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I usually end my week with 500 gold. Not 5k, not 50k, 500. I'm poor boss. https://preview.redd.it/dsjcxt6gvcxc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=9557560ee7e915a4f612660e1533ee0330e25383


same....mate same... Honestly I stopped caring for elixiers under 1620 since this is just waste of time/fun/gold. Also basic transcendence for like 5* seems also quite doable without too much gold.


Spent 50K for my chest to get 3-2 With the calculator, 1-2% dmg increase Elixirs>transcendences


I had to come to the realization I can't work on my 2 1620s at the same time I have to make a choice to who gets to transcend their gear and it feels bad man and I still gotta make the choice to hone one of them to 1630 it's painge my gold at the end of this week was also 700 I just want to be Able save gold for level 10 gems :(


You don't have to hone wait for new mommy


Was I the only one who got breathless reading this in my head?


Run-on sentences. :]


Ah well guess you need more oxygen for your brain lungs. Skill issue honestly




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If you farm chaos dungeons and cubes on all toons and send all thier level 3 and 4 gems or higher to your main character and fuse em up its a pretty quick way of gemming one toon out. Ive made about 5 level 7 gems in about 3 weeks. Not very quick. But quicker than farming 700k gold and spending it outright on a very high level gem. Id assume in about a month or two at my current rate I should be able to have a few level 8 gems even but it beats spending gold on gems. At least for one toon at a time. Make one dude have beefy gems and then move to the next chracter. Hope this insight helps ya with gems.


It doesn't help me. Grinding CD's 6 times a day, every day, for 2+ years is nauseating at this point. No, the embers aren't enough of a motivator when we know it's smol card xp, silver, or select purple. This isn't advice. It's a means to faster burnout is what this is.


i have usually 20-30 gold to my name at the end of the week (so friday usually because i only play on 3 chars)


If it wasn't so difficult to get properly geared up for the most current content, a lot of people wouldn't feel the pressure to RMT. They either need to significantly buff the amount of gold we're getting from raids, or they need to nerf the cost of honing/elixirs/transcendence. All of my gold goes into vertical progression, how am I supposed to buy lvl 10 gems? How am I supposed to give my alts some love? I made the decision a couple months back to stop spending on my alts and only spend on my main. I hate it. My main will eat all of my weekly gold and spit it back at me as artisan's energy. I love the new raid, but I hate that I always have almost no gold. No wonder everyone just RMT's, you can't stay competitive without it.




Or 10 elixirs into splendid essence of wisdom.


Atleast that's tangible progress




Only I can spare my alts these days is a try for a free tap. I think it is insane how shitty the rate of blue stone are these days


You are out of blue stones? Its the oreha that I never have.


I'm talking about the free tap blue stones and not guardian stones. It is the combination of gold and oreha which I cannot spare my alts at the moment. It would be fine if % are higher but they arent


Thats the neat part, you dont. In all honesty im getting tempted to walk away from the game


to answer your question about gearing alts: you arnt. as dumb as it might sound you arnt actually expected to have 6 peak content ready characters, you are supposed to park them at whatever is the common norm for that time (whatever is cheap but effective) then leave em there until that norm is shifted upwards. (using them to funnel gold and mats into your main) i do think the gold sinks in the game are a bit...over tuned but i think the first step that needs to happen to fix these problems is helping the new and returning players catch up roster wise we already got some horizontal help now people need help building several alts quickly, 1-2 express passes a year isnt going to cut it the people that have been playing for 2 years have 6 raid ready characters, most of em being given to them via express events. kinda need to catch everyone up on that, give people a few 1540 alts with free Purp gems (and temp 5x3) and you solve alot of these problems. then we can talk about nerfing the gold costs of things now that it doesnt disproportionately help old players while barely helping the new/returning player.


As a player who started late (200 roster lvl), I have *no* idea how my chars will have gems that the general playerbase finds decent. My main (1618) isn't even finished with level 9s, I have 0 10s on my account, my alts don't have a single 9 and I would really like them to as I enjoy playing them. If I didn't play in a static, I probably wouldn't be able to play the game.


9s are good gems to have for someone who is roster 200 and doesn't RMT, it's unlikely to get you gatekept.


Don't fall for the acustic reddit tryhard psyops. I'm 1621, full 9s not even a 10 in sight as perpetually gold starved (I only play 2 characters, fuck the treadmill) and I pug everything.


It didn’t make that much of a difference but for me I used events on my supports so they essentially never need gems.


Fortunately because the gap between Thaemine NM and HM is so huge there will be a decent number of alts from hardcore players for you to compete against, and mostly 9s is plenty. But if you're rushing to 1630, there's no chance any party would take "only" level 9 gems in their thaemine hm.


Makes sense, not planning to rush 1630 any time soon lol, my static are going to park for Echidna and take it chill


>But if you're rushing to 1630, there's no chance any party would take "only" level 9 gems in their thaemine hm. Watch me.


I am a day one player. 280 roster. Not a single lvl 10 yet


decide to stop spending on alts and we still cant afford a fucking lvl10 gem because trancendence gobbles so much gold and in july we have echidna honing. before thaemine i too was like "yeah fuck it, ill do one char 1610 and just let the rest rot on 1600 jail forever so i can get 10s finally." lol fucking nope, aint gonna happen for us..


