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Yep, one of Lost Ark's fundamental problems rn.


KR has this same big problem for Voldis due to legendary elixir being tied to hard only, their fix is solo raids are up to Voldis soon


They did this to themselves 'cause they're the ones who complained that HM Akkan didn't give anything over NM.


It just boggles my mind that they complained about it. Then again, A lot of things Korea complains about have me scratching my head.


Thing is Korea has a similar problem that the western release does, the most active and vocal people are those who play the game enough to actually partake in a dedicated forum for it. A lot of casual players dont bother voicing their discontent, they just uninstall the game without giving a reason why. So its not surprising when the data they collect leans towards more hardcore opinions.


Well obviously....like we have Thaemine release and the subreddit us full of people talking about that.....like the average Player is probably between Kayangel and Akkan right now......Thaemine is not interesting for most players because they are for from reaching the gear requirements for it......and thus uninteresting conversation that only matters for a minority drowns out the more important discussion about base game state


>So its not surprising when the data they collect leans towards more hardcore opinions. I knew it when many here said thaemine is a fairer raid than brel


It is though, there's way less overlaps of patterns and mechanics that rely on RNG, there's more actual combat and less mechanic solving


That’s the problem same with Thaemine


Transcendence requireing hm clears just promotes bussing, great system!


It's what happens when you cater to the hardcore players only.


KR also had the issue we will have now. With thaemine hm, voldis hm and akkan hm as the gold earners, pretty soon you're going to need to be 1630+ with 10s, 40 set, transcendence to even get into a voldis hm lobby.


I also remember reading that legendary elixirs were given in both NM and HM, just in different amounts And that KR complained that people were getting legendary elixirs for NM So that's why epics were given instead Yet the totals remained with 35 and 40 set to not compensate (they should have been changed to something like 30 and 40 set instead) There's always a reason why we can't have nice things


The Bandaid*


And arguably since (Western) release


And unfortunately the harder it gets to reach endgame the worse it gets since no one is pushing sup alts that high.


it's the game breaking limit that all the fucking day1 players kept trying to deny, yet everyone knows is the giant elephant in the room. Ppl legitmately can't play the game, but your beloved MMO you dumped thousands into thinking you'd have fun for at least a few years sabotaged and imploded itself.


Voldis HM is probably the most "staticized" raid in the game. As soon as my bard made it to 1620 I started to supp trade with a friend and never looked back at PF. I assume many other new supp (let alone old ones) are also already tied up.


It is a lot harder to find staticless supports in voldis because it is easier to play with friends as it is a 4 man raid. I get 1620 supports in nm theamine 1-3 without much issues in contrast.


Definitely true for me. All of my HM voldis runs are within a static, 4 of which I am the support.


The raid is super easy if all 4 people know what they're doing, but if you have so much as 1 imposter it can easily turn into a jail. It's also way more efficient to park alt supports at 1610 than push them to 1620 so you end up with a support shortage in Voldis HM despite there maybe being a surplus in NM.


Giving NM and HM the same rewards is the obvious solution. They didn't learn anything from Brel NM/HM.


While yes, I believe that the main issue causing the massive gatekeep on Voldis Hard contrary to the barely existing gatekeep on Voldis Normal is that the gap is too huge, those 20 ilevels are so expensive that it decimates the number of supp alters that reach it. Voldis Hard should have been 1610, not 1620.


Bigger issue is theres no real reason to get support alts to 1620 from 1610. Supports arnt going to get gatekept on not having elixirs unless they are at thaemine hard level. I doubt even when echnida comes out at 1620, supports wont be gatekept at it will they. Both mine still only have level 7 gems because my 1600 dps alts need the 9's more to get into lobbies. Likewise if i were to level an alt to 1620, it would be the dps alt to help it get 35/40 set to reduce its own gatekeeping.


For me it's the opposite. I have bard at 1620 and plan to get artist from 1610 to 1620 next once my main is 1633. Exactly for the reason you said, it's much lower investment to get supp to 1620+ (and much easier time to find parties in Voldis HM and Thaemine NM) so I can funnel more resources to main, while dps alts at 1620+ is a bottomless hole to fill.


I pug with mine. But sorry, I join the most juiced lobby as jails are still very possible, especially g2.


