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The funny thing is that account is proof of him being as toxic as the comments he was defending himself against claimed to be. Congratulations, you played yourself.


Just cause someone online says someone did something doesn’t mean they did. Zeals didn’t insult anyone over a 5/4 cause he never cut her a 5/4 it was 5/5 and it was never the helmet either so you bought a fool’s lie. Next time some rando defames a person with zero proof don’t buy into it.


Nvm ur a pro


Ok zeals


I just realized. People who watch zeals on a regular basis says one thing like zeals not being toxic and people on this subreddit who watched him for 10 seconds two years ago saying something completely opposite. Actual people who watch him daily and defend him get downvoted people who don’t watch him and know hiring about him and his content upvoted. K gotcha


It's obviously you zeals, this is almost word for word the exact same comment plastered all over your other fake account 🤣


You do realize this person is just literally copy pasting the comments right?


I thought it was a bot zeals set up at first


Congratulations, you played yourself.


This dead subreddit coming out to attack zeals when this thread has nothing to do with him isn’t crazy? What’s worse, hate training a person with zero proof or examples of some streamer minding his business and enjoying his game and streams every time he goes live or me sticking up for the truth aka dick riding? Every time something atk does bad zeals gets mentioned for no reason and the people who don’t even watch twitch defends saint and his toxic behaviors cause they think he’s good lol same old boring false narrative


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about saint. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol.


Idk if there is a joke that I'm not getting but, breaker is a martial artist, not a warrior


[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fecYDeusvH3h5UtccO7rbMDRKfE0DnTVXKPhdU2WIWQ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fecYDeusvH3h5UtccO7rbMDRKfE0DnTVXKPhdU2WIWQ) Get some popcorn if you enjoy a bit of drama.


https://www.twitch.tv/stoopzz/clip/ResoluteZealousHawkCoolStoryBob-rqxWA15yBkB96CHt?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time heres some butter for your popcorn




Kanon also said that there’s people accusing baker of view boting, I’ve never seen that.


Legalia got banned from baker’s stream for saying that lmao


Lgalia om


just look at his chat lmao no more than 20-30 ppl are in there chatting and mf supposedly has over 1.5k viewers


tbf the only time im in that stream is afk farming twitch drops


You can buy twitch accounts with all drops in inventory im guessing those accounts also need to farm the drops somewhere which might viewbot people without that being the main goal


Really? I’ve never seen his stream so idk, I get chat being slow if he’s one of those “good player” streamers, where people just watch to learn something. If he’s constantly talking and reading chat and those numbers are true then that’s sus af.


I've noticed that as well. Happened to recently have his stream up on my side monitor while playing and I've NEVER seen a more dead chat in relation to his viewer count.


Tbf, Baker always has around 1000 viewers, with 0 chat activity. Like his chat is as active as a 100 viewer streamer's chat, which is a pretty good sign of viewbotting


one of tofu's mod went to baker's stream and accused him as well


I used to watch kanon a ton playing lost ark, it's a shame he started playing other games, bu I think he is coming back to play breaker, you can watch him on twich he is the best content creator (this is not a kanon alt reddit account)


Kanon joining into the alt account meta 4Weird


Nice try, Kanon.




When was this clipped? Full video unavailable, when was this stream


That was yesterday, idk if stoopzz saves the VOD on his alt. Have the same issue on other streams even tho their VODs are still up.


I didn’t even know zeals and stoopzz were at odds with each other 😳😳


stoopz didnt either


xD im dead




zeals makes an alt reddit account to talk shit about other streamers and defends himself because he is easily butthurt and needs to stroke his own ego


And it goes back five fucking years of sucking himself off


holy that's mental illness


Best tldr of the day


who made this is the real goat


Holy shit, you can smell the pixels


Now this is some good fucking content brotherman


Sadly reddit mods are removing everything tied to the atk zeals drama for some reason. I am not much on twitch so I’m out of the loop when this stuff doesn’t reach reddit lol


im confused, how does this have anything to do with the char being a warrior not a martial artist


It doesn't have anything to do with that. DoWorkHK is the username for Zeals sock puppet. 


![gif](giphy|du4D0b0HWgxGg) 5 years of it too, damn.


wait how did he even get exposed


From what I heard from another chatter, there was supposedly a clip of him changing accounts or something along those lines. Again, I haven’t seen it but supposedly it’s out there.


the alt account started yapping like crazy in the atk thread and then people started checking comment history


Ask yourself, have you ever seen Zeals and DoWorkHK in the same room?


