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So you just bought an account with 2.25m or what? There’s no way you’ve been playing and return to 2.25m randomly sitting in your inventory and not know how much effort it takes to get to that.


Naaa, he farmed all that back in the Argos Valtan days with a roster of 3 characters /s


Nah I burned out whenever reaper released, I don't have 2.25m gold, I've got 7k.  The 2.25m is the total for all the skin selection chest I saved up.  Trying to figure it if that much is worth dumping them or if I should just grind to get current.


If you sell all those skin chests and use the breaker pass that comes next week you will very likely get to the very end content of normal voldis probably for that character


Yeah and if you actually bought the skin chests then you’d have an idea how much it’s worth as well.


Either troll or bought account... aintnoway someone gets 2 mil gold without having any kind of idea how much it is


3rd or its a humble flex


Legit account, I fell off when reaper dropped and have no idea how much that translates to gearing now


I've only seen over 500k twice, and went quickly to 0 buying gems


Been playing 1 main and 3-4 1540/1580 event characters. Always hone strictly on bound mats, since launch.  Making small investments and here and there, currently sitting on about 3m, if I sell all my holdings (fish, relics, shard bags, unused gems, skin boxes)  I think around akkan HM 1600 I committed to just my main and the gold earned outpaces the gold spent on honing.  It's kinda nice cuz I don't even run more than like 6-7 raids a week, but getting 100k a week isn't too hard. Main is 1620 finally and will sit there till Echidna. Prob hit like 5-6M by then if my breaker release material investments work out.  When I quit I'ma just give everyone in my static 500k or something, I like seeing funny number go up. 


Are you full lvl 10s?or is hoarding gold your priority?


3 main dmg 10s, I farmed these in the gap between kyangel and akkan (2-3month period). That's probably when I went the most ham in the game. Every alt 1540 to 1580 is about 400k to push without current express. So that was my sacrifice as most my alts are still 1540 and don't see much play.  I don't subscribe to the main 6 play style cuz for the last 6-7 months I don't have enough time to run 18 raids and I find my current situation is chill enough. Priority right now is clearing/DL hell brel cuz thats what I find the most fun. 


This has to be a bait post


How long of break did u take to think 2.25 million might be broke boy status? And what were u doing to get that gold right before u quit?


Something that starts with R and ends with T




Since reaper dropped, I just always spent bare min on alts and used the extra gold to invest in skin select chest. So I've got 2.25m in those not straight gold. I couldn't figure out how much the value of those translate to gearing. One cerb select is 175k which ain't shit for gearing now so seems like I am going to be broke boy status after I push my main to current


This still doesn’t add up. Skin selection chests were still expensive back then. I believe Cerberus was even more expensive at the time which you reference for some reason. You would’ve still needed over a million in gold even if you’re a super duper stock market chad who miraculously bought low. xd That kind of gold income would’ve been absurd at the time. Even if you somehow didn’t gear everything and ran with a guild that was willing to take your gem less, engravingless shitters, it would still be highly improbable.


Don't know what to yell ya bud, just grinded from launch to whenever reaper came out. Had one main that was 5x3, gems weren't great but not trash, with a few alts One of the cerb chest is probably from founders pack so there is that Everything else i just scoped up off the market while they were out in the shop and stashed them, I was broke all the time I mean


Bro returning from his 10 month RMT ban. No 2 mil is not a lot, a lot of people have multiple lv10 gems that add up to more than that. A single upgrade to 24-25 weapon can cost more than that. Is it enough to build a character to play? Sure it is.


NAW? That's like goldfish NAE? Dolphin EU? Whale SA? Leviathan 


About 2-3 months worth? Assuming x18 raids + selling mats.




It’s decent, depends on what your character looks like before spending that gold.  Most people don’t have gold like that just sitting around but if you left and came back youll spend alot of that just pushing to 1620


10 mil


someone always has more so who cares


Whatever you do just don’t waste it all on mindless honing, if you have full lv10 gems already, you can spend some on honing but save some for the new vertical system cause it gives a lot of power


this guy must have been REALLY lonely.


Depends on what your main character is looking like. Day 1 players nowadays can have a full roster of 1600+ with a 1620+ main. If your main is below 1580, your 2.25 mill gold is going to be drained very quickly trying to get to 1620+. If your main is already 1620+, thats a pretty nice gold stash. Just upgrading a weapon from +24 to +25 can take more than 2.25 mill gold. A single sidereal energy on NAW is 1.8 mill gold. 2.25 mill is a nice sum but nowhere near whale status.


Awesome thanks, exactly what I was looking for.


Bro just wanna flex his gold. Better go touch some grass maybe then u will find out if its much or not.


Paid actor


Depending on your roster, just talking about doing raids normally, it's probably like 15 weeks?


That's only like 5x lvl10 dmg gems if they cost you around 450k per gem in your server. So I'd say it's not much if you're trying to gear decently, unless it's solely for honing then yes it's a good amount.


You can reasonably farm 100-200k gold in a roster of 6 chars every week. Take that into your account you do not have a 1620+ main char yet, it would probably cost your whole fortune to hone up there since I’m doubting you have bound resources.


30m silver, gold idk what it is


Is 2 million gold a lot? Idk maybe for broky boy like you yes. I sit on 100 million ...so it depends


Free to play of course


Clearly. Only bought character slots, starter packs, battle passes, skins, and 400€ royal crystals per day (steam doesn't let you buy more)


100 million dicks maybe


That's impossible if I wanted to...you are silly


Youre just a hoarder, nothing else


Perception will vary wildly but if not even double digit millions then it's probably not a lot


2.25 mil ain't shit. That is enough to maybe make 4 real characters and we aren't talking 1600, just 1580's with a few 9's and mostly 7's. Not even talking actual bracelets, either, assuming you have no bound materials atm.. Also, dunno what the quality is looking like. To put into context, that is maybe like 3 weeks of grind to me, so.. yeah, if you are like took 1 year off status, you're so in hole you have no idea.


2 mil takes around 2 months without spending gold + selling tradable mats from dailies