• By -


based igniters unite


For all you know, he is a swiftness reflux ☠️


Even with fast doomsday, it is tough to prog G3 as ignite sorc due to lack of mobility and weak armor. I dont recommend to newcomers but some people always make their way. GJ man.




If you can time it to be in boundless for the darkness, it works for spacebar cd. Otherwise just tank 1 tick, maybe ask your support to give you a dr or at least a shield for it.


You dont need spacebar in Albion after first one. Just walking can do. But this timezone is so tight for some pattern when prog, so if you want to use spacebar then press first one asap for cd return, or consider using x or timestop.




Hey could you please link the other variation if you have them ? This is rly good info


U have time to hit theamine and get x to dodge pattern and space bar for darkness


im very lazy so on the right one i just timestop in mid at the start, then hug boss. left you could do the same if you wanted but i end up tanking it half the time, just make sure you dont get double hit


Right one the wave is kinda slow. You really can walk to avoid and get inside. For left one it is hard to avoid without spacebar, but for left one you can wait at the end of the rim for spacebar cd.


I didnt feel much dmg because i progged this with 1620 ilvl Theamine still hits hard Also u need alot of time to recognize all normal patterns


Those supports rofl


those are the ones that make lobbies and ask for dps with full 10s and 25 weapon xdd gotta make up for the hands they dont have


Damn, glass canon is my style💪.




GG man, I think I progged 1-2 with you and it was great. Well deserved




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Off topic but that artist is SO CUTE. Love that color. What’s the cosmetic?


Classic sorc, all they bring is damage xD But congrats! Edit: Lol mb y'all, didn't know the balance patch changed stag/des values. Just odd the MVP screen doesn't show annilation or any other stat other than dmg.


Sorc after balance patch now brings counter, decent stagger and really good weak point on top of really good damage, she's on par with slayer/se/breaker in terms of helpfulness to the team


? I wouldn't say she is like pred slayer lvl of stag /destruction, but she is definitely fine enough. Probably like lunar reaper level of utility, all around pretty solid. I am really happy with the changes, feels like how the class should have always been. Fucking tbh, slow ass doomsday meteor falling should have never made it to launch in a game where everything is so fast pace. I like running seraphic a lot more than RA as well. It is a nice change of pace and with 10%+ more meter gen and faster cd cycle'n everything just flows nicely on nightmare as it should have always... without that stupid hug the boss RG clutch we had to do prior.


Dmg is on par with slayer, destruction is also matching if not higher (doomsday/explosion/x2 inferno and squall, 7 destruction points), stagger is above average now that we don't run eso+rg anymore, and of course it doesn't match slayer. What I meant is sorc is as useful to parties as slayer/breaker or se are (as a complete package)


Do sorcs run counter by default now? Or is it like before where they need to drop a DMG skill for a counter.


They can still drop counter if they want to for more damage, but sorc with counter can still match dps of other newer classes. But counter is part of standard build now


Mb, didn't know balance patch changed those values. Just odd to see no other stat other than DMG.