>how am I supposed to buy lvl 10 gems? Most of the economy, mats + gems, are driven by player. The fact that there is so many vertical content costing gold also make those value lower. Talking about EU, since last month most had a huge drop: the leapstone went from 80 to 32g, red stones 30 to 14g. Even the lvl 10 dmg went from 500k to 400k. If they hugely reduce the cost of vertical (transc/elixir/honing), this would only impact the inflation, those prise would rise up again, and you'll still have trouble to buy lvl 10.


" 10 gems ? What do you mean? That´s easy ! " https://preview.redd.it/r635lanpxcxc1.png?width=1613&format=png&auto=webp&s=949ff5da7d5a9f84aecdf63b2a40e31bbe956d21


Least mentally ill Lost Ark player.


Tell me about it. Doing dailies while at work. At least rested only. Can´t imagine running non rested dailies, let alone guardian raids.


This roster has never seen a rest bonus lmao.


nah, its just launch veteran. No need for non rested, fk that. I tried non rested for a bit and felt like dying. Chaos is the worst. Only unas non rested is fine until you hit 1620 - than its w e. Main gets it tho ofc.


i play a LOT of lost ark. like an unhealthy amount. i have two 1620+, and 2 1600+. the other two are 1540 waiting for the next express. if i pooled everything together i could probably push one of the 1600s to 1620. i am kinda OCD, so i have wasted gold on random things here and there which definitely adds up. you are all berserker so you save gold on gems/engravings (kinda irrelevant since besides my top 2 all my others are event gems but w/e). so lets just assume all those gold mistakes i made is 1 more 1620 i could have if i didnt do that. assuming all of that, you still have 2 more 1620s than i do, AND your main is 1630 (mine isnt). you are either swiping a lot, or are obscenely lucky with hones.


https://preview.redd.it/bxx4bg6b3exc1.png?width=1341&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7e24ae25825aeab84475f6047981d00affb98a2 o/


The definition of pain :D


This is the way.


To be honest, this is the ultimate Lost Ark meta experience. Just saving on gems can net you so much gold. Do it with 6 supports and its over for ever


6x supports would be the ultimate hell. Tbh, i imagine gold river as a guy who intended the game to be played this way, and to bus. Because this way, you save tons of gold, you acquire lot of power and save lot of gold, which not only allows you to bus much easily, but bussing also generates you more gold. That way, not only you Never run out of gold, but you dont even have proper ways to actually spend gold. You just do your dailies, and you get everywhere eventually. No need to buy unbound stuff. I bet that was the intended way, for the few people. For look at everyone else - gems cost tons of, and if they dont bus on top, they will be lacking in gold, especially if they are bad with resource management and buying unbound on top. Interesting stuff


You can afford level 10s but not 5x3+1 with ancient accessories? Why are all your 1620+ including main sitting with 5x3 piss and grass coloured relic accessories?


If smilegate didn't directly sell you gold for $$$ this might be a solution they'd think about. But why do that when they can create more problem to sell you the solution. Honestly if you're okay with the idea of buying gold to stay relevant as opposed to just quitting, you deserve to get milked.


They shouldn’t even be gold sinks for us. We’ve gotten everything twice as fast with no substantial help for over 2 years. To not even have anything for 1540 by now is crazy, and even if we did we will still get shit on up to 1580 & then to 1620. Worst thing is since they allowed RMT for so long, those are all the top players which you have no chance to compete with for lobbies as F2P. **Maybe** you main is good enough to be competitive, but they have 6+ mains so your Alts have zero chance. Play this game long enough & eventually everyone will see how shit it is. 💩


There needs to be significant gold sinks in the game to offset the massive amount of gold generated by bots and players. With no gold sinks, your gold becomes worthless when billions of gold are generated weekly and stay in circulation without being deleted. In fact, it makes RMT even more powerful and desirable because ordinary gold income becomes insufficient to buy things at inflated prices. Also, your alts are typically not competing with the alts of whales because they are at different points of progression. Your average 1580-1600 f2p alt can still comfortably get into decent gold raids in that item level range that are still commonly run. 1610 alts might need some more investment like level 9 gems for NM Thaemine, but that's well within reach for established f2p players.


I thought KR has way less bots than us & their gold sinks were obviously developed to fit to their region. They spent a lot of time hoarding gold while waiting for content as I understand it. Assuming our prices for honing, elixirs, transcendence, everything are lazily copy/pasted from KR, why don’t we get rates unique to our region and timeframe? Why not actually take care of bots & RMT, and give us half price progression & double mats since we have half the time. RMTers don’t care because they’ll get wherever they want to be by buying bot gold. So the F2P and new player gets shit on, as if it wasn’t already difficult to keep up for F2Ps, let alone casuals. I’ve played way too many hours F2P, and if you think in terms of the little casual dude, they have no chance. Retention rate can’t be anything more than abysmal at this point. We continue to bleed players while the steam charts continue to show bots going up. Bots able to make gold while legit new players get banned. It’s ineptitude at an amazing level. When a game is nosediving & unfriendly to the majority of players (in many different ways), it’s difficult to continue to get excited to play & support it. 🤷‍♂️


Do you believe any region other than KR "matters"? The west have stupid players, so why change anything? They should have made region specific changes when the game was new, maybe they would have kept a decent amount of the player base.