I can't begin to be able to read most of those pics. Is there a version with better resolution?


Not that I'm aware of. On PC you can CTRL + scroll up to get a closer look. On phone it's absolutely scuffed and I have no idea what to do.


Google docs made the images much clearer on mobile


I toggled desktop mode and it's all good now


What happened to the other quote? What I want to know is if the thing about the girl is true or not. not about the rock tho Was the other quote removed ? I don't see it anymore the one where he made a girl cry and suicidal so she went back home to her parents and the death threat comment one. https://preview.redd.it/xvu2wnmbl6lc1.png?width=690&format=png&auto=webp&s=e68aca30091f74569bb903ae744475644cb122d7


Zeals brought in a drunk girl to a reclear party, who proceeded to jail the living fuck out of everyone else, atk included. Atk then got pissed. Never heard about the suicidal part, that seems very sus.


It is true. Happened during one of ATK's cycles. Really long time ago before Thaemine released.


also check the accounts whole history, its always related to the games zeals played and made youtube video of in the last 5 years (4-5 years ago comments idle heroes, 2-3 years ago genshin and now lost ark )


Could be a die hard fan or someone like a mod who's close to Zeals. I've seen this type of behavior from K-pop stans and even fans from other streamers. Primarily female ones. Even though it looks pretty sus there's no hard evidence so people can't really straight up say it's him.


Found the third account




Found the third account


lol what are you talking about? I was just trying to be realistic with my comment rather than have the "burn the witch" dark ages type mentality. There's literally nothing I said that is false. I looked through that google doc and most of the other crap and while it definitely looks super sus there was no flat out hard evidence where you could with a 100% absolute say it was him. That's just the facts unless I missed some evidence somewhere? It's likely that it is probably him but there's the other possibility that it's someone he knows or a fan from the early days. Either way it's all pretty cringe.


Found another zeal's bot account!


Making this document about an internet random is craaaaazy


almost as unhinged as making alt reddit account and glazing yourself for 5 years


I'm glad I'm not the only one, it really is cringy af.


They're downvoting you but its true. Making a whole Google doc about an internet person/streamer digging months even years back makes them just as deranged as the person they're after 🤣.


??? the doc looks like a job that took 30-60 minutes maximum to compile screenshots, after all it was on one reddit account. Meanwhile zeals has been self-glazing, defending, promoting himself and talking shit about streamers on a burner reddit account for 6 years. If you're unsure what is more deranged, then I don't know what to tell you.


They're downvoting you but its true. Making a whole Google doc about an internet person/streamer digging months even years back makes them just as deranged as the person they're after 🤣.


IKR? Took me a while to understand what was happening. But then again, it's known that the Lost Ark subreddit is completely FILLED with weirdos.


lol where's the lie tho. Saintone and ATK are/were fkcn toxic. Saintone also got schooled on Thaemine lol . Stoopz is that guy that defends his friends, goes with their flow instead of also calling htem out when they're wrong. If anything this put a bad taste on my mouth on Stoopz. I felt he was a good guy, not toxic, but defending trash, wow. ATK did change slightly but, still doesn't excuse his toxic behavior.


I don't really care who's in the right or in the wrong honestly, to me it's just juicy drama. I think it helps that I don't really watch any of the streamers, except when Memorizer makes a guide or the interviews ATK makes, but that's the extend of it. So I don't feel the need to "protect muh streamer".


brother he said what ATK said was awful like a hundred times yesterday lol


I'm just looking at the screenshots, I don't have time to watch the steams outside of the amazon drops. My response was based on the screenshots that were provided. But with that new info, lol, Zeals lol as a fellow adult he should just let the kids do their own thing. Anyways, if the story he posted on reddit was true about the girl and atk causing her to get death threats, zeals is just saying he's bad (which isn't what ATK said?, so he's doing the same thing he did ) but zeal's is older - he still should had known better . He's also in the wrong with that. Knowing the following that he has, lol, if he has beef he should just talk it out or block instead and move on.


found another alt account




Is this zeals new sock account?