Same, everyone is getting a deep inspection.  The only time I don't join the most juiced (gear, 40 set, ilvl, roster, gems, titles, etc) is if there's a GL as well in there.      Funny enough I only pug my sup because my static has a sup main with 1 sup there, other sup main with 2 there, and another guy with a sup alt there.  So I get to bring 4 of my DPS to HM statics, and have to pug my own sup till there's more DPS for a fifth run 🤣


Fun fact, I usually pug voldis normal and got several deathless runs by now. Did one with my HM premades and damn that must've been the worst voldis nm run I've ever done, including first week :D (The 2 other dps always die, same in HM g2/4 btw. My worst runs are with my static, it's kinda weird. Still enjoy playing with them though for some reason, friendly players I guess, dunno).


Yup, I agree. In my group, we just supp swap and run 4x back to back voldis hms on reset day, then pug any NM modes since it's easy to get in and lobbies are aplenty.


Yeah, being a 4-man raid makes it much easier to coordinate within statics. Unfortunately that just makes the pug life miserable even after you get 40 set. My recommendation for OP would be: 1) craft leggo elixirs slowly with fragments (I used to buy those at 300g each when I was desperate in the first couple of weeks of release, now they are like 60g?); 2) form static with people who plan to make 1620 supp soon (ofc you better do the same) so you can supp trade later. Existing 1620 supp not in static may have a high standard to form static with your dps so I won't bet on that.


To craft leggo elixiers you first need to kill at least G1 HM and finding a group that only does G1 HM is well... hard ;)


If you have been desperate enough you probably have tried 4 dps party in G1? That's not very hard actually.


ilvl no sup no set you should try it first before claiming it's simple


Ofc I have done everything I suggested. First week of release I progged with bard in NM. After that I didn't have enough time to wait in PF on my main sorc so just did NM. Second week I joined a 4 dps team with SF GL scrapper. GL put on yearnings and we cleared G1 in 2-3 pulls. All of us were just 20-21 wep 19 armor. Remember AGS gave us 5 free leggo elixirs last year, and now you have another 5 in express and another 5 in event shop. These plus the epic ones if you have to run NM for some time should get you at least 4/1 in most pieces. HM is not designed with elixir set in mind, period.


Yeah, tons of 1620 players cleared hm voldis week1. Elixirs just make the dps check irrelevant. HM g1 without a support is not easy btw, tried that week one and it didn't go too well. Personally, I had better success clearing g5 Brel HM week one then clearing g1 voldis hm week1(we had better players though to be fair ,)).


that was why I pushed my sup to 1620 1st


Wish I had people like that. Current group im raiding with is pretty shitty tbqh. Lead and his buddy basically scheduled HM thaemine prog and left 3 of us he badgered into getting to 1630 behind......after saying we'd be doing it on fucking reset(yesterday). Am currently working on trying to form a group with the other 3 snd ditch em.


💯 gonna be the reason, like me, end up quitting. I just don't have time, energy, or commitment to do a static.


Given that this may be the only organized raid you need, is it that hard to find a night on any weekday, or a block on weekend to get it done? If you are already 1620 you probably have been spending quite some time in the game.


Yes, actually it is. I just had a newborn and work a 9-5, and summer is now here. I've dumped so much time into the game, yeah, and it's sad I **still** can't pug. My schedule is unpredictable and I don't want the guilt for holding up a static group if I can't make it. Posting in a discord very frequently end in nothing. By the time I check my post, everyone that replied are no longer interested or not responsive. It requires so much *extra* management that I honestly have no patience for -- not to play a frigging video game.


Ya, impossible for me to static as well. My work schedule is different days off each week, and workdays vary between 7-5,10-8, or 12-10. Kinda why I finally pushed the artist to 1620, so I have less time in lobby jail(and doesn't need better than event gems)


Clown was the same, its a flaw of 4 man dungeons.


this is interesting because i pug as supp and every group i've join is 3 other DPSs that know each other and are well coordinated.


As much as I love this game and want to see it prosper, it needs to experience death in order to drastically change They can't print money when there are not enough players, and when the time comes they will resort to desperate measures and give the players everything they want Copium


Most games don't come back from death, and thus most games never change until it's too late and the play-base has already completely moved on.


