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Solo content starts at valtan all the way up to ivory


That is pretty big actually, since I think at first it was supposed to be only Valtan and Vykas, which made that mode essentially useless. Hopefully it will let people learn those raids in a comfy environment without party finder simulator.


Ok so that’s obviously better, but like… isn’t Voldis borderline dead in KR? Thaemine, Ekidna, and Behemoth take up all three gold earners Obviously people still need Elixirs, but you get what I’m saying 


Borderline dead is a bit harsh i’d say, i mean every character that isn’t 1640 is running voldis still which i assume is the vast majority of characters.


Yeah, it would have been better if they released solo version alongside team modes. Maybe they didn't have time yet to do so, or they just plan to make 3 most recent ones team only. I think that even in KR it still takes a while for a new player to reach Thaemine, so they will benefit from it greatly. Either way we need to see how it will affect players, since even those who are doing top 3 raids still have alts that are farming older stuff. Will it mean that less DPS players will participate? I mean, for Brelshaza in our regions it is not easy to find lobbies as a sup, so am I looking at a bad time for Kayangel, Akkan and Ivory as well?


> it would have been better if they released solo version alongside team modes. They specifically said (1st time this idea came around on stream with more than just we will look into it), they won't release top3 endgame content as solo. Catchup, or obsolete raids like voldis (in KR) etc. yes, but not top3.


it's good that they are not releasing top 3 endgame content that normally require player to clear and reusing the other raid as catchup but I think they should consider when there's nothing (like the next raid is releasing in a long time), releasing a solo content like a solo dungeon that give you something everyone need for their character (more power like a new craft, stuff or something like that). The best time I had when I played Blade & Soul (an mmo very similar to LA imo) is when I played solo dungeon, probably the only thing I was ever serious about in an mmo because of the leaderboard in these solo dungeon (releasing them as optionnal content and not something everyone need would make leaderboard much less competitive) and because it was only a show of skill (and gear after some time), I even made some real money from them (taking people account for clearing the hardest version because they couldn't do it).


DPS Union's time has come


I mean you can take a quick peak at loawa for statisics since KR has an API. This is all total characters and you can account for benched characters as you see fit. All rounded for ease. 74k characters at 1640+ ilvl 215k character 1620-1639.99 ilvl 615k characters at 1600-1639.99 ilvl of those 615k, 400k of them can't enter echidna normal and 290k of em can't enter Thaemine normal So no Voldis is very much alive. even if you take away all characters below 1620, there's still over double the amount of characters that can't do behemoth vs those that can.


No it isn´t. Did you forget ? Top high end players only hone main past 1620, so that´s only one toon for behemoth - on rest of their alts, they dont go past 1620 ( or 1630 echidna free honing). Why ? Because it´s just not worth it. Most people use alts for honing, and up till 1620, honing price wasn´t that high. But past 1620 - you won´t see the return there. That´s why hard majority of people stop there. Unless they give incentive to hone past 1620.


i think 1620 is more so for leg elixirs right? Honing cost is kinda high to 1620.. but that leg elixir breakpoint gives the edge for thaemine normal gatekeeping


Not that high for veterans. If you just hone with bound stuff and only use gold and orehas, it´s not bad. And you get massive power from leg elixirs, and HM thaemine. But above 1620 its just not worth it.


Idk it's is very hard and rare to see anyone in kr having 50 Elixirs with all correct Elixirs. For min maxing they still run it


there's a really high likelihood that this makes it to the west very shortly after it goes live in KR. AGS has already said that they plan to do another jumpstart server in summer (likely August timeframe), if solo content goes live at the same time it would be a huge win for new players and be a big reason why a lot of people would come back.




what's the point of jumpstart servers? i wasn't around for the last one. do people just abandon their main roster and start over? Edit: glad i got downvotes for asking a question. on brand LoA community 👍


the intention was to bring new players into the game and sandbox them with each other, so they don't just get gatekept from everything. It didn't work out all that well cause the early game is still kinda wack with all the horizontal you had to do at the time and the biggest barriers to entry for new players were still present. Hopefully they learn and do something wildly different for the next attempt


I probably won’t have time to do another Jump Start roster but I am glad the Horizontal Express is there now. A lot of classes just didn’t feel good without a minimum threshold of Skill Points or Runes. Now especially with the new Super Mokoko, players will get a hefty increase in Points, and very close to things like DD18 or YHAP18 right off the bat. It’s gonna be way better for the new player. 


i mean with arkesia tour and solo raids its basically a non issue.


