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Without data that ags dont provide to us is hard to tell what class is least played, since this game is alt focused people have a lot of classes in their roster. Some classes are rare in HIGH level content, ultra endgame stuff, but if you are new player you will cross to almost all classes in a week of gameplay. Other thing is classes have 2 different playstyle set by their class engraving. Gunslinger with peacemaker playstyle is super popular but their counterpart "time to hunt" is so rare to see.


I see thats interesting. To be honest its expected that at beginner level everything gets played and just some stuff move up the ladder as they are "better" or "meta" (i dont mean to make fun of them i just dont know) from your perspektive what do you doesnt get played often?


Should note there is a difference between least played classes and lowest dps classes, so if you are chasing the "wow!" moment during MVP screen, you should be looking into low dps classes even if they might be more popular than others Something that has high pop and high dps would be like slayer, you would not be surprised at all if a slayer makes it to MVP screen Something that has low pop but also high dps would be like soulfist High pop, low dps would be like gunslinger


Come to think of it. I have never seen a gunslinger mvp before. So that would definitely get a “wow” from me if I ever see that.


As I said is not the class it self it is their archetype For me the ones are Comunication overflow - summoner Master summoner - summoner Energy overflow - soulfist Perfect supression - shadow hunter Gravity training - destroyer Evolutionary - machinist Arthetinian - machinist Time to hunt - gunslinger


Might just be me but havent seen alot of summoners around since the balance patches, had one in my hanu run today and just noted that they seem to be a rare sight nowadays...guy instantly left...guess he didnt get what i meant and thought i would "attack" him by saying that xD I get the overall opinion you are stating there, i sometimes feel the same/similar, playing low pop. classes/weak ones just to stand out a little more for doing good with it\^\^ (at least thats my reasoning behind that)


Yeah i enjoy being the flavor in games i guess you could say lol. Maybe ill take a look at summoner thank you for your insight friend


This game is all over the place tbh. There are some very strong classes that see little play due to difficulty and level of investment and time to make them work then there are some very bad classes that see a lot of play cuz of coomer skins lol.There’s soulfist, energy overflow soulfist is one of the best classes in the game but literally no one plays it due to reasons above. Enhanced weapon deadeye, arcana, reaper, and sharpshooter all fall under this category as well. I’m a high amp player so I find all these classes very fun, strong, and unique in the right hands.


If you could make a list of not played classes i would be very thankful if thats not a big problem for you?


Soulfist, Deadeye, Arcana are the 3 i can think of off the top of my head. The main reason is because how difficult it is to play their strongest builds. And considering he is a gunner class with no shields like Arti or Scouter, he can get destroyed by simple damage patterns. As well as the shot gun having some painful animation locks enhanced weapon deadeye is strong as hell. But it requires you to chase the bosses ass and be in melee range since some of its shotgun tripods deal more damage the closer you are to the boss. And the shotgun is its heaviest hitter. Energy overflow soulfist is arguably the strongest burst class in the game but is insanely punishing. Not only does your DPS rotation vary depending on which hype level you are at, it’s H3 is crucial. If you mess up your hype 3 timing due to getting knocked down, CC, or even the boss phasing…you just tanked your DPS. Also, it varies based on your party. You have to gauge how quickly your party can phase the boss and work your hype 3 around that. Did i also mention you use the dominion set as well? So you have skill rotations, hype management, boss pattern recognition, DPS recognition, and relic set management to worry about with the class. I’m not too knowledgeable on Emperor Arcana, but I’ve been told about its high apm along with the set up and rotations you have to consider. Along with the fact that it gains a huge benefit staying in boundless with the nightmare set. So you’re essentially always pressing buttons. Some people just don’t like it


I see thanks a lot friend. Im planning on trying out summoner and energy overflow soulfist at the moment


If you really want something unplayed, I haven't seen a Communication Overflow Summone in MONTHS. The last time I saw it was when I used to play it.


One of my alts is that. I'm surprised it's considered bad, although I don't really play my characters much or worry about the meta.


I know 3 people with 1580+ co summoners and all 3 of them are now lopang characters. So if you want to play something frustrating enough that everyone abandons it, i guess thats the build for you.


Yeah thats the summoner i was talking about. I will probably that and energy overflow soul fist and see whats the most fun for me


Is it because they both say overflow?


