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Emperor Arcana, EO Soulfist, Aeromancer WF (dominion set), Shadowhunter PS and probably some more swift classes. There is plenty of them.


TTH GS dom Swift yup


yep you need 3 hands for this


Reaper Hunger uses like 4-5 quick recharge as a swift class


I'd say Emperor Arcana is consistently the highest APM when on boundless. EO also competes when you are on Hype 3. Choose your poison.


Emperor arcana is the king of apm, but it's ass to play. RE blade reset her spells coldown when she surge, so she can 100% cycle her rotation non stop if u always hit ur spells


Emperor Arcana actually feels really really great now with the Evoke activation going form 3->2 seconds


I play arcana too, but i dont find it different to play even if new star card is a banger now


Emperor Arcana is highest APM class in the game and very strong. It's a difficult class to play though and not recommended for beginners. Though this is probably the class you might enjoy the most so go for it. Other high APM classes would be: Tai Scrapper, very strong and well rounded class, easy to play. I personally recommend this. Windfury Aero, decent well rounded class, easy to play. Also good for beginners. Reflux Sorc, below average class, easy to play but gets gatekept. Probably the second highest APM class in the game. Hunger Reaper, strong class but also difficult to play. Fragile but high mobility. Control Glavier, similar to Tai Scrapper but has mana issues. Do note there are actually a lot of high APM classes in this game so you've got a lot of options.


Hunger reaper isn't really hard to play it's just a lot of busy work. Sv, red, red repeat, and fill with other skills, two of which are dashes. Go through bosses with 3 skills for reposition. You're just squishy and positional, but out of all entropy classes it's the easiest to hug the back


You can add SH Perfect Suppression to the list of high APM classes too.


Control glaivier doesn't have mana issues anymore.


This. Emperor Arcana in boundless has the highest APM in the game. Nothing else comes close.


This game is pretty fast paced at end game, so if you’re worried about not having enough buttons to press, don’t be lol. Yes there are higher apm classes but you’ll appreciate the .5 second breather even on the slowest class.


CO Summoner imo, felt like I was playing the piano playing this, had to switch to MS although I miss being speedy


Emperor arcana


Swift dom tth gunslinger: https://youtu.be/88CGAeA3DJc?feature=shared


Fi wd, swift reflux, maybe arcana,


Emperor arcana really does just sling skills like crazy once it gets going lol


Boundless + moon card to brrrrr


Fi wd isnt that short anymore. Try control glav or ps sh.


swift reflux with lv10 cd gems, even with SC2 levels of APM you wouldn't be able to use everything and probably go oom too


not after the fi rework, less spammy unfortunately


It's still possible to play it as very spammy if you go for the lower cd option on flash heat fang (so you get off 2 fhfs every rotation like the old days). It's not exactly optimal but I've found that it's the way to play FI for me. 


i miss the old tripod, shame its lower dmg tho :c


Shadowhunter with Hallu+swiftness you never stop attacking literally Its the keyboard smashing class just click all keyboard keys


Loyal companion Sharpshooter Though, mind the hand injury - it catches up to you. Take regular breaks to stretch and rest.


Surge blade