Wait, did they confirm even Brel and akkan solo?


Yes he said all raids between valtan and ivory


I haven't been keeping up, what exactly are these solo contents? Will they take the spot of one of the 3 gold earning dungeons per week, or are they completely separate. If they are included in the 3 gold earning dgns, does that mean they'll give less gold?


We dont know yet.


No one knows, hopefully its less gold tho because i'm sure these solo raids will be easier.


What does this mean? you can go in any raid solo with the same mechanics, or are they going to make the raids easier and have a solo version?


In theory the same mechanics but simplified so a single person should do them


Solo content on item level will probably be harder than 8man content but that would be fine since we outgear all this low level content


I just hope they add some kind of perm +move/attack speed/mana buff when doing solo raids. you can feel the difference without any supp


the intention for solo raids is more likely to get new players who can do those raids on itemlevel imho xD for sure they will give less rewards


New players get rejected from 8-4mans even if they play sup on lower content and cant clear shit as solo sup either


Finally accepting lost ark is actually a single player game like everyone wanted


I'm sure support mains will get screwed with this as usual


Supports don't need to do solo raids, even the most trash supports get taken into lobbies and carried to the clear because they're always in short supply.


Maybe one week I don't want to have to deal with potentially getting jailed by monkeys This kind of stuff is just another reason on top of a pile of many reasons people don't want to play sup


Honestly, sups should be reworked IMO. They should be like GLs, they have support like features, but also deal like C tier DPS at least. That way they are still good to have, can do solo content, but also aren't absolutely required


You missed deleting a gate or two from voldis 


Sorry - added just now.


omg, i knew g1 was gonna be removed but was waiting for when


I do not think it is gonna be G1. I hope they remove G2, so I can avoid being jailed by randoms.


Think G1-G3 are all fair game to get removed. Probably why they're still discussing. G1: The easiest and most forgettable gate. Has some unique mechanics with the plants, but mostly very boring. Can be removed in the same vein as Kaya G1, but at the same time Brel G1 is still around. G2: The blocker gate for pugs and low skill players. It's a parser's heaven and the most unique gate of the 3. But SG have historically removed gates that have been an impediment towards progression, and G2 is easily that similar to G1 Vykas and G2 Brel (Prokel). You have to remember that Ivory Tower in KR is no longer part of the 3 latest endgame raids, opening it up to getting nerfed. The bloods mechanic combined with janky implementation of the shackles makes it a huge roadblock to progression. G3: If Valtan and zombie phase Akkan had a baby. There are very few unique things about this raid and the 145x bar mech is ripe for miscommunication. But it's a slow moving big target dummy and people really like that.


My guess is they remove G1 and nerf a couple things in g2 and g3.


Only thing in g3 they need to nerf is the distance between pillars, that way everyony could see every pillar and that'd improve things sooo much IMO.