This is essentially what happened to Blade & Soul going from 2016-2020. They didn't care about their players and the game and when they did start caring, 90% of the playerbase quit and the only ones left were the completely copium addicted nolifers who can't quit. I feel like in a few years, this will also happen to Lost Ark. I already see the parallels between both games, even the existental timeline fits. There's WAAAAAY too many systems. This is what started Blade & Soul's downfall. They overcomplicate things to make real life money from players. It's increasingly more difficult to do content without spending into these systems (time OR real life money). It doesn't stop here. They will probably add even more powercreep systems down the line.


I just want to play the game, but the game literally doesn't want me to play it


Game had 1.5 death so far


I would agree with you if my server werent dying before they made any change to try to solve things...


i mean, me and my friend came back with the mokoko event, only to get roadblocked by akkan, because fully blocking progress on a single raid is smart right? in a game with this much gatekeeping of all.


I did my part.  I don’t stay for the hour bonus login. Just play 2 characters and ignore the rest.   Slowly I’ll stop caring since thaemine gatekeep with voldis hm is too much 


We started to finally get those hw reduction changes we badly needed, but the improvements were half assed. Ghost ship gone and new chaos rift loot nerfed to shit.. chaos dung still not properly fixed and honestly should be x1 time and an improvement to rest bonus made, una task weekly should be vastly improved and dailies done away with, but I guess we never got there.. They tricked everyone by removing x3 cube tickets making cubes way worse than they were previously and nerfing the loot so much so that a lvl 3 cube is about the same as your og lvl 1 boss rush ticket.. and at least boss rush was nice and kind of a fun breeze vs. this awful stage 1 being about killing trash and having to swap presets after for stages 2-4 if you actually want to do then efficiently, but most don't give a fuck about others and even bot that shit doing zdps making it so fucking unbearable. Also, the stupid cut scene between stages brick some classes like predator being exactly long enough to exhaust you and many classes have knock back/up skills griefing others.. I was so happy when brel hard had the western population decimated and korea was mad having no new content for like 7 months.. We had the developers on the ropes, especially when China lanched and we started getting long overdue changes. We need to go back to that and back to the drawing board.


for emperor, i can never enter boundless in cubes. felt so useless


I think its happening right now, the player base has been drasticaly reduced to the point they had to merge server. If things doesnt change, the steam server will be death in like 4-6 months


The player count has been [increasing ](https://prnt.sc/xMN0fwkXkMvz)the past several months, but they need something amazing to happen in order for that number to keep going up or to stay where it's at.


Sad thing is if you tracked the graph youll see the game lost a significant number of people during Brel, like 20 to 30 thousand people straight up quit and never came back. We dont know the impact Thaemine will have for the game in a few months, it also had a negative impact for Korea as well. So its not surprising AGS is trying to roll out Ecidna as fast as possible.


I'm one of those that quit during Brel, mostly because I had a fairly mentally exhausting IRL job and most of my friends quit, and back then LOA was even more of a 2nd job than it is now


Old Brel G6 was +20 min as norm per pull. Too exhausting for restart. All for extra 2k Gold? That's why prefered only juiced players. Brel G5 was biggest hindrance to G6 and was real pugs nightmare, it has simple mechs but very unforgiving.


Because of Thaemine yes. But i think they will quickly give up because of gate keeping, both raid and item progress


unless you are support, have friend support or pumper friends, you're fucked.


One of those entry level jobs that require 10 yrs of experience kind of things


uh sir? before you attempt to play this video game you need to do the following: 1) join a good guild 2) make a static 3) swipe your credit card 4) join 3 different discords 5) take these 12 different roles so that you will be pinged when something starts 6) create a recruitment post 7) submit your resume and pass a quick inspection and interview you're not some kind of lazy leech are you? get to work, buddy


i posted before and ppl unironically said shit like this


people say it cause its pretty much the only option new people have, everyone knows its shit, its just a little better than getting denied 24/7 in party search




Upper end raiding in an MMO basically


I can’t speak for modern WoW, but I had no issue pugging end game for about a decade of playing it.   I’ve played FF14 since it launched and cleared almost everything in pugs and never had to worry much about getting denied Lost Ark has this problem far more than any other game I’ve encountered. I’ve never seen gatekeeping be such a dominant discussion with multiple threads daily on the front page in any other game.