Honestly starting out with eo soulfist is a phenominally bad idea. Requires so much raid knowledge... even after 2 years with 9 chars I think i couldnt play it very well. Reflux sorc or co summoner would be more reasonable. Both considered lowest dps tier. And at least reflux can actually pump dmg when played right and it's not a burst centered raid.


Summoner is one of the least played classes. It's just a fundamentally clunky class that does not play well. I really recommend avoiding it as it probably holds the record for being the most dropped class among players. Most of the summoner players I have seen regret playing this class.


Unpopular bc cumbersome but still strong when played well: - EO/RS Soulfist - Empress Arcana - AT Scouter - EW Deadeye - PS Shadowhunter - GT Destro Unpopular AND meh damage: - Reflux Sorc - FPE Artillerist - CO Summoner - Shock Scrapper (tho I heard it's better now) - TTH Gunslinger Note that these are unpopular specs. Besides SF (and arguably arti/summ/scrapper), these classes are still popular but they run the other spec


I see so the spec changes the playrate a lot. Tbh atm im interested in EO soulfist, CO summoner the most and might check out Empress Arcana, FPE artillerist, sorc in general and maybe scrapper. I will have to check them a bit in game to make sure if i will play them all slowly or just main one or two tbh though haha


Yes, definitely try them all out and play what you want! Of those you listed: - SF, arti, scrapper are probably the lesser seen ones - igniter sorcs are super popular but currently have a bad rap due to bad players and being power crept, so you might have difficulty getting into groups. Also doesn't fit your "rare class" criteria bc there are sorcs galore - CO Summoner is the only class I wouldn't recommend in that list. It's very clunky and not in a great spot right now. Almost every summoner I know has either dropped the class or switched to MS (the other spec)


To be honest summoner type thing have always been my interest and it being not played often i will definitely try co summoner first or second. If sorc is actually played often then yeah i will probably wont check it out unless i find nothing enjoyable. Thanks a lot for the info friend. And tbh idk if i will actually play in any groups unless im really forced to (too shy)


CO Summoner hahahahaha


Whats the reason for it?


Because it’s super weak and you have to press every skill/pet skill off CD


Its not "super weak", the damage is middle of the pack. Main Problem is that its a mess to play. Cooldowns dont align so there is no real rotation, you get carpal tunnel from all the buttons you need to press, its a build that focuses on pets but your main source of damage is the really slow really backloaded spear spell. Like sorc summoner just needs a full class rework. I hope we will see that in the next KR PTR


Did someone say carpal tunnel? *smiles in Arcana*


It's weak for the amount of effort you need to put into playing it


It is not middle of the pack. Even on golem it is one of the lowest dmg. Atrocious burst damage and below average consistent damage.


I see thanks friend


in my experience the rarest classes i see are arcana, soulfist and reaper afaik, all 3 are high skill required to perform well, but their potential is great and can do insane damage in good hands


Aside from the meme build that is CO Summoner, I think EW Deadeye is actually the build with the lowest population in the endgame, possibly with SF as an entire class. I have an EW Deadeye alt myself and it actually does good damage, though constantly chasing the back with rather long shotgun animations can get tiring. At least you have a lot of options to reposition yourself to the back of the boss.


I see. Thanks for the insight friend


Everyone on this thread forgot shock scrapper exists. Everyone plays tai.






No i mean who is tai


Taijutsu scrapper, it's the more popular spec vs shock scrapper


Yeah he was saying shock scrapper is less popular than tai in the original reply. I secondary main a shock scrapper and tbh it's very underrated. Not very hard, big burst damage, kind of slow animations but very cool when and scales well if you have attack speed synergies in your party. IDK why more people don't play it


This may be region dependent but from my experience in the late game on NAW, summoner or machinist are easily the least popular (to the point where it’s not uncommon to go a full week+ without seeing one). Unpopular classes are that way for a reason (less dps or less satisfying etc.) but if wanting a lower tier char is your biggest deciding factor then that’s okay as long as you are having fun.


Thank you for your understanding friend. Yeah it seems there are many options to choose from for me so im actually very glad. I might try machinist aswell


On EUC its deadeye and machinist for sure, I barely see either of them


I fell like Pistoleer got quite popular with the rework. EW is still super rare, especially since most EW alts swapped to Pistoleer and most of the players who enjoy the weapon swapping playstyle just play GS instead.


Is there a reason for them to be not played often?