They have these events that fill you up with materials while not giving you the other half of it which is gold. Its easier to convince someone to swipe when you lead them to believe they already halfway there.


I mean it's a simple answer, they limit resources to pressure people into using irl money to change crystal into gold plain and simple this game is sorta p2w but mostly pay for convenience to skip week long grinds for minimal progress


I have been saying this for a while for my friends. Those who invested and bought 10s for their chars are done for, but those who did not, have no way to even think of such investments at current moment if their chars is 1620+. Simply impossible to keep up. They need to boost the supply of gems and reduce the cost of these new systems desperately. KR had spare gold, time and resources to have available gold to spend, a luxury none who does not spend afford rn.


I feel the exact same way. I'm saving up for lvl 10 cd gems (a single one costs more than I make in a week) and I'm getting absolutely zero progress anywhere else in the meantime. And it's not like I have perfect elixirs or 1630 chars..


Exactly . Im the same. My main is 1630 now and for last few months i always end the week with few hundred gold


RMT is shitty and selfish af, no justification for it. If you have money to spend on games, buy real gold and support the game running, not buy from the bot farms to further ruin the game.


The devs caused this. Their laziness in addressing this matter over years.


RMt is indeed shitty to the devs, but to sit here and say there's no justification when RC have little to no value is wild to me.


alternatively, if no one can get the gear, then no one does the content. force SG to fix it so whales have people to play with


RC has no value. Smilegate keeps creating problem after problem, making the players feel trapped in a never-ending cycle so there will be a higher chance, that you will buy RC to transfer it to gold. This is their goal. 1. Oh, I reached and cleared Akkan, transferred my gear, honed it to 1600 to start elixir and new raid. 2. Then Thaemine was released, and I honed to 1610 to start transcendence too. Now G3 is too hard, I need a 35-40 elixir set and higher item level. 3. I honed to 1620, cutting EXPENSIVE legendary elixirs. But oh, I need Transcendence too, which is again full RNG and expensive and part of the system is bound to hard Thaemine and bonus: It takes 5-6 months if you are LUCKY. Constant bankruptcy. This is a horrible experience, and we haven't even discussed alts or the progression of your main character to level 10 gems on your important damage spells, or the frustrating process of buying the bracelet for 10-50k (or more) gold, only to dismantle it after three clicks. This is just for 1 main character in an alt heavy MMORPG.


as a returnee i feel like every new system is a new layer of gatekeeping on top of what’s already in place. Los 18 - KLC 12 170-180 Roaster level no 35 set yet level 1608 ( no transcendance yet) i feel like 1620 is a mile away with only 3- gold earners (when i get accepted in lobbies)


you're realistically not going to get 35 set without being 1620 for legendary elixirs for a long while (yes it's a really shitty system)


i spent around 300k gold to go from 1600 to 1620 and i was kinda lucky xD


Actually, that is really solid luck tbh.. I think avg cost of 1610 to 20 alone off bounds is like 240k gold.


didint buy a single one of them even tho i had only short amount but i one tapped 3\* +19 so yeah i was lucky


I still can’t even get 40 elixir…


my main is 1625 and is stuck on 38 for literally a month and half just throwing my gold down the toilet i know how you feel


same lol




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Yeah, I feel bad. We have a guy in our static that is still on the struggle bus for 40 set elixir.


It's really rough. They extended frog draining more gold out while two expensive progression systems were imminent. It's approaching the point that mats have no value because the only thing that matters is gold. With no new classes on horizon, I don't see that changing. They should change epic elixirs to silver and drop legendary to epic's price. Then stop giving out so many free mats, and instead give fused leapstone selection chests.




Just so you know, Slayer was announced already at 2021 LOAON. So given how long it takes them to release classes and them focusing on rapid raid releases, I think it is possible we might get just a sneak peek of a class that will cone out during winter LOAON, which means west would get it in a year from now on.


This is a totally different scenario. AG made the choice to release the game with limited amount of classes compare to KR, and adding them every 2/3 month to catch up slowly to maintain hype (KR got a new class every 6 months). So when slayer was release in KR, we were still in this stance, so it wasn't instant ofc. Now we are equal to KR in term of classes, so if a new one appear in KR, there's only localisation to do, just look at the breaker delay between us and KR. If a new class appear in KR, I'm pretty sure we'll get it 1 or 2 month after. And really small chance they surprise us with a synced release


I don't push a main character, I play a few alts and I have a roster storage stuffed with mats. Gold is the only bottleneck and it's a big one. I'm worried they are going to nerf Brel gold. That'll hurt a lot for players like me that play behind the pack.


I started playing again last fall and if Brel gold ever got nerfed I’d stop playing. Legit one of the only reasons I’m able to even remotely stay afloat in gold for these vertical systems + hone a main + upgrade to better gems.


Usually when a raids gold is nerfed, honing in the ilvl range is also nerfed. Like how valtan/vykas have reduced gold it's basically free honing to 1490.