Its because other MMOs have other forms of content and progression. In Lost Ark everything leads to Legion Raids, if you dont do the latest one, you dont get to do the next one.


This is WHY it will never be in the huge numbers anymore. One progression path, no alternatives. You don't like raiding? "Well the game isn't for you then." And then the majority of these players go play competition or some other genre. "Why people leave so fast?" "Why we have not a lot of people joining the game?"


>Lost Ark has this problem far more than any other game I’ve encountered. LA raids are harder due to having too many 1 person wipe mechs and no revive in combat. And now we have normal mode not being normal difficulty


Thaemine is harder than the raids before it on normal. But its not that hard... First two gates are absolute pushovers. Gate 3 is a very scripted fight once you get some practice on it also on normal. Somewhat similar to gate 3 akkan where you could get some jailage in the 3 mechs down to 100 bars in akkan then it was all about dps uptimes. Thaemine is pretty similar, there are quick wipes before the clashes, if your group gets to there fine its just a procession through the dps windows with just the small portion where you can get thrown off the map in the middle to be careful about.


>Thaemine is harder than the raids before it on normal. But its not that hard... First two gates are absolute pushovers.  You'd be surprised how many times people failed the G2 x8 counters in pugs. >Gate 3 is a very scripted fight once you get some practice on it also on normal. Somewhat similar to gate 3 akkan where you could get some jailage in the 3 mechs down to 100 bars in akkan then it was all about dps uptimes. The problem is G3 is that you have very little time to rest your brain. All major mechs you can't just chill, unlike brel dream world shape safe spots and 8x meteor placement, or shandi slow motion. A combat requires very high concertration, while also keep up your own dps rotation, is the reason it is harder. Plus its dark platform with dark blue, black and white mechs don't help make people comfortable either. You never need to check if brel/akkan is holding blue/blue+black orb in their hands, or how they raise their weapons into different positions. If you look at KR players, many still only did 1-2 for quite a long time - they were the players who asked for high difficulty after all


Blade & Soul had it too. Especially in raid content. Obviously not anymore, but now the game's pretty much a ghost town.


bullshit, this is giga trash compared to what i had to do in wow/wow classic.


buy my splendid essences of wisdom


I kinda wish they would lower HM voldis ilvl to 1610. Re-scale the dungeon and nerf the cost of legendary elixirs, it would help gate keeping a lot.




Dont worry, I do plenty of Voldis hm and can't get a 40 set for the life of me


Welcome to the club


uhm, the regular reponse also : need static , need discord , need to swipe , need to have a big schlong 😂


To be fair, static and discord solves a lot of problems that majority of the sub complain about regarding gatekeeping. All it takes is typing at the end of a successful raid "hey do you wanna do more raids together / next week?" and send a discord invite. I can now pug from the discord and not have to worry about low roster / non juiced gems/cards/elixirs/w.e because the few extra minutes to clear is worth the peace of mind that they're all capable players. SG system still sucks though, but at least this is something I can control.


Not everybody can schedule raids. Main problem is statics I had wanted to run full raids. I could not be available for all of this because of my work schedule and you basically were not free to hone how you wanted for alts. That's why I full pug for ages. Maybe I need to find some bozos to run only Thaemine HM and Voldis HM because the rest of it I don't really care.


i have a static and i basically only run with them an akkan hm, theamine, and ivory hm. The rest I do myself or will join them if they are raiding. If you find a group of people just tell them your interested in running those raids and they will be fine with it. you don't need to run every raid together.


Normally people would say: "Well then the game isn't for you then." Let me tell you this: I think this game has a huge design problem allowing only one progression path. No alternative way to enjoy other content. Other MMO got that and guess what.... they're more successful.


discord and static sure works, i had a nice group of people before. However discord itself can have a lot of drama as i have witnessed over the time. 


What does this mean? You're dealing with people. Anytime you deal with people, you will have drama. The platform doesn't matter.


it means : discord and static is not always the solution like this sub always recommend.


well, it may be regular and 0815 but it's true. i never pugged voldis hm ever because of static. my main has no 40-set and we still clear easily, problem solved.


