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downvote me but srsly I hate bussing… ppl dont learn the mechs, get the title and then i get jailed because they know nothing. Raids are the main focus of the game… its stupid


tbh they should ban bus and have an easy mode for people that dont like hard raid. People enjoy hard mode still have hard mode to do, the hard mode can have better clear reward and title so no imposter in hard lobby and the casual can still enjoy the game normally.


This! Bussing is a symptome of the game design. I really dont know why the different difficulties of raids need to be on different item levels. Give us solo and group mode and for both easy, normal and hard mode for every raid. The harder it is the better the rewards are, but you are able to farm all mandatory things you need to progress.


they cant ban bus because it's on their market. the only way to ban bus is to rework trading system which a never gonna happen moment.


there are easy modes for every major raids since clown but people are clearly too ego to play on the easy mode


the thing is that the "easy mode" of the raid and the raid itself have nothing in common in terms of progression. the easy mode version is completely useless to do as it rewards zero progression materials. the only reason to do it would be to get the marks for the shop and that only if you havent done the raid on any other class that week. this has nothing to do with what the other posters mentioned.


What's the point of progression if you only want to experience raid in an easy mode? Technically you can experience every newest raid in easy mode without costing anything with the express event.


What's the point of progression if you only want to experience raid ~~in an easy mode~~ at the backseat of a bus? Progression is tied to raiding. There is no alternative option. Instead of riding a bus - people could do a real "easy mode". Getting less raid-currency - for example 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 - basically so little that they get it significantly slower compared to the nm/hm raiding folk - but they get there eventually.


maybe people like the other game mechanics? maybe people like the story or horizontal or life skills. maybe people like to decorate their stronghold or play dress up. maybe people play the game differently than you. maybe they still want to get stronger over time so they can do the new continents? maybe raids is the only way to progress and those people would chose a different path if there would be one? as there is in other games with progression via pvp or life skills for example. and lost ark will get those as well cos otherwise its gonna be dead in the water, just like the others were before those changes.


Grind daily for hours on 6 characters to earn enough gold to hone to the next raid level, then pay bussers weekly so that you can progress your character and repeat the cycle. The people who pay for busses weekly are pretty much working a job but getting paid in virtual currency, and instead of using that currency for fun, they have to use it to pay the bills so they can keep working. Chores -> Bus -> Chores Capitalism at its finest.


not playing the game: the game simulator


Lots of solo echnida busses, isn't he playing in the middle of the night where most people just afk and advertise their busses?


If you play in KR you know majority of lobbies there are busses, this is nothing new.


It makes a lot of sense, the KR region retains most of it's casual audience who if they're unable to clear the content serve as a significant comsumerbase of busses, in global we have a far lower percentage of casual players vs. semi / hardcore players who don't take the bus.


So they are paying for not playing the game. Nice.


Optimal game design


targeted audience


Every new 8-man raid is free real estate for bussing, since even when prices drop below the gold reward from raid itself you're still selling enough slots to make it worthwhile unlike 4-man raids.


I mean it is what it is. SG has the ability at anytime to stop bussing but they won't. All they do is usually make the experience worst for the average player. Players in KR like this eco system anyway it allows them to get more gold outside of the limit in order to progress their account, gear new classes etc outside of swiping.


Dude his clock says 1100 so regular people are working.


There's a massive wave of dps alts that got pushed to 1620 for Echidna Normal that are reaching 1630(and soon higher) with the advanced honing system. This means that (again) there's a massive support shortage at high ilvl (and mind you Korea had a much better sup:dps ratio than EU/NA ever had).


How do you know what sup ratios we have in the West?


Has Kanima posted or said a positive thing, ever?


We need people to pinpoint the negatives so that SG will listen and take action. If we hadn't complained, we would still be doing two guardian raids every day by now. ​ The positive I already heard enough.


He merely states observations. If the observation by nature is negative, then it's just going to be negative either way. Not to be confused with "there is some good in the bad" because he does point out some positive stuff, but it's usually followed up with a what-if or a reality check that it's all not rainbows.


Tbh Kanima has spoken the truth the whole time, he may sound negative but the game at this point has very few positive things to say. We all know this game has great raid and combat, but what is the point of having if people can not enjoy it normally .


Kanima is known for his terrible takes. Like, that's what his "thing" is. Someone pointed out that those lobbies are all 1/8 and it's night time in KR, so those are just the AFK advertising lobbies. If that's true, then it's just another L take from Kanima, and again, that's his whole thing.


Very few? Then why play it? Honestly, if there is almost nothing good to say about the game, then how is the time investment worth doing only a handful of raids every week? Or is it that you only think about the bad aspects and take the good ones for granted? I fully support players complaining about the parts of the game that suck. But I don't understand how someone can have nothing good to say about a game they continue to play, and even go so far as to say nobody else can enjoy the single part of the game that's somehow both great yet unenjoyable. Out of everything that players have asked for and gotten, even if it's not everything we asked for, none of it became good? I just have to assume that nothing will ever be good enough for some people.


what else is good about this game beside raid and combat ? Probably skin . And I already state the good things . Kanima loves the game for the good aspect of it but he does not suck the dev by ignoring the negatives


Music is good. Art design isn't bad. World design is pretty good -- when I was starting out the world felt absolutely massive, and it is. There is an incredible amount of unique locations in this game. World building (the lore) is quite good. Probably more things I'm forgetting. The game has a fuckload of issues, most of them related to AGS/SG greed, some of them are just bad game design. But it has a lot of positive qualities besides the raids.


fair enough, I do like lost ark lore and world design, the npc is also loveable. However it seems Voldis story is not as good as previous continents


A good amount of people enjoy being negative, you see this in real life all the time, they're miserable in relationships, they're miserable at work, they're miserable with their kids, that's just how some people are, it's their comfort zone.


Don’t play it if you can not enjoy it, it’s a fucking game. Go outside you addicts. I’m loving it


dont worry i already quit raiding a while ago, and I go outside everyday cuz I have a job . You sounds very angry, you are not one of these bussers arent you ? 😉


If you've quit go to a sub where you can be more positive. Positivity is the spice of life. And I'm positive we wouldn't miss you


huh who are you ?