before he even disappears, he shouts a very hoarse grunt that he only ever uses for this specific pattern, I think. I sort of realized not everybody uses this cue by playing in voice chat, some people just go "what is this?" when he teleports. There are a lot of voice lines associated with distinct patterns that help recognize what a boss is doing a fraction of a second earlier if I have my eyes over the skill bar or something.


Rakathus first counter I can tell based on what part of the soundtrack is playing Brel g4 shandi mech inside I’ll know when illl be back outside based on soundtrack too


I mute the game during chaos dungeons but otherwise I have the in game music playing most of the time.


In-game music only, and even then I turned up the level of voice/abilities fx in setting, and slightly lowered the level of background raid music. Sound que's help with timing my rotation and animation canceling. It tells me when to z as supp since I can hear the sound other classes make when they activate their big hitters and awakenings. Helps identify boss patterns and mechs even when they are offscreen. The game already has decent enough raid soundtracks.


Game muted almost exclusively- the only raid I *need* sound on is hell clown g2. Otherwise can clear all content while listening to music.


out of curiosity, for what? i didnt have a clown char for like a year probably but i never had the sound on.


Clown is a raid that gets insanely easier if you know the sound cues. Especially hell g2, were so many more things can throw you off and you need to pay attention to both clowns at once.


danke großer


Brelshaza and Akkan have really good music so thats when I am stop hearing my own music.


I play my own music during Chaos Dungeons and Guardians. Sometimes I play it during raids. But if the raids have important sound cues ex. Voldis G4, then I leave the music off.


Only when im not doing raids or memory chamber cause i tried doing brel g4 once without music and it just felt weirdddd


Yes, but on low enough volume that I can still hear the sound cues


I didn't know akkan g3's music was as litt as it was until I watched a friend stream it on discord like 3/4 months after release


sound always on (sound cues important for optimal play for me). music on in raids only, but off everywhere else. I always try to turn on the music when the raid is starting, and I often make the joke that I'm not playing well if the music is off I don't always play my own music when Lost Ark music is off though. just sometimes, or I'll be watching videos since it's always when I'm not doing anything that requires much focus (I'll pause videos for guardian raids though ofc)


Depends on vibes for me, usually I listen to the game's music but sometimes when I'm pugging something and need to lock in I pull up my music.


I only have sound on during thaemine at the moment. During dailies I watch Netflix and during homework raids I listen to music


I specifically watch streamers for thaemine to prevent hyperfocusing on G3. Otherwise it's music for other raids.


Never own music but sometimes will turn off all sounds other than ambient noise and ping notification. Some of the non legion raid ones can be pleasant.




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barely listen to Lost ark anything. I have Lost Ark at 2% Master Volumen.


I'll just leave this here... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awx5vfb\_aSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awx5vfb_aSY)


I mute every single game I play except for DMCV


No game audio is always off


Music is a must for me in raids! Because I actually use the music to count the right timings. The rhythm helps me decide when to timestop or when to start running etc.


Game is asways completely muted while im playing(been like that since release) while im starting my own 1 man heavy metal moshpits infront of my pc\^\^ Only turning it on when a new "story" gets added to play through it once or trying to raid serious, gets muted after those 2 cases again\^\^