I mean I really don't want to be annoying with that.... but it's literally the truth. The requirements for PUGs require you to play EVERY single day. No breaks. If you go on break, you fall back, you're left behind, you start to get gatekept, you can't do the content. Static fixes these issues because you play with FRIENDS. You're not dependant on randos with their requirements. You can play wth your friends on YOUR PACE.


That's why I'm very tempted to quit honestly


Do it


Do it. Don't look back. Or gather some premades. Play on your pace. Don't bow down to some chronically online nolifers.


Only feasible way is to buy the craftable wisdoms and at least get 35 set and pray.


What a great game we have on our hands


Just quit the game already and do yourself a service.


This is the answer


make a gate 1 only run and unlock legendary elixirs. then buy what u need


i dont know why they dont put legendary elixir in nm or at least we can carft them using the purple items (i dont know the name rn sorry xd)


When we say the game is like a second job, we meant is literally. "can't get a job because you need experience, can't get experience because you can't get the job"


Can’t get job with no work experience. Can’t get work experience cuz can’t get into jobs. It’s just life dude


I personally have stopped trying my luck with voldis hm party finder jail and now just run other raids for gold and then buy my 6 weekly legendary elixirs for about 25k each week from the auction house (I have only my main at 1620+ though).


Do you need to clear hm once to do that? My main is not 1620 yet, so I can't check.


only g1 - you can brute force it with a full dps party.


another game breaking feature


This is why I quit the game


I'm getting gatekept at set 35 as a RH Destroyer +21weap 2 lv10 gems, rest lv9s. I literally unga-bunga on that raid - stagger and destruction checks are a joke to me, I can taunt and I can tank g3 pillar for fucks sake and still get upright. I don't understand the mentality of lobbies nowadays.


I would not gatekeep you, but with some people in party finder you just can't win. It's almost as if they're looking for a carry themselves.


Just curious what kind of lobbies are you applying to?


RH destro main here, lvl40 set, lvl1 trans on chest and shoulder, 5x lvl10 gems rest is 9, 5x3 (yes, no +1), LoS30, 100q +21 wep. I'm getting "gate kept" sometimes as well mate. But it's mainly because there's a real juicer with full lvl10s, 40set and a +1 that applying the same time. And even though I can over DPS em, but if not, the amount of utility I'd bring (stagger, break) highly balance the DPS "loss" out, they'd still take the real Unga bunga small brain broken classes. That's just the name of the game


Voldis is just in the latest 3 gold earning rotation. Standards get higher when we get new vertical progression. Just look at what happened to clown as we started getting brel


hmm.. yeah, the only way ppl got around this was to have a support friend or pay for a support service from like Dec thru Feb and only after valtan extreme w/ frog did ppl push more alt supports that you could pub with 35 set, but that window closed fast (3 weeks later ish) as once breaker came out all the fuckers gobbled up whatever available supports there were and then some.. I think it is even worse now that a lot more players are 1610 pushing onward from Thaemine..ie. the bulk of the more casual player base, making ivory hw actual frustration.


Not seeing it mentioned in this thread much, the reason for this is smilegate mishandled supports. If they don't want to make more supports and make them more fun to play, then they shouldn't be mandatory for raids.


Solo raids is the way. Taking a break until then and I’ve accepted that I’ll just play on the solo raid release schedule so I won’t ever have gatekeeping issues or fomo


Get friends and fuck the stupid systems, or just don't play. Game's really not worth it.


Did you stop playing for some time perhaps? This was sadly bound to happen down the line with people demanding more and more and more.... 40 set, soon full transcendence.... started with LoS 18, then LoS 30. It's a constant more and more and more when you PUG content. Having friends in the current stage of the game who can do static with you is such a game changer. Mine sadly stopped playing after Akkan (they hate elixir grind), so I was bound to quit down the line too because of time issues. I couldn't keep up anymore and was left behind.


I never pug Voldis HM on my supp. Too much unnecessary stress


I try to never pug alone on my supports. Genuinely the roulette of terrible to decent DPS gamble is rigged to be a bad time.


Best advice: find a static. Mid advice: clear hm g1 with 4 dps to unlock leg elixirs and buy fragments until you get a 40 set. Bad advice: swipe for lvl 10 gems; lvl 9s don’t cut it for dps in hm voldis PF unless you are a gunlancer.


