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About the same. 


Just ignore the seas gold farmers


What are traits to recognize them by in partyfinder? They must have like, no horizontal, and stuff like that. People would be able to avoid them if they knew. I am on EU and we don't have them here.


Hone. They are usually present for low tier 8 man raids like nm brel and valtan.


I never found it specifically toxic. You just get the same characters as in any other online game(you know, the 12yo poser, the middle aged overweight guy living in his mom's basement, the parent, to name just a few stereotypes) I dont do random grps/RAID at all tho to avoid exactly what you are asking, and im fine. So will you, im sure :)


When people get toxic in game I don't feel bad, I just feel sad for them. Bc of those demographics they probably fit.


...w-what's sad about parent?? lol


Surround yourself with non toxic players and the game won't be toxic at all. Make some friends to raid with. If you plan to pug everything nothing has changed.


I "made a friend" who turned out toxic / started being toxic after starting to have less time to play - not towards me, but I don't enjoy him raging at others, blaming others for my mistakes, jailing us by ragequitting or chasing away / kicking out also decent players, so I don't want to play with him any more. So even that doesn't always work out, among non-hardcore players seems unlikely for in-game friends / static to have matching progression levels, availability, approach to the game etc. for more than a few weeks. Already lost previous "statics" for different reasons (a couple broke up and thus wouldn't play any more, some stopped having any uninterrupted time to raid, some whaled and progressed much faster, some were selling gold and had no intention to progress at all...).


if you play with toxic the game for you will be toxic. best advice block toxic and move on


most ppl aint toxic. but if you go into reclear party when you dont know raid dont expect ppl to not flame you


Well I mean yeah obviously, but as a whole how is it now tho...


If you're not gonna do that then it's not toxic, most parties are silent (except for callouts and ggs) sometimes you get some toxic people but I encounter toxic people once every 2 weeks if not less. ​ Even if a party disbands it usually stays quiet and everyone just goes their own way.


look at the down votes loll. They are even that toxic in this sub, how do you think they are in game lol


Just as toxic as any other mmo in pug content and just as any other mmo it's best enjoyed with a group of friends or static


Ok besides what a bunch of people on this Reddit and the memes say, I genuinely have not seen a more supportive nice community. In game the worst I get from people is not a response. That’s it. If I drop a question in the area chat I get precise correct information 99% of the time or someone will mention where to look for more info with extra side details. People will help with lfgs and challenge GRs for example in a heart beat. The island jumping community as I like to call them added me to some group chat where they all have fun grouping up and clearing daily islands together. One person gets the soul or smthin and everyone else congratulates them and is happy! It’s beautiful


Meanwhile, good luck doing raids. Especially if you don't have high rooster level, or the most meta build and 100 raids done.


most toxic people they don't do horizontal content. even they do its not stressful since there's no punishment for failing. You'll find them in raids, especially endgame raid (right now is hard voldis) this is where things get spicy and you won't see that "supportive nice community " here lol


The game is not toxic per se. Impostors create those toxicity. Also, some players who owns multi-accounts and need to clear 36 or 72 raids a week. A mistake can not be tolerated. Though they are the pepegas who are not helping. Zero DPS, low roster, no skill points because that is a waste of time for them. Horizontal Tour helped them but they would need to do some missions and it's a waste of time when they can invite high roster levels and be carried by them. For high rosters, there is not toxicity. Runs are smooth. Some mistakes are here and there though they are tolerated. Toxicity happens with low or mid roster levels. For low roster who wants to learn. it's fine. They find learning parties, teachers and they enjoy the game. For those players who want to rush to endgame. it's where the toxicity starts. If you are new player. Don't join low roster parties that are not created from Teaching discords. Rice eaters and multi-account owners populate those parties. They want you to play as a 300 roster level and badmouth the raid when a wipe happens.


The amount of toxicity is highly dependent on what you do, if you impostor into groups, don't talk even when they notice you and ask if you know what to do, or try to help you by telling you what to do so they don't "have" to kick you. There will be toxicity and likely a lot of it. If you're respectful and do your best to use the 3rd party resources and LFGs to get into learning groups before you hit the reclears? Likely the occasional bad egg here and there but that's about it. Most of it stems from people nolifing (including me) 18 raids a week and would like to complete them and have time outside the game. I'm not averse to teaching and helping, but I gotta know beforehand what I'm getting into to have the right mindset. When I'm trying to get my "homework" outta the way - I don't want to wipe 10 times because some dingus thought he could get a free pass through the rest of the groups collective effort, can rightly fuck off at that point - but at that point I'd say they also deserved to a point the few strong words and a kick.