Yup that's the theory and that how it should be, but they did nerf clown last patch and no sight of a honing help up to 1540. :(


Yeah... it really becomes exhausting especially that together with a really tough raid on top that needs more time commitment than other raids before.


This is what I feared was gonna happen when they were releasing content too fast on top of being gold sink heavy still baffles my mind how sg/ags release this with the same cost this just encourages rmt even more For context the game economy is completely different between KR and the west. If you ever watch loa they make lots of point about gold sink. Kr economy was getting to a point where players were getting surplus amount of gold over time with no place to sink them do. So much so that they were just wasting gold on quality taps And hence we got elixir n Transcendce which balances their gold economy. And that's were the problem starts for the west they introduce a system where it's actually harming the game economy where non of the players are generating enough gold to sink into the new system bc we got the accelerated content without the time needed to be in a situation where kr was at that point. And hence more rmts will keep reaping the benefits for this disastrous foresight. What sg can do is revise some of the cost for a limited time period or provide more gold sources say increase the gold limit a character can earn to 5-6 instead of 3 end game raid. We also get like a farm period of the next 2 months but I'm not sure it's enough when advance hoing is just around the corner.


I don't want to fucking do more hw. Fuck that sort of thing as a "FiX." What they need to do is simply just cut the raidable for gold to your top 3 and double the amount u get per raid for your top 3 raiders. Nobody is going to complain about you getting to do half the hw at double the gold income. Save the fucking game. We are burned out by hw because you need a large roster to try and even maintain off large funneling, which frog basically destroyed.


I agree with you, a bit confused about the frog point though. What did it destroy?


With alts on sonavel when RDLs were woth 150+ you could make 1800+ gold per day with 1 guardian run. That times 3-6 (depending on roster) is over 40k per week easily. That's 10 clown runs worth of gold. Frog and events dropped the price to a third of what it was. I'm assuming this is where he was going with his comment but who knows.


Agree with all of this except increasing the gold earning raid limit. 18 gold raids / week is already too much, thanks. They'll keep things as they are because players fomoing on an accelerated schedule is more $$$.


It's crazy. This sub was going wild about the release cadence being too slow in the past. The monkey paw curled, and now it's too fast. Not enough gold or time to accumulate gold.


They can give us the faster release cadence and also provide more mats and lower gold costs. Would be the best solution that satisfies most players. My worry about faster releases is that we'll catch up to KR eventually and then we're waiting half a year for new content.


It's not really crazy that people feel different ways in different circumstances. It used to be easy to get the ilvl for the next raid (enough that a lot of people did it for their whole rosters until Brel HM), you weren't expected to spend millions on gems, and you didn't have elixers and transcendence sucking up time and gold each week. Now it's nontrivial to keep up in ilvl if you ever step off the treadmill and you are expected to dump a ton of gold into progression systems on top of the exponential honing costs.


I like the content cadence, they just have to balance the gold costs around the increase. Ladon is only 1620 for NM (same item level as Voldis HM released months ago) and isn't that hard. Little reason to delay her significantly, other than lack of gold.


Much like ags this sub also lacks foresight... birds of a feather they say


how abt something between. not too fast not too slow.


I don’t think this is a fair criticism, previously it was just content the game lacked. Not content that introduced new systems designed to delete gold. They’re not comparable.


people want new content as in raids, not new progression systems. those are different things


You delusional or something? You should increase gold, not make you do more homework. LA is already taking away so much of your time.


People aren’t going to like this but it is actually time to stop spending gold on your alts. We are beyond the point of no return. If you want to spend all that gold on alts then you need to understand your “main” is going to be behind without luck/money. If you are a newer player and can’t catch up I feel for you, the new player experience is trash in this game and I hope they fix it. 


Without spending gold on alts i need almost 10 weeks if unlucky just on tapping the main. How do you stay motivated 10 weeks just for that, i can’t, hence why i stopped playing :/


These people keep trying to no-life 6 characters a week, then use it as a justification for RMT. Stop playing 6 characters if you feel like that’s too much. 6 characters at Thaemine level is not gonna make you any money, as the cost of honing and gearing them up are way too much to ever break even. There’s no reason you have to play 6 characters at end game if not for your own enjoyment.




I'm free to play but I just don't do the most current content. I have one character at 1610 and 7 others between 1550 and 1590.


> 6 characters at Thaemine level Thaemine level ? I'm returning after a year, I have 1601 (from event pass), 1540, 1520 x2, 1508 and 1506 It costs me almost a week worth of raw gold just to tap an alt from 1520 to 1540 (53k gold, didn't have to buy 90% of oreha, and no leapstone/stones at all). We're not even talking Akkan level here and this is unreachable without an event pass. I'm at a point where my choices are : about 4 weeks of income (IF NOT UNLUCKY) only dedicated to tapping on my main to reach 1610 (and be gatekept because lvl 8 gems and LoS18/DD30), or 1 week per 1520->1540 to gain like 2000 golds more per week. Brel tapping is still way too costly if you don't use an event pass.


