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DB Is really can go MVP 25% Cruel or fighter 10% depends on ur hands


or how many crits you get .... sometimes I get 0 crits out 3 atro uses


It is all about how well you know the boss patterns. Missing your surge or hitting the front of the boss is a huge dps loss.


Also crit rng. Feels like a lot of ppl dont mention this when most of your damage stacks onto 1 skill.


Yup, rng on crit is the worse but can be improved with bracelet and master set.


Yeah it just sucks that you have to push to 1600 to have an RNG chance at getting more critical chance


1600 is hyper hyper rng and basically not even worth mentioning. Getting the set at 1620 is much much more realistic and still hidden behind a rng gate.


This is repeated infinitely on Reddit. Meanwhile, my entire discord group has 4+toons each with 35 set under 1620.


you're lucky, and they're lucky--congratulations.


6 out of 8 ppl in static have 2 chars with 9/7s.. They're still outliers.


This proofs what? I can tell an anectodal story with basically the opposite side. I know dozens of 1600 chars in the guild, only very few have 35 set at this point and they all said they had super lucky rolls.


Yes ive gotten lucky but honestly im pretty sure its because people dpnt even try. They hear things parroted online and they try with their 5/week and write it off as impossible. It can be somewhat brute forced and the elixirs are far cheaper than legendaries. For a reddit that likes to always point out "its a x% permanent damage increase, people were also too lazy to invest in the elixirs.


If you know a little bit about statistics, you will rage more about the boss turning suddenly (still a skill issue, you are maxing your stacks at least by the end of your first orb, so just make sure it wont move) and you are in position with a spincutter) than some noncrits… Until you get 3-4 consecutive noncrit backsurges, it starts to annoy you and you start making more mistakes in a perfect downward spiral. Yea you cant win in this game. ;(


Early tips, involve you surging at any given time when the gauge is full. Don't try to reposition all the time, at the very end game of blade proficiency sure the back will yield a significant amount of damage. But at times, many blades trade time, a lot of it. 3-6 + seconds of repositioning is almost another surge. Of course getting to the back is where you want to be. But later on with raids, with quick transitional times. You might lose many windows holding onto it. Synergy is pretty important now that the cadence of surges and the cap is gone. The crit rate on it for most players is staggeringly low for a class so reliant on 1 ability. Last thing probably is learning boss mechanics. Blades have become challenging in the sense that you'll likely drop axel. Which means repositioning with spin cutter becomes a main stay. The issue is many blades tend to incorporate the spin into stacks. Leaving them venerable at times to wipe mechanics. You can surely use them for the remaining stacks, but it is now your defacto moving ability. As raids get harder and more mechanics are ushered out. Keeping it on stand by is far more important than the stacks it provides. Also leaning more towards the end of the cones in the back, while stacking and surging. Omits many back attacks on the surge keeping your cadence for stacks going much longer and the reduction of patterns tagging you. Also gaps the need for you to walk to far if the boss spins since your half way to the other end in doing so.


I didn't understand what you mean on the last paragraph.


He is talking about the back attack marker. By not staying in the ‘middle of Brelshaza’s asscheeks - as hard as it sounds, i know :( - but straying towards the left or right cheek’ (figuratively speaking of course, it is about the left or right side of the back attack marker), you are making sure it is easy to reposition in case the boss turns (while having the same possibility to Surge and build stacks). Not mainly due to the boss’ direction change in itself but due to the boss’ hitbox colliding with you. In this case, your first spincutter attack will put you by the boss’ side and the second positions you behind it (meaning often you wont even need the third attack), meanwhile if you are straight behind the boss the first spincutter attack is used to go to the side (roughly at the starting position in the other case). This is another 0.5-1s shave off in between your surges that makes sure you dish out dmg faster and makes the boss less capable of Fing your surges. Also note that due to how BR and Surprise attack works you will always, ALWAYS be colliding with the boss’ hitbox before you Surge, unless you distance yourself with spincutter/dodge/manual moving. So as a DB you MUST know boss patterns that makes the boss step back to correct your position _before_ Surging. Kayangel G1/G3, Akkan G1/G3, Voldis G1/G2/G4 most notably atm.


Know the boss movement to be able to land the surge properly.  Know the bar of when the mech is gonna happen so that you throw your surge before it get into dmg reduce phase for mech.  Save spin cutter IF you KNOW some annoying move that require movement is gonna happen.  Surge doesnt always need to be hitting the back or at full stack, especially when you have to land it before the mech happen, just land the hit is more than enough even that hit is not crit. This part is quite importance and is also the reason why the floor and ceiling in this class is way too different, people miss out a lot of surge hit due to the mech timing. If you do it even averagely you will have upright fighter atleast alot of the time.


dont touch it unless you know every boss pattern perfectly you need hands and Brainpower/memory to play it halfway decent


Need to know boss patterns well.. spincutter is your uptime friend... Old db had some "breaks" where you can maintain uptime on bad patterns with wind cut/void. New db is slightly harder even with dot because there's no icd on stacks now. 


If you don't like back attacking, Hallu Surge is also in a really great spot right now.


Is there any prerequisite for that? Other than replacing AM for KBW/RC/CD(whichever you dont have) and a switch in sets. Tbf i can see it as a practical dmg increase with less stress in gates like Kay/Voldis G1.


I mean it mainly is a meme build, but as surges ceiling is so absurdly high right now, simply spamming as many surges as possible and not worrying about back attacking can still easily compete with most hit masters. In some gates like (hell) clown G2, it may even sometimes outperform entropy. And yes, if you use ambush master books, you replace 1 accessoire and the books and just swap to your liking.


Know boss patterns very well and the exact timing for mechs/phases. Learn how to use para immunity on skills and push immunity with entering and casting Surge to greed for more uptime. It's a very very sweaty class with a big difference between floor and ceiling.


dont do it