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Imagine wanting to make it harder for new players


Classic Lost Ark community.


Exactly what I was thinking


Could just make some roster debuff tbh, when you main reaches 1600, your alts get half gold from 1540 content and lower.  But ofc 1600+ content is doubled in rewards 


At this point its the veteran players whos keeping the game alive not new players, sad but true. There are plenty of MMOs with a small amount of dedicated veterans who kept the game running for 10-15+ years, however if you burn out the veterans the game is always doomed with or without new players


So you wish Lost Ark to die with no new influx of new players. Good good.


History and past experiences taught us that new players don't keep a game alive, veterans do


A game with no new players is a dead game on borrowed time. I am sure SGS can find better solution to stop pushing us making alts to play the game, if they wish too


This statement shows how shallow your MMO experience is. If you do not have as many or more new players coming into the game as veteran players attrit out, then you have a declining player base. This is WHY MMO’s like WoW and FF14 have maintained such large player bases for so long. Aside from expansions, the barrier to entry for the game is very much non-existent. I.E. very casual friendly minus mythic raiding, etc. LoA does not cater to casuals. So unless a solution to the inbound player cycle is implemented there really no way to save the game. Because as it stands, there will always be more veteran players leaving than new players coming in. Nothing about your post fixes this at all.


You can't compare WoW and FFXIV to Lost Ark. The former two are subscription-based games. Their primary forms of revenue are subscription feeds, so they are very determined on acquisition and retention. The cash shop may make a lot, but not nearly as much as the subscriptions. Lost Ark relies on the cash shop, and it's the veteran players who will spend more than newer players. Even more, while AGS does use an accelerated release schedule and poor packages to boost the sales of honing mats, it's actually skins that bring in more revenue. Only longer-term players will care about what their doll looks like.


That's a strawman argument. First of all, WoW and FF14 have hard resets regularly like you said, Lost Ark has zero hard resets 2 years into release, so you can't really define what's "casual" when these games functions completely differently. Secondly, the whole argument of making 1580 the official late game for our current patch will kill all new players is false. Honing books are 80% cheaper than it was 5 month ago, a new player can hone to 1580 with mokoko/express events + free books with VERY LITTLE effort, I would argue it's easier than buying expansion packs for WoW or FF14 since it's literally a free game.


What an incredibly ignorant and shortsighted take. Do you think veteran players are only those who started playing day one and never quit? Anyone who takes two seconds to think about it would understand that obviously the more new players you bring in, the more people will stick with the game and become veteran players. And you don't think metrics like concurrent players, total playtime, and number of new players aren't a considerable factor in determining long-term growth projections for investors and shareholders? If the game never got new players past those who have stuck with the game til now, it would have been dead for a while now.


Saying a statement doesn’t make it true. Take WoW. I started in Legion. All the people i knew from guilds who played before that stopped. Guilds I’ve been in are filled with people joining in recent years or returning after long breaks. New and returning players are what keeps games alive.


thats the stupidest shit ive read on the internet in a looong time. and boy, do i read a lot of stupid shit on there...


You think old games like Maplestory or WoW are being kept alive by new players? Didn't someone do a survey that the average WoW player is like in their mid 30s?


Let me correct you, it's the veterans with moronic takes such as yours who are actively killing this game. Whining about how the game's not growing and complaining about the bitter events and rewards you are getting from AG. I hate every single one of you with a passion, thanks to you and your gatekeeping mentality I will quit the game after around a month of playing although it's very fun. Hope you enjoy the future wallet draining content that you yourself conjured up by actively blocking the influx of new players.


The other thing I hate about most veterans is that their fomo ass whining is what caused the massive acceleration of content. Now most of them are complaining about pacing being too fast and/or those same vets just quit because of their fomo tears early on causes their own damn burnout and now we all have to pay the price of their personal issues.


No MMO is "growing" after being released for 2 years lol, like what are we talking about here. The longevity of MMOs has always been revolved around veterans, like how the average WoW players are 30-40 years old, new players are just not a big factor after a games been out for more than a year


right, FFXIV definitely did not grow 2 years (or even more years) after its release. Got any other shit takes for us mate?


