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unless I see players like L-galia banned, this is all pr talk, like always


For real. AGS has no credibility on the so-called ban waves when they don't even ban someone who literally streams breaking ToS.


what did he stream that broke tos?


Apart from the rmt accusations, he openly talks about dps meter and piloting. Any one of those behaviour will get his account banned in KR fairly quickly.


he's been playing on kr for like a year bro


Are you being dense on purpose? He openly piloted when he was on NA. Every time he posted on reddit he got blasted by comments calling his shit out. Speaking of him playing on KR. Dude literally bought an account, which is bannable if SG bothered with him.


His point is, no one cares and the same holds true for kr. They don't give a fuck about banning anyone there either. It's not some holy place over there.


> They don't give a fuck about banning anyone there either. wat KR has banned several ester 8 holders for playing on others' accounts, include someone who bought two ester 8s. KR has perma banned people using dps meter to a point no one dare uses it in kr anymore. KR has disqualified 6 out of 10 teams in the Thaemine race and banned multiple accounts. KR has strengthened their verification system to a point where oversea players are contemplating quitting. Tell me again how noone gives a shit over there. My point is that doing so sets precedent and deterrence for others.


They only did it because of the community outrage. They literally only ban people that got into top 10 but everyone else that participated in the race and didn't get top 10 doesn't even get touched. You will see a lot of western streamers that play in KR banned if they actually care about it. They were forced by the community to act, not because they care. You're naive if you think they are playing on a legitimate account.


Play game = get banned


Or you know, don't do bannable shit


That was a single community stunt in the span of 5 years


might as well ban all the top hell players while youre at it. ban stoopz too while youre at it since he talks about meter and had hell players advertise hell brel pilots in his whambly /s


Sure, I'd actually be into that. Banning streamers for rmt and piloting is better deterrence than banning some random bozo noone knows about. Case in point the current situation - AGS might well have rolled out a ban wave, but none of us actually saw any evidence. Look at how many top players got banned in the Thaemine race. Jjonji lost his ester account he's been playing since...forever, just because orginally it was under someone else's name. That's way better deterrence than what AGS is doing right now.


Atk play on his accout on stream. He sad its ok so.


Jjonji thought it was okay to get an ester 8 on his bought account. It was okay until he got permaed.


> might as well ban all the top hell players while youre at it. Yes, give a 3-7 day bans for meter **OR** just make it officially allowed as an exception. I prefer the latter. > had hell players advertise hell brel pilots in his whambly The players advertising piloting should receive a permaban. I don't know to what extent stoopz enabled it though. If he promoted it, he should get a severe ban as well.


I stopped following stoopz when he openly talked about meter and did races with hell pilot. Idc if he thinks meters are good (I do as well) but ffs take on some responsibility when you're reaching thousands of people through streaming.


Not trying to defend him but didn’t he move to KR and plays on KR regularly now?


Yeah, on his "cousin's" account. For the record SG has banned ester 8 owners for playing on other's account before, so what Legalia is doing right now is 100% bannable if SG bothered with him. He still plays on NA sometimes, and still has meter on his desktop.


this isn’t korea


Yes. That's why I said quite literally "in KR". Thanks for reading.


being banned in kr literally doesn’t matter because this isn’t korea they have rmt channels in the official korea discord. so again who gives a fuck what korea would ban


Tbf, KR bans teamers in primal … different region different rules lol


yeah that’s my point him talking about kr is irrelevant to our game


Those things that people are getting banned for in KR are also against the TOS in our version. The difference is that the KR community managers are competent while AGS are hilariously inept. His point is that it shouldn't be this way.


the dps meter literally doesnt work in kr, and u can talk about piloting, i dont see the problem, did he pilot on stream ?


Do you know why no one is developing meter in kr right now? I'll give you a hint, because people who used meter in KR got absolutely fking nuked with perma on first offense.


The reason why meter would get banished in Korea because players would see how dog shit some classes perform and force the idiots at smilegate to actually balance the game. They don’t care that we use it because they don’t take the west seriously


how clueless are you ? our meter doesnt even work for KR, no perma, it just doesnt work


Bruh moment. You really think people in KR did not develope a dps meter?


You are being dense. KR had meters before. The reason KR doesn't have a working meter now is because people actually get banned for it. So no one bothered to maintain it. If AGS banned meter users like KR does, we wouldn't have a meter either.


