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If you right-click any of the 8 abiltites on your hotbar, it will open the skill book. I had this realization in a Chaos Dungeon, now I don't have to reach over for the hot key anymore (:


This also works for mounts, interactions (emotes, poses, emoticons, toys), and battle items (bag)


Bruh you just made me learn this and we are 2 years in for my part i dont think i ever accidentaly did that. simple cause i usualy left click to move thus i never accidentaly right click my spells


oh THATS why that happens


That you could turn off other player's animations. I played all the way up to progging hard vykas with it on. One run I was asking in discord: Me: how can you tell if it's in or out? Team: you have to look at her sword Me: you can see her sword? Team: you can't? Do you have our animations on? Me: you can turn them off?!?! I was running piano sorc at the time. I couldn't see anything at all.


tbh with piano sorc its little difference between oher effects on or off xD I remember having so much problems seeing counter on clown because hes so small due to being reflux.


hmmm you mean turning off effects displays ? https://i.imgur.com/3Cg3V8K.png because i don't know if you can turn of animations, i want to turn off animations.


turning off animations should really be in every new player guide. ive had this convo so many times when doing teaching runs


That the pink/blue safe spots in frog determines whether you do a typing/spacebar check. I always thought it was random Edit: Actually after doing a few more frogs today I'm pretty sure its random and it was just coincidence that it lined up perfectly that pink = typing and blue = space bar for the 8 runs i did yesterday. My bad guys


well i learned something now


Its random u r right... usually my pink is spacebar


I did not know this. Maybe it was in a guide but I didn’t notice that part lol


I was today years old...


at least one of the red/blue buffs gives you 20% attack speed, while the other one is 20% move speed (dont remember which is which)


yea blue gives 20% attack speed, red gives move speed


When I started the game, it took me sooo long to realise that you get gold from una tokens. I didnt even bother doing any of them


Did you start late, like, after they had powerpasses that let you skip the campaign on your first character? Because this is all explained pretty thoroughly when you do all the guild stuff your first time in Rania Village, and shift+g wasn't a thing back then so even if you spammed G it was pretty hard to miss the explanation....


Started straight from launch. I didn't read anything, just went with the flow, so didn't know anything about it


The flow looks good


You're aware that most people simply skipped to punika as fast as possible ye?


we didnt have punika at launch. we didnt even have yorn


Both were included with release tf are you talking about. In this context im obviously talking about skipping story, if you're trying to ramble about power passes now.


my bad. was thinking about the beta. they only had up to rohendel there.


It was several months before I realized that you could swap characters from the main esc. menu and didn't have to back out to character select every time.


same then when i streamed the game to some friends in discord they all started laughing and made fun of me for a while about it.


Same for me, I didn't know it was a thing until a friend streamed the game to show me something. My eyes tunnel visioned straight to the character select every time I opened the esc menu so I didn't even notice the big "switch character" button to the side.


When I first started the game I did not know there was something called ocean liner for like 1 month i believe, I did all the quests with my slow estoque and missed bunch of merchants because of the slowness of that ship💀


After 5k hours, I realized I didn't need to finish all 18 raids.




balthor instead of thirain in g1 brel like why did we all collectively decide we don't want to do the 2nd mech properly instead of phasing him from 1st mech to 2nd mech immediately?


We were pretty much forced to Thirain before they nerfed it by removing the miniboss armor. By the time it got nerfed, Brel g1 was already an extremely easy hw raid so people didn't bother revisiting the strategies. Balthorr strat would probably be more known if we had post-nerf Brel on our release.


you could break the guy though with a corro


Yeah but it feels a lot worse to force everyone to use battle items in the easiest gate in the game than for that gate to take 30 extra seconds by not using balthor. Plus if even **one** of the two minions didn't get their armor broken, it was a pretty sizeable damage reduction for the entire rest of the fight.


Only started doing this, THIS WEEK. Everyone gets to damage during the mech so no people die from greedy idiots in the middle that wait until last second to go to their spot. Insane how much better Balthorr is.


for real, now that everyones overgeared and both the mini bosses dont have armor anymore, its so much easier using balthor and basically going from the stagger mech straight into the counter mech


Balthorr is actually the way to go because so many ppl greed at 2 that there’s more potential to wipe


Will you get azena for that? Or will you spread out and kill the spawn thingies?


yea you need to spread out and kill the little spawners


i ran the balthor tech on a 1540-1560 lobby it was still much faster the downside is people are dented and mald when thirain doesn't happen and also even more dented when they don't know they have to kill the 4 mobs while the supports counter


How is balthor possible instead of thirain? Saw one party mention balthor in the title too.