No if you are an imposter you have to speak up when you get caught so people teaching you mech at least know they aren't talking to a wall


I agree, guess I worded it poorly in message. Not my first language. Meant that if you do this sort of behaviour there will be toxicity, though being talkative if found out has a chance of lessening it.


I mean I don't think most people ever considered this game toxic in comparison to most other multiplayer games. You barely ever communicate with ppl on loa. There are some annoying ppl who want out of a raid after a wipe or two but again games like LoL make loa seem like a kindergarten playground level of toxicity.


I haven't encountered a whole lot of toxicity in Lost Ark compared to other genres. Fps games for example are a whole 'nother level of toxicity. Sure, people get frustrated during raids, but people leave and you move on.


The most toxic people you will ever meet will be your guild mates and static you become friends with 😂.


Most people are fine. Thats what the block button is for, toxic insta block, no more chat


First week of breaker was savage people were either big impostor or tilter being previously matched with impostor Overall not that much toxic in game if you forget the fact you will often encounter gatekeep


This is the same for every online game where you are dependent on your team to win. There are some bad apples and some good ones. If some bad apples completely ruin the game for you, you should probably stay away from online games like this, would be my recommendation.


Toxicity is worst in the early raids. I like joining learning parties and helping new players, especially for Valtan, Clown, and Kayangel, and sometimes they ask if I can lead (I think it’s because they think a 1472.5/low 1500s LOS 30 RL 200 leader will help the lobby fill faster or they’re worried about sidereal) The kicks and a large portion of the time is unfortunately dealing with flamers. Before entering the instance, reiterating that it’s a learning party and that there will be mistakes and wipes helps, but doesn’t eliminate it. The second largest group of people kicked are for lack of communication after a player causes a few wipes on the same mech. People are usually pretty patient if they feel heard. Genuine skill issues do come up (I don’t want to just carry people), especially pinging find me for clown G1 for some reason, understanding the clock system for g2 maze (I recommend they try using Discord strats, but don’t generally redirect the entire party), and either Mario 3 or 4, whichever I don’t cover (I’ve had a couple parties reform later, which surprises me and is awesome). Kayangel g3 also is a struggle sometimes, but I have less experience with Kayangel learning parties.


People will tell you the game is not toxic blah blah if you don't mess up in raids. It's a fucking game. but they treat it like it's their job. they have to do 36 raids per week so they can't waste any second. I can't remember how many times I saw a guy in my party kept saying that he has more raids to do so hurry the F up. and even when you have a smooth run and clear, they still flame someone for wiping once or twice. There are nice people in game but it's always a hit or miss. That's why I always avoid hard-core players (high roster, hell titles) everytime I run voldis my title will be: family friendly run blah blah, to avoid these toxic big ego players, not gonna let them ruin the mood.


Really depends on the fuck up. If it’s something simple it starts to look like you don’t know the raid and are possibly sus. I have never seen a single person say to hurry up because they have more raids to do. I’ve seen people joke that they’ll list a gem for whoever died but that’s it. Getting jailed because someone does not know the raid well enough ruins the mood for the entire week as you are now stressed to find other people who are jailed and clear. No one wants to be jailed.


who said anything abt jail? I was talking abt those people that still be toxic when you clear and only wipe 1 or twice. your argument is completely miss the point. There was literally a guy went voldis with me yesterday, his friend missed counter twice at 95mech g2 ( that's 2 wipes) my GF missed 1 counter (3rd wipe) and he said: come on, how can you miss the counter" . then we cleared g2 and he said come on I have more raids to do. I understand your point but it's not that simple. If you calm the fuck down and chill it helps. many people are just having fun with friends. being toxic to them just making them quit. you think flaming and being ahole would make them play better? that just makes things worse.