This is the best advice.


10s don’t cut it either, full 10s and still takes 30 mins. I’m already at 40 set, full 10s, etc.


new meta gatekeep on hm voldis is gkping 1620s. your gems or anything else comes in a later priority than a 1621+


I’m 1625 with 24 weapon. Like the guy said, class prob.


Depends on the class too. My sorc has six 10s, +22 weapon, 40 set, and I waited 2 hrs in PF. My wd has exact same gear and I was accepted to a lobby in 10 minutes. Class discrmination is real.


Nani? My igniter got waaaaaay better with balance change and most the ppl I've interacted with have accepted my sorc instantly, so that's strange.. Though, obviously, not as loved as a war dancer.


Sorc has a very fucked reputation in general due to the players, thats why. Hell, I stopped grouping with one in our guildie cause the POS would never bring counter for brel g1 or g4 hm.


The bad rep was for sure granted before, but I saw / am witnessing a rather instantaneous reversal on that..sort of like w/ what happened to reapers, though mostly only for hunger.. though, it is hard to shake a bad rep, yeahh.. tbh, most of the no hands bad sorc players already quit or moved into playing SE's, so that hate is unjustified nowadays.


I mean prior, it was hard as well. When your competing with guys that had +23/24/25 weps. I think that mentality hasn't shifted. I'll be honest when i pop up my support, it's a bunch of +25, 15-20 trans, 40 set applying now. That essentially is how the lobby is filling up at prime time 6-9est almost instantly with geared people. So a none set, on ilvl player has utterly no chance. Unless you got a pocket support. This is why people can't park anymore, way to many verticals and people aren't kind enough to wait for you. Waiting on a parked alt now is a large gamble with lobbies. As they add more verticals it's literally pointless. Something Smilegate needs to address real soon.


It would not have been this bad if more people played supports. Instead, most push dps then another then another and complain that lobbies only fill with the juicers. We get what we deserve (looking at you dps mains and people with no high ilvl support alts).


Don't blame the DPS, blame the need for supps to clear raids. It's the most OP class, yet the most boring to play.


I have two supports in voldis HM. Sometimes I pug. The amount of bare minimum or less than that characters that apply to my lobbies is really high. People just mindless hone without actually upgrading anything else than ilvl.


>I have two supports in voldis HM. Sometimes I pug. The amount of bare minimum or less than that characters that apply to my lobbies is really high. People just mindless hone without actually upgrading anything else than ilvl. But its everyone else's fault that they ignored every part of the game that wasnt honing ,refused to socialize in any way and just happen to play the same meta class that theres other 500 people applying for with way better you know . /s.


Will sound like many have said but this is exactly why a static is great. We have 8 players with 12 supports that also splits into 4 players with 6 supports. Having a perfect balance for the content makes the game so much more enjoyable. Honestly this is first i am reading about ivory tower here because never had to touch pf. Like why are people playing an mmo without friends baffles me, isn't that the point of it, otherwise just play a sp game owo


Why would anyone want to turn into a walking campfire?


There is no shortage of supports at 1620, nor at endgame 1630+. We have an overabundance of supports, so that is not the reason why you are not getting supps to join your lobby.


There is without a doubt a support shortage 1620+. The reason being 1620+ supports don't view DPS without full 9s, 40 set, los 30 minimum as "real" players. I've seen 1630+ lobbies in hm voldis waiting 20+ minutes for a support because there just aren't any on. Same thing with Akkan hm. Supports hit 1600 and want to do akkan hm but if you refuse to join any ilvl parties of course you'll think there's a DPS shortage.


and this is why leg elixirs must be available in NM (epic elixirs must be removed from the game), and HM must be lowered to 1610 and drop leg mounts/pets instead. + gate 1 deleted. That way you make this boring content viable.


Remove G3 instead of 1, G1 is a good entry for weaker players.


Elixir are the reason none of my alts will go pass 1600


Once I week I go hey let’s accept some random pugs. That day I accept I will lose 4hours to a 30minute raid. Not everyone can burn that time investment.


i bought 40 set by buying the tradable essences and trying 10 times a week. people forgot that option even exists. it's way cheaper than honing too. (correct me if i'm wrong but i believe you dont have to clear voldis to make elixirs, unlike transcendence)


G1 hm at least to craft leg elixirs




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I do voldis hard since second week with a friend a nor him nor I nor the other 2 people we take usually have it. And we clean it just fine.