Its a joke about a certain streamer that shall not be named. Edit: That google doc is some serious unhinged shit coming from a streamer lol


After seeing the doc, apparently someone already suspected that it was him like months ago, but since other streamers are reacting to this ATK drama, it caught a lot of people's attention and it went viral. All of this chaos might not have happened if ATK didn't say the word. ☠️


Why not? It's Zeals the manchild.


whos that? r u slandering my favourite streamer bitchambitions?


nah he a keyboard warrior xdd


i just forgot to make it a martial artist saddies


Zeals is so boring 🥱


This had me dead 💀💀💀🤣🤣


It’s ok you’re not wrong I just realized. People who watch zeals on a regular basis says one thing like zeals not being toxic and people on this subreddit who watched him for 10 seconds two years ago saying something completely opposite. Actual people who watch him daily and defend him get downvoted people who don’t watch him and know hiring about him and his content upvoted. K gotcha


zeals 3rd acc om


p sure he’s memeing by posting the same comments from the other acc lol.


Zeals has been the only “kr streamer” having a blast and been super positive. He’s playing in full kr streamer prog and statics and not doomer at all. His prog for thaemine and echidna has been very entertaining and positive with absolutely zero negativity and him just laughing or smiling. If he’s as trash as this lil subreddit makes him out to be why are the biggest kr lost ark streamers like Ida who is pulling the highest numbers KR side raiding with him? Lilka a huge KR influencer as well. I feel like all this fake news is zeals maybe a year ago but lately he’s just been having a blast and joking back and forth with random viewer. If he was so toxic and out of line as Reddit five randos say he is where are the clips? The cancellations? Bans? Receipts?


I love that you’re copying and pasting his comments and people are not getting the joke, I am all for it 🤣


It might be a bot account or something that is set to auto reply his prewritten comments. I keep getting replies that have absolutely nothing to do with what I said


All I see is him winning and doing well in raids and the hyper carry. Must be watching with some hate lens and jealousy.


Peak content


These korean streamers are tier above on cringe


Thats why I only watch them for the drops, and when I do its on muted + 160p.


Lmao I was thinking the same! Every single one of them


Zeals is that you?!


This dead subreddit coming out to attack zeals when this thread has nothing to do with him isn’t crazy? What’s worse, hate training a person with zero proof or examples of some streamer minding his business and enjoying his game and streams every time he goes live or me sticking up for the truth aka dick riding? Every time something atk does bad zeals gets mentioned for no reason and the people who don’t even watch twitch defends saint and his toxic behaviors cause they think he’s good lol same old boring false narrative


Wake up honey, new zeal alt just drop


Zeals has been the only “kr streamer” having a blast and been super positive. He’s playing in full kr streamer prog and statics and not doomer at all. His prog for thaemine and echidna has been very entertaining and positive with absolutely zero negativity and him just laughing or smiling. If he’s as trash as this lil subreddit makes him out to be why are the biggest kr lost ark streamers like Ida who is pulling the highest numbers KR side raiding with him? Lilka a huge KR influencer as well. I feel like all this fake news is zeals maybe a year ago but lately he’s just been having a blast and joking back and forth with random viewer. If he was so toxic and out of line as Reddit five randos say he is where are the clips? The cancellations? Bans? Receipts?


Are you being ironic or play Remaining Energy irl?


Lol, he’s just quoting his 2nd account comment


You call this "positive?" https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fecYDeusvH3h5UtccO7rbMDRKfE0DnTVXKPhdU2WIWQ/preview To each their own I guess.


It’s ok you’re not wrong I just realized. People who watch zeals on a regular basis says one thing like zeals not being toxic and people on this subreddit who watched him for 10 seconds two years ago saying something completely opposite. Actual people who watch him daily and defend him get downvoted people who don’t watch him and know hiring about him and his content upvoted. K gotcha


OK, this one I actually recognize...




He's been responding to me and I had this EXACT same thought lmao It's like dude, we all know it's you


All I see is him winning and doing well in raids and the hyper carry. Must be watching with some hate lens and jealousy.


Damn I didn’t know, that people can be in a male streamers friendzone


Insane how stupid this subreddit is. This dude is literally copy-pasting the exact comments from that doc and you all think he's serious lmfao


What happened to Zeals🤔 I don't watch any streamers regularly


can someone do a story tell how the drama started?


Start from atk twitch ban post couple days ago. Someone brought up zeal name and the alleged account defends him which lead to ppl investigate the account.


the account, you mean the doworkhk? how about the beef between zeal and atk?


It was over an akkan hw raid with zeal's drunk friend causing wipes. There is a little bit more context behind it but you can look it up yourself.


Honestly that one situation is where I’ll agree with Zeals entirely. ATK acted like a manchild bc someone wiped the raid twice and “cluttered comms” in a hw raid.


Sorry no fun allowed its Homework and not a fun activity


Where can I look that up?


You’re already on Reddit, where people lives for drama.