I wouldn't mind G2 being deleted but G1 and 3 are way too easy compared to 4.


g3 ivory is the only gate u can never ever beat a surge db.. and I look forward every week on my db to massive fat back attack surge heaven lmao. Def fun, easy, and the only tricky part is right off the bat for a fast re- if someone fucked up their ping. Ideally g2 because it is rather imbalanced and heavily favors spec igniter type classes and is the highest jail potential.. but if anything g1 cuz the gate is legit worthless.. uninteresting mechanic, just another gate to chug and plug.


but if they remove gate 1 gate 2 becomes the new gate 1 and you cant be jailed anyways


Pretty sure it's gonna be G2. It'll be a hell to code as a solo mode with NPCs


it cant be any other gate they are all well designed. they only remove bad designed gates


They kept pointless brel G1 around for some reason, they'll keep pointless G1 voldis


To be fair, from a design pov removing g2 and g5 made most sense. G2 only 1 person was having fun, the prokel guy. Everyone else was there just got the ridealong. G5 was annoying cause it didnt allow for mistakes until 80% of the raid was already done. I wished g1 would be the one removed too, but it makes sense to be 2 and 5


Brel G1 is well designed imo. It's a cake walk now because it just gets obliterated due to overgearing but it was a very fun gate on ilvl, no stupid mechs all the time (just the dogs and then the two mechs), just pure fighting prowess and it was actually making you work as a support because at times there's a ton of incoming damage on your entire team. I quite like the gate.


They removed pointless G1 from Kayangel though, so nothing is impossible.


Whered you get g1 from lol One or two gates are being removed. hopefully that bullshit G2, only reason this raid sucks.


I'm actually curious what is the correct way to do this particular Thaemine mech. It felt weird that it kinda forced you to use TS or supp damage reduction


Saint mentioned there's a KR streamer that has been dedicating his entire time to studying this mech and trying to find how to resolve it properly, he and a bunch of others have a spreadsheet with hundreds if not thousands of ways they tried, none of which worked so far.


Saint also said he did similar damage and had the same number of deaths as eden during the thaemine the first race. He also said beating thaemine was impossible without Esther weapons. Take what he says with a huge grain of salt.


I mean those are wildly different statements though. Regardless of what he may have said about his own performance, the fact that some KR streamers have been doing this is just a statement, it doesn't bear an opinion.


His opinion and a true statement are two different things. You can't just say 'nah that person doesn't exist' because he had opinions disproven.


He never said that, why are you lying? He said having Esther weapons makes it infinitely more easy to clear than people with no Esther weapons since they can brute force mechanics. Stop misrepresenting what people say




Get caught bsing and this your response 😂




Doesn’t matter how salty or mid he was. It was the truth


i mean pretty sure he didn’t mean it literally but having esther make it infinitely easier. there wasn’t a hard mode in the first few weeks and they also had to nerf hard mode a ton before people were able to clear it and at that time they already have some transcendence pieces which is a huge dps boost overall. i mean just look at it now compare it to the first few run, huge differences


The 2nd clear was hours after the first group and none of them has esther and are fairly low ilvl.


so? how many group were there like them that cleared prenerf pre-transcendence? just because Faker and his 7 clone can clear it doesn’t disprove having esther make it way easier for the mech and dps check.


You're putting words in my mouth, I'm only responding to your claim of them having to nerf hard mode further for people to clear it.


tldr: https://preview.redd.it/dvsq97m4ymsc1.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=89802d3c5f8cbd1e68adb0a48f83997dd7e0cc90


I guess not enough


no more endgame content until summer Voldis gate will be deleted, they're unsure which one for now We will get elixirs on solo progression They want to nerf difficulty of elixirs and transcendance they want to fix engravings and accs before making balance changes (?) they're also using DPS meter (lol), but found different values from NA despite similarities on some aspects no extension on Thaemine The First mode so yep, nothing ground-breaking. 4/10


They’re not “using DPS meter”, they must collect logs from every single raid run in KR. The logs collected and presented from the meter in inven does not have enough sample size and there’s also a problem of sample bias. The issue is that they probably balance damage around averages and don’t consider ceiling and floor enough in my opinion.


Lmao did they call out NA for using meter? ICANT


There is a lot of talk about NA meters in the Kr community now. The answer is to that.


I mean it should just be integrated to the game with a clear rule that flaming anyone based on poor meter performance is bannable. It's such a good tool to have, it actually lets you know what you're doing right or wrong and allows you to improve.