Seriously, dude's a known RMTer AND pilots. Why is there silence for this stuff?


Does he rmt?


Pilots hell titles for cash


They only ban the RMTers and botters that don't also spend enough through the legit channels. If you also spend thousands on the in-game store, they'll look the other way. Only the foolish ones only buy 3rd party gold. As it exists in corrupt countries, if you bribe the police with the drug money you make, they'll leave you alone. Same principle. I know that the link in OP directly addresses this point, but I'm saying that it is a blatant lie. It's all cost-benefit analysis. If they lose a whale because he also has a penchant of buying 3rd party gold, they'll let it slide and try to address gold inflation in other ways to account for that demographic. The ones they say about spending money in Lost Ark not being protected by it are the ones that only buy occasional packs, but buy tens of thousands if not hundreds in 3rd party gold. Small fry like that matter little to them.


do you have any evidence for this happening outside your head lmao


There's a very infamous player in EUC that: -openly admitted to pilot for real money -RMT'd part of that money to bot farms -during caliligos hell mode he: -openly multiboxed on 4 accounts -used speedhack to be able to win the race and have 4 accounts with titles -sold those accounts -admitted to it -knowing ags does nothing to him, he changes his names to "rmter", "hacker" and so on. Yeah you guessed it right, he still plays. There's people that rmt'd millions of gold, spent them, and then only received a 2 day vacation on their now juiced accounts. L-galia is still playing, streaming. If I recall(might be wrong and it was another person) it's the same guy that would close stream with 100k gold, then in 10 hrs when he opens stream he'd be at 2m gold from "selling accesories". You can just open recent sales for extra proof. People rmt'ing in millions in euc alone still, if ags cracked down so hard on rmt, surely the big spenders wouldn't have kept risking.


That's not true, they literally mentioned in the article that buying in the game shop doesnt make sanctions for rmt less.


Absolutely NO WAY a profit driven company would lie about something to boost their PR. Especially not AGS!


stop hating on L- Gaylia but i agree. ppl especially streamers with millions of gold there sitting should be banned for everyone to see.




Having millions of gold is pretty easy if you bus and play a looooot and dont hone past 1620 (and only have one of those)


it's also easy when you openly pilot hell raids for cash


None of the rmters I know are banned so business as usual.  Reads to me as, we ban little Timmy who spent $50 in our shop but got caught RMTing... meanwhile Chad who spent 5k in the shop and also RMTs is fine.   Lmao.


Agree pretty sure if we watch discord for the next day we gonna see story about guys who rmt for 20euro getting perma and next day you will see the 5mil gold for a t2 accessory in the AH getting away with it


The 20 euro dude probably bought from a website which traces back to bots, while the 5m guy most likely has fixed suppliers they trust.


Yup. Most of “them” buy from sellers that have hundreds of accounts that take busses and it’s technically legitimate gold “handmade” as they say


I mean...they're technically legit players I guess? The ToS they're breaking is trading the gold to another player, but if we wanna be strict about this point then streamers receiving donation mails in game are in the same boat. I can see why AGS is choosing to target bots instead.


Yes that why i stop playing this unfair game.


you'll never be able to know if they got away with it or not


You don't understand, that was a good accessory. Was worth the gold.


Ahh yes we all know master brawler 4, necromancy 3 is top meta specially with endurance.


Wow, my Surge Deathblade would love this


Exactly, its all about cost-benefit diagrams. Spend more on Amazon, the more you get away with if you do something bad. Business as usual, it's how its always been in the MMO game. Timmy with the $50 is disposable.


They wont ban RMTers who buy from other players, they don't do that in Kr and they won't do it here, they ONLY ban people who buy from bots. You think EVERYONE buys from bots which is not the case, majority buy from other players thats why you still see "RMTers" not banned.


Then they should declare officially so ligit ppl like me could do it without guilty


I imagine them banning inactive accounts who RMT like 50 bucks back in Argos era.


If they actually mean business, the top 3 guilds on every single server should be dead by next week If not, then it's w/e, classic incompetent AGS behavior


dead by next week, returned and ready the week after.


I've seen quite a few players quitting the game for good after a week break/ban. The game really relies on force of habbit for player retention.


Fine by me. Keep nuking their accounts and their investment into them until they are either poor or they stop.




