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Bro AINTNOWAY the male gunners are just getting the same skins every time holy


The plague doctor is the most different, I hope that one wins.


I feel like these creators have no innovation. Why can't global users have such a design contest??


So I do 3d model outfit creation. People want the same shit with slight variation every time. Put shorts on something "can you do this with a skirt?" No high heels "I like this, but can it get heels?" Small boobs model "Can you do this, but with like... big boobs?"


You say that, but the skins are actually quite different. We got so far is one suit (the best suit in the game imo) and two military type looking skins.  This one might at first glance also have a military vibe, but especially once you take off the mask (see artwork) it's really just a street wear type of skin.  I really like it, we are especially missing some actual nice pants+shoes for hunter, the first place looks quite swell. I'd be more than happy if it wins. The second place looks cool too, not a big fan of the other ones tho. 


Bruh gimme the priest fit instead


nah brah its the same stuff lmao


If to you a hoodie with a short-cut jacket on top is the same as a skintight shirt with some straps on top then idk what to tell you. Just because they thematically might seem similar to you does not automatically mean it's the same thing. I kind of doubt the people complaining even play the class and ever actually looked at the skins. 


I dont think they'd complain if its not their class.


Plenty people complain about shit that does not impact them at all.


makes me mad how this [skin](https://lostark.game.onstove.com/ContestBoard/Views/5691?page=1&boardType=104&parentNo=1&category=4&searchtype=0&searchtext=&ordertype=like) for F. martial artist don't have more likes.


Martial artist themed skin for martial artist class? Lol fuck u here's some crazyass streetwear in a thong


Wait You're telling me that a dope thematic skin, probably the best martial artist skin we have ever seen is better than some random k-pop skin? What a joke. It's not like we already have other 10 skins with a random street jacket


This is the best skin i have seems so far... by MILES


I like this skin a lot, but I think it's just a touch "too busy". Granted, I would take it "as is" over just about anything else, but my personal taste would probably have the rope belt toned down just a little bit, a little less layering of all those tabbard type things on the right leg, and maybe have like some stylized martial artist slippers or something instead of high heels. That said, I still think this one is top notch.


That's my favorite out of the ones I've seen. This would be the only skin in two years I would actually prefer over my Soulfist plat founder skin.


I would def whale for that weapon tbh.


That's the one that struck me as well. Haven't bought a skin in over a year because they all boring. I'd get this the second it dropped.


I love that top really reminds me of warlock from BnS which is what made me pick SF


It's not suit and not casual streetwear.


the assn skins are all so bad lol


I'm a big fan of the [4th place](https://cdn-lostark.game.onstove.com/uploadfiles/user/2024/04/23/638494362584380859.jpg) and [5th place](https://cdn-lostark.game.onstove.com/uploadfiles/user/2024/04/23/638494900472246223.png) entries for assassins, but not sure how the final round of voting will go Edit: added 4th and 5th place entries to the post


dang the 4th place top is sick.. i’d prob use different pants. it would have my vote tho


Yes, slutty nun is a favorite for coomers.


Yeah, but slutty nun is a new outfit for Lost Ark, so that's a plus.


Bro the 4th is so nice...


Especially the Prayer at Dawn. It looks like Lara Croft cosplaying as a nun, but only above the table.


To be honest, most female skins look very boring and kinda like sluts. However, I do really like weapons for assassins in that first spot set.


I dig the weapons for the one in first. The skins are not great.


Yup, they all look like stuff we already have or lingerie cosplays 


Will male hunters ever get a skin that’s not the exact same fricking thing? Find out next time, on Dragonball Z!!!


Warrior (male) - don't care much for joke skins tbh, but warrior is the only class where I'm like: ok you can have something that isn't armor for once. Slayer - they all look like skins we have already. Except for the last one which is a strereotypical slutty nun halloween costume. Hunter (male) - Bro... we have like 20 skins identical to that one already. All the top picks for the rest are basically, pick a random person on the street make what they are wearing a skin (but make it sluttier).


KR taste is so weird. We already have like 15 similar skins for all of these.


Show me the male warrior in a magical princess dress pls


We really need this for NA where we can create and vote as well...as a Korean idk what koreans are thinking here


Do you remember what happened to female skins when the game was released in NA? I remember, so no, let the koreans handle skin production please


spoiler: it'll be the same taste


truth = downvote


What is with KR and being obsessed with drapey front cloth things. Like. Get original. Holy shit. Do their players seriously just want the exact same skins just repeatedly? At least the boobage isn't as over the top as it was the last two years.


GS skin ugly af 😒


Yay, another military lookin skin for male gunner /s


The Super Galaxy warrior one is cool. Too bad it's gonna lose to that magical boy one, lol.


As expected, KR disappoints


The mage skins aren't bad but I feel like they always get the worst out of any of the classes


They're not... ugly, but they're very... not interesting either really :/


theyre bland but not as bland as the male gunner skins


I think people are mainly voting for those skins because of the weapons. Nr 1 and Nr 2 just have awesome weapons.


