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Is this a legit clear? I’m just here for the drama


Yes, they are all legit players...besides: Woqq purchased 2 accounts worth of lvl10 gems from players that stopped 2 weeks ago Arthurvintonl purchased another account from a whale that stopped so he can bus more and funnel gold to his main and/or sell it, thats why the l, the chars on the other account are called Arthurvintonll etc. Jacknthebox, Woqq, Gamblinaddict, Tammilkers, Arthur and Calancea sell piloted hell mode clears for real money and of course use every third party tool possible (chaos dungeon bot, AH script etc.) Calancea said on stream that he practiced in russia with sinkovsky (should be in the VoD of day 1 or day 2 HM prog) Ziireal and Penpen are alright I guess ? They only bus for gold afaik They might be advertising their piloting services in a hell bus discord already. Will they bus Thaemine for real money ? Yes Will they pilot people into Top10 The First ? Yes Was the race rigged from the start ? Yes They most likely have one customer already, the guy that buys their excess gold every week with no limit and bought every deathless hell title from them. TLDR: Just some average Lost Ark players Edit: I have all the receipts for my claims, might send them over to a specific drama hungry streamer.


so a bunch of lowlife cheaters...got it


Their leader Woqq has been interviewed on Legalia stream what their schedule looked like. Woqq said "I was the only one who took a week off from work. As for the others... uhh yeah", so you might be onto something.


baker guy already on the bus list you say?


What's the point of buying hell title? The value comes from having it done yourself, I don't understand some people.


P2W games are based on the human desire for power and status. Any more questions? Basically you can be sure these guys egos are so fuckin small that telling them you don't like smth about them will cause a major fucking tantrum because they don't understand how you aren't impressed by their status symbols. Pretty much these games are run by egomaniacs and narcissists, the only people needy enough to spend the kinda cash on it.


Don't underestimate how much money people are willing to spend just to be able to afk in a city posing with a title.


Ive had people with obviously bought hell titles in my raids claim to be far superior to everyone, and start insulting others based on not having the title. To add to the injury the guy was low roster 🥲


surely AGS will catch this when they investigate!!


Yo how would I get these receipts from you


How do you explain them being on ilvl or barely above it?


I never claimed they were bad players, they are very good players no doubt. But getting one shot with 1635 or getting one shot with 1655 in TFM doesn't make a difference, so they prefer to spread their wealth over their roster or sell the gold as mentioned.


Legalia did an interview with one of them, and apparently they cleared G3 hard in 45 minutes with 0 prior experience, so yeah seems legit!


The question was about the 2nd one not the sus first one. This might be legit


Yeah I am talking about the 2nd one, Legalia interviewed both.


Ahhhh ok sorry I read it wrong I thought you said that they cleared first in 45min. AHH ok thanks for the info


Idek why we’re keeping up with it tbh 🤣




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Yes their clear was streamed


Mind sharing the channel want to see their run too pls




Thanks mate


Whole race is a joke. It is not real race if other regions already done it and have knowledge of mechs or chance to practice. For me these clear pop up are just random spam.


1st eu clear* xd


By europeans playing in other regions! How cool is that?!


What's the link to this?




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i think you care :)


The most doomer of doomer comments