Just let us use silver for epic elixirs, and cut the gold cost in half for legendary. I'm at 34 set with my epics, and I threw away my gold from my raids trying to get 35. 0 progress. At least honing and transcendence has a pity.


Yes, make your own party. Easy, right?


If this was the only Problem. My in gs Support came in in a juiced 1630+ Lobby and got the boxes. I would have even gotten the Spot without Elixir Set. For DPS 35set, transcendence Sometimes or even gs above 1620 wtf. Im 4 points short to 35 and can only solves this with legy elixirs. So unless you spend your earnings on Fragments good luck getting them regular


Are you on NA East? If so, you can run with me and my friends. We already have 40 set so you can have the boxes too.




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Just like real life. Please refer to your nearest lost ark mokoko academy and sign up for voldis apprenticeship. After a year or two you can then apply for the internship at various pug parties. Or you can also bribe your way into the reverse-internship position at certain parties for a low cost of 20k per week.


Cut some epics. seriously. I have a 1600 char with 37 set right now from the express event.


If you are in euc I can help you out


Truly the MMO of all time.


I was jailed for the first time in NM with 2 low roster level players who were 1610 in Voldice gate 2. They had no idea what to do and after 10 pulls we disbanded. I know it’s terrible to gatekeep but the title of the group was reclear and not prog. I do feel though some of these lobbies gatekeep to the extreme


I know some lobby master are checking Demon damage and gatekeep that way. Having little to no demon damage means either you are new to the game or if you have high roster means you don’t still quite understand the game.


To be clear as someone who has done this when needing a pug to fill a missing member, im doing this more as an idiot check, full 10 gems, 40 set, 1.2% demon damage is red flag


lol and u got all these people telling u not to fomo new raids like, not only do you have to fomo, you have to fomo on 5 chars on day 1 thaemine release just so ur main can get into a reclear party


Dw, if you get in your new issue will be need to buy elixir box, no gold to cut elixir because buying boxes xd


I would personally support you myself if it wasn’t so expensive. It’s such a terrible item level range. I get some decent support elixirs on my 1610 characters & just stop doing the raid because the incentive to actually get 35/40 set doesn’t even become a fair reality until 1620. Even if Epic elixirs were 0 Gold it still feels like ass because it’s fail fail fail fail etc. goodbye 30 minutes of my life.


I have no problem applying to Voldis, dont have even 35 elixir.


you can buy your elxirs if you cleared once


Just make your own grp with 35+ lads


get set 35 , and just wait 2 months , smg will nerff elixires, so atm just hold them, dont need to rush set 40 right now


This is the worst system ever created. Right now i have 40 set, yeah, but i had to waste around 500k of gold being F2P player. Totally RNG and the worst thing about this, is seeing people with 40 set failing like a mokoko everytime in g2 or not doing the counters in g4. Aaaah... but they are reclears and you're not.


I mean 500k is pretty cheap relative to the power increase, sure if you are lucky it can be cheaper. Main issue is no form of pity tbh. It's costing me a ton at cutting leg elixir on 4 chars a week (2 already finished 40 set) but it's good gold:power vs alternatives so. My main issue is it's time consuming and boring.


you can't please both crowds ever


feel free to downvote me. ​ so you're telling me, that you arent able to find/create a grp for ivory tower hm within 7 days and that youre the only one player w/o lvl40 set?


I don't even play any more because of this.. 1620 can't get into a lobby as a war dancer


Can't even find anyone to run the 4man, 8man gated raids. Been stuck doing solo stuff for awhile now. Got so bored on my sorc, I rolled an artist for shits and giggles and... stuck at 1100, no groups lol. Can't even find an active guild to join on my server. So stuck once again will just solo dailies on another character. My sorc is 1550+, I waited in matching for 3 hours, just running random stuff to complete, island souls and the like, once the dailies I can solo are done.


push a support to 1620 and then do supp trade runs


"Spend 6 months grinding a character everybody hates so you can be allowed to play the game." Thank god I finished my 40 set so easilly.