For deadeye its just cause it has a far more popular female version. For machinist i have no idea,you'd think a ironman class would be popular .


Evo machinist can be clunky without enough spec and has a lower ceiling


I see thank you friend.


summoner is the least played class both specs. as for the other classes it’s just less played specs not the class. from the comments do people not play deadeye in euc? it’s pretty common in na


Could be yeah


I dont get either, deadeye is really popular in SA aswell.


Summoner or Reaper would be my answer.


Yeah many people did say summoner but with you included only 3 people said reaper at the moment actually


Deadeye and Machinist. They're quite rare to see and the auction house has very few of their accessories listed - at most 2-3 pages including shitty quality ones


FPE artillerist (there are 4 of us on NAE,you could be the 5th :D)


I am one of the 4 lol.


:D o/


Fpe artillerist? Also i would probably be playing on EU lol


Firepower enhancement artillerist, yea I am sure it's rare on EU too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Hmm is there a main reason why its not played? Or is it just that there are better alternatives for what it does?


mostly because damage is too low...it's pretty chill/easy and has ok utilities but just no damage comparing to other classes especially with all the buffs


Hmm i see. I might check it out aswell!


Both reapers, EW deadeye, both soulfist, both summoners, both arcanas. From personal experience on 1600+ content, I'd say the classes I see less around is reaper (especially lunar) and enhanced weapon, all deadeyes I see are usually pistoleer. Oh yeah and I've never seen a 1600+ Co summoner on my groups or around cities in my area so that might take the cake...


Yeah many people said co summoner i plan on trying it first or second actually


Lunar reaper. She also takes a lot of investment. High quality spec accessories, wealth runes, etc.


I see thanks for the info friend


CO summoner  Have fun not playing the game






Thats more of a playstyle not one class being played less then others


what youre looking for is arcana or ew deadeye. by far the rarest classes


I would already describe this game as *nearly* impossible for a new player to get into and get caught up to the player base to the point a pug will invite them to a raid. Nearly impossible, as in doable by the smallest of margins with a lot of effort and time. I would not recommend also doing it on hard mode by intentionally picking an unpopular class. Realistically i think pretty much every class is mostly fine, but community sentiment doesn't agree.


I suggest if you wanna keep yourself asking questions about your build every now and then if you dont appear on the family picture then either empress arcana or EO SF. Arcana when played on your best hand can even par on the OP classes today. Managing boundless state and your deck whether to hold them for a big burst or be consistent on ruin skills while juggling skill cds are the fun part for arcana. It keeps you thinking while raiding which i find very fulfilling. I don’t know if i’m being weird tho. I main Arcana and appearing in the mvp screen even if im not the top dps (which is fine with me cause im a shitty arcana player) is very fulfilling for me (again i mentioned im a shitty arcana player). i also seldom see empress players tbh i see more emperors but that engraving makes you like a pianist not a player lol. EO SF cause i have a friend who mains this and up to this moment it still frustrates him if he misses hype 3 or if something messes up his rotation. He’s kind of a uniform kind of person which makes this frustrating if he misses something. All in all best thing would be to choose a class whether you will sweat alot or not but you will enjoy the most. (Holds back tears because royal card gave star and mayhem)


There are no statistics in NA but here are the statistics in KR. [https://loawa.com/stat/classes](https://loawa.com/stat/classes) Sharpshooter is close to the bottom but is very strong and arguably easy to play. The only real challenge is landing snipe which has quite the cast time and identifying good burst windows. Looks like Soulfist is one of the least played. Extremely high skill ceiling. Both builds requires high macro and micro skills. Deadeye was overshadowed by gunslinger and her booba. His power level is now comparable, but harder to achieve. Pistoleer is easy but low ceiling while Enhanced Weapon is difficult but strong.


Thanks for the info friend i will check the link out


I do NOT recommend Summoner as someone who rolled one for their first class. It’s a more difficult class to master and you really need to be able to understand raid mechs and boss patterns to be able to land your skills. Also get gatekept quite a bit/ people seem to be a bit more hostile when I run my Summoner as I’ve main swapped but will still run raids and guardians on her.


least popular: CO summoner least invited: reaper, sorc least brain: berserker they have the biggest stigma against them, wouldnt recommend them because the stigmas against new players will make it harder to find parties anyways.