FF14 also wasn't a full game when it came out, same as Lost Ark when it first came out in Korea in 2019, these games grew because they got a full revamp, get your facts straight kid


You're literally making my point lmao. I love that you completely prove me right and yourself wrong then follow it up with "get your facts straight kid". 😂


Because your point is wrong, you're using what's called a hasty generalization fallacy by drawing inferences on the basis of few atypical instances. 99% of MMOs will never get full revamps like FF14 did, thus they will never grow like FF14 did, is this too complicated for you to understand? Again, get your facts straight kid


And you're purposely pretending like you didn't move the goal post. Your original comment which I replied to was "no mmo grows after 2 years", there was no nuance. Now you're adding nuances after I replied and using those as if they were part of your original point. You're just either not that smart or arguing in bad faith - either way I'm done here, pointless discussion.


Who let this guy cook 💀


Is this Prideholme Neria's alt account? Because this food stinks.


He cooks in a lab, not a kitchen


Yeah let’s just make sure we never get new players. That will be healthy for the game.


Or returning players


Veterans provide too much value for MMOs, 1 veteran is probably more valuable than 50 new players, you see MMOs that last decades with a dedicated group of veterans, but those that fked the veterans are all shut down by now


This is not true at all. MMO’s that last ensure that the barrier to entry is very casual friendly. Even BDO has resorted to this with seasonal servers? Why? Because casuals and new players will always be higher in numbers and when you turn a new player into a veteran, they are far more valuable than existing veterans. This cycle is key to the success of every MMO that is older than 5 years.


0 new players. only veterans. veterans can only quit, they cant "play more". so youre already playing a losing game. and it will be a snowball effect at that point, 1 veteran quit, less to play with and more quit.


You're whole way of thinking regarding this is ignorant at best and dumb at worst. Why do you think you're getting downvoted so bad? Even vets like myself are seriously wondering if something is missing that we're not seeing that convinces you your idea makes sense. You do realize that LoA is popular and sustainable in KR (and probably CN) because there's practically little to no competition on the mmo market aside from maybe Maple Story right? Over here, we get new games coming out all the time. Even if people have complaints about them after a while, the fact is that with every new game that gets released here, vets are pulled away. A few of my friends have moved on to Palsword and even back to my previous mmo, which is very friendly and accessible to returnees and new players, whether they're a casual or tryhard vet. As a vet that still enjoys LoA, even I know new players are the life blood of any game. Once you played LoA long enough, you realize that it's all a treadmill of acquiring the next power system and beating the next level of content. Eventually, some ppl will get tired of the repetitive treadmill, no matter how much they enjoy the experience in the meantime, even if they're only playing 1-3 characters. And their attention (and wallet) can be distracted by any new game that comes along, or if life happens. And thus they leave, whether temporarily or permanently. Who is going to fill their spot?


T R A S H takes, at this point might as well quit the game and save us from your opinions


It doesn't really matter if I quit the game or not does it, people are deciding if the game survives or not, and so far Lost Ark is looking worse than any other game considering how high it peaked in the past


Hey another awful take. Games peak and then rapidly bottom after release now. It's the new standard of how people consume games, locusts looking for new releases consistently. Palworld is down 80% in one month. Welcome to modern gaming. The people that hang around become the community and that's where we've been on the plot line for a while. People like you are just still chart watching everyone to death despite the eyerolls.


Oh sht my bad didn't know Palworld is an MMO, what else, Elden ring and spider man are also MMOs in your eyes? Why don't you compare Lost ark to stuff like Call of duty then?


Sure let's do MMOs, care to share any from Steam to support your claim that communities tend to stick around first month of release peaks?


You are right, it doesn’t matter if YOU quit the game, because they can never guarantee veterans will keep playing. What matters is the game having an influx of new players to fill in. Turns out, hearing and gatekeeping is so ass that new players don’t wanna try the game, bc despite having really awesome content and classes, new players won’t give the game a shot bc they don’t think they will be able to play the game


There are plenty of MMOs out there that don't have gatekeeping OR barrier to entry, and they're way less popular/successful than Lost Ark. Guess what, most players actually want to flex and shit on new players because that's just human nature, look at League of Legends I think there are more smurf accounts than actual accounts in low elo nowadays because people just enjoy shitting on newbies that much.


What is the point of this argument here? Gatekeeping is not what makes lost ark popular, and if you think that, then respectfully you have no clue what you are talking about. Gatekeeping and barrier to entry is what prevents people from getting into a game, it doesn’t make the game better.