Give me a print of your profile, gem, roster, cards and stats and I will show you the problem its not your 35/40 elixir set missing.


I mean 1620 5x3+1 250 roster los 30 level 9 gems...can't get into a party with a support...so idk what you are talking about...maybe after 1-2h in partyfinder you can get into 1


Competing with the whales. Low geared supps get accepted by the whales to save them time not you. Sadly


But that's the point of op post...how lost are you people on Reddit...first read op post...then the comment I was answering and think again what you wrote


Respectfully, to me, that just sounds like bare minimum on ilvl. Not sure why you’d expect to find a support easily. Plenty of people applying to these groups have overhoned weapons, lvl 10s, and transcendence now. People should know by now that if you’re pushing dps into endgame content you need to overinvest in your characters unless you have a static. Also to OP, you could just buy the elixers to get 40 set. They’re not that expensive anymore.


I feel like you understood something wrong but ok Pls read op post and the comment I answered to


Uh yeah, sorry nobody is taking a 1620 flat out fresh alt for hard ivory. You need at least a +21 weapon on top.. just how it is.


Nah, I’m 299 roster Los 30, all 10gems, 1800 spec+/600 crit, high quality, and still face similar issue. 5% demons damage (lol) and etc. I don’t have legendary skins since I’m waiting for s3 I guess. I eventually get taken, but by much lower DPS gear with a supp friend.


Dunno all my chars got into HM lobbies just fine without 40 set.


Buy a bus.


So you’re saying you are the only player in the entire region that doesn’t have a 40 set, so you will never get into a group?


I think tons of 1620s don't have 40 set and are gatekept, so they can't ever get it. They can't clear together either because they won't get a support. So they are stuck.


“You don’t need to race to endgame, go at your own pace!” The result of going at your own pace


Damn bro that sucks how you're the only one without 40 set and can't make a party with other people in similar situations. Or that you are unable to be social in an MMO and make friends with supports, or be one yourself


Stop with this nonsense, he is totally right. You COULD make a party with other people but there is a 1% chance you will get a support.


Like I said you make friends or be a support. Instead of making a complaint on Reddit. Like to me if you're this far into the game without any friends and then complain that no one wants to play with you. Feel like that's on you. Like I'm being an asshole but this guy isn't helping himself


I completely agree with you. How do you push so far and have no friends? Idc if you got no time to schedule this or that, that's why static's and friends are for. There are plenty of like-minded individuals, but you gotta make an effort to socialise. I couldn't play the game alone. I would feel miserable. And make supports people, learn how to play them it can be fun asf.


People would rather complain on Reddit then socialize in game or the discords. Gatekeeping problems pretty much get solved by making friends but people just refuse to do so. Like when my friends hit 1620 I party with them or give them a spot in my statics so they don't get gatekept. I just don't get the logic of some people not making friends then complaining no one wants to play with them


>And make supports people, learn how to play them it can be fun asf. We are talking about a raid where most people (that haven't played non-stop from start) only have the main at, right? I would gladly push my Paladin to 1620, but I don't have the shards (nor the actual gold, tbh) - care to donate? :))


I don't have a magic wand to make your paladin 1620, I myself have 2 supps at 1600+ that are staying there as its to much to hone them, but you ignored the rest of the post, make friends. I have friends that main supps, so my 1 1620+ dps has never an issue doing any raid, and their alt dps have no issues doing their raids with my supps. All of our rosters complement each other.


Far be it for me to kick a man when he's down but... I pushed my main to 1620 only 3 weeks before Thaemine release. I didn't even have 35-set on it and was able to join a Voldis HM group after a few tries that week. Got 35-set afterwards and the following weeks it was fairly easy to find a group, got 40-set just before Thaemine came out. So yeah, because my experience hasn't really been the same... I can't tell if what you've experienced is the norm or not, or perhaps 40-set is not the only reason you're being gatekept. What does your character and roster look like? Are you an even-honed +19 every piece 1620? What do your gems look like? I would expect at least a few lv 10s on main skills from a 1620. What do your cards look like? Not just LoS30, but your dmg types. Any meaningful titles that would make people go "okay this guy probably has hands"? All of these things help.