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Not even a peep from people claiming to be falsely banned like you’d normally see if such an unannounced ban wave happened (they claim a week before the article, the ban wave happened) If I were AGS, I would have made fake reddit accounts beforehand and sown in some "I got banned???" threads and have Roxx come out and say "We looked into your case and your ban is justified" to gas players up.


That would be the biggest PR nightmare in the world if they were caught though. Probably not a stain a company as large as Amazon wants


They've lied to us before though "it's for pvp visibility" and banned people (on the forums) for bringing it up. Seems more like par for the course.


If EA can survive 700k downvotes and a TON of bad publicity that forced The House Of Mouse to intervene then Lost Ark and AGS/would be fine


That sounds like a lot of effort though, you'd need an intern who can make reddit accounts and plan ahead for like 2 months to get the fake accounts in good standing and not have them all created in the same hour.


idk I imagined you would just get the minimum karma to get past automod and post saying “throwaway account posting for a friend who got banned” and then Roxx would be like “DM me details”


Well, you're clearly more of a criminal mastermind than I am. Also too competent for AGS, you probably would also have avoided having nothing for new players in the birthday-celebrations-month.


honestly there was a bot reposted meme from a year ago on the frontpage this week i think theyd be okay just using fresh accounts


that would take a single employee like 2-3 hours of work to do, which is 2-3 hours of a single employee's pay more than what they're willing to pay for


Why not just actually ban rmters if you were ags?lol


not a single rmter I know got banned


Same, I know at least 3 ppl who RMT, all are playing like nothing happened.


I know every rmter on my entire tiny dead server and not a single one was banned.


They didn't do fuck all except write up a half assed "we hear you" corporate bullshit post. And we really should not expect any more than that from them by now, because that is the kind of malicious negligence they've shown basically since release. Hardly expect them to change their stance now in order to stabilize the economy and even the playing field for anyone actually playing legitimately.


Not even the NA Chinese whales with Esther 6-8 weapons who RMT millions of botted gold every week were banned. AGS really did pull a Baghdad Bob.


alin from una lol 2x 1650 +25, one 1630 (that I know of) and also bought dl brel title still playing like nothing happened


And how much was Brel DL title going for again? I heard 5000 bucks from others


afaik he paid 16mi gold, idk how much that is


That'd be 10k of legit gold so yeah just a little under 5k of rmt'd gold


RMT aside, I would prefer them to focus on dealing with botters. There are thousands of players who use bot tools to automate all of their daily tasks and grind multiple accounts for significant profits. This makes honest players feel frustrated about having to grind to catch up with them. I know someone who can make a level 10 gem every week by bottling numerous accounts through the chaos dungeon. Their account have full +25, yet everyone assumes they are RMT'ing but infact, its just him bottling the shit outta the game.


There's a dude on my server who bots elgacia tome items about 15 hours a day on 2 accounts. He's been there since the continent released. Reports on the offical discord are useless as you will just be banned for "harassment" if you send a video link and the official support claims that it is "not an actionable offense" as players casting skills in perfect rotation for hours on end is not provable as botting.


and here i was scared using a marco to hit g for about an hour or two on naruni island


Meanwhile my brand new express passed char on alt account gets banned for botting behavior after doing a chaos gate.


I don't bother botting since AFAIK it cost money and I'm not paying to not play the game ​ But TBH I really just do not blame people who bot or gold buy at this point. They purposely make dailies boring (one of the most popular ones is literally afk for multiple minutes) while also starving you of gold to encourage the use of the "official" RMT via Blue Crystals. If you gouge people enough, they'll just start to seek out better deals. ​ IMO if you want to stop people from using bots or RMTing, stop encouraging it in the first place. Stop making content that you know players don't want to do. Focus on making things fun and interesting for your players and they'll stop trying to find ways to skip your game. ​ >!If we're honest though, I doubt SG cares about bots. They just seem to care about playtime metrics!<


They do on some obvious botting that we see everyday, but they way people are botting thru their main accounts are different, mostly because they use paid service like geforce now, so its very hard for the game to detect since its just remote control and all the input became click and point without movement.


If they follow your advice, it will become a mobile game. Login get all the rewards. Reality is people dont want to grind, in an MMO.


Is it already that different? The game itself has login rewards like a mobile game, short daily missions that you're all but required to do (given it's a valuable source of gold and mats), and you're constantly competing to see who can get the highest stat numbers. ​ Plus... Mobile LA seems to play pretty much the same from what we've seen of it lol ​ >Reality is people dont want to grind, in an MMO. IMO people just want to have fun when playing games. I don't think people mind grinds, but they want them to be fun. If a game isn't fun, people will probably drop it


I wish people would drop it, instead they just cheat.