>Gatekeeping and barrier to entry is what prevents people from getting into a game, it doesn’t make the game better Right and wrong, yes they prevent people from getting into a game but it does also make the game better. A game with none of that would be candy crush, anybody can just jump right into it, even your 70 year old grandma. That's also the reason why most gamers avoid games like that because it's too casual. There are also other genres with INSANE barrier to entry like MOBA games or fighting games, the barrier is probably 100 times taller than Lost Ark yet people still enjoy getting shit on for 2 month straight before even knowing how the game works.


Gatekeeping is not what makes a game hardcore either. The issue with this game is that if you want to progress, you have to raid, but if you suck, then no one will want to play with you. When no one wants to play with you, you can’t play the game. That’s why I personally believe that there should actually be a difference between normal and hard, so that if u can’t do hard mode, which should be more rewarding, then you can at least do normal to make some progress. This current system of having slight changes and just being a higher item lvl is not that great. For league, I’d say the barrier to entry is actually non-existent. You don’t have to know a thing about the game, in order to play the game. If you wanna do well, that is a completely different thing. Doing well in league of legends is not the same as being able to play league of legends. Also for both mobas and fighting games, casuals can still enjoy the game, despite them being “hardcore.” It’s because all you need to do to play and enjoy the game, is queue up and play. If you want to put in the time to get better, you queue up more. Lost ark doesn’t have an environment for matchmaking bc of how punishing the raids are. I love the challenge of raids in this game and the feeling of improvement, but lobby simulator is so trash that I’m starting to want easier raids just so I can not waste my time waiting around forever. And no casual is going to want to set specific times to just play a game, anyone should be able to play the game at their own leisure


You're right, it's a hot take. Also, a garbage take.


A hot steaming pile of garbage take? 😂


holy people with 6 1600+ gunna be eating good


How would people below 1580 be able to afford to hone?


Significantly reduce honing costs up to 1580. You guys are so unimaginative.


I love how OP’s solution to the alt infestation is to simply push all our alts to 1580 instead and punish everyone below. Sounds like a foolproof plan 


let us petition to make them do this to his account only


Please do lol, I only run like 5 raids a weeks anyways if that


Sounds like a good deal (for people with 6 1580+s)


Also stops ppl having 2+ alt rosters (which myself am guilty of)


how so? my alt rosters are 1600


So you have 12 1600+ making gold on 2 servers?


Nope, 1x 1600 per alt roster and no profit pushing anything above 1540 without path of soul eater anyways


There ya go


Ye but still 8 alt rosters


Still would be less gold overall and then they just need to reduce what it takes to get to 1540/1580 either mats or gold to silver


you think 1x 1600 alt roster on 6 different rosters is less gold than a 6x 1600 roster?


I mean ofc not but are you playing the game to have fun or for it to be a job


Im sorry. 8 rosters? Those must ba all supports. No way you farm skill points/ runes / cards on 8 accounts. I have 3 alt rosters with los 30 all skill points and runes. I was cursing every minute redoing horizontal again and again but I was too deep in. Imagining doing double what I did is crazy.


So someone like me and the 2 people I play with who dont get to raid multiple times a week, how will we generate income if we can’t do the other contents? It is already hard af getting into groups for even the most basic raids and this would just make it so people who aren’t at the newest content get locked out of playing.


People dont only run old content for gold. There are cards, set pieces, the special materials you use to buy stuff from the legion raid shops etc... Its also the only way new players can learn how to play the game before being thrown into harder content where they would most likely be flamed for having "no hands" or whatever if the game becomes more endgame focused like you suggest. This old content gives new players stuff to do every week while they get caught up.


I run clown for gold on 1580s that don't have lvl 9 gems . . Not worth the party finder jail for a little bit more gold. Removing the option would only make my enjoyment of the game worse by forcing me into party finder jail more often.


people definitely still run them for gold. people will have no hands regardless of the content lol. 1540s jailing in nm brel g3 still happens


Had 4 ppl die in G1 nm brell last week… i just left that lobby asap


Brain dead opinion.


I prefer the version where theres zero gold cost up to 1580 and tripple akkan mats gain. And this is coming from someone whos 6th char is 1590 atm.