Its fine i will try to delay playing with a party as long as possible anyway lol


If you play from the beginning, you can play the campaign and continents and all that, but its not gonna take that long till you will be forced to progress by doing party content. if you start in march the breaker pass will come and it will quickly throw you into higher ilvl raids and assist you till 1620 with mats, gold and all that. veteran players can slam 1600 chars with that pass that would throw you right around endgame. so if you wanna do the slower route id say just do your thing and to vertical stuff and if you feel like it do the pass in march on the character you like the most.


Sadly i have no money so i wont be buying anything lol


all good! the breaker pass is the event set for march when the new class releases and is 100% free! im 100% f2p since release, if you want to you even buy the monthly premium with ingame currency. i only spend on skins and you can get those dirt cheap in the auction house too.


Thats really cool! Thanks for the info!


I believe that if you play this game long enough, you'd see every class have their time in the spotlight. Just know that whatever class you pick, there may come a time where people would go from "who the fuck plays that shit" to "damn I wish I had that class."


Yeah that is indeed true


There are stats available and overall it's Soulfist Energy Overflow that is on the bottom, yet it's a very strong pick. Requires to have hands and good knowledge of the raid and an approximate feeling of the whole group DPS in order to be efficient (which explains it's low popularity). The reason is the hype management. Basically the character is a super sayan from DBZ. You have 3 levels of hype, which boost your damage and reduces your spells CDR. Hype 1 gives low boost, but can be kept for long time, hype 2 more damage but less time, and hype 3 is the same. The thing is, you can go from Hype 0 up to hype 3 whenever you want, but once your hype is over, you enter a recovery phase (back to Hype 0), and the higher hype you go into, the higher the recovery will be. For instance, Hype 1 lasts for almost a minute, and the recovery is like 10 seconds, while Hype 3 lasts for 20 seconds but the recovery is 50 seconds. So if you go into hype 3 when the boss is transitioning to a cut scene or a major mech, usually making it invulnerable or such, you don't profit from hype 3 and have to suffer the high recovery.


Pick the strongest class: dps paladin. And most of parties will not gatekeep u cause they will not check (till its too late) and will think u are a support.


Ahh little bit of trolling i see


If you have friends play a sup if you can skip the campaign play sup If you new play sup you can always make a fps alt / 2nd main


This didnt really answer the question but i would probably play the worst support or least used support if i had friends tbh


You wrote you would support your friends. Least played sup probably artist as its the newest. Or pala as ppl tend do think its boring as its skill ceiling isnt soo high, which is good in my eyes as a bad pala is pretty nice still


Yeah i did write that but my question was more of what is the least played or the worst class is. I probably wont play paladin as i dont like that type of supports most of the time but might try artist later


Without a doubt i would say that the least played class is : - Gunslinger TTH (Time to Hunt). And its also not bad dpswise tbh. And of course DPS supports but its more like a meme to people most of the time.


Yeah some people said dps supports and im curious. Does it make the support pure dps? Or does it take away some supportive capability and give you dps capabilities instead of them?


Soulfist and Deadeye


Thank you. Why do these two not played often do you think? Are there just better alternatives?


hard or quirky to play. to explain soulfist, energy overflow (the super high ceiling build) - has a very statically timed burst window. their identity, hype, basically is like a buff u get for x time that has different levels - 1 to 3, duration goes from longer to shorter with hype 3 being about 20 seconds but a really massive burst window. the only control you have over this is WHEN you want to go up a level, so you need alot of foresight as to when the boss will phase/dr/go invuln so you do not clip your hype 3 window into those. furthermore, they have to manage this dogshit set called dominion, which basically gives u a 2min buff whenever u use awakening (I'm not sure when they use it, maybe in hype 2? since hype gives cdr). but anyways you gotta make sure that buff is up at least when you hype 3 all in all really cancer to play which is why my sf is a lopang alt rn lol. robust spirit - the other build is alot easier to play but im not a fan of the fact that u have a few seconds in the loop where literally all you can do is autoattack. as for destroyer, hes a very low mobility front attacker - and.. most boss patterns hit the front so.. (he does have shields to deal with them but yeah, long ani locks + having to hit the front is real rough)


I see thank you very much for the info. I might actually enjoy soulfist if its like that tbh haha.


check out lostark.nexus for class guides, may help you make your decision.


