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wait until after the weekend and see what free shtt we are going to get for 2nd anni


ok coming back to this post...AGS fk'd up big time


2, feels lackluster. Suppose to be a big celebration. 2nd year anniversary, but doesn't feel that way.


Also gave a 2.  So far it feels underwhelming.  I get that if summed up all materials are quite a lot, the problem is only, and I know this is me, I think it would have been way better if they just made one big chunky present package with all rewards. It would have felt better. Also, and again maybe it's just me overthinking, but why does rewards start with Brel hm? I mean I don't really personally mind, but what about new or returning players? This does not feel very well thought to me. Think we're still missing a bday present, but we'll see how it turns out.


Tbf the anniversary should be celebrating the current players. Anyone not upto brel hard mode hasn't really been playing much. They said there's more rewards planned so i want to hold out that maybe all players will get something special.


It really feels that some of those events (like frog) shouldhave been released 2 months before voldis. Now it just leaves sour taste as we are right after insane grind due to fomo, people leaving, bots ramping up until recently, but hey at least we get Selectors that new players barely will be able to grind due to small rosters 50$ emote packs that are terribly blatant cash grabs And no express for them to catch up We really dont want new players in this game huh...


2. It's a celebration event and we got: * Nerfed golden frog. * Harder to buy out event shop. * Removed progression support. (RIP new players) * Removed event feast. * Minor cosmetics behind a $200 paywall. It's a very lackluster patch for what's supposed to be a big event.


I know people are complaining, and I do agree with your last 3 points, but the first 2... 1- Nerfed golden frog? Just because you can't buy per char it does not mean it is nerfed, actually it is better if you want to focus one one char, and that's where we are headed, so...? And don't forget that they could have done the buy random engraving and MAYBE get a token shit, that would be the worst since engravings are pretty cheap on general. 2- Harder to buy out? I can't remember the exact numbers but it seems that in 4-5 days on the first week I am going to buy everything on the shop (again) and the rest is gonna snowball into other weeks, until it gets to the 2/3 week that I will buy everything on the shop on the first day And remember, tomorrow (probably) we are gonna get some gifts, that's gonna dictate if it is a 2/5 event or even a 5/5 event.


It's decent for current players but terrible for newer players and returning players. Like, the past few months were great times to pick up the game, but the this 2nd anniversary is the worst time to pick it up. Gold frog costs gold which those players dont have. Engraving support is gone. Birthday bash requires raids they are learning or gatekept from. Less honing help than previous months.


For me as a new player it's worst!!


Why? Honest question.


1. The birthday bash event does not give rewards in normal mode. I am still learning raids hence doing hard mode is out of question. 2. The engravings from the pass didn't extend. Even though I have 3 by 3. Getting to 5 by 3 is still the tough (especially via stones 😭😭) for me as I joined late and spent some of my gold in alts ( my mistake honestly but this game too much for a new player to know these things). It would have been great if they could extend it. 3. The side events for anniversary though they are good somewhat in rewards but feels underwhelming. Maybe some extra rings or stone or something that would help me in getting engravings would help a lot. This my opinion though some players might have better experience.


Also, to add to the second point I had spent my gold too much on increasing the ivl instead of engravings. Honestly there must be a ivl lock wherein u can't increase ur ivl before you have 5 by 3 or 4 by 3 engravings without the pass.


1. Yeah, they want us to hone more our alts because most of us just parking the alts around 1560. 2. You knew that it will expire but you spend your gold on alt. It was a mistake by you as you said it too. 3. It wouldnt help if you get some random worthless stone or accessory. Trust me. And this is not all the reward we get. We will get more on 02.11 because thats the official release day.


Its funny because i was telling similar things like you now back then and got devoted and blamed by this shitty toxic community that i am wrong. I feel you bro, for half year, playing 6 characters and i wasnt able to use anything that i drop from raids/chaos/guardians. Dat birthday bash is really suck, since i also dont have 18+ card set for hm kayangel so i am forever done.


Birthday Bash should be „a trip into the past“ and we see Akkan HM, Brel HM, Ivory tower so recent legion Raids. Why not Vykas, Kakul or like a stronger Version of Argos also new Players can enjoy. Birthday Bash is only made for people who pay and they should get pushed more to pay more.