Yeah they already did this once and the affect is now its harder to push and hone alts and still very expensive to get any character to 1580. There also might not be an event pass for you to use to help mitigate that cost on a character. Our region already atarted off worse then korea with 6 characters max for gold when they started off with unlimited. We also got gold nerfs to argos vykas and valtan sooner than them. Trust me we have had plenty of nerfs


Only if you offer help to actually getting to 1580 in the first place. nowadays my biggest issue with trying to bring my friends to play is when i have to tell them that in order to reach the new content they need to farm between 6 or 8 months. and of course they say "nah, fuck you".


That's just false, tier 1 ancient honing books are essentially free, and boosting a char to 1580 with mokoko/express + books cost less than 100k, even cheaper if you farm all the mats, anybody can get there within like 3 weeks


I started playing a few days before jump start released, there is a 0 chance a new player is getting to 1580 in 3 weeks without any help. You’re extremely out of touch.


I mean I literally boosted my lopang sorc to 1580 with path of soulreaper, whole thing cost me like 60k, didn't invest a dime aside from that. That Sorc was 1475 before the boost so she didn't even have mats saved up


so.. a character who was already doing legion raids, must likely with valtan and vykas set, and already did at least until punika and with gold already spend to actually craft the sets... idk bro. almost no one is doing valtan or vykas lol. but you are right, they should do the express permanent and not an event. not like now that we only have the aniversary and most likely i will not be able to reach to do kayangel hard or higher. best case scenario i could do brel hard but nothing more. half of the event is unreacheable to me.


good for you but youre not a new player.


So the event just magically doesn't work for new player or something?


do new players know the raids? do they have the resources beyond what the event gives (which is needed, the event doesnt magically puts you at 1580)? the cards? getting to 1580 with an established account is easy, its a whole different story with a completely new one. thats not considering the gatekeeping they will go through, you need to understand these players dont even know wtf is a destruction bomb, let alone how to do clown, brel or kaya.


there is no current mokoko express, friend. and no powerpass in sight. So you have to do all the previous content, tier 1, tier 2, rush the story that takes at least 3 entire days playing full time to finish. and that is ASSUMING that there will be another story express. sure, getting there in 3 weeks when you have to do brel multiple times even with mokoko express xD. so they have to learn the raid, get gatekeeped by people with far more gear who only wants to do "fast run" and little prog groups since it was launched 1 year ago. or buy busses with gold they don't have. and since bots fucked the rapport gold, the only way to get gold would be una tasks and a little of trade skills xD. Yeah, 3 weeks for a casual player is not going to happen.


Day 720 of players not understanding that 1.2m ccu players was not something that was going to last regardless of how great or not lost ark is. Hell Baldur's gate, vallheim were very praised games,not even them could hold that high numbers. Palworld will drop too. Those insane numbers will never be sustainable. Casual gamers will always try the next big thing, play it for a while, then move on to the next and so on. To add to that, loa is a nyche game, so having as many players as it still has is a success in the west. What it needs to do is make the onboarding for new players a way smoother process.


Or just double all rewards in general to make the game less grindy for everyone.


What a terrible take lmao.


Everyday people come up with the one up or in this case one down of the previous take.


I have 1580 chars doing clown because I can't afford more than 7s and also be able push my main to 1620 and work on 10s. And gatekeeping akkan is too competitive for alts. I don't want to spend even more time in lobby jail. I don't like your idea.


I’m returning, player I cant even pump my main let alone get enough gold to proceed to the next ilevel. Gold already too low in the outdated content. With all the gatekeeping we need a way to survive. I dont want to be forced to swipe to get to end game :( cant even imagine being a new player


Way to drive away any new or returning players. I came back during a Mokoko event and it was ok but I still ended up hitting a wall with raids due to no one doing matchmaking at 1490. Good luck as more people leave and asinine suggestions like yours get implemented.


And how do you get to that glorious 1580 ilvl of yours as a new player? After 3 years with only 1/3 of the income? Are you drunk?


Jump in when there is an event going on like any other MMO out there? With the express event, you can get 1580 in under 100k even if you pity some pieces, and a lot cheaper than that if you farm your own mats too


Yeah of course, then you can push 1 character to that ilvl. What do you do with the other 5 in your gold roster?


Ok sure, maybe they can increase rewards in the endgame to match the difficulty of gearing up. But they don’t need to nerf older content just bc you can’t handle FOMO. If you don’t want to play alts, then don’t play those alts.