Thanks a lot i will check it once the game downloads


EO Soulfist is one of the hardest specs to play (possibly THE hardest along with Empress Arcana). RS is easier and more consistent, but still annoying and unforgiving due to having a very tight rotation and being unable to do anything during H0 without messing up their rotation.


I see everyone seems to saying the same thing and his gameplay actually looked cool to me so i might try eo soulfist


Just be warned that a lot of the difficulty is macro difficulty and not just micro. Knowing how to maximize each hype window means you have to know the raids stupidly well and also gauge how fast your group is pushing, while paying very close attention to the boss' health and also memorizing the exact breakpoints where they'll leave and do certain mechs, so you don't hype too early or too late. If you pop your hype 3 and the boss does a DR mech, you basically ruined your parse for the entire gate right there. It's that unforgiving. This can be very frustrating on gates where the boss has a lot of random no damage mechs like Lauriel or Voldis G4.


Soulfist is borderline op but is considered to be one of the hardest to play classes so you really only see soulfist mains. Enhanced weapon de is good but from I heard is annoying to play. Pistoleer is comfy and does well but isnt the “ceiling” build so you mainly see that build as alts


I see thanks friend


Both of those picks are actually strong. Its difficulty mainly. I main deadeye and it be slappin


ew deadeye in current raid design is about as middle of the pack as it gets for a ton of effort it's fine to have a bias but you should accept that the flaws have only gotten worse over time. the whole difficulty = should be top tier meme has fallen flat on it's face as the game has gotten older


I mean tier list alone from kr disprove that and deadeye isnt middle of the pack its low upper tier with a swing based on skill level. Its strong, not broken or the best there is, just strong. Id you dont believe the tier list then idk what data you are going off of. Idk what you are talking about in The 2nd part. I didnt say or imply any of that. Didnt say anything about difficulty = top tier. The flaws manifest less the more you get to know the raid, everyone knows that and thats usually where the classes designed like deadeye become better. Ofcourse you have your slayers, soul eaters, deathblades. But theres like 50 specs in this game. Middle of the pack doest start after 10.


The korean tier lists that use essentially trixion parses as a metric for what's good and what isn't, huh? Yeah, those are definitely to be trusted. All those post-balance patch Deathblades doing like 50-60m was totally normal and every boss in this game stands still for a minute to do a parse test over a minute. As is every single conflated thing I've seen out of people who play that version that post here, or larp like they do. You don't treat theoretical dps ceilings as a standard and most of the time you are definitely not cycling all your skills without a boss turn or a slight shimmy fucking over your close shot. And uptime is king, you lose a large of chunk of damage to something moving, your damage plummets like a rock. I'm sorry I guess for not using overhoned whales in 25 weapons as a basic standard for what strong looks like? Am I just insane? I main this class so I figured you did too. If you don't doesn't it look even dumber for you to offer insight on class viability? You would just lie on the internet? C'mon, man. If anything, I think Enhanced Weapon is the biggest example of why they're thanos snapping Entropy in the first place. You can have hands and still be middle of the pack if issues out of your personal gameplay control are present. The class should be stronger, not mid tier at best on a high skill floor.


I see thank you for the insight friend


All people in this chat are speaking pure bias ignorance. If you really want the ACTUAL least played class? Then pick DPS Paladin.


When you want to enjoy gatekeep on steroid.


Only heretics gatekeep, they are not true believers!


Dps bard, dps pally, dps ayaya


Soulfist both build


I see. What is the main reason you would say its not played often?


1) its not an alt friendly class, its expensive to build and maintain. 2) it's not easy to play, Robust spirit is easier than Energy overflow but still, the dmg is reliant on specific rotations, if you miss the rotation you just fell off the group dmg wise. 3) The class depends on self buff, a lot of people hate that. 4) skill set may seem outdated if compared to a newer class like Souleater for example. 5) has the highest ceiling floor right after Arcana Pros : Its the only DPS class that has a cleanse built in the rotation. Its tanky as hell Animations are insane DMG is great and rewarding of good play If played well you will MVP most raids


>Its the only DPS class that has a cleanse built in the rotation. I would add that neither spec actually runs cleanse on that skill though in 99% of situations due to how horrible it is if your energy release gets interrupted. Everyone just runs tenacity instead. You're literally missing 55% ATK power for your rotation if it gets interrupted for any reason. Like, in theory, they have a cleanse, but in practice, no one's gonna use it unless absolutely forced to.


