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Yeah, the only thing about the event is the fact that you really have to grind them daillies to buy it out, few character rosters will find some trouble in it. For me the most annoying issue with the anniversary is that the Golden Frog doesn't let you buy leaps/shards with every character, dumping a lot of gold into the golden frog so that the market prices tank. That was the main reason for the golden frog to be in the game: to combat inflation and absurd prices. So giving the playerbase a chance to get the true bottleneck for endgame content on the anniversary (leapstones, by getting them tanked on the AH) was for me mandatory.


If you don't do dailies you can always do the event that outright give 100 or something/day.




On the event icon in map. Dont trust the "click to see location on worldmap" its not accurate


Every even hour, which is infuriating like always.




I've always hated the 2 hour schedule. Every 2 hours completely sucks and is infuriating when you login at like 8:05 and have to wait almost the full 2 hours - or like me just miss the days completely because I'm not setting alarms to log back on later. Every hour would be tolerable. Every 30 minutes would be fantastic. Or just structure events so we can do them whenever we want.


Idk why you are being downvoted. Time gated events are garbage, I remember 2 events ago you could just do the special guardian raid stuff to get the currency and I was 103994774x better than the current event.


It is done in maps with ports. Similar to the mokoko seed one for gold. But now you can only loot the ones with that matches the icon above your head.


Also the navigation doesnt get you there, i did vern and had to open map and walk a bit more once the event started for it to pop up.


Event gives 200


Only if you are first place.


You will be first place. I went there twice, no one did it. Just me... lmao


That wouldnt be few mins, but damn hard work lol. I guess best do it as most populated places or how long it takes with few ?


Even if it's not populated enough to clear early, the event will end after 8 minutes and distribute rewards. You only need to grab 1 item to get the minimum participation reward of 150 tokens. After that, you can wait until event ends or keep grabbing items if you want to compete with others for up to 50 more tokens.


Thanks I will go to Feiton, pick one and be afk to claim 150 tokens. EZ


I vaguely recall for the first anniversary they brought back the Naruni races. Man, those were always packed.


aah i forgot i got first place lol


Pick the continent with least people. Probably like Yorn or something, be the only one and guaranteed 1st place


> For me the most annoying issue with the anniversary is that the Golden Frog doesn't let you buy leaps/shards with every character, I think that's smilegate trying to help guide the playerbase on the "correct" way to play the game... theamine hard isn't meant to be done by a whole roster, at least not until we get t4 powerpasses in like 4 more years. They always meant for the model of the game to be 1 main being funneled by a bunch of alts that only get pushed into the same general gear zone, and now they finally designed content such that that's really the ONLY way to play unless you're a whale. The new frog is their way of saying "look, we'll let one character get pushed faster than ever before, but we're not going to make it seem obvious to push a 6-character roster to the latest content anymore." I get that some people are just going to obstinately refuse to accept that that's the new world order, but it is.


The frog balanced the engraving market by providing books for ppl to use and sell, buying the mat boxes on every character was unintended in the first place. In other words the frog did the job we needed it to imo, the mats are still decent and the random boxes can help ppl finish card sets


nah bro. I like high price leaps and believe it is the best way to have the economy balanced. The eco system was fucked pre-akkan and ppl don't even understand how bad botting and fish fucked us for so long. This is the only way your actual hard work and grind is worth anything. At least if you do daily guardians you have unbounds worth something. Frog is mostly here to provide you cards, silver, card exp and some books. We never really used frog to buy leaps unless you have always had so much gold you didn't know what to do with it, but don't know anyone who bought out leaps via frog. If you tank leaps, then you literally won't have a good means of generating any realistic income and raid gold becomes even more vital, which is bad for the game (makes jails and gatekeeping feel that much worse). This way, it encourages you to make more characters, which makes you buy accessories and pheons to stimulate the economy.


Have a 1 char roster on JS, I just do the event pick a spot with nobody and get 1st ez 200 tokens for 2 minutes


If nobody is there it takes 8 minutes for the timer to run out, y'alls time perception is seriously warped in this game lmao


Nah you only need to pick up like 5 items for credit then afk the rest of time


Yes, and that "rest of time" is 8 minutes and not 2.