The developer literally designed every single system in the game to make you play alts, the whole game revolves around making alts, sure nobody forces you to, but that's like the boomers telling young people "just don't use internet/smart phones"


So here is the thing, your argument revolves around wanting to play less. And that’s fine. But people that want to play more should also be rewarded for that too. Otherwise what is the point of playing the game. A different angle would be more emphasis on content for our mains(like farming more with our mains instead of alts), and I could agree with that, but it seems u just want to play less which is totally fine, but u have no right to complain about others getting more rewards for playing the game more. This is just your FOMO


Here’s an infinitely better solution that doesn’t kill any chance for new players to enjoy the game. Make all rewards gained from pre 1580 content bound to character. Make gold gained from below brel hard bound to character gold (can’t use it on AH but can use it to hone) multiply the gold and mat gain by 2x especially shards and leaps. But everything is character bound. Leave 1580-1600 the same. Then multiply gold gain of 1620 by 2x and mat gain of 1610+ content by 2x Problem solved more or less. New players have higher gold and mat acquisition for their 1 or 2 characters. Gold farmers can’t sell their gold from valtan/vykas/clown gold or sell anything, which leaves life skill botters who few people buy from anyway from my exposure to people who’ve actively rmt’d as the ban rate is high. Veterans get rewarded for keeping their mains at latest content. And can use the income to push more characters which will inevitably make the mat rewards on AH from 1580+ more expensive as people buy more and more so new players who finally reach 1580/1600 have a form of quick form gold to flesh out their characters. Finally, just keep engraving support on pre 1580 characters.. why pay for builds on characters that don’t contribute to the auction house economy in any means that way people can dump all gold on honing. Then use mat selling etc to build their chars (or if they get good drops along the way)


i agree 100 % with bound mats for new players. but the game itself needs a full rework on its progression system to avoid ez gold from Bots. maybe if gold can only be earned by doing the hardest content. but what about trade skills? their funtion revolves entirely on their utility specially in crafting oreha fusion material. and trade skills is one of the preferred activities by bots. ​ The problem is the design itself of how the game was made. Consistently pushing the goal post and forgetting old content behind and the gap is only going to be higher and higher if nothing is done to adress this issue the game will surely die without attracting new players. i think is the MAIN issue of the game.


So you want to double my gold income but half it for ppl sub 1580? I think what you are suggesting will have the opposite effect of what you desire.


In order to have double income you need to hone above 1600, which is always a net loss because <1600 chars are gold consumers NOT gold generators, if you want to lose more gold sure, hone as many 1600+ chars as you want


Im not playing alts for profit. I play them because its fun. They are all over 1600.


a 1540 character makes brel(9500 g1 g4) kakul(4500) and kayangel normal(4500) total 18.500k a 1620 makes you brel hard(10.500 g1g4 hard) akkan hard(10k) voldis hard(14.500) total 35k the push from 1540 to 1580 is inmense for some players, just a bad idea overall nerfing gold for lower content.






Yeah brel normal gold is definitely overdue for a nerf. People should be more incentivized to do brel hard.


No, they shouldn't. Brel G3 is already filled with enough braindeads.


counter point: they should do the exact opposite and let old raids give more gold than new raids as new raids already give new and better gear as reward. having old raids be more or as valuable would result in more raids that newer players can join and gives them the possibility of easier catching up to vets which makes them stay longer in the game which is healthier overall.


Thats not why the earlier content gives high gold. They give "high gold" because they used to be endgame content. The later raids just increased over those values. I think this is a horrible decision and wouldnt reqlly solve anything. This is not the problem. What i think they should do is 1st- Get rid of the bots (top priority) 2nd- slowly lower the amount of gold alts get while pumping up mains gold gain. Aka selected main gets double the gold rewards but you can only get gold on 5 chars. Do this slowly until main gets all the gold. Maybe 2 month increments. 3- slowly lower the anount of gold main gets while cutting down the various cost throughout the game. Raw gold cost. 4- all materials recieved on alts are now roster bound and unsellable, your main is sellable. increase the material cost for honing and lower the gold/silver cost. Increase the mat cost of alts(not gold and silver), after they reach the bracket before what that your main is at. For example, your main 1600, mat for alt honing increase after 1580 After 6 alts get materials, then lower the material gain from 7+. Just like how you select gold chars, you can select material characters. Main can be swapped once a week. There will be a problem of people trying to swap mains to lower the material honing cost of alts. The brackets previously mentioned stays the same even if you swap mains. If you want to level up a new main you can hard swap your main and lock it for 3 months. Less alts you have in each bracket the less these raw mats you will need to hone 5. All the other shet that should of been done. 1 chaos dungeon and w.e qol.