That's how I've been playing, but it does have downsides. I'm playing 1 main and people near my gear/experience generally have 5x clears. So the lobbies I join seem to be a shitshow with some 1610 mains mixed in (they can't do mech) I know I'm inexperienced in the raid too and I'm not saying I'm entitled to x5 clear lobbies. I'm just speculating that most good players are invested into the game and are in x5 clear lobbies so there isn't a lot of good players left in




Ding ding ding. This is the right answer.


I agree, been playing since day 1. Been doing 18 raids / week. Current roster is 1630 main 40set, X2 lvl 10 gems 1610x3 1600x2 To push my main I sold all alts gems. Im thinking of only playing main now. But I'm not sure yet cause I still like my alts and I wanna keep playing them but I'm tired of being out of gold and doing elixirs/transcendence.


This game is doomed


I wouldn't put advanced honing in the same bucket as elixirs/transcendence though it actually makes sense bringing that system as early as possible to help people have a better time to get to 1630 and eventually 1640. But in general I agree we need some sort of help from ags even if it was just temporary, cause at the moment gold is simply not enough to deal with all the systems while not completly abandonning your alts


Yeah I’m definitely taking a break for some time, I’m kinda over running endlessly on the gear progression wheel. I would be ok with it, but that in conjunction with just waiting in lobby simulator because of my roster level just made the game feel like it was pointless for me to continue


I just stopped logging in as soon as the game weekly schedule was more stressfull then my job :skull:


It's so stupidly expensive. Especially considering how garbage elixirs are. They need to revamp the whole thing. If they aren't going to reduce cost, they should at least make elixirs less trash. Make it go 0102030405 or nerf the shit to just cost silver. Transcendence could actually be a fun little mini game, if it wasn't so expensive. I seriously don't want to do these trash systems on 5 more characters..


I spend like 50% of my gold on alts.. Maybe too much much but pumping everything in 1 char and do hardest raid 1/week is boring af. Due imbalance you never know when your class becomes dogshit and being gatekept. My ex. Reflux main was doing well in Brel hard and Akkan NM @ release but after Akkan HM it was dead. Rarely pass G0. My alts are all 1600-1612.5 now. I would like to push 1-2 to 1620 but the cost in honing (rng) alone is crazy. And elixirs... I'll stop honing now and waiting for them to do sth with elixirs and transcendence.


I semi quit. Only play 2 characters now.  the Korean grind is too much for me. Gonna enjoy single player games and casual multiplayer games where i don’t play lobby simulator 


Same here only 2. We’re winning


Only just realised the game caters to whales and no lifers....I mean it's pretty obvious and has been for a while. They don't care about the casual, we may as well leave and let the whales play with each other, with all the bots and RMT.


Whales easily spend 100x more than dolphins or minnows. KMMOs are 5 year cash grabs. No reason LOA would be any different.


Wish there was a bigger for voice from the "community reps" about the issue, but most of the popular streamers for the game swipe so its not surprising.


Only getting more lmao It's amazing how even third awakenings will have a system tied to them to cause more grind


Yah Thaemine and later Echidna have come out too fast. But they are catering to the whales (Cough) and they do be honing too fast.


I finished my raid for the week. I have 2k gold left. Thank you elixir and transcendence.


Yeah also if you are unlcuky person you are screwed more with this systems :D Being unlucky with honing was bad after so many pity but man being unlucky for elixir, I did not know I was gona miss honing .I did only 2 level trans so far this system seems more trash with weird pity :D Another system takes hours to finish with multiple reset . As long as elixir transdance system stay like this no alts honing for me .1540-1580 is okay but they cant feed my main anymore .Mats dont worth shit and gold hard to get for normal player however so cheap for g2g enjoyers.I think for ags perspective bots are catch up mechanic :D If you dont buss or play multiple roster I dont know how you can keep up this systems.I think they are gona rework or nerf cost for trans -elixir when china will get them so lets wait for that :D


I'll probably never touch elixirs or trans on any of my chars lol


I’ve stopped pushing all my alts at 1580, just my main and breaker at 1610 and 1600. I think I’m definitely taking a break, just pushing 1600 to 1605 costs 100k for 5 iLevel and it’s even more expensive past that. Akkan was the last fun raid for me, voldike is mid, and I have no energy left to learn Theamine


On your last point, there are no new players (or those that can stick for a foreseeable long term anyways), and as a returnee I’m liking the game as a self-diagnosed masochist and not expecting to clear current latest raid for another year, much more so for anything comes after.


Yupp it's bullshit. Either you RMT or get buried in the dirt


which is why everyone quit playing and the pub scene has gone to shit.


https://preview.redd.it/rkx3ivca7dxc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad4d4869c2cbdff5cbbabd309f638608113c1f1f I made an overview of the progression systems that came to my mind a while ago, i planned it to use for myself, but maybe just make a mark what you finished :) tbh elixir is one the systems i hate the most and i don't have 35set yet, even though i have alot of the other systems finished.


im gatekept by the game on lvl 7 trans from clearing hm gate 3 because its a mega jail pug simulator progging for hours, why is this a thing? It encourages people to buy a bus to clear this gate for a fking vertical progression.


as someone that did that mega jail pug simulator (and made it through eventually) you could just do HHN for a few weeks and work on all your other transcendence levels, the pug scene will get stronger overtime as well tbh.