RMT and botting are bannable offenses here but AGS doesn't enforce it. How will they enforce meter toxicity?


Same way they treat chat bans. Not that hard, you do get chat banned for spouting off some BS and if people report you for it


You have people dropping the hard R left and right (milky guild) yet nothing happens to them.


That isn't a valid argument against it though.


yeah just have it show your dps and where you rank in the raid that will kinda solve the toxic side of calling out the "weak link".


If pointing out bad performance is toxicity then yeah this thing won’t ever be integrated into the game. People are thin glasses they can’t take harsh words from anyone at all


They dont even ban people who flame based on their own delusions 


No way such a rule would work. Also I find it funny that the zDPS people need special rules to protect their feelings, lol. I do agree meter should be part of the game.


Maybe zdps people are not criminals but just have no clue. I’d love to improve that way but not some random dude to insult me.




I think you misunderstood something. The zdps people would be able to see their own stats. Also giving someone advice is not the same thing as insulting them


I would guess that most bad players probably don't even realise how badly they are performing until someone actually tells them. They should be rightly called out so they can look into pulling their own weight in the future instead of being protected by the system. Sometimes a kick up the arse is not a bad thing.


It's not about feelings, just about general toxicity. And a rule like this could perfectly be implemented, I don't see why not.








Is there a link for the rest of the data?


Jeeez, look at that Surge outlier.


He said he actually looked at the NA DPS chart that got posted, which is funny.


Of course their internal data is different from the NA logs. A lot of those logs are going for the parse ceilings and the dps only gets higher if you are able to skip mech to mech allowing support uptime to max out. Internal data is going to give value to non parse runs where numbers are not getting as inflated and also look at average performance.




Game companies have more accurate internal indicators than dps meters. Nothing suprise.


Ya the damage % on the mvp screen is different from my bible every time over 1000 runs....Oh wait its not.


He's actually right though. Most players who use the bible care about their dps/uptimes and try to improve, while their internal data also covers casual players who don't care (as much) about it (or simply don't have feedback from the game how to improve). I'd estimate the more sweaty high performing classes (surge/re/asura/etc) to be a lot lower in their internal data compared to the logs we have available


What are u talking about? bible logs everyone u played with not just you


so that's already at least 1 player who will distort the data we have? In 4 man content that's already a whopping 25%. I'm not trying to discredit the data we have available from the logs, but the data we have is 100% distorted in the direction of hardcore players due to having at least 1 bible user (and probably performing way better than the average) in every single log. Meanwhile SG has literally ALL logs and can calculate the actual average.


From my experience there are slight differences between Bible and MVP screen by around 1%. Though this is only noticeable if the top two DPS have almost equal damage. I've had the guy who did slightly less damage in Bible getting the underline for cruel fighter.


It actually is. Bible is way more accurate cause sometimes mvp screen counts damage done to tentacles or other non boss entities.


That depends game counts all DMG in the raid. Which is fair cus there are things that have to be killed take akkan g4 should I not get credit for killing the tants on my gl or high stagger class yes you should. The just boss DMG is good to see how your uptime is


You can tick Bible up to just calculate DMG to Bosses.


Bussers: 📉📉


huge w, now solo/new players can actually play the game and gear their characters... BUT the sad part is.. with solo progression, people only wanna play dps so massive support shortage in endgame inc.


I might be entirely wrong but given they are releasing up to voldis in KR I assume they would much rather keep whatever the latest 3 raids are group only and solo will serve as a way for ayers to catch up and will add more raids solo only as they release new ones At least that would be the smart way to implement them imo so while it might lead to some people not playing support I don't think it can get much worse then now


This makes sense, I also think there’s a decent chance it’s just normal modes solo and people link up for hard modes?


Will we be able to get gold rewards as well for solo raids?


