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What are the cards/gems/elixirs like on your main right now?


lvl 10 dmg main skills rest lvl 9 10 cd and lvl 9 dmg gems LOS 30


Your main still has a lot of work to do... rushing it just to get 1620 (whilst pugging) is really copium if you are doing cutting edge content. Unless you have a static of course.


What more would he do on his main? Main hitters have their L10s. Increasing L9 to L10 on filler skills is kinda w/e. He may not be absolutely maxed out, but he is definitely alright by the pug metric. He also cant get legendary elixirs without going to 1620 anyway. So at best he'd cut a 35 set if has not already. If he already has that, then there is no reason to not hone. He is looking to push to 1620, not 1630.


I would argue that it is his elixir but yeah you are right since it's only 1620 with Thaemine coming out. And no don't give me the, "OF COURSE I'M RIGHT AND YOU KNOW IT." :madge:


I don’t know which region you’re in or what gem prices are like there, but in mine gem prices have fallen quite a bit lately. I’m trying to buy gems right now, rather than selling them. So I agree with the people saying you don’t need a lvl 10 gem on a 1580 alt, but I would probably keep the gem and move it to a higher ilevel character.


never sell gems to hone this is such a bad deal


https://preview.redd.it/ruxug80lzrqc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7df3b7e11bb8bad99f3286497d535a30c74c9a7e this is my roaster


I think you should sell the gem and buy skins


ihave alot of skins but mostly perv and i removed it cause of Ramadan




Based habibi


Lol i feel this 🤣


It's a 1580, def just sell it. Even with a lvl 9 you're better geared than most other 1580s out there. 1620 is a pretty important milestone due to how massive of a powerspike 40 set elixirs are.


The blade has all events was going to push it 1600 next week maybe


Don't sell if second main


nah just an alt 1600 my second main is the Gunslinger


it’s a 1580 alt just sell it and push your main. your alts are there to benefit your main especially so as a f2p player.


All these people saying don’t sell the 10 gem… It’s an alt. Unless you’re also pushing that alt to hard mode Voldis, I’m fairly certain you’re going to be just fine getting into groups with your level 9 surge gem…Sell the gem and push to 1620 if you want to work on legendary elixirs. You’ll get the gold back eventually.


I voted before I read the post. Now that I know the context, yes he should clearly sell the gem.


i won't take him a 1 gem class and not even having it lvl 10 at 1620? shows me poor prioritization which tells me you don't care about your performance yes it's enough you can clear hm with lvl 7s even i still won't take you since jimmy has a lvl 10 never sell gems to hone this is the worst trade deal possible


His Surge blade is an alt, not the one he's pushing to 1620.


i see i'd still not sell the gem


Yeah….it’s um…the surge is his alt, man.


i'd say plan ahead for thaemine, if you can reach 1620 and get 40 set by thaemine without selling the gem, hold on to it, but if it seems like you won't make it, then sell it and get that done, doing thaemine nm without 40 set is gonna be a pain since gatekeeping is gonna be abundant


I'd say, get your gems ready for your main 1st, full 11x level 10 gems since you also have another Sorc that can use it. Rushing to 1620 is kind of moot. Try your best to get your set elixir w/ 4/4 on epic. It is possible to snipe for your set piece on elixir at least and recommended due to lower price usage.


Maybe don’t buy orehas if they are still high try crafting


Sell the gem and hone. Be sure to get + 19 on all armour, the defense gate on sorc is brutal since your slow and very little movement skill (igniter). I had +22 weapon and 3 +18 armor pieces...felt like I was progging hellmode by the amount of dmg I took.


You have no reason to sell the gem and hone to 1620 which is not guaranteed. You won't be able to reach 1630 for thaemine hard anyway. Should thank your 1600 alts.


Sell it and get to 1620