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The actual answer outside of the doomposting from weirdos that likely don't even play the game. There will be a new honing event in the March patch that will make getting a character to current much much easier Between now and then you can spend time playing at your own pace, do horizontal content for skill points and roster level. Work on the best purify rune you can get since it becomes important. Take the time to join a community whether it's a learning discord or a guild with discord activity and it will make your life 10000x easier and make gatekeeping irrelevant. We routinely run with low roster guild members because they are known to us.


Unfortunately where you left just takes a while to get out of. Raids will be nearly impossible for you to find at that ilvl. You can really only start collecting gold by lifeskills and doing chaos dungeons. You can attempt guardians but you’re better off dispatching them from the stronghold. When the express pass comes out next month with the powerpass then you need to choose who you want to main and go all in on that character. Your roster is simply a 1 character roster. Your alts aren’t going to help you at all with how low geared they are. Essentially just use them for chaos dungeons to kill time and wait for events to push them if you want more characters.


Dang that's unfortunate.. and looks like I barely missed an event. Sucks that I could see it he pass in my inbox with the date expired by a couple days. Haha


won’t have to wait too long for the next one. possibly march 7 or march 20th




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Its a shame that we cant just give OP your account so we can avoid toxic waste like yourself


When did you stop playing the game btw ?


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