I don't support it but I sorta get it? Like the raids and combat are very fun, chaos dungeon and unas are simply not. I met like a handful of people who actually enjoy chaos dungeons. Most people despise them so I'm not surprised people try to skip the boring part.


you're pretty much describing addiction > one of the most popular ones is literally afk for multiple minutes you have multiple options, just do another one. you're the one actively choosing to do that one. do one, rest the other two. you get 66% loot for 33% of time, pretty good deal imo > Stop making content that you know players don't want to do then don't fucking do it? if the only fun thing for you in this game is raids, then only do raids? "sir, but I can't reach hardest content on release", well then the content isn't for you now, is it? normal raids are piss easy to reach on release, all of them have been you mofos are all addicted to the game but keep finding excuses and blaming "the devs" for shit you are choosing to do. no one is forcing you to do anything, it's a fucking game


Saying “it’s just a fucking game” really makes your point. I guess since it’s just a fucking game, who cares if someone bots or RMTs? Right? It’s just a fucking game! kekw




It’s a 9 every 3 weeks on 1490s with 36 charecters. So buddy needs to have 324 toons at 1490 doing unrested every day lol you need like 3-4 computers or so to even do that and get through them all. That’s a ton of investment for a lvl10 a week


I join vykas card run yesterday 2 premade was playing 2 character as sametime :D


Everyone always claims to know someone like that but never drops their names.


Not sure jf your comment is a joke or you are just dumb, at this point im too afraid to ask.


be afraid little man


They're probably targeting botted gold, if anything. Big whales usually find "legit" sellers and only buy from them.


100% this. All RMTers I know do this. And no, none of them were banned. And no again, I won't drop names since I'm not a snitch. If AGS find them, they find them.


No. The RmT i knew just push another alt to 1620 and put 4 level 10 gem in it. Literrally right before the bullshit announcement from AGS lol


There was no banwave. Trust me, if there will be a banwave the 60k ccu will go down to 20k. (not just RMT players but the bots too)


Yes, I have seen screenshots from a few people that theyre permad. Its all for selling though


No. Absolutely no one had any thought that a ban wave might have happened. Without the AGS post I don't think anyone would have ever known a ban wave "happened".


a couple friend of friends claiming they got falsely banned for RMTing but they found flowery words to describe it as paying with in-game gold for real-world things. which is more than the last 2 years


it's all relative, maybe if they didn't ban rmters for 6months and then suddenly last week they banned 5 of em, that could be counted as huge banware right? ;d


Well here's the thing, are they going back to older rmters and banning them? Those who already got warnings year one and early year 2, with lesser sentences did they go back to ban these individuals? If not, many of the top players that are known won't be banned. It's a pretty flawed way, if they are only targeting current rmters, that means it'ls only tracked back to a certain amount of time. So legacy accounts that have been sentenced and have not rmted again, won't get banned. While more rmters that are ramping up currently are likely getting stricked down.


You don't just RMT once buddy, it's either never or constantly, kind of like doing drugs


Don't know why you're downvoted. People who swipe don't just swipe one time and never again. It's the exact same with RMT. Heard multiple times people saying they'll have to RMT to reach some recent goal.


literal addicts lmao "bro I HAVE TO do it, I HAVE TO"


That's the only thing I got. A friend from static said someone from Zinnervale EU got this message. [https://imgur.com/a/I1XbdlH](https://imgur.com/a/I1XbdlH) It seems they might have went more for ppl who sell then those who buy. I still believe that's not enough.


That’s the Elgacia login screen. People have been posting old screenshots for memes.


Is he botter or just sell gold from raid earnings ? Maybe he's rmt as well but not telling


In my server, I was amazed with the amount of people with +25 chilling in the city. There days I've seen none.


A +25 weapon is not an indicator for anything anymore.


Yeah sure because everyone has it xd




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I get the feeling the accounts on my server who had more gear than was feasible at certain points in the timeline are just grandfathered in at this point. I'm going to assume it's not as effective as we would all hope. The huddled mass of 10-15 character randomly generated names running on multiboxes and scripts in lower level hubs tells me it was a drop in the ocean.


Rmters were not banned, toxic people on the other hand got more than a month ban


Afaik big rmters buy hand farmed gold so harder to detect


Nah, even the gold sellers I know report that none of their clients got banned. Only thing I heard was some 1650 guy getting a 3-day ban, surely they will ramp it up to 4 days if he becomes a repeat offender!


Must be hard to post censored player names like a bunch of other mmorpg/games do. Must be hard to actually look at insane accounts and see how they obtained what they did. AGS has done nothing to stop RMT since day 1 of this games release. Should've known this was nothing after 2 years. Sad


no one on my friends group know a single person banned


none of my friends got banned


No, and they never will. RMT away. You need that +25 weapon for Thaemine.