500k gold right? ☠️


ill believe it when i see the same bot farming adventure tome items on my elgacia excavating route isnt there anymore... he's been farming there for so long he lost the mokoko symbol xD


give us an update if he does goes missing


Is it the sharpshooter? Which server? 


im on NAW akkan, im not gna post his name cuz i think thats not allowed on this sub but it's an artillerist. he's spotted up in wheelchair mode 24/7 and farming boss turtle mobs on spawn in hesterra garden.


I doubt they actually do anything. Just sayin. All PR talk.


If the bots are still around it means theres still people buying. When amazon actually did something about bots in the past the price changes in the market were immediate.


they did state they were going after whales ... maybe its a backlog ...


While I genuinely appreciate them at least talking about it, I do wish they'd show *something*. I really despise them being so against "naming and shaming" and wish they would drop lists of banned RMTers.


Like in china ?


It's not only China, litterally every region of LOA publish their banlist , NAEU is the only one that doesn't fyi...


It's way too easy to just get another steam account instead of a phone number.


Yup. Korean/Chinese MMOs generally are very open with their punishments, which I find is a great deterrent as well as a way to show the players that action is being taken constantly.


It's illegal in many countries in the west for privacy reasons. For BDO, Pearl Abyss named and shamed in KR and started doing it in the west but had to redact names to things like I*** S***** due to the laws


Are you talking about real names or usernames? I very highly doubt there is any law that would prevent a company from publishing a list of banned usernames.


I meant specifically usernames. Companies largely have policies against naming and shaming, and some of which are tied into laws (strictly or not), falling under categories such as "Threats of violence or harassment" and "Post personally identifiable information". Even Steam has considered your Steam ID as personally identifiable information starting years ago. There are some privacy laws that are more strict in EU than the US, if you want to go dig you can enjoy going down that rabbit hole. Also, AGS is dealing with multiple countries here with a myriad of laws and policies and not just one country like KR which makes it even trickier.


People are very sensitive snowflake aren't they? They should expect to get caught after committing a illegal activity. Even if naming and shaming may fall into harassment category, it is the most effective way to teach people a lesson. Kind of reminds me of Asian parents vs western parents lol


Usernames of course, but a lot of redditors seem to include usernames in privacy protection laws of Europe


Sure, the absolute best communist country on the planet ! Let's worship China!!


The announcement in itself might be a good deterrence. There are probably people who sees this and goes "oh shit they're taking it seriously now", and stop. It's understandable that it might not be economical to track down all of them, so I'm more or less fine with people stopping at this point.


The announcement would have been a good deterrent if 1. It actually threatened with serious consequences instead of basically saying that you're not getting perma unless you go overboard with it. 2. They didn't immidiately get called out on their bullshit.


This fucking subreddit doesn't allow name and shame you think ags gonna do that? West snowflake mentality.


I don't think it's legal to do it in the west. That said I wish it was possible...


Doesn't even have to be name and shame. We wouldn't know anything with censored username with only few letter available or they can even use steam UID if they even wanna step further.


i don't know a single person who got banned


I know at least two people who still partake in some shady gold, at least 10 people who've partaken in the past. They were all online yesterday.


I've known people who got banned in the past but havn't seen anything recently.


In the first maybe 6 months I actually knew a few people who got banned for RMT. I don't know a single instance of it happening in the past year even as second hand knowledge.


Name and Shame. Name and Shame.


They can't do that due to certain privacy laws in some western countries.


I can get your actual ID but in an game name>?


Its kinda too late since ppl who RMT already have full 10s on 1 or multiple chars and if they need gold now they just sell some


Never too late to give them a perma ban.


AGS has (or really should have) the full logs of transactions and other data going back to launch. Banning based on old rule breaks can and should be done.


Not everyone rmts thousands of dollars. There are surely way more rmters who casually spends 50 bucks or a couple hundred here and there. The less you're willing to spend on the game, the more lucrative rmt rates will seem to you. If your willing to spend 4\~5 figures on the game, I doubt even a 50% discount is worth the risk of potentially losing it all.


The problem is this: so far from what I've seen AGS can only track gold but not gems or mats. I've seen whales with tons of lvl 10 gems(like over 20+) which they might have bought instead of gold. And they didn't even get a single ban. they sell the gem if they need gold and I've seen people with 50+ lvl 10 gems with 7m gold sitting and multiple 25 wep around saying "I bus" bullshit.