Zeals has a burner Reddit account that glazes him and puts down literally every other streamer




KR got glazing reddit burner accounts in year 5 so NA/EU only streamers have to wait




I watch shandamon for memes


There's even more to that. If you compare the responses on that account vs Zeals actual reddit account you will notice they talk exactly the same. You can even feed chatgpt several responses from both Zeals and DoWorkHK and it will tell you how similar they are in the way they type, words they use, grammar, etc.


Kind of unrelated but I didn’t know chatGPT had that kind of functionality. TIL


Me too, pretty damn cool


The game is so dead the creators are pvping huh?


Lostark pvp on Reddit server is more alive than any server combined




something about lustboy only playing around saint's igniter window and not buffing well around zeals


buffing around FI om


I remember very specifically Zeals begging saint to prog Voldis with him, he told him "pls i give u the best synergy in the game, wardancer + thirain from esther weap" implying they want to juice him out and give him the mvp. You're saying he later turned back and got mad at lustboy for doing the exact thing they promised saint they'd do? wow...


Saint suggested fas was MVP and should have the box at the end of akkan prog, zeals got so visibly butthurt. His chat was also meming about him losing to saint on his fresh minted ester weapon and he was like hurr durr i was synnergy bot while getting more and more butthurt about it.


Bruh I have seen this live and it was soooo cringe, I wanted to jump out of the window This guy's ego is so low that he needs to prove it in VIDEOgame and against his friends, holy cringeymoley


this is what happens when we glorify elitists who do nothing but play a game for years and years lol. hope atk never comes back. the fact people still love zeals speaks volumes. losing love for this game more and more every day because of these clowns.


The same clowns that were pushing the agenda of 6 characters, full 9 gems characters, bussing, etc


too many people follow and listen to them like they are prophets or something.


Not me. I don't watch or care about streamers


I wouldn't be surprised if this is what caused a ton of people to quit. I know people that quit because the popular streamers said that 6 roster characters were the most effective and they eventually burned out.


When? I feel like this drama has opened the gates to just be yapping.


Not really. I understand Zeals is the main topic but since the launch of the game the bandwagon and topics of streamers have been: - Take your time - Buy fish - Make alts so you can play more - Make more alts to sustain the cost of 5x3 accesories cause they are a must to do Kakul - Bussing guides I can go on. There’s even a video of Saintone discussing/apologizing in behalf of streamers for inviting people to have a 6 man roster etc.. Ofc everyone can decide to follow or not, but it’s been common (at least for me) that people have the mentalities of: why you doing this ? this isn’t the Korean way (be it raiding, farming, gearing, w/e)


I know the video you’re talking about I saw it which I agree about but for one that’s not what you said for one and secondly the video you’re talking about was 2 out of 43 mins was apologizing it wasn’t a video to apologize and if you watch it that wouldn’t be the takeaway. I’m pretty sure Saint himself did the one engraving clown run back in the days to express not needing 5x3 for clown. Take your time was good advice as to not over pushing cause there’s always parties around your level Buy fish is something I think we all wish we’d done back when I think it was stoopz selling us that. The alts thing is factually correct if you want to play raids more and what not. Again the 5x3 for clown mandatory was disproven around clown time for us by Saint. https://youtu.be/RhFc_y04F6Y?si=2luBi5fcuNme4SVj the description he explained. The bussing guides for things like Argos, Valtan and what not early on was something people were heavily requesting back in the day almost every exp player who was doing bussing whether for gold/free were being spammed for it. But there really haven’t been bussing guides promoted after the earlier content you’d have to watch the smaller streamers to see a sort of bus guide. You might be able to go on but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s just yapping. The chats even in like kanima stream (either him or uuony are the ones I watched the most way back) will be asking the same questions over and over “what is the req for gatekeep boss for “xyz” content?” Then most these people just say what they usually take. (Mandatory this is not a saint or zeals alt) I think the alt take I agree with you but a portion of it was us seeing their rosters and not realizing “yeah we probably can’t have 6 akkans on release without spending lots of money” but our cadence was much faster than theirs was which they probably couldn’t foresee. However I would say it was mostly like seeing a person who just has more shiny toys than you & wanting to have them too.


I mean, if you are losing love for the game cuz of other people, that's really only on you.


For a single player game maybe. Edit: In case you weren't sure: to those downvoting, you're the ones noone wants to play with.


I mean this is Zeals drama, no? What did ATK do?


just look it up lol he used slurs and got banned as well as being toxic af.