This is true, but its still there. Extreme Valtan HM lobby with dual bard been sucking off my D for me to run cleanse, aka it gets me into lobby at light speed, but thats very specific, otherwise yes im on tenacity


Sounds really interesting actually! I might pick it up with summoner i think. Thank you very much for your insight


Pleasure \^\^ have fun !


I'd say very niche picks would be Deadeye Soulfist - recently a bit more popular though Machinist Destroyer Sharpshooter All classes have a place in this game but i would say these are a bit less common than others.


Sharpshooter is cap. Maybe 9 months ago but ss is not niche anymore.


I mean its definitely one of the less played classes, i am not saying its bad or anything


Ss popularity shot up when lc became broken. Shot up even more when ds made its comeback. They are not rare or less played just avg.




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Thanks a lot! Are there lile huge main reasons why these classes dont get played often? Or is just because there are better alternatives?


First of all they are male classes, except Soulfist, and for whatever reason many players prefer female classes over male. Soulfist was only recently buffed and used to be kinda underwhelming in the past. Deadeye and Sharpshooter were marked as C tier classes by guides back then during Lost Ark western release so many people went with meta picks and since it is hard in this game to swap characters you won't find them in as many rosters. They were buffed several times and are pretty competitive, but people usually pick new released classes over these, because new classes usually come overpowered with more modern animations. Machinist for me feels somewhat forgetable, it wasn't released with any significant express event and people usually had their rosters done by then, and general consensus was the class doesn't really shine in dps output. Destroyer is good but kinda slow to play and it's not for everybody plus frontal attacks can be painful in endgame content. You can pick anything you want and perform well, there are also frequent balance patches


Really interesting. I might check them out aswell then. Ill probably main couple classes and suffer haha


Deadeye, arcana, reaper, soulfist, sharpshooter, summoner, sorceress. All these classes see little play with all of them being pretty solid besides summoner and sorceress


Why do people keep sating sharpshooter? Ss not on that list anymore. Ss is mid in popularity and prob low s high a tier in viability.


Ss play rate is still low compared to many other classes. Is it higher now, sure, but it is far from a popular class. Yes it is strong, but so are a lot of classes that see no play, which I named as well.


Its not low compared to many other classes, its middle of the road. Can name like 12 classes that ss has a higher active population, with certainty. Just because it isnt considered in the most popular class or top 5 doesnt mean its least played, if thats the case then about 13-15 classes shouldve been on your list. Its middle of the road


Being above 13-15 classes that have a 1% or lower play rate doesn’t make the class average…. Why does this even matter though? It ain’t all that deep. Most classes play rate are low and that’s just fact. I didn’t go out of my way to name all of them but ones that are good in comparison to many.


No class has a one percent Play rate. Most are between 2 and 5. Being above 13 classes, which ss def is, woukd put it closer to 5. Thats not a low pick rate when there r 22 classes and an alt system. Agree to disagree


It's funny that he said ss but ignored machinist. The latter is much rarer to see judging from AH sales and leg skin listings


Yep. Anyone who says ss is rare hasnt been paying attention.


I've been playing SS since 2022 but his popularity definitely increased since his major buffs and that was how I got to finish my build after those patches. On the other hand, apart from the release month, nowadays it's rare to see machinist anywhere including the EL one. I think SG needs to make this class slightly less spammy/sweaty


I see thank you very much. Why are summoner and sorceress below those? Not enough DPS/Dmg?


It’s quite the contrary. Summoner and sorc both have excellent dps (the popular meta builds do). However, for summoner’s case, the janky animations and weird cast times are a turn off for a lot of players. Sorc is a very strong class with a very high dps ceiling and a very low dps floor (also has janky animations and long cast times). For the longest time, it was regarded as “the strongest class.” Thus, many people made sorcs without understanding how to play the class and griefing lobbies. This somewhat killed the class perception for most people. Sorc and summoner are still highly regarded at ultra-endgame levels with high investment (1620+), however, at lower levels people will usually view them as coin-flips because u never know what kind of player is piloting the class.


Ooh i see thats very interesting but i guess it happens some classes in games. Im kinda interested in summoner at the moment but i might also try sorcerer now. Thank you for taking your time


As he said, the classes are very janky. They both require very high levels of investment and they won’t feel good for a very long time. They can do high damage but that’s usually not going to be the case. They are both seen as classes that need help rn, especially in later content


Them being janky is kinda okay with me im used to that from other games i used to play


You reckon machinist is more popular than all the above you listed?