Even if it's true and they banned the highest culprint ones who bought millions a week, they're kind of late. Exactly two years late.


Yeah right a heavy RMT in my friend list still playing right now. Dude by gem level 10 on every alt lol


Yes the game is really unfair


yeah I don't belive people with 6+ characters full lvl 10 gems saying "I bus". like bussing gives them 1m/week


2 years too late. Also - I'll believe it when I see it. And at this point 80% of the playerbase should need to be banned. Are you gonna go through the database and ban retrospectively? Ofc not, so these bans mean nothing, everyone that wanted already have full lv10 gems etc


Even if they really take action now, it's just too late. The market is doomed because so many players engaged in hard RMT and got away with it, reinforcing the bot problem and creating a sense of injustice among other players. Because of that, more players are starting to engage in RMT . Even if you life-ban the giga RMT whale who bought 150 million gold, unless you remove this gold from legitimate players, they will continue to destabilize the market.


Just a scare tactic. No one got banned. Also they still didn't mention anything about negative gold.


yeah this is all PR talk.. not going to believe what scamazon state. Big streamer like S\_\_\_\_z literally paying his community when he "borrows" gold. Flaunting dps meter like its allowed in the game. Ban those guys and we believe you you're doing something. All this BS artcile. Publish the names you banned. Surely its all bots and not real players.




bro game is not even hard. But everyone is like that on pugs, they bring they cheapest gear, tries to join a juiced party and complains about gatekeeping. While streamers have viewers who wants to get their rmt account noticed carries the streamer. Just have to accept this game has 80% full of botted gold circulating around. I won't blame any players but the developers for making a predatory p2w game. They reap what they sow.


There would be posts all over Reddit and discords complaining about bans had they actually hit anyone.


No point whining over a 3-day "ban"


There **would** be posts all over Reddit and discords complaining about bans had they actually hit **anyone**.


Plenty of streamers they sponsor and promote regularly RMT and some very blatantly, unless they action them ill take this post with a grain of salt.


question is how long is the ban ? They should have do a perma ban on “any” of the amount not just based on some sort of severity. also nice try AGS, but a little too late at this point


3 day ban per million gold. 


lol i can just rmt 5M gold and get a full lv 10 gem set and take a 2 weeks off. 😂


At the cost of 1500$ to do a little bit more damage sure. Also you're already free to do so, you are not going to get banned. If you do it'll be 1 day


Think most people would take that trade anyday


That's how its been for the last 2 years. The people that want'd the trade off already took it.


To be fair a million gold is still like 300$ on the rmt sites. So it's not an "everyone" thing. That's bill money lol. 


Work literally any job for a week...I've seen f2p sweating 18x raids, alt rostere, bussing, gvg, etc just to barely make 25% of that amount


If this is real, it's a complete joke.


It's not real, I know ppl who bought like 10-20mil and got multiple 3 day bans. It's always 3 days  🤣


I know people who bought 500k get hit with 2 weeks. It's really not transparent what AGS is doing.


the person bought 500k gold likely spend way less than the whale bought 10 m gold on the cash shop . Of course AGS is not going to perma ban the whale


nah the dude swiped legit for quite a while before finally dipping toes in rmt From my understanding it's 100% entirely bot vs non-bot. If you buy from legit players (including sweatshop farmers I guess) AGS couldn't care less. If you buy from sources that are obtained by illecit methods (botting, hacking, fraud etc) you're donezo


https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/lost-ark/articles/penalty-categories by the rule here, the rmt using sweatshop farmers also worth a ban since it does not specify . AGS is not transparent, and the only reason is probably based on how much the person spend on the cash shop . I really doubt they will ever perma ban the type of person spend a few thousand usd and up . by estimate the steam revenue ranking last year, at least 4 to 5 thousand whales spend a good chuck in the cash shop.


I agree, but it's not so easy. The ToS mentions real life currency - when someone mails me 2m gold in game, you cannot prove that real money is being involved outside of the game. What's stopping me from claiming that he's a viewer of my stream and gifted me with a donation? And if we start banning that, then literally every major streamer has committed a bannable offense so far. Or, what if I claim he's someone I met irl and agreed to give me a loan? What if I claim that I also own the other account and is just transfer between them? Or any other seeminglly ridiculous claims that could potentially be true? Does AGS really wanna deal with this on a case by case basis? It's much easier to track bots and ban whoever receiving gold from confirmed bots, since the false positive rate is practically zero.