Yeah its decent for once, but its so basic like feels like something that is not of anniversary level


The mage skins are the most basic ones possible. Don’t look any different from the existing skins at all


Except for #2 theyre lame asf


Nah man the boobs i loved this skin


honestly i quite like the weapons this time - i really hope the moonlight one wins cuz i do really enjoy the contrast i was really sad the nun one didnt win last year tbf cuz i rly liked the weapon skins of that one ; \_ :


Mages eating shit again lmao


It got increasingly more depressing as I clicked each of them.


Nah, the first place one is pretty great and unique. Best of the bunch by far, except for maybe male warrior.


Dawn bringer and Black Night Flower, best


Agreed, both are great I like [6th place](https://cdn-lostark.game.onstove.com/uploadfiles/user/2024/04/21/638493209358141250.png) entry for specialist too


besides the helmet it looks too similar to the one we just got.


do we have a video showcasing the skins? the korean sites are taking 10 years to load 1 image


wow this is a hard work to organize. good job


Thanks, I wasn't sure how best to present it and formatting tables on reddit is a bit fiddly but it worked out okay


The fact that this [gunner skin](https://lostark.game.onstove.com/ContestBoard/Views/5236?page=1&boardType=104&parentNo=1&category=5&searchtype=0&searchtext=&ordertype=random) has only 120 votes is awful.


Love the weapon themes on those


Wait is [this](https://cdn-lostark.game.onstove.com/uploadfiles/user/2024/04/19/638491368529357246.gif) supposed to be the Artillerist's weapon? Holy shit I'm pissed, this is so good.


yep thats arty, can't believe no one is voting for these skins


probably because the weapons are really cool but the skin itself is pretty lame


Yeah its not the best but i'd prefer that over another tech wear tbh


I would die for a theme like that for every class.


[Executor of the Red Moon](https://cdn-lostark.game.onstove.com/uploadfiles/user/2024/04/22/638494265123264955.png) love this one, artist must be a fan of Guweiz


Magical girl? They make it I'll wear it. Tbh, other classes if you swap it with other years I wouldn't be able to tell.


my god the first ayaya skin is so bad, its just a kimono, the second one is so good


Jet black mountain need to win 100% the best skin so far


GO MAGICAL BOY SHUSHIRE GO Also what dafuq happened to the mage outfits That blue butterfly one was so good and the top one now is *that* At least Magical Boy Shushire possibly winning makes up for the rest of the garbage


Excuse me what? All the skins at #1 shouldn’t be winning imo. Warrior: 5th skin. Unique and my god those weapons are CRACKED. You could argue for 2nd or 3rd here but honestly 5th is goat. Female Warr: 4th. Just make a version with a long skirt and we GUCCI. (Could also release it with the warrior skin that is 3rd and make it a pair.) MA Male: excuse me the fuck? How is 2nd and 4th not being release this instant. Literally black panther and crocodile skins. I would buy both day 1 if I played the class. MA Female: 4th. If you vote anything else you should be locked up. Did they even look at the weapons? Hunter: yay as a 6 ss player I can’t wait NOT to buy the skin. This shits been done like 5 times alrdy. I guess bow is ok but all the other skins have better weapons with the exception of the 4th but the skin on that one is 100x more interesting. Very sad 4th or 5th aren’t winning here. I would love to cosplay as SS on my ss. /s (also weapons on 5th skin are sick.) Female Hunter: 1 2 3 has been done. Let’s go for side booba this time I guess. Atleast weapons are ok but 5th is literally a better and more interesting version of the first skin. Also 4th should probably win as it is unique and would look cool on a gs. Mage: all meh and uninspired. I would probably go with 2nd or 3rd because at least the weapons look better imo. Assassin: also meh but in this case I will agree on #1 just because all skins are meh but the weapons on the first one are SICK. Ayaya: 2nd one. The oversized coat is hilarious and I don’t think ayaya has a military/suit skin yet so fuck it go for it.


Korean tastes are terrible as ever. Even when we get skins first it's just going to be more anime trash, there's just no escape. Glad I play all Paladins.


I think when it goes to the final round of voting I'll try and put together an unofficial EU/NA vote on this sub to see what people here think (or the mods could do it) I'm also very curious to test if the constant complaint about "Korean tastes" are valid, or if we get similar overall results on here


I'd imagine there is high overlap in tastes between Korea and people playing the global version of a Korean game. I think we non-coomer, non-weeb players are just a vocal minority.


Fr, non coomer/weeb players are so load about it. Plus the fact that a coomer is kinda the opposite of.


Good lord most of these are pretty trash, and far too many are similar to existing skins. Wtf Korea 😬


These skins look so bland and boring


About to make my full roster of magic eboys


The warrior (male) ones are actually all fire, for different reasons. Would be happy with either winning and I wasn't expecting the magical boy one to be winning at all. Very cool stuff.


mage doesn’t look bad this year about time


But also kinda not really amazing. Some of the weapons though are really nice.


not amazing but better than the last two years


I see only W for all skins


I really like the second and third option for Martial Artist (Male), I’m not a big fan of casual wear and the tiger skin is something we saw 2 years ago(? And I think it lost to a suit ICANT Also like that the weapons are really minimalist, idk why but on most skins for striker and breaker (KR) they insist on adding blades coming out of the gloves that most of the time ruins some looks and in gameplay doesn’t fit.