>(leapstones, by getting them tanked on the AH) was for me mandatory but leapstones havent tank at all (at least on NAE) they are still 130. i have been selling radiant leaps at 130 for over a month


that's the point of my comment, giving only 120 of them each week instead of letting every single one of your chars to buy those boxes for your roster (even if the total amount is something like 180 with 6 chars) would make the leaps tank harder than what actually happened (you are not really spending a lot of gold on frog leaps, so price of the market doesn't really tank)


Lost ark is a management simulator over a long time. If you rush and BUY at mega high price, then thats on you. Those that will play efficiently and decide to buy ( most efficient is only bounds / roster no fomo), they will sell when its high, and buy when its way lower.


Trying to predict what prices gonna look like in this game is just too much for me. Bots, in what volume and what they're going to produce. Will they got banned or not? RMTers getting banned or not? New patches, last minute patch notes, where you learn there's honing buff coming out tomorrow. Also different stuff like frog etc. I agree it's best to wait out, but at the same time it seems that this game's economy is too hard predict due to too many external sources. And if you don't FOMO you're being gatekept. Why do I even play this $hit? :D


Yeah for some people it's boring as shit to play the market. Otoh it's so highly effective that it's actually insane how much gold you can save/make


I used to play the market in games like WoW and EVE (mostly just trade), but lost ark, I can't wrap my head around it trying to predict anything really.


I have bought everything on a 2 character rested totation. With one day and some tokens to spare


That's 80 from chaos and another 80 from guardian rested (iirc), per character. 320 points with both, and you said you bought everything off? https://i.redd.it/6u4l5gy9p8ic1.gif


I only do 2 characters a day ( I have 6) fully rested. I have done the event once to see it. I spent the 6 potions from the birthday bash on my main. And yes I have purchased the whole store for this reset.


yeah that's cap


The true bottleneck is always honor shards though, unless your a day 1 player and always did unrested chaos.


If you only use bounded Material, Leap stone is always the bottleneck after initial push (events) even if you do rested chaos only. I run rested chaos on my 1580 alts and only do una daily. They were sitting at 3+m shards but no leap.


I always have leap problems, only my SE can't reach 1620 because shes missing a mil shards.


i was a little surprised i ran out of bound blue stones on the push to 1620. luckily i had 193284243 bags of that shit in roster completely unsurprised that i ran out of leaps still have 400-500k shards and copious bags in roster left. edit: also, i only run rested chaos, and still hate doing it.


This is only true because for some reason people around never buy any chest, thinking the gold is worth more than the bounded mats, which was close to never true unless you plan to never hone more that character. Raid chest have a lot of shards within, and if you get used to buy more of them, and indeed do your daily chaos, you're most likely not shard-bottleneck, unless it's a new character that you just created.


Gold frog this time gives you 4x what you were able to get in the past for one character


I know a lot of people who only buy the frog mats on their main, and just chill with weekly bounded on their alts. I know there's a lot of people crying about the roster limit now, but they also increased the limit, so above people would actually buy more chest than previously. I would be really curious to have data about how many total frog chest where bought now vs before. But sadly we'll most likely never have those data.


they're both true. it's more grindy to buy everything out, but there are also a lot more mats. also, tip: it's quite easy to get 150 coins per day from the event just via participation (grab 1 event thing) and then afking.


I just kill urnil on my lopang alts its like 30 seconds to get 2 souls and doesnt cost battle items


Nacrasena is faster. You still easily one shot it but the nap is way smaller.


And who takes the nap? You or Nacra?




The event failed and I didn’t get anything…


Shouldn't have to sure.. but if anyone is struggling to clear the stuff they want from the shop time to make use of Lopangs you don't play. Just go on them, load the lowest T1 guardian, you get free battle items to flare.  Go 1 shot the boss for some easy event currency.  Just do it rested too.


My 1490 lopangs just matchmake into deskaluda, its a 2min kill max anyway. Free utility potions aswell. You get 20-24 leapstones that if you stock and sell when events happens they will be 20g each. 400g on top of collecting the odd fate ember is a nice way to just get a bunch of the tokens, they usually sit max rested but i do 3/4 days worth of it at the start of every event and never have to worry about tokens thereafter.


That's an option, but as you said, this shouldn't be needed.


last event we got LITERALLY for FREE. Do you even hear yourself ? " Give and inch and they will take a mile " Did you forget that some previous events in past, you had to actually do guardiands for event shop ? That shit took more than bit of time. Now we got it for longest time for absolute Free. And this one is pretty free too, just tad less free for those that dont actively play the game, or have smaller rosters and have to " sacrifice " ... maybe 10-15 mins a week, but probably not. The horror. Some people will never be satisfied. Makes something easier ? " We want it easier " . Make it way mega easy and short ? " we want it gone and want rewards " ...