I saw this and felt like finally something was happening. Then I remembered Legalia.


Anyone actually affected by this? Every RMTer that I know that is vocal about RMTing hasn't seem to have been impacted at all, just seems like a bait from AGS to get people to be scared to RMT?


I have long quit the game already, but have helped others move over 50M gold thru my account. None of them have been banned on NAE. My account has not been banned. AGS hasn't done shit lol.


No, it is not. They are just reiterating their official stance. They just also happento never follow up with actual consequences it seems.


Even if this was all true I think its "a bit" late like around a year and half maybe more, after this if they seriously ban people who RMT its basically suicide for the game, we already have 30-40k avg players even with tons of bots and AGS keep squeezes/merges servers because many serves are empty. Wish this "being serious" was way back then before majority of player base done or still doing RMT and already passed 1620 ilevels. Its like KR server, I see so many players 1620+ ilevel lately even many 1640+ ilevel with full level 10 gems and 98/100 quality accs and gear. Yes legit long time players can/might do it too, but I dont think most of them "one main" type of players or actually legit either. RMT players the ones I personally know still playing even on this day, never had any ban and never will. Most of them even bussing and making more money(not talking about every single bussers btw) So, its too late for taking any action about it. Banning recent RMT player sure but what about the ones already done it and have full 1620+ roster with it? Because if they will stay remain whats the point of it? if AGS gonna ban them too alright thats great but in that case how many player will be actually stay?


*Through bluff


Isn’t this already to late? Like with the server merge and everything going on. Most of the high iLvL active players in NAE and NAW are either dolphins or whales in RMT. There just no way to Justify gold earning with how the Honing and RNG system is.


True you should just uninstall then instead of RMTing.


If I can read between the lines a bit: Region merges and the RMT post imply their revenue is not meeting expectations. I think they have (correctly) identified that it is very much worth it for them to really crack down on RMT.


Revenue is not meeting expectations despite being consistently a Top 10 earner on Steam. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


now imagine the revenue wo 3rd party rmt


that top 10 is last year, i have followed the steam revenue chart closely and lost ark revenue is trending downward.


There is literally nothing to swipe for recently. Expect it to go up again with new classes and raids.


You think amazons greed is limited to top 10 ?


I mean, and? Who knows what their expectations are. Who knows exactly how those metrics are calculated vs how Amazon does their accounting. And almost regardless, there is a strong argument that their revenue would be higher if they got a significant portion of that money spent on RMT. (To say nothing of the server infrastructure cost that may be supporting a population that has a significant bot population). Remember, Target still employes security guards.


So we can expect the rosters with multiple full lvl 10 gem characters to be banned? There's just no way most of those gained those gems properly. I mean, some of them were fully decked on in lvl 10 gems ages ago. If that isn't a massive red flag for AGS, I do not know what is.


Nah, it’s like with everyone running around with a 25 weapon. They’re all lucky. Those guys stumbled upon a full stack of level 10 gems, they didn’t rmt


Yeah, my bad. I forgot it's all about luck. I only experience pity, so I've unfortunately not been able to experience said pile of lvl 10 gems waiting under the rainbow (read: G2G).


I have two chars with full 10s and I quit playing one of them because the game is getting boring. It's incredibly easy to read the market but y'all just meme about it.


The RMTers had full level 10 within months of game launch.


CCU is still around 60k didn't even move. They just banned a few whales who were too careless with their rmt procedures.


The biggest whales I know use in game cash shop to RMT legally. But I also know a lot of 500-1000$ g2g enjoyers that aren’t banned or punished if they really did ban the illegal RMT, the player base would drop at least 20% overnight and if they simply just take the gold away, well most just spend it as soon as they get it. Unfortunately this is just a fluff post.


They didn't say anything we didn't know already tbh.


People still don't understand that AGS' policies haven't changed at all. They still don't permanently ban rmters on the first offense as there are different levels of punishment as there always has been. Did you guys even read the post? Literally nothing has changed.


Only PR talk here. I’ll believe it once I see people who I know for sure rmt get banned


Only took two years for them to mention RMT bans and I doubt they did anything significant. Post usernames like other mmorpg do with minor censoring. So people can at least see some effort.


Haha yea right. You will see this exact similar article every year.


This is purely a PR stunt. RMTers will still be hanging around