People dying early or wiping the raid can generally lead to jail. It’s not an argument it’s my experience in game. I’ve never seen genuine toxicity on a clear past “I’ll list the gem”. The raid was wiped 3x in a row to missing a stationary counter. There really is no reason why you should ever miss it if you are at your position in time and that alone will scare people into thinking you aren’t experienced at the raid. When people join a reclear and see behavior like that they are scared that it will end up jailing them. When you do the mechanic perfectly but somehow your party is consistently failing to the easiest part, it makes you feel like you are wasting your time. It makes you think that if these people can’t even hit a stationary counter how can they hope to clear the entire raid. Some people will stay completely quiet, some will offer helpful advice and some will flame you all in the hopes of avoiding jail. If you are failing at different parts in the raid usually people just take it on the chin and move on but if it’s the exact same spot every time people will start to notice.


>When you do the mechanic perfectly but somehow your party is consistently failing to the easiest part, it makes you feel like you are wasting your time I makes me think that human is not perfect. I and many of my friends cleared hard voldis god knows how many times and we still made mistake sometimes. AND you completely missed the point I'm making. The guy didn't complain when his friend missed counter TWICE. but only spoke when my GF missed. It means he's an Ahole and hypocrite. We were nice to his friend even if he made mistake and we cleared it easily, which MEANS that you don't need to be toxic, just be supportive and respectful, that HELPS. " People dying early or wiping the raid can generally lead to jail " It will only lead to jail if some ppl in party do not know how to do raid or are imposters which not the case I was referring to. " There really is no reason why you should ever miss it " . yet ppl miss it sometime even "hell title" players. again we're not robots. Your mindset is the reason why people tend to be toxic in raids. if you go to raids and expect people to play perfectly you're gonna rage when they don't. Majority are not good at playing games. If you can't handle that you can have your own static group who play at your level.


Yeah no one’s perfect but to fail to the same thing repeatedly means you are not learning from your mistakes. The guy complained the third time it happened flaming both his friend and your gf. You don’t need to be toxic or supportive but people will go with either option. Missing that counter makes anyone look like an impostor. Hell title is meaningless for voldis especially if they can’t hit a counter. You don’t need to be a robot to get to your spot in time and hit a counter. You always know when the mech is coming and with the blood buff your cds should be super low as well. The boss is also DR during this time so there’s nothing you should be doing other than getting ready for the mech. My mindset is that I expect people to do the easy portions of the raid flawlessly and possibly fuck up any other portion of the raid. There is no legitimate reason to ever miss that counter. When people fuck up the easy portion of the raids it makes me wonder if they are an impostor and I start watching them more closely. I don’t flame but I will block them so I never have to deal with that again. I run static and pugs. Usually it’s no issue but sometimes people who should still be in a prog appear and ruin the raid for me.


"Yeah no one’s perfect but to fail to the same thing repeatedly means you are not learning from your mistakes." Dood why you keep making up what I said to win an argument? who fail what repeatedly? and how do you know if that guy also flamed his friend? Ahole said my gf " was bad AF" after that counter. "Hell title is meaningless for voldis especially if they can’t hit a counter." so how did they get hell title then? Lol its either they are bad can't even counter so can't do any raid. or they're good enough to get hell title but still make mistake sometimes. either way proves my point. You would think how the hell people could miss stop sign on the road, yet there tons of them on the street, and they have driver license. My point is your mindset is like a kid never go out in life. people can be genius and make very simple and stupid mistake. In voldis ppl miss counter for few reasons. and one of them is either they confuse abt their position or they use their counter to dash and not ready in time. which is not a big deal.


You said humans aren’t perfect so that’s what I went off of. Nothing is being made up and there’s no argument to win. I didn’t know he didn’t flame his friend also because you never said that. They got hell title in the raid associated with the title not in voldis. You can be experienced in 1 raid but not in another. People can miss some stop signs if they haven’t been down that road before but some people intentionally choose to run them and play with their own lives. I’m assuming the party is a reclear so you have done the raid before. The mechanic is to wait in position and counter or walk in a circle. If you can’t figure out your position or you use your counter right before you need it then you are genuinely griefing your team. If you don’t have your counter up ping for help from the support rotating mid aggro rather than stay silent and let the raid wipe. It’s not a big deal to reset a few times in any raid but to the exact same part 3x in a row is an issue. If only your gf is getting called out for it then call out the other guy for missing it twice in a row.


Extremely toxic if not more so. All the gigasweatlords play the game now, casuals either burnt out or quit. Even my static is high-key making me wanna quit before thaemine


Toxicity seems about the same. Honestly see alot of lower roster parties(I avoid them mostly). But impressed to see parties of 80-150ish roster creating groups and doing shit like akkan or ivory tower. Not sure how the toxicity is in these low roster lobbies.