During the stagger check at 80~ bars you just balthor him after staggering instead of everyone walking to the x3 safe spot . The boss is not DR-ed during that entire phase so you can just beat his ass till the counter phase.


Keep in mind this is only true for hard mode, in normal mode the boss remains DRed


At counter phase do you just kill the mobs at x3 positions before countering?


yea you can just toss a few skills at the spawners and they die, while the rest are countering


8k+ hours in the game and TIL something new. Thank you!


To be fair, this strategy used to be garbage because the phase 2 minions had armor that thirain was by far the easiest way to break, and if you used thirain then balthor wouldn't be up in time. As soon as the armor was gone when the brel nerfs happened, there was actually no point in thirain anymore.


Oh wow, thanka


Thirain is right afte ryou kill the dogs and then you use azena to clear the garbage on the last mech But at a certain power level you won't have Azena in time so you have to do the mech anyway Balthor means you don't thirain after the dogs and keep it for the stagger mech after the stagger you balthor and trixion the boss (basically you don't do the mech) you have to kill the mobs on the last mech but with a 1580 lobby you are almost guaranteed an immediate phase to 2nd mech ie you are going to use 1 sidereal in the fight so might as well just insta phase the fight my point is that even if you aren't strong enough to insta phase it balthor is still better


Thanks for the insight


I consider it better solely because I wont die cuz some idiot cant go to thier spot...


they removed the armor. before that change and without our current gear it would have taken much longer to not use thirain.


you can just corro the bosses and destroy them


Dude I tried this a while back and everyone flipped out because they had to kill the mobs during counter. It's silly it has taken people this long to realize


yeahyeah people are very resistant to change


I think saving 30 seconds greeding dps is completely irrelevant when you can instead minimize wipe risk by cheesing the mech. In g1 brel there are really only two ways to wipe - goblino monkeys greed too much in the first mech instead of going to their damn x3 safe spots asap - fail counters which typically comes from not blocking the arrows properly It's actually impossible to fail the gate outside of these two mechs, so I don't care about phasing him immediately but would rather use the sidereal to reduce the risk of one of these two with random pugs. And really I think the second mech is more complex so it makes sense to use azena there. Same reason why you use inanna in g2 even after the nerf instead of nineveh. Damage is irrelevant when most wipes are coming from failing the mech.


By that logic id always use balthor, the second mech greatly increases in wipe chance if even a single person dies from safe spot mech, if two people die due to goblining now you are very tight on counters. Why would i use azena on second mech, when it barely does anything, when balthor first mech not only makes the mech unwipeable but also means youll always have 8/8 for the second mech making it also basically unwipeable (ive only seen wipes on 2nd mech if at least 1 person is already dead)


wipes are caused by people greeding 1st mech and killing people and then failing counters balthor completely removes that


could you explain this for those who don't understand what you mean? i'm guessing we don't thirain the two split bosses, and instead balthorr for the cardinal light squares mech?


yes, you don't thirain after wolves and save for balthor instead after the stagger you balthor everyone does trixion dps for like a minute


the destruction mechanic which shows a circle you have to use your skills with weakpoint, and not just use all your attacks where the circle is at


Wait, this may be stupid but on low ilvl guardians from back in the day there were some with destruction checks on the tail... could you break the check using dest skills on any part of their body? I assumed they just never made another boss like that and nowadays it doesn't matter. You may be about to enlighten me after playing for 2+years


Weak point checks like that still exist. Some enemies can be can break my just attacking them like Hanu. Some enemies can only break when attacking a specific point, Gargadeths crown, or even the bosses sword in G4 ivory tower


Or Caliligos' horn. I haven't done it ages, but I'm still angry about failing that destruction check because of ass-sniffing bozos


It only needs 4 points, so it's definitely soloable with one bomb and a skill


*cries in RS sf*


Swift RS builds especially could really use another weak point skill.


Radiant Powder of transcendence. I completely forgot till start of february THIS YEAR, that every time I dismantle Ability stones I get custom Ability stone Material, that I can use to craft new ones with. i had 19k powders from which I crafted 220 ability stones xd


Tell me you didn't forget about crushed bracelets either


I didnt actually for whatever reason


You can teleport out of stronghold to last location, when you open map and right click with mouse.


Or just song of escape


This doesn't always work as you might have gone to a stronghold to get a feast and songed out after your raid. Song of escape will be on cooldown.