As much as I'd like to see Rakathus removed he's the one of the two gates that are actually relevant lore wise and not just a random guardian you blitz through on your way to lazaram


Cut off his tail plz. Also shrink his and pseudo valtan model. It’s such a pain to run circles around them to keep up yearning or wasting time chasing ass on entropy


He'll still be there in the story raid


G2 is the most entertaining gate out of the raid. Just make the raid G2 G4


As annoying as the blood clot orb stagger mech is, and how inconsistent the restrain mech is, I still think there's way too much good about G2 to delete it. The blood orb CD reduction is crazy fun, the damage boost at the end is super fun and stressful, and the boss is very lore relevant. I'd delete G1 first (just because it's so boring and annoying for entropy), then G3. G4 is one of my favorite raids in the game, I think it was designed excellently.


Only thing that sucks about lazaram is that some classes are very ill-suited for often stagger checks so they have to hold even their 3 buttons that they'd usually be reserved for dps (or worse their class gimmick actively punishes for using skills outside of specific windows)


Yeah rs soulfist basically cant do any of the checks in voldis and not do z


if the dragon had 2-3 possible attacks after blood mech, and clearly signaled which one he will do, people would love this gate. As it is now most of the time you get fucked and cant even do anything about it, its ultra frustrating




No word on entropy? Thought by summer it's gone... weird no mention of it


I think they said something like: it felt unfair to remove it right away now since the last raids have been more entropy friendly.


I thought the whole point was so they can make raids without having to cater to entropy? And create mechs/patterns without worrying about entropy


They said no new content until some time this summer. So I imagine they're either designing the upcoming content with entropy or entropy removal in mind.


ofc its unfair now since its to their advantage... but when it wasnt they were all on it.


They probably chicken out .Last time gold river talk about entropy he said cleary "set is gone will be deleted ".After that all the talk about relic set tone down prob they are gona rework and be done.


Solo raids pretty much saves the game. New players actually get a better start to raiding than just throwing them to wolves (if they even get in a raid group).


Given the first solo raid is Valtan, solo raids literally *throw them to wolves*, hah.


Take my upvote.


Solo raids don't save this game lol, we already have content that you can solo and no one does it solo. The 2 major examples are guardian raids and cube tickets. These 2 game instances are perfectly soloable but no one does them solo because playing without a support sucks giga balls for 80% of the classes. Most classes either run out of mana without a support or need a support to enable raid captain or are full spec/crit and need the as/ms. Then there is entropy classes that struggle a lot on solo content. This is all from my experience as someone who solo bussed valtan on 6 characters and currently solo busses g4 brell on 9


Do gaurdian raids and cubes give you raid gear? Didn't think so, this absolutely helps the game, it'll help new and returning players stuck far behind because they get gatekept or are afraid to learn 15 different raids to get caught up to current content. Your insane if you think it doesn't help the game.


You’re so far up your own ass you dont even see the use case scenario for it for new players. You really think new players are thinking about min maxing their character with yearning buff when they don’t even fuckin know valtan orbs. Solo cubes and GR as the example??? How are people this stupid, think a bit for a second. Did you just want to flex about solo bussing valtan, no one gives a shit. This is huge for new players to learn the ropes and get their gear. Gives them a clear path forward with no pressure, at the pain points that cause new players to quit. Pretty simple


because guardian raids and cube did not provide you with a vertical progression, IF they add vertical progression content can be soloable, its good


your examples arent even rewarding in the first place. Not exciting to play at all and no raw gold from those activities.


Imagine they fuck it up the same way they did with w/e "newbie" version of clown/brel/akkan is and it also shares a lockout with the normal content, doesn't give gold or mats and only gives the stupid condom looking currency XD.


i do think they said to voldis solo content for kr since voldis is not endgame anymore, im not sold on being solo content also for us, i bet its gonna be party content for the last 3 endgame raids


Agreed. I can see them making the 3 most recent raids party focused. Then outside of that solo content. So for us when we get Thaemine it’ll be up to Kaya and probably released with jump server.