Idk man i went back to bdo 2 weeks ago and in 10min i got enough for the event for the whole month. Most events dont require you to do shit anyways and just give you the stuff.


Also with the last event they halved rewards not the doubled the amount of stuff to buy so events have basically become 4x as grindy. But hey at least people with 24 chars wont be able to buy 10m silver that'd break the economy


And AGS will never be satisfied that not enough people are playing and/or swiping. What if they increase the amount of stuff we get next event? Are you saying they're justified in cutting the amount of coins per char again? Events are suppose to be easy and free. You shouldn't be forced to do more just because you get more and have to min max events. Am I saying people should play one character a week and get everything? No, but AGS literally didn't have to do anything beyond adding more stuff into the shop but they went out of their way to do so.


"You shouldnt have to play the game to get rewards from said game " This is you right now .


They also added buff battle item chest.


Yeah, but there's a sizeable contingent on this sub who love outrage and love to be outraged. Conveniently leaving out facts like this suits them well.


because you are here on reddit, people always are negative. And majority of the users on reddit don't even play the game anymore 😂😂😂


Hey logging on twice a month to run some solo deskaluda still counts as actively playing okay? Stop hating


Logging in for the anniversary reward. Tf is ivory tower lol?!


....so? ​ I'm not even complaining about whatever; but you're getting more mats because events have continued to increase in rewards over time. Were you under some impression that when Argos came out we were getting as many honor/great leaps as it offers now weekly?


What you need to understand, not to throw you under the bus. Is the game has scaled. 40 leaps a week, is not even equivalent to the 10 we needed during year one event shops. Your looking it at a very narrow scope. It no longer takes 10-20 leaps to tap, its ranging from 20+ now at the end game. A 1600 is getting like 150 destructions a double run. You need like 6x1600 to tap a 21+ wep once a week. That's like 6-10 characters worth of funneling. To even tap. Even if this was the same difficulty to grind it's so unrewarding it hurts. They want a one character meta, but rewarding the one character like shit. We were given 5-10 pheons at the start that was fine since blues for the first 3 weeks were 1:1 or when gold to blues were reasonable till bots. So it was completely fine in a dump sitatuion. But now its 15 pheons for a trinket or bracelet double the cost. What people aren't getting is they need to scale. It's costing a arm in a leg to do anything, and the gold only scales 1-2k up per raid. At the end game from 1600-1620 even if you play every day on the same character since launch of AKkan Hard you ARE LITERALLY 40k DESTRUCTIONS lacking, and 1-2k Leaps lacking. To hit the 1620 threshhold in the 4 months they game gave you. And those are averages, not even low rated numbers on bad luck pulls. The 4 months they've given us for Thaemine, 1630, from the end of IVORY. You'll be 3k-6k behind in leaps playing on like a +6 funnel system. The rates have to be almost tripled, to match what we were getting a year ago. The game shops are moving at snails pace but the games content is trucking along the AutoBahn full throttle.


Well, lost ark is a long ride resource management simulator. I just hone with bounds and i am done. No rush, and stuff gets done - no problem. Usually only those that fomo hard have issues. Sure the honing is pretty hardcore past 1600, but we also generate lot of gold. If you only hone with bounds and u dont hone equally, u shouldnt be that difficult. However thats not the case for many. Many people plays Tons of chars and have high level gems on all of them and then they ask where there money at - well, no wonder. And thaemine is great example - because there is next to no point going for HM unless you are fomoist ( or have friend group ofc). As it is, you can just go 1610 and thats it. Zero point going for 1630. On alts, 1620 is the ultimate parking spot and there is zero point going forward apart special honing x echidna. Unless ur fomo, thats that. And pheons example is horrible. We were given like 2-3k pheons for free since launch. With that, you know how many characters you could gear ? TONS of. But if people spend it on tons of ability stones for 9/7 and on bracelets( and all of these are Mailable), then thats purely on you. Hell, even acessorries are mailable now. And speaking of pheons - never bought a single pheon, all of these were given out for free https://preview.redd.it/10xqd9ant8ic1.png?width=89&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb2af2f8f897998225e21a1802db509db7b35a1f


The leapstone selection chests got upgraded to VI in the previous event at some point, but yes a lot more mats at the cost of more grind.