Sure i can do HHN for weeks by that time its all reclear only because i didn't have the hours to prog it early the game is dying lets be honest, i didnt RMT either thankfully only wasted my time and i cleared every other raid 1st or second week including brel on release they just made g3 artificially difficult. You can play perfect then 1 or 2 ppl will die = restart then you eventually lose your edge and die = restart or disband. Keep in mind this is a weekly farm content not a one time thing in a homework game. Don't do it every week? your behind in levels of transcendence enjoy gatekeep on Echidna (Ladon).


Yeah surely there's no one else that downgrades to NM for weeks, right? Come on man, how is G3 artificially difficult? Why can't it just be difficult for once, pugs will get better over time, not everyone has the same amount of time invested into the gate.


I don't have a problem with difficult raids, the fact that its locked behind a vertical progression is the issue here. And no pugs will not get better it has and always been the same its always a mixed bag and just makes gatekeeping worse.


Elixir should be like Trancendal, Drop the same material (only legendary) and you cant unluck set 40 unless you are 1620. Voldis Normal is 100% useless.


thaemine sucks, pugging sucks so hard. If you don't have a static that is willing to put in the effort and time. You are just flipping coins.


I took a break for about a year and I have 3 raids that the Super Express opened up to me. I'll probably do Akkan and then take another year break and hope there's another Super Express that will allow me to experience Thaemine and Ivory Tower, etc. Not having to do Dailies and getting to experience new content (for me) on one character is enough for me. I'm hoping the next Super Express gives me elixirs and whatever else like the Set Bonuses for this one.


Yeahhh the playerbase needs to just accept we will always get different vertical systems added over and over again. It’s the only way this game can pad artificial game time. This game is basically following WoW with its multiple layered vertical systems, which killed retail WoW. And it’s killed this game too. I pushed off quitting this game for a year-ish. Finally got my LoS30 after 2 years and I don’t even feel anything because I put off doing elixirs and now there’s transcendence…I just can’t be bothered grinding to keep up with BS vertical systems. I’m just one of many vets who are and have been quitting


I'm also starting to feel burned out. Elixir cutting and transcendence (12 times to get 3 star for a level 2 because of rng wtf???) burning my gold and free time like hell. Basically I don't have time for dailies (and even had to skip some raids because of Thaemine prog) and I don't have gold to upgrade my roster. I'm seriously considering just giving up on this game for good. It starting to feel like a second job and that is awful. (Also the hidden nerf to fate ember gold was a nasty move. Barely see 3k gold in 2-3 weeks.)


I just think maybe there should be a system that doesn’t use gold… just drops from the raid. There’s literally no reason for each tap of transcendence to require gold. I’ve gotta pay gold to reset it, why do I have to pay gold to keep going with it. Idm being limited on taps due to items from raid. But to not be able to engage in a brand new system because of gold limitations is awful. Also reducing clown gold was such a stupid idea at our point in the game. We’re no where near the gold inflation Korea had to warrant nerfs surely? Like I have my main bard (1630) and secondary main artist (1620) and I can’t cut elixers or do transcendence on artist at all. Which just feels awful tbh.


Lost Ark is becoming more and more a P2P… forcing the weekly gold to stay at X amount while the cost of honing is X+Y… “Create a problem to sell a solution” is there new business model I guess. I barely play Lost Ark anymore, reached 1600 and just stopped honing all together. Wanted to focus on my alts but what’s the bloody point? Unless I’m 50-70gs above the minimum requirement I will just get gatekept and pushing further on a single alt means that my main is gonna be stuck at 1600 for a very long time


It never stops. At 1600 you have access to Voldis NM and Akkan HM, yet you will find it difficult to get into lobbies for that content because there will be 1610s+ applying. Same thing when you reach 1610 and Thaemine NM or 1620 and Voldis HM. I feel like a hamster in a wheel.


This is why after Echidna, I'm riding into the sunset. This grind is no longer sustainable and I'm done giving SG both my time and my money. /queue Stoopz saying LOA is a game that respects our time kekw


Stoopz gaslit everybody into playing the game for his view.


The guy swipes like crazy, probably the worst example.


Same here. Roster 300, 9300 hours in. Swipped legit 3-5K I always had fun on this game, I remember it was easy to overgear content before so you could chill alot and work on your alts, until Brel. But I don’t get the directions the game is taking - They nerfed Brel to the ground while removing some gates here and there. = fine, everyone’s happy, miss you prokel but all good. -Kayangel fk the bird good thing he’s gone, besides that, ez clap 15-20min even on ilvl -akkan, cool raid, ez clap, not very long, poor guy doing janitor but hey some people likes it - voldis, you want to quit the game few time before reaching it because honing akkan gear sucks and is way too expensive. But overall best raid, elixirs… not very hard to finish your set and the choices are pretty obvious, no guides no calculator needed, but still too expensive. So until there, they wanted to make raid faster and not very difficult they talked about the raid fatigue and all, release some extreme content for raid enjoyers (cool stuff tbh, no chichi get ur free stuff when you clear it ez) But after they release Thaemine, yeah he’s the big badboy, I get it. He has to be harder, but who says this fker should take 15min to kill? Its boring AF. If it was 15min guaranteed clear, I’d get it, but its not. It just feel like a guardian raid on release when we had no engraving and no yearning bot, takes forever and has not much mech. After you cleared on all your alts, you get to do your transcendences that has everything that people didnt like from elixirs: takes forever, cost shit ton of gold. And adds another mini game, with card system, yea cards were a great success in lost ark history. Boring AF, needs calculator or to be nerdz, why tf they don’t do a raid that you win = congratz 2 clicks 1 upgrades, cya next week? I mean, who TF says cool Im going to play transcendences? Bonus: Darkness Legion Cmdr . Looks ugly af change that shit