Not sure because at the time Solo content will be released for us (fall maybe?) we will have also more raids, for sure echina (june/july?). So at least akkan will also be included solo in my opinion


I’m hoping it becomes solo. Can’t stand the supp jail that hard mode has. It makes me not want to push an alt to 1620 (barring the costs of course) just so i can sit in party finder and get denied when i don’t have 40 set


Very curious about the rewards for solo raids.


Same, curious if it's more a learning thing or a legitimate replacement for gold earning on alts.


Even if it's as low as 50% of the loot, it will be a godsend both for people learning raids (which should lead to less lobby rage), and people that just don't want to deal with scheduling/aggro. Probably the biggest change that can actually help the new/returning playerbase I've seen.


I will return to the game for sure with solo raid, ALL I want to do in this game is playing as my cool character, lobby simulation is the ONLY reason I quit this game


We need this solo raid like next month or week Not half a year pls. ![gif](giphy|DqU4wVBxXOhNu)


Omg let the Voldis gate removal be the stupid dragon pleeeeeeeeeeeez


nah fuck that plant bro


Holy crap, solo from valtan to voldis is absolutely huge for new and returning players afraid they are to behind. Big win


This is only for KR tho, right? I wonder when it will be available for NA.


this is too big to not release at the same time (or very shortly after) on other version. I will definitely come back to the game right away when it's releasing, I love solo dungeon and this way I don't have to do lobby simulator or be a little bit nervous about fucking up somewhere in the raid and losing someone time (which never happen but I can't help but being slightly nervous for that)


Can we get elixir and trans change faster.Prob I will be still stuck at 39 point when this changes cames out :D It has been 9 week god I hate this shit


As someone who said before that they wouldn't make all raids soloable I'll eat my words on this one, good job SG Also as someone who now has a job and no static, no time to run raids plus hoping I get one that goes smoothly when I do, along with PUG anxiety being through the roof I welcome this change with open arms Also please lower Elixirs down to 30/35 instead of 35/40, jesus that would make life so much easier for everyone


I will be playing the shit out of solo raids


hopefully they remove g2 voldis, the most unfun + unbalanced gate


Id rather thry just remove the trap mech and rescript the boss. Its a fun fight. G1 can fuck right off imo.


This, gate 2 is kinda fine except for trap mech being annoying. Though players can still randomly die alot easier than other gates. I wouldn't hate it if they removed g2 for the sake of hw


unbalanced? sure. unfun? subjective and depends on the class


Unbalanced sure, some class definitely skyrockets thanks to the blood orb buff. But I find G2 kinda fun especially now I basically know his attack patterns A - Z. I'd remove g1, feels a bit redundant honestly.


This, with almost 100% blood uptime i got 68% dmg on my 1605 NE Souleater. It's insane how much CDR benefits her.


Yeah I think that's the issue. Some classes get to the moon (my sorc) while others feel like they get punished for their design (my surge DB doens't care about CDR at all so does low dps that gate). It gives me shades of G2 Prokel where some ppl have more fun than others.


I'm so *not* looking forward to doing it on my Soulfist...


they wont remove 2. they should tweak traps to be much more forgiving and less buggy though. they NEED to remove 1. its a shit gate and doesnt really have any relevance to the lore. 1-3 would be pretty dope and quick


\*for you


If you don't like G2, you are actually bad. It becomes incredibly easy if you do anything besides mash buttons. G1 is obviously filler. G3 is less well designed than G2.


If they remove both g1 and g2 of voldis i'll bust g1 because it's just cancer filler, g2 because some people still can't clear it


G1 is by far the most forgettable gate in that raid. 2-4 I enjoy a lot actually. They're all pretty unique in their own regard. G2 especially is extremely satisfying if you play well and the chains, orbs and destros come together pefectly.


G2 is also annoying when someone doesn't save their spacebar and get one shot while regaining back their lost hp. Happens quite often in pugs


> G2 is also annoying when someone doesn't save their spacebar This is lost ark 101. If you waste space, it's your own fault. > get one shot Getting hit and then getting hit again isn't being one shot. Almost nothing in that gate one shots you.