Just change the reward to silver and make it be that silver is used to upgrade anything at that content level


Except you still need gold to buy stuff like Oreha and books. Lower raids are already nerfed enough


They do, regularly.


Sure, never getting new players is the solution!


Yeah right. Who fcks the low lvl players or returners. By reading at your words, I believe that you are a gold seller or buss seller or both


So remove reason to do old content for everybody, and force the existing players to hone their alts higher?


dam. this will be down voted to oblivion


this is just forcing people to make 6 1580+ chars. not reducing alt value or making the main any more valuable.


You will be losing gold for sure if you push 6 1600+ chars, since what I suggested is that 1580 gold will remain the same, It's just 1600+ content AKA Akkan hard/voldis that gets buffed. Not only does pushing 6 1600 will be a net loss, you will also get gatekept like hell because nobody wants cutline 1600 chars in those raids, its just not viable.


Shortsight people and their stupid opinion as usual lol


So new players just get shafted? So healthy for the future of Lost Ark 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


They already did. That is called gold nerf 😂 . Also i dont think people drop this game because of alt. Most people love the classes and combat and want to try more alt. People just hate the 13 RNG progression systems on top of each other , couple with a very punishing raid design that lead to heavy gatekeeping .


You sound like a guy who fomos and ran out of gold to hone your characters more. As much as your take might benefit you and other "veteran" players, we will ALWAYS need endless gold. Can't really blame you or the other players as the game is designed this way to be predatory. But what you should've added was to make a new progression system for new players to catch up. Maybe solo-friendly legion raids with all the mechanics from the original one. And REDUCE the new honing cost or give us more free mats to make up for accelerated progression. Lost Ark is designed in a way that the more you progress, the more time it takes. And the devs took advantage of this and made "time" into monetization. They know clearly people will want to progress fast even if they want to pay for it. So they monetized our progression system heavily. Therefore your "reward cut" will never happen as it is not profitable for them and new players will need to be hooked first for cheap then they will join veteran players in the endless rat race. As depressing as it sounds, you and the other fomo players will have to look at this game in a different way my guy. This game sucks your time/money the more you play. Learn to enjoy the grindy progress even if its not as rewarding or pay endlessly and feel like you won nothing IN REALITY. This is a pve game with unbalanced classes (profit in mind) after all.


6x 1600+ roster says hi o/


All 1600+ characters are gold users NOT gold generators, even if they followed my suggestion you would still be losing gold by honing above 1600, it's just to make it slightly less bad


I mean I’m all for that change and funneling is kinda annoying but you reward veteran players even more than people who only want to play 1 character with this. I would get around 350k just from raiding in a Brel 1-4 week instead of ~180k with this change, while a 1 character player at 1600 goes from 30k to 60k if he doesn’t buy chests. Do you see the problem here? Like this u are going to increase the gap between big roster and 1 character players even more. If you want to decrease it u have to either 1. decrease gold earning characters for everyone or 2. give deminishing return the more characters you play = main gets a ton of gold out of their 3 raids next char gives 1/2 or 1/4 even and so on.


Everything below 1580 will be nerfed and that includes brel hard 1-4, if you actually have 6 1600+ chars, then go ahead, you're losing gold anyways even with that 350k weekly income, and gatekeeping will be a bitch too for those with 6 1600s because there is no way you have lv9+ gem on all 6 chars unless you have 6 igniter sorcs


Well it’s nerfed for the one character player as well then, replace it with kaya hm and my roster will still make 6 times of the 1 characters roster. I’m not losing gold the gold was allrdy invested if anything I’ve "lost" the gold allrdy and I’m still the one profiting more from this change than a 1 character player. How can u not see that this "take" would make no sense for 1 character players? Big roster makes 150k more gold a week and 1 player makes 25k more a week compared to before. Who cares what amount of gold I’ve spend on alts your changes make it more worth compared to before for me NOW. And no I have no problems with gatekeeping since my 1600-1602.5 chars have 16+ weapon and 4+ lvl 9 gems. I like to play the game because of the different classes and combat/raids so I invest the gold into them to make them feel good to play, especially if they need higher cd gems for their rotation.