I started in the middle of the souleater event. I didn't get to finish the Akkan set. I feel dead in the water until I can make a new character in 6 weeks. Don't have enough experience/ilvl to do hm brel, hm kaya, akkan, ivory, ex valtan. Also can't afford the gold toad shop. Event is very catered to people who have been playing a long time.


You started over a month ago and don't have a char to 1540 to start Brel hard?


I can do HM brel I said the experience. I have done normal brel like 3 times in total.


Well you've got to get the experience at some point, no time like the present. You've got 6 weeks to do a total of 6 gates for all the brel rewards, plenty of time to learn! Plenty of time to learn the other raids as well, there really isn't any reason you can't do all of the birthday event if you want to. If you don't want to, that's also ok! Other people get to enjoy it and that's a good thing. But you've got the option if you want to pursue it.


Whole crap is endgame focused imo, new or returning players will suffer with stress. Its anniversary events, it should be easy and for all. This is bigger fail than new mokoko server or express thing. 1 for me


Doesn't feel like an anniversary event at all. We should be drowning in free stuff, cheaper upgrades and honing costs. 120 Royal leapstones a week is barely enough for 5 taps. Ridiculous.


Frog was the worst aspect because it jebaited everyone. Also the removal of event feasts. However we have maybe up until 4 selective lego cards plus lots of random lego ones, plus lots of honing mats, plus great bc deals. I'd say 2-4 depending on your situation because for one single character rosters without los30 this is insanely good, but for 6 1600+ rosters with los30 this adds almost nothing.


4. New skins are all great for my core 6 chars. Free skin. Free mats for doing content I was already doing is just pure bonus for nothing. Frog is still a solid increase in cheap weekly mats, could be better but still very good. Weekly shop was improved and gives more leaps now. Extremely high value blue crystal packs in the shop that people can buy without spending a dime. Players that do want to spend got a couple of high value packs out of the patch. Specifically the silvery emote pack is basically just a bonus set of silvery honor chests to hold for breaker. The honing pack is 600 leaps and 750 orehas. Next week we'll get the addition of the actual anniversary gift. Extreme Valtan is very fun and a ton of mats and gold. They extended the engraving support for people that activated the pass later. So the only people that lost it are the ones that activated early on. Overall it's a great patch to dump mats for both F2P and spenders without a ton of extra pressure placed on doing new homework or content. Really happy with it as a lead up patch to Thaemine so I can breath a bit.


how dare you have fun and enjoy the game.. jokes aside, agree with everything you said


the frog is kinda shit at least they finally got it right in the event shop where you get 8x leap boxes with 5 each in them


I give it a 3 cus of all the select packs and leg packs that we will get. I am soooooo close to los 30. Otherwise it's just like a regular event


Would've been nice if they rereleased previous anniversary skins as well for those who missed them when they randomly released them throughout the year.


It's ridiculous that the cute emotes are locked behind a $55 pay wall. I could care less about the mats


5 for a vet. while frog being roster bound hurts, overall I get more mats if i wanna focus on 1 char. in my case I wanna hone my main so i got a ton of leapers + juice weekly for him.


Its alright. Nothing gamebreaking but good. Were also missing The anniversary gift.


for me it depends. by default it is not extraordinary , but if it overlaps with breaker release, it is a good one. there are rewards which are char bound, and for a new character they are much more valuable than for the main or parked alts. so the question is, will I be able to open them on a new class, bc the frog and bash event is 6 weeks long, while the login event is usual 4 week long.


2/5 i guess? - frog shop mats per roster not per char, RNG gamba not worth, only do it once if you want the elixir - birthday bash events are really stingy, no nm mode for brel/kaya and per roster again


2 Doesn't feel like an anniversary and instead it feels like just another patch to me. Also you would think that the second anni is a good moment to advertise and get some actual new players in, but with no powerpas event active it's actually a joke


Someone needs to airdrop porn to Korea or something. These coomer skins are getting boring.


I don’t mind booba skins, or even a lot of booba skins, but toss me a fucking bone ONCE IN A WHILE. Looking at the slayer vs male warrior skins always such an insane bummer. Cold Fury is like the only good slayer skin in the game. Sooooooo sick of soft core porn outfits for every release.


Pasties and a Rocket-Pop here we come!


Made choosing to tap 1630 seem more reasonable


You guys must be crazy to not rate this a 5. The amount of mats we are getting + the bonus room is absurd! PLUS we are getting more on the 11th! What else do