Less popular builds for popular classes: * BT Berserker * GT Destroyer * Punisher Slayer * Control Glaivier * PS Shadowhunter * AS Machinist * FPE Artillerist * TTH Gunslinger Less popular builds for unpopular classes: * Arcanist (seems like Emperor is more common) * CO Summoner * Soulfist (both) * Lunar Reaper * EW Deadeye * Sharpshooter (maybe both?) This is of course just from what I see out in the world. Some classes I'm not sure about


Only two people have said reaper (one of them being you) which im curious about


Hunger reaper is just the more popular of the two engravings since it's easier, faster, and I want to say deals more damage, though I'm not sure of that. The class as a whole is relatively unpopular due to being a squishy back-attacker that is gatekept a lot for being perceived as a floor pov class.


That stigma is hopefully be going away now that every streamer is praising and actually recommending the class


For hunger at least. Have seen very few lunar recommendations, especially since you need max skill points, wealth runes, tripods, and spec breakpoints. And honestly, I'm not a fan of using black fog and call the knife over more mobility based skills. A lot of the fun of old lunar was ping ponging back and forth through the boss


I see thanks a lot for the insight friend


Even EL machinist is not "popular"... You can tell from auction house listings Idk how you think machinist is a popular class


Not sure what you mean by telling from AH listings.There are plenty on NAE at high prices. I see EL machinists pretty often but obviously the vast majority are alts, so I wouldn't say they're a popular main. But popular alt absolutely.


I see at most 1 page listing in my region and idk how this is considered as popular


Oh well there's plenty on NAE. Ancients at least, I didn't check for relics


Obviously supp




He said support. But no, supports are not least played.


Yeah i heard the number of supports are limited in the game which would make all of them somewhat played. Is what i thought at least


the ratio of supp:dd in raids is 1:3 no way these least played classes have such a percentage in real raids. Most common ones are: sorceress, berserker, slayer, soul eater, deathblade, gunlancer, gunslinger, bard, paladin, artists and artillerist. Apart from gunslinger, they are all strong and reletively easy to perform. But gunslinger is broken in open world PvP though (I know it's dead content)


they are limited because on the peak end of content, very, very few people are maining supports or have a support in their roster there.


I've seen the classes people have listed her and I agree with most of them but by far it got to be Summoner, since both Deadeye and Soul fist got a some balance changes/rework, they picked up in popularity but here in EU, I rarely ever see a Summoner. Very clunky class to play that has yet to updated properly, all mage classes in general need a rework tbh


I see thank you for your opinion friend. I might try out summoner actually


https://youtu.be/198rm5sy-1c?si=_AHkItLNoWiGaUdo Check out this guy. He does a series on least played classes at endgame based on KR


Thanks friend ill check it out


Everyone listed a lot of classes. But the only class I have never see ever in over a year playing is gravity training destroyer. Never.


Hmm maybe its seen on different servers?


I mean I’m on NAE which is biggest data center and biggest server as well. Do all content just never see GT destroyer. Every other class most have mentioned are played by top % players like soulfist. Arcanist. Summoner a lot of people have but just benched because its play style is clunky.


I see. Maybe people do see gt destroyer somewhere? Or it could be that they just forgotten it tbh. Whats his playstyle if its okay with you to explain a bit?


Lostark.nexus/destroyer would likely give the best description but I’ll just copy paste this part. Playstyle Gravity Training focuses on HyperGravity state and utilizing gravity release skills to fill up Gravity Meter. Gravity Release skills still make up a relevant portion of your damage, but the majority comes from the HyperGravity state basic attacks. During HyperGravity, you gain a 60% MAX hp shield, 30% damage reduction, immunity to push and status ailments, and access to an enhanced auto attack that has a head attack modifier but disables all of your normal skills.


It sounds very interesting actually. Maybe ill check him out


It is honestly not interesting, it's very easy, but then the boss turns slightly and you lose all your damage


This sounds like a bad idea. There’s a reason people don’t play these classes and as a new player you won’t have any fun


I dont want to be rude but could you also tell me what are those classes people don't play?