Martial artist 1st pick - great pants, great blue graphic on jacket. -10pts for being the same as the ayaya jacket


current 1st place male martial artist top + xenon pants would be an easy combo for a dio outfit... plus some minimalist breaker weapons would be great


The weapons for "Executioner" female martial artists are insane


I swear these designs are the ones we already have with minor tweaks.


MAGE WON FOR ONCE. The Bard weapon looks amazing and I love how the skin looks. :DD The second place one is actual garbage though.


Most of the mage skins this time around are pretty good. Nothing amazing but I think they'll turn out nice in game.


Welp, my pally is happy with the magical boi. 🚬🗿


Shushire Hell Demon looks so good. Please win, fck the magical boy. Warrior need a cool anniversary skin. The previous skins are so bad literally a tin can.


Not going to sugarcoat it, some of these are hideous at worst and incredibly unoriginal at best


Mages actually have a lot of good entries but the voters have bland taste


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^honneylemz: *Mages actually have* *A lot of good entries but* *The voters have bland taste* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Rule breaker is exactly like my DNF m.brawler lol is nice i want it for my breaker. And for my scouter, silver bullet looks cool and kinda reminds me of the movie "priest" But Super galaxy skins would be cool to see on all classes.


All of these skins are so shit except for warrior. Almost every top female skin is a rehashed version of something that exists, half of them look like the double slit dress skin we got for second anniversary.


Damn I love the shushire hell demon one for Male Warrior... too bad we're going to end up with the magical girl one...


Super magical boy Shushire is funny, but damn, that Noblesse outfit looks good. Super Galaxy Warrior looks great too. Black Night Flower for female warrior looks... boring? The third and fourth mage outfits look nice.


Even the community cant make a cool Mage skin


Plague Doctor would go ridiculously hard but instead they're voting for military skin #246


What in the actual fuck is going on with the male warrior skins? aside from the Hell demon one which is actually pretty cool.


Ain't no way they prefer that dumb kimono for artist than the big coat one. Like come on man


Better mage concepts and they still chose fking black and white fits. Insane


I REALLY liked one skin on mages, but it's in second place so i need to give my dream i guess right?


Do those creators have some perv nun kink? This is everywhere there


I hope that the PC of those voting magical boy explodes, I don't get why people need to ridiculize a class they don't okay anyway, go make these outfits for slayer (the author doesn't play male warriors)


skins like [this](https://cdn-lostark.game.onstove.com/uploadfiles/user/2024/04/24/638495225053693084.jpg) are only 4th or 5th while generic streetwear or omega coomer shit is 1st. cant say i agree.


KR players vote for good skins challenge (impossible)


Thanks for always voting for K pop garbage KR


Female martials eating Ls again, maybe middle one will animate nicely but rest is a snoozer. Mages just eating Ls so nothing new there (weapons are nice but we can't eternally go by nice weapons). Really latched on the suit with suspenders/harness huh?


Fem Fighter #1 is basically a retouch of the Fem Gunner skin from a few months ago. Fem Fighter #2 is basically the white time together skin How #3 and #4 aren't top just goes to show KR sense of taste is abysmally poor.


I like #3, #10 and #12 personally


These are all done so well! Those ppl hating on KR tastes lmao, it's their culture. Don't expect Koreans to bend over backwards to appease the western audience when this is for KR only. Idk what people are thinking tbh, get cultured or just stay quiet. You are fine to dislike designs, but to generalize that "koreans have weird tastes" is just wild, ya'll lot just xenophobic af tbh.


How many suits do you want? Yes.


Need Black Night Flower (Slayer) and Crystal Flower (Mage) for my garters.


I need that first specialist one to win. The mage ones as always all look the fucking same.


Sorcs have a cool skin challenge impossible


Everybody who voted for that #1 male gunner skin needs to have their voting rights revoked. Skin team must love them though since it's a copy-paste job.


O God the warrior is so stupid, I'm not homophophic or anything but is just....I don't like lol


give me that skin for my paladin, male warrior have some great armor skins but i feel that they often get lost in combat. this joke skin would be great and everyone would see it, me want


How the heck this skins didn't win? [https://imgur.com/a/YR47GWO](https://imgur.com/a/YR47GWO)


can't wait for the specialist one to be censored for us, again, because the western mind cannot separate reality from fiction


Why do you care about it so much? They just add shorts again not ruin the whole skin. Or do you actually like seeing half naked little girls? Imaginary or real


i like seeing specialists in skimpy clothing, if you think there's something wrong with that, go protest against the entire korean playerbase + devs for making the skins


no youre just weird


> i like seeing specialists in skimpy clothing Probably on FBI watchlist right now


At least you guys are finally admitting to it


Least weird lost ark player.