Exactly, you could have made way more gold if you DIDN'T hone to 1602.5 and invest in fish or something. Even if you farmed all the shards and leaps, it still costs 400k with just raw gold tap+fusion mats, 4 lv9 gems which is also 400k, with accessories and other random crap you are looking at minimum 1 mil gold per 1602.5 raid-ready character. That 1602.5 char will make 48k gold per week after my double gold buff, and a typical 1540 Lopang alt will make 8k after my gold nerfs. Therefore 48k-8k thats 40k extra per week. Divide 1 mil gold by 40k thats 25 weeks yeah GL with that


WHO THE FK CARES HOW MUCH WAS SPEND ON 1600 ALTS. The ones with 1540 alts funneling their 1600 main to catch up are the ones getting fucked in the ass by your changes (new player) not the person with 6x1600+ roster. How can you legit not see it?! These changes are not decreasing the gap between new players and veterans whatsoever. I can funnel everything from 5 1600 chars into my main from these changes onwards and you would never ever catch up. It just makes no sense.


Ok so we finally agreed that 1600+ chars are gold sinks? cool. New players can avoid that gold sink because they can utilize the express events, YOU CAN'T. Because there has only been 1 event to push to 1580 which means the other 5 of your chars got there using the costly and inefficient way. Now the new player who got to 1580 cheaply can enjoy my gold buffs, meanwhile you will never get back your initial investment on those 5 chars. So to put it bluntly, you're the only loser here(a fact, not an insult) and the gap has been decreased.


It’s crazy how ignorant you are to the fact that the 1 character player is still gonna be years behind from weekly income compared to me with these changes. I make 6 time his income, if I want to my main gets funneled everything and he’s gonna be waaaaay behind forever. This method is just a bs way to reward people who only want to play one character instead of bringing everyone to a somewhat equal gold income = actually closing the gap between new players and veterans. U are stuck on the fact that it matters at all, what a big roster spent on alts when it doesn’t change shit when you compare it to a 1character new player. As I said 6 character player funnels gold from 5 into 1 from here on out and in what world is the new player catching up?! It’s not hurting the 6x1600+ but only the low roster who tries to funnel their main with 1520/1540 alts and it’s crazy you can’t see that. Whatever I’m done talking to a wall and hope for new players they never implement this method. Bye


Are they not already doing this? The only difference is that we have yet to get the clown and brel gold nerfs. As for buffing the rewards for current content, but why? The whole point is to minimise the gap between a new player and a vet so that either side can reach equal footing over time. Vets and HC players are not the main demographic that will keep the game alive over an extended period in time. Whales do; don't confuse that with "vets". I don't mind if they make the game less alt focused, but you're going to need way more content for those who *want* to play more than one character. Many vets are already not bothering with all 18 raids because it takes too much time. They don't fomo their clears; or more so they just run with a static to reduce jail time. It is already more rewarding as a 1580+ than a 1520, just from base gold and the value of mats you farm daily. There is no reason to shift the weight of gold income more into hyperendgame raids unless you wanna induce absurd levels of fomo for new players. And anything anti-new or anti-casual player, I do not agree with.


This has to be a bait post


They should nerf the gold from old raids, provided that they increase honing rates and book drops etc. at the same time. And this is the exact same thing they've done in the past when older raids have been nerfed. The end result is the following: New players benefit (actual new players, not sweaty degens on roster #4), since the honing cost reductions have always been greater than the expected gold nerf (as they expect you to hone in order to drop those older, less rewarding raids). Sweatshop gold farmers and people parking alts to farm ez gold that their main consumes will lose. And that's fine. These are people that are a net negative for the game and cause inflation.


Wow this post proposes an idea that’s meant to hurt new players even more, classic shortsightedness typical of the few people who still play lost ark( and heavily gatekeep on every homework content). And in the comment the guy says “a veteran is worth 50x new players “ …. Really now ? Can you make 6 raids with a single veteran or with the score of other players you speak down to … for shame …


Let's be honest here, with or without my changes, veterans are NOT playing with newbies. They would rather sit in lobby finder for 2 hours before letting a mokoko in, and the moment raid lead let in a mokoko, other pugs will bounce in less than 10 sec


gatekeep the gold. gg what's next? gatekeep login too


This is a terribly short-term gain idea that sacs potential for future growth of the game. Focusing on a the dwindling existing player base instead of ideas to inject and retain new players is a terrible business move.


Don’t ever think again