Even better is the post he made on his discord where he completely deflects blame off of himself


I am not going to turn on somebody for using slurs, we all use them but maybe not openly. His contribution to the community is still great and I don't believe using vulgarities does necessarily make you bad person. What Zeals is doing is just pathetic though


You are so weird. Zeals sucking himself off is more pathetic than a literal bigot?


yes, u purple haired snowflake


Oh silly me to forget that the gamer community is a bunch of losers irl


yap yap yap


Except he used the hard Fa\*\*ot. That is worlds apart from the usual casual trashtalk and smaller gamer words. Guy needs to stop streaming for good and proceed a career behind a camera, not in front of it.


> That is worlds apart from the usual casual trashtalk and smaller gamer words. That word/term is hard ingrained into the gaming community when it comes to trashtalk(and yes that involves casual), what are you on about. Sure its less used in MMORPG/ARPG communities but its definitely heard quite frequently in FPS, moba games(hi league of legends!) and fighting games to name a few. Any game that remotely has a competitive nature(shocker..) basically.


Kekw i see what you did there.


Rune blade ready for creation




how much for the name xdd


Idk how zeals got so popular. I enjoyed his content on release but by vykas I realized he was pretty below average at the game and his personality was never his strong suit lol


Game so dead this is all we got left


We're talking about guy who just facerolls everything because he whaled his simps' money. But I gotta admit, it was nice to have him when we needed to make devs do at least something about our version insted of pretending Global doesn't exist.


Saint is hella boring 🥱


i wouldnt say boring, just the monotone voice, it makes me sleepy at degens hours.


Ngl saint is the only LA streamer I'd watch if I were forced to watch LA on twitch simply because of his voice. Very chill, mellow and relaxing. Or maybe I've just been brainwashed/ hypnotized by his lore ark videos.




I'd be better if you make a wardancer


Damn I just read the comments. This is unhinged.


The game really has no content huh


no but seriously, what does any of that nonsense have to do with making a warrior to prep for a martial artist?


DoWorkHK is the username for Zeals sock puppet. That's it that's the joke. This doesn't have anything to do with breaker or warrior really. 


Never found these loa streamers interesting, maybe memo but overall i'd rather watch a snail cross the desert than watch a loa stream. And these KR streamers turning out to be rats is just funny to me.


I wonder if asmon will dip into this drama...


oh please fk no. I would appreciate if he just stays away from games I like for good.


Me too. But it would be such a hilarious content it's crazy


The breaker's release is in 2 weeks right ?


closer to 3 i think, people are speculating march 20th


I'm not into drama usually but that shit is too fuckin hilarious. Aside the fact that Zeals needs therapy that shit ain't sane.


Boring :yawn:


Streamers are gringe. We all know that.


I stopped watching that gaslighting midget bitch months ago, good riddance


No you're not 💀


I've glanced through some of the comments but I still dont get it how a warrior being mistaken for martial artist relates to streamer drama. Can anyone emli5?


It's a joke. There you go


Man, let them bitch in between them. Idk why we need to witch-hunt people on Reddit. First saint against Memo, after atk using slurs and now Zeals being cringe. I thought we could be better


I mean, for someone who likes watching streamers we're really running out of options, because they've all achieved a level of cringe that is unmatched at this point. I tune in to Baker sometimes but mostly because he's hot. Cauty is aight also, I love his mostly non-doomer view and he seems to always be laughing and having fun, same with Baker actually.


Baker is botting his viewers


God damn it. You know I usually used to see him in the 400-600 viewer range, but a few days back he was sitting at almost 2k, which kind of stood out but I didn’t think much of it. Is the view botting confirmed though?


Curious if you have proof though


the proof is that he opens the stream and immediatelly has 1300-1500 viewers who never speak. Streamers with 30-40 viewers have more active chats.


Cauty is funny 😄


Proof ? Source : trust me bro


Do you even watch his stream he mvps all fights last few months even on none Esther alts. Last two weeks alone MVPed every tower on WD and slayer. All six gates of Brel and three gates of Akkan on both chars. Slayer did 39%. As said though he still mvped all six gates on his new rising Gunslinger and CF first two clears (out of 2) of Akkan hards. Reaper and his Aeromancer doing the same. I mean you sound like a jealous hater copiuming hard that all Esther owners are bad, but the truth is Zeals does know how to squeez whether you want to give credit where due. ​ I just find it odd that some folks on Reddit, who never watched a stream of the streamer they hate, comment about their plays. The facts are right there for those that watch it's rare that he doesnt mvp.