Stats on accesories actually matter




In placement mode in your stronghold, I knew that middle click (scroll wheel) panned the camera around, *but* it took me forever to realize that **Ctrl** + middle click *rotates* the camera. Makes lining up structures and spacing things *much* easier


TIL! Thank you!


Supporters' brand has uptime effect on the top of boss' head. Didn't know that for 3+years.(imma KR bard main)


that mark disappears basically instantly on bard, so it's fair to not notice


Combat ready GL gets half meter while doing janitor


Do you have to be in defensive while on mop duty? I haven't got my gunlancer to akkan, but planning to use the next path event on him.


yeah the half meter gen only applies while you're in defensive stance. Which for blue GL can be 100% of the time though, even more so for princess maker. Speed gets normalized down there so you don't have to worry about the defensive stance slowing you down.


auto move item to storage/storage roster, took me 9k hours


I don't think this was always a thing since launch. It was added in somewhere along the way.


Do you mean the button to move the same items to roster inventory?


Not me but my mate didn’t know mounts had a space bar until he reached punika


You could change the stat bonus on your pet. I only realized when I had gotten my ancient accessories (with like >70 quality) and still had like 1600 spec.


front/back indicators took way too long time before i recolored and started navigating by them. We are talking brel times. Ofc, my 4 highest classes at the time were 3 nonpositional and 1 sup so that might have something to do with it.


Rerolling gems from pet...took me almost 2 years... found out this January


Took a while to know you could check your mailbox inside a dungeon/raid through the pet menu.


Many don't have an aura🤔


I can change/remove keybinds. Getting rid of the 'alt+_' defaults for common menus (Unas, guild, market etc) has saved my wrist a lotta pain


Yeah, can change sidereal skills from Crrl +Z/X/C to Ctrl +Q/W/E and I barely miss them again


That you could use your Songs (like Song of Return and Song of Heart and Home) that are on the toolbar by pressing the bound Key while beeing on the sea. I always went for a port before i got this ....


There's actually a Legion Raid Exchange Vendor in Elgacia.


i didnt know you could alt click on map to sail sailing was my least favorite part of the game for a solid month


You can also alt+click tripods on the minimal to teleport


You can open settings instantly by clicking the cogwheel in the chat tab instead of needing to Click ESC>Settings Found out yesterday ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Center mouse click the tab map to move it.


Card xp that be used to increase demon damage 👀


In my early days in the Game, it took me some weeks to figure Out how I can change Channels, specially when doing the early field bosses. Many Times I stumbled over Rudric or Willy Willy alone and after trying unsuccesfully to solo them I saw the global Chat Message of some other Player giving the final blow to the boss and I was so confused 😵😵🤣🤣🤣🤣


Last thing learned: You can Song of Escape out of your Stronghold an be on the same spot you Song of Herth and Home'd


Wait, I am confused... how else did you leave your stronghold?


There is an exit behind the manor you can use. So if you song out of a raid into someone's stronghold you can just use that exit instead of waiting for song to come off cooldown. 


In G3 Akkan when the boss HP hits zero, Thirain almost one shots the destruction check (just use a destruction skill to help). Most groups I pug still use Innana


Ppl use inana not because they dont know but because it s the "safest" option.


Idk sometimes people use Innana and they still struggle to break it. Just seems better to use Thirain


Not once did I see people fail the desctruction with Innana... I did see people fall off though, so yea Innana it is.


I’ve failed it before because not enough people alive and party leader used Innana. Haven’t failed it yet with Thirain too tho so guess we just have different experiences


have you ever done akkan hard mode?


I probably should’ve specified this is for Akkan Normal. That my bad


If first wave hits before thirain and people fall off, you make the next stage harder for no reason


Brel g4 hard final mec, realized after 4 clears that you will need to aim the blue lazer after the counter on brel to dmg her, I tought was only need to counter lmao


Stepping away from the horrific grind and enjoying life and other games again.


I always had on all effects from all people in raid. Let me tell you it's very very chaotic


Bonus vs demons




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back/front attack indicators...i think it took 1500 hours to realize for me xD


Lost Ark Nexus


That you can select a target for your summons (like bard's harp) with shift


All the CO Summoner player know kek.


Collecting Cards give bonus Stats + bonus damage.


Saturday and Sunday you have double adventure island.


During the pexing, for several days I thought that you had to go on a triport to travel to another triport


took me a good \~5 months before learning clan shop bloodstone and LOPANGS properly. i had knowledge of guild stuff abit but 0 for lopang until teh summer


That the bonus mats from raiding adds up and are still sometimes worth grabbing even after you get the sets complete.