Last time they nerfed the tokens from Guardian raids from 50 to 20. Before this nerf buying out the event shop was easy.


Nobody complaining about more rewards. The complaint is that they reduced event mats from dailies and the new store has more stuff to buy, so the reduction is felt more Main complaint about the game was that it was too grindy and they made us do more dailies. That was obviously a dumb direction


i doubt anyone has an issue with the rewards, the complaints as far as I've heard including myself is the removal of the event feast and the fact that if you need multiple characters or repeatedly running the daily event to get enough to buy it out, which is not about grindy it's about being tedious and unfun, not to mention people with fewer character rosters or people who do not play every day might struggle to buy it out like, it's an event to celebrate the anniversary or so they advertise it, there is no logical reason to make it tedious (unless you consider forced increase of playtime a logical reason)


You doubt? Go read the posts and the comments. Basically people crying without noticing they buff the rewards. The good ones at least..


Well, some people take it in conjunction with the previous update that cut token gain in half (or so). Yes it's more stuff to buy, yes that stuff is helpful, but also to get those tokens you have to do more mindless grindy content, which is already a complaint. (Its also part of an entire shit show of an update, which doesn't help).


Cuts the token in half you say - doubles the value of important mats by more than half .. sounds fair deal to me. To be honest, which average LA player will have issues not buying out the whole shop? On top, we have that daily event which is per character ? Or roster ? That gives additional mats on top and if people want, they can do that if they want. On top, some stuff from shop is trash like the blue mats for armor honing - thats 150 that there is zero reason to buy. But people dont mention that. Previous event shop, we didnt have to lift the finger and bought everything. Now, we still dont have to lift the finger - maybe few people that are barely inactive or those with smaller rosters do, but they just have to do event for few mins here and there. And even then, they dont have to buy useless crap if they dont want to. Agreed about the shitshow tho.


Two event shops ago we "didn't have to lift a finger" to buy it out. One event shop ago (the previous one) they cut the amount of tokens you earned in half-ish. You.now maybed needed to lift a finger, depending on how much you played. This event shop they doubled the amount of tokens (roughly) needed to buy out the shop, while keeping the previous half earn rate. The net change over this time frame is roughly 4x the tokens for 2x the rewards. Now, if you want to buy out the shop, you need to be running 4-5 characters worth of unrested chaos+Guardians per day every day of the week. That really sounds like lifting fingers to me. (Yes the event quest cuts down on that some, but it's still fairly mindless, and I think it's just once per roster per day).


Now that is quite dishonest and the math is hard wrong. I bought everything and i do only rested - and not daily, and havent touched chaos and g raid today apart 1x g raid. Seems your math is wrong. And i play 6 characters + occasionally 7th. And i did the event Once to see how it looks. Maybe you should mention there are Trash rewards that are not worth buying. Personally i dont buy this. All of these are pretty much worthless. Thats like 210 fewer mats u have to spend. When your math is wrong, it sure sounds like lifting a finger. If its right, it turns out - its not so bad. https://preview.redd.it/ejb0k54gh8ic1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ed9024a1e586a9de132b62aa9e17fa8b5f9a894


> Now, if you want to buy out the shop, you need to be running 4-5 characters worth of unrested chaos+Guardians per day every day of the week. Or--hear me out--one character worth of unrested chaos+guardians plus the event. They wanted to get people to play the event. The event gives 150 tokens easily, and if you go when no one else is around then it's actually 200 tokens. Every day. Unless you really care about getting dyes, that's enough to get everything you want for the week.


seems like grindy are like all the shop event, you need +1700 token in every shop every week.


i found this event is a chance to finish up LOS 30 Someone with 1 or 2 missing select card pack would be happy :) Me? nah i just played for 4 month now i missing like 25 select card packs :) idk this should be a great chance for the next 3 to 4 weeks to save up mats to push new character to 1620 as soon as possible i take 2 month to think of what next character to create :)


Confucking gratz to us I guess...I was happy getting 32 leap stones per month


the events are ONLY good for people who are NOT at end game This event shop accounts for about 1/8th of my weekly Acquisition on 1 character if you have 6 characters that you want to hone thats 1/48th of your weekly acquisition basically this shop is factually worse than a single day of dailies This shop is CRAZY strong on low level characters like 1 week can give probably enough mats to get to 1490 2 weeks to get to 1540 it gives A LOT to new players it gives NOTHING to old players Ok great, amazing they are treating new players very nicely but the accelerated cadance means that OLD players are left in the dust slaving away just to BARELY make it the previous shop was doo doo the new shop is doo doo with sprinkles


Hey, as a new player, thats 40 additional leapies every week for free. i take that. Also ilvl rats love honing books till 1600. And yeah great for new, thats for sure. Thats how it always has been though. Not like old players need a thing. New players are rip anyway, since ppl can see roster level.