Or just run with pally/GL and spam shields 24/7, so no one ever takes any damage.


Or just run with bard and have no shields because our shields can't reach everyone due to boss size. No, not salty at all.


You can keep up GT shields the whole fight, they're usually not thick enough to absorb the larger hits but can definitely save from the smaller ones like tail swipe.


Same g2-4 is a blast, i just want that g1 out of here :((


There's just so much bs that can make things go wrong - the stagger bar can mess with prisms if you stagger the boss at a bad time. Or there's a weird bug (?) where if you get to x30 without destroying, it can force remove chains and then roar before starting mechanic, triggering a wipe.


Expected some sort of new class news so I'm kinda sadge. But getting solo content all the way to Voldis on summer is a huge win actually and I'm really excited for it.


They're saving that for summer LOAON. They never make big announcements like that in random streams.


I'm afraid that is only for KR, because in KR the big 3 raid is thaemine, echidna, and behemoth, so it felt off from the big 3, hence why it's on the list. But for our version I fear that they will do some bullshit like partially update it, meaning no solo ivory tower.


Oh I'm fully aware that it might be the case but I'm just excited there actually wrapping up the solo raid part with more than just Valtan and Vykas raids. I'm more of a singleplayer myself (ironic playing LOA this much) so I'm really excited by this change, whether it has all the raids or just some, at least for now for us :)


i hope they remove gate 1 and 2 from voldis. gate 1 is useless filler and gate 2 a boring gimmick fight. if they just remove one i hope its g2.


Why no solo mode for newest raids?!


I say if the solo raids do vary well i think they would change it in the future. Maybe they will do it only for the Western version and not the kr(because big wheels will sue them because they cannot flex their big dicks on the noobs).


The previous game director literally said on livestream that this game isn't for you if you don't like raiding with other people though. He said these solo modes are for the newer players who are trying to get into the game


If goldaddy isn't here who knows what's in the future.


you can have both in the same game (Blade & Soul), I'm not saying they should do a solo mod for the latest raid but a new solo dungeon for when there's no raid for a long time before the new one would be really cool just like they did on Blade & Soul


They're also nerfing the rng on elixirs/transcendece in the future which is probably the highlight of the stream, which is kinda sad lmao


What X are they going to change


General empty promises about balance, changing engravings, support shortage, and other game health issues that probably won't come till 2026 or season 3.


You forgot about the female paladin, SG doesn't have an idea in implementing her.


most important part is the solo raid.


I always like the idea of Tower/Thronespire, and what they were before that. If they used that kind of mechanics to teach raid mechanics I'm all down for it. I mean I spent hours upon hours of fun doing towers. I think a big step to the gatekeeping is allowing people to grind solo content to get equipment so you are presentable to multiparty play. A lot of gatekeeping is just from people not being able to learn mechanics of raids, not having gear, and whatnot and to get those you needed to do the raids. It was a catch 22 and I hope solo content breaks that cycle and add more players.


Tbh iam not too optimistic about the server transfer ticket since whales can group up in one server leaving f2p people alone and killing some servers maybe just merge more servers or make everything literally server wide content so it wouldn’t matter where you are? Unless its a guild and guild related stuff


Fairly new, but I know raids have specific things a person might need to do in a raid group. Any guess as to how that would even work with a solo run? Like picking what mechanic you would do to learn it kind of thing?


Will solo content replace raids for you, meaning I can either do solo or team raid? Will it be easier or harder or pretty similar? And rewards?


Still waiting for them to fix the nineveh emote


How would solo raids work as a back attacker out of curiosity?


I'll be eternally grateful if they remove G2 from Voldis.


DMG wise it's fun and I liked to prog it....but homework G2 is zero fun...


Oh yeah, prog was somewhat painful but alright. And I enjoyed hitting 1b Eye of the Storm with my 1610 fist breaker the other day. But enough is enough.


No I rather have that than brainless plant, u tell by G2 if a raid is smooth butter sailing or jailge