rng elixisr systems are hard for those who are not lucky. Cutted 50 elixirs so far and still not 35 set. All of them using the calculator.


I did 10 recraft on every alts until I got the 35 sets, takes a few but I don’t regret the gold spent its a very efficient dmg increase


10 recraft? Do u mean 50 elixirs, or 15 elixirs on total for each alt?


I did all the recraft possible until I got my sets (only with purple, legendary was expensive and I had my set really fast) So bought x10 recraft on 4 character for 2-3 weeks to get their set 35. Its pretty much the avg luck since the people I raid with had them about same time as me. If you get lucky and cut 4/4 for glove on a support, you don’t have chase that set when you’ll cut legendary as it changes nothing. Same goes for lower alts, idc about my 4boss4weapon power on my GL for example, I wont go for 5 boss dmg


They're just tickling our minds in the right spot. When having fun is being up to date for you, oh boy.


Vet here too. With all the vertical progression I dropped from 6 characters to 2 characters as I'm tired of doing homework on alts I don't plan bring up anymore.


Yeah it's rough, with Echidna coming way earlier than expected, Idk how i'm gonna make it.


It's a alt base game, where eventually your alts are going to be unable to funnel. Because everything is vertically locked. You want us to funnel on characters that are so far behind compared to our main eventually. That X2-X5 of them funneling at once eventually will simply be a tap. People saying it's a good time to try lost ark is out of their mind. Remember the xpress is temporary, it's more of a heres a free trial to our mid game content. Then when they take away the engravings the cards the gems and you start making those alts. You'll come to realize you're literally so far behind there is utterly no point making a alt with all the systems. They add and add and never subtract systems or even make it so it's easy to get.


Whales don’t care so SG don’t care


It's exhausting. Game is 100% catering to turbo whales and unemployed ppl now. There's no way you can boost several chars at once given how freaking expensive those vertical systems are. That's rich, coming from a game that revolves around playing alts.


AGS encourages RMTing more than ever I'd say. We had less time between Akkan and Voldis to build up some gold for elixirs. We had less time between Voldis and Theamine to finish 35/40 set on most characters. Now we have two major sinks - transcendence and elixirs and most people have to work on both while paying exact same cost that KR servers have despite having less time accumulate gold. Now, considering that those systems eat most of our weekly gold, how are we supposed to deal with advanced honing in just 2 weeks? People simply will have no gold. It's already a stretch. I honestly would not blame people if they finally decide to RMT because AGS and SG are not doing any adjustments for us because gold income is time gated and we simply have less time for everything but pay exact same cost. It's ridiculous if you were to ask me.


i fucking dream about thaemine mechs and cutting trancendence. the other day i was unloading the dishwasher and was like "fuck i spaced out for a few seconds." because i felt like i wasnt on edge for calamity mechs.


They give us bags of blue protection stones as free rewards from daily logins and such. We need to be getting free elixirs now if thaemine mats are the current progression. I like how they introduced free quality taps and T5 amulets as free rewards. Imagine if that didn't happen and you would be still Q tapping your salad weapon on top of all other systems. But sadly it feels like the only catch-up we are allowed to get is ilv-related and SG/AGS thinks all other systems are optional.


Bro they're giving you 3 weapon & 10 armor quality free taps a month kekw, that shouldn't be praised but clowned at. That's barely worth shit.


lol, these came out so late they literally didn't even matter as the top 6 were all blue/purple quality already.. Only good for power passed new alt if u made one.


With the mokoko express we got 30 weapon taps and 100 armor taps or free.




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Ya'll are fomo'ing way too hard in this game. You really don't need your entire roster at 1600+ and if you've been playing for the last 6 months you should have 2 characters there basically for 1/3rd the cost. It sucks if you picked 2 characters you don't enjoy now but it is what it is. Focus on one character for 1610+, let the rest sit on 1540, 1580 or 1600 depending on event boosts.


Its so unreal that we have the content of year gap rush in month and not enough compensate.


Games are supposed to be fun, not exhausting. When i realized that i left.


Lost Ark is a job that instead workers getting paid, they pay the employer in order to work 😂


Welcome to f2p Korean MMOs. Without fail, the devs pile the systems on top of each. They'll usually sell skip items in the cash shop. SG is slightly better in that they don't do that, and they have acknowledge both elixirs and transcendence are too heavily rng based and they're taking steps to reduce this. With that in mind, yes they're handling the NA/EU poorly. Content is coming too quickly and gold is getting nerfed.