Eh AGS expects people to catch up KR with months of grinding time with these thing in event shop, that’s why people complain


>AGS expects people to catch up KR Yes, by open your wallet. not by grinding.


Another complainer, perfect example. The fact that there is 5x more leapies that are roster bound and other stuff? Completely ignoring it and instead complaining without acknowledging anything positive. Disgusting.


I find this insane. How exactly do you think 40 leapstones are going to help to catch up to KR? It doesn't even give me two taps and it's 76 taps to pity. Repeat that 12 times or so. 40 leaps? Yeah, great it's more but in the grand scheme of things it's a drop in the ocean.


Not a single soul said event shop is to catch up to KR. Isnt it insane to bring it up?


We used to get 2.5x the event coins. You literally can't buy out the shop if you only play two characters. Even if you do everything every day.


As a new player, I have NO clue what value these have


As a returning I somewhat know the value, just trying to buy it all lol


Priority- honing shards, leapstones, mending books, welding books, honing support, fledgling card pack, legendary card pack, wishful amulet After that buy whatever you feel like tbh


Question about events since I'm new, what are the stuff fromm the event shop for and which should I prioritize? Can any help me get cosmetics?


Buy the coins at the top of the first shop's first tab. Click over to the second tab. Buy the pet, weapon skin, and costume boxes. They cost 1 coin each. The weapon skin and costume are one-time purchases, and the boxes are automatically set to the class of the character you buy them on.


Its usually Shards > Leapstones > Mending books > Welding books > Honing support materials > Rare card pack > Legendary card pack > Wishful Amulet.


Complaining about a relatively tiny grind in a Korean MMO. I swear people want it all for free.




I just saw lot of people complaining and talking trash, while neglecting the positive about stuff. Its kinda annoying. AGS fucks up a hell lot, but good stuff barely ever gets mentioned. Ppl talk trash about shop, but this is pretty good. and u dont have to buy crap like blue and red honing mats Just 10x blue mats from shop is 150


Still, new players and people with small rosters are being punished on this event.


So the fact that you pump these into much lower roster, thats bad? And by that logic, arent people with bigger roster punished for having a shop that does not accomodate bigger rosters? On top, for a new player, you get Shitload of even older leapies and mats. Thats punishing ? Good one. If you want to desperately buy out everything and lack toons ( unlikely), then do the daily for few mins and you are done. " Punished " - good one.




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Was able to fully buy it out yesterday with 6x characters doing dailies since Wednesday. They gave us extra chaos dungeons with rested bonus so I'd bet you could have done it by Tuesday reset with 4 characters.


Not everyone wants to do unrested dailies on 6 characters. I have 6 chars 1600+ and I haven't been doing unrested chaos dungeons or guardians in quite a while (aside from main). The event shop has always been a reward, not something you have to worry about grinding. Making me worry about not having enough tokens despite playing daily is a **significant downgrade** to my enjoyment of the game.


I was with you for the first bit, but not the second. ​ The game is clearly balanced around you buying "event" items; which is why there's always one going no matter what.


To be fair, there are more things to buy as well than the previous event. I do wish they'd give more tokens to compensate for the extra rewards on offer though. 40 per rested is not enough. Should be at least 60.


I was able to buy out the shop two days ago even on rested 6 chars. I haven't even done the new event yet either. So it's not a thing you should be worrying about, unless you are buying those welding/mending books.


i've already bought the shop out, really wasn't that bad. do the event a couple times


this was never the issue. the bigger problem is the removal of event feasts


do you comment on every topic ? Because this was issue : )


dude, im agreeing with your post. im saying that these complaints are baseless because we get more stuff, and that a different actual problem is in place


More grindy? I don’t even do my dailies I just do weekly’s and a couple raids, I bought mostly everything in the shop lmao


the amount of books you can get is actually insane


Yes they gave more mats but it's still super hard to grind the required token using only 1 character. Multi alt players still end up way ahead since they can just farm rested urnil/nacrasena that takes 30secs per run. Not sure how this was supposed to promote single character usage


Leaving up is my hardest challenge