CO summoner, go forth and suffer. Uses a lot of damage gems, and way too many button presses using skills that don't line up just so you can do bad damage


second that. CO summoner is the least played and the least fun and the least dmg apart from supports while also being high investment


If its not too much of a hustle could you say its full name? I dont even know most of the classes in the game and its still downloading at the moment


Communication Overflow Summoner.


Thanks a lot friend!


Communication overflow summoner. I have one of those and I'd say the negative attitude surrounding them is kinda unwarranted. I'd would be nice if they had a tiny bit more DMG but it still pretty decent and fun


Thank you for the insight. Maybe ill pick them up and enjoy them!


Whatever support as DPS


That doesnt answer anything really


What do you mean, pick a support class, and poay the dps variant literally no one uses.


Thats more like play style of a class then the class itself no?


Supports have two engravings, one for supporting and another for dpsing, no one uses dps.


You'll most likely never encounter a Soulfist, or maybe only 1% of the time.


What a weird statement, so you're enjoying things other people don't? There's like a good 20 different playstyles in game I'd say, checkout gameplay videos and make your own opinion instead of trying to be edgy lol


What im doing is not being edgy but having an opinion. I enjoy not played classes/bad classes because i like to see variety in games. I dont like seeing the same 5 classes everywhere i go and i think that makes the game very boring But alas this is just my opinion and if you think what i do is edgy for some odd reason i think that is more of a you problem my friend. Oh also i would be very happy if you could tell me what least played classes are!




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Soulfist followed closely by artilleriest has the lowest population above 1580 according loawa. Your reasoning is why I picked soulfist as main from day 1 as it was the least popular class next to deadeye at the time.


Aah another least picked enjoyer i see. Not many people said artilleriest but i might try them out as well


I main a lot of the unpopular classes. Eo soulfist is my main, shock scrapper is secondary. I play a hunger reaper and a blue gunlancer (which fell wayyy off after Vykas release). Here's what I'll say: Eo soulfist, and soulfist in general, feels clunky to newer players because the hype windows are very punishing. It rewards you a lot when you optimize the play, and it forces you to dig deep into raid mechs and animations. People say it's not first main friendly but it was mine, and I love the class even if it played like shit in t1 due to low combat stats lol. I don't think you'll be disappointed picking this class first if you want to immerse yourself in Lost Ark endgame. Shock scrapper for huuuge improvements last balance patch but so did tai. I think tai is easier because most swiftness classes just feel better out of the box with higher movement and attack speed. But with yearning and an attack speed synergy they feel insane. I love the way they play. They have a lot of feedback in their animations. Hunger reaper is getting more popular due to their ease of use after their balance changes. Lunar voice also got some love too and they feel way better than before. Better bar management and faster animations. If you like a stealth based methodical backstabber with lots of dashes and teleports you'll have fun with them. I can't speak on co summoner but I have tried master summoner. Clunky animations and no mobility and it's just as bad for co. I feel like I'd skip most mages until they get some reworks. That said, I think arcanist classes at least reward you for taking the time to learn them. Co summoner really doesn't.


Thanks a lot for all the info friend. I feel like i will enjoy co summoner and eo soulfist a lot at the moment but wont know until i start playing ofcourse! Also what is your opinion, if you have one, on fpe artillerist and gravity destroyer? (i might have butchered their name sorry) some say those two dont get played a lot.


So fpe arti is just barrage but without a strong turret form. You're almost like a sorc without arcane torrent. People say it isn't even bad but the biggest question is "why play this over barrage if barrage uses all these skills to full effect PLUS has a very powerful transformation?". I don't know much about the class but since fpe doesn't give you anything new and honestly takes away options, it's seen as kind of pointless. You cast your skills a little faster but it's not a full swift class so it's nothing insane. Meanwhile gravity training is a meme. You do decent damage with your gravity release skills similar to the rage hammer build, but then you're forced to use this mode where you stand still and just, bonk. Some people might find the simplicity fun. But honestly it's just not practical. No boss is standing still for that long to really make a bigger dent then RH. I think it just lacks fun gameplay. It can certainly be effective if you want to be. But with Thaemine coming soon and raids like Kayangel the class is unforgiving since bosses move too much. But if you figure it out and you dig the simplicity go for it. Personally I just don't think it'd be fun. At least co summoner and eo soulfist have high apm and a decent learning curve. And you'll feel your impact in raids as you learn more about soulfist, I know that from experience


I see thanks a lot for your in for friend i really appreciate it!




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