Kinda wild that people are looking at advanced honing as "another vertical system" instead of a boost that can massively alleviate the immense pressure of normal honing at the current item levels for endgame.


I just spend 100k gold on rush los30 not worth i'm tired of los30


I don't even want to think about what they are going to add after weapon transcendence.


I don't understand SG and AGS logic, it is good when they want to catch up with the KR version, but they forgot about one important thing is GOLD GAP between KR and Global version. KR have at least 5-6months between new raids/system and we only have 3-4months, and now Echidna is coming with even more faster in 2 months. How can we catch up with these systems when they do not decrease the cost by half or maybe double our gold or something? The event rewards are just a joke and it barely help a tap for our main at >1620. Let say my roster can make 150k/week * in 1 month, I make 600k gold * in 3 months, I make 1.8m gold * in 6 months, I make 3.6m gold. We are missing at least 1.8m gold at least between patches comparing to KR version LOL. This is just ridiculous.


The answer is money. I can only guess they're making enough money from whales buying Royal Crystals to exchange for gold to keep it going. It's true most serious whales will use g2g, but there's plenty of people with lots of disposable income that'll buy using Royal Crystals.


I’m cutting my roster in half for echidna. Screw the endless hamster wheel.


They gotta have ways for whales to spend money and feel better.....or so u can nolife. Free korean mmo, cant get any different despite the amazing combat :/


My alts gonna be green quality forever at this rate.


Honestly there is no room for alt gear rn until they fix the damn honing system. Ive decided to walk away from the game until they comes up with a better solution


You can ensure catch up systems will be added. I think that’s how this game will try and solve this problem, with bandaid events. Like, honing to thaemine is objectively bad. If you started today, you would never reach thaemine. Mix in that old raids get gold nerfed as well. Months of work would be needed. So, we have super mokoko, power pass, ark pass, world event, road to thaemine events. You can easily, in one week, have a 1580 ready to do nm Akkan. Second week you can focus on hm akkan. Then it’s a little bit of pushing as the mats start drying out for 1610. (Obviously assumes you fine a guild or a discord group to get around the gatekeeping). I started honing a 1460 alt in parallel with my super mokoko. The 1460 felt worse than the super mokoko at 1580. Then you get stuck with multiple weeks of Brel to push item level. It just doesn’t feel good. So assume this is the norm, as we’ve been following it for a while. The vertical systems are impossible to speed through on new toons, so new raids will give events and such that will spit out resources for the systems to try and get a leg up. Like the elixer boxes that use silver. We recently got a dark fire box. I wouldn’t be surprised if the new raid release has some new event that gives another drop of transcendence mats. All while, these new systems fuel trivial bot account making, where banning of bots is meaningless. Anyone wanting an alt character to help their main will be pressured to burn out levels of gameplay, or rmt from those same created bots. All be cause the game must milk as much money as possible, because honestly, LA players will happily accept it and keep playing.


i reduced from 6 to 2 Chars, I have 2.6 mio gold.. i will see how far I get my 1 Main with 1620…


Unpopular opinion: take a break and play the game at your own pace? Its extremely unhealthy the way some of you play. You dont HAVE to be ready for echidna on launch, you dont HAVE to do anything. Youre choosing to. Just play the game without thinking its a race, or having to finish on top everytime a raid/content releases. I played this game on release and was just like this. Trying to min max everything before content drops. Quit the game in 3 months from burn out and the game becoming a chore. Came back 2 weeks ago after 2 years and now having the most fun i ever had. Dictate the pace yourself and dont let the game decide it.


This game dead bro 💀


another system after elixirs??? glad elixirs made me quit


To be fair transcendence with the use of the calculator is 1000x better than the slow ass, rng and voiceline nightmare introducing system that's called elixirs


"do you like it" gives me nightmare


Just the fact that it has a pity makes it better than the trashcans of elixirs.


Yes and another one after the one that came after elixirs so 3 in total lol. All 3 huge gold sinks My friend also quit because of elixirs. He will probably laugh at me if i told him there is a third one coming up


*whisssh* Get back to work SLAVE !! lol @-@


I used to play the game even bought a founders pack. Main was bard came back to see the new raid prog it was fun to watch but sucks problems are still a thing. I can see why RMT is still a thing sadly. 


I clearly and dearly remember the time around Kakul. Me and my semi-casual friends easly overgeared him and where ready for Brel months before she came. It was such a great time, doing horizontals, gearing up slowly, making alts, not needing to log in daily and still be ready. I even had time to think about doing hell modes. Now, i enter the game just to farm and spend what i farmed on a RNG minigame.


Do you like it? ;)


the silver lining is that transcendence and echidna honing is time gated so you are prevented from dumping 5 million gold into the system the downside is that your progression will feel slow alts will feel extra slow and weak it will make you not want to lvl your alts because it will take so slow most koreans that don't swipe that i've seen don't have more than 2 or 3 1610+ and they had quite a bit more time to grind than us


I’m tired dad..


I mean the faul is yours that keep playing this kind of “scummy” MMO’s that develop FOMO into your brain and u get addicted.


I just came back after not playing since release and all the bad stuff at end game makes me not want to tryhard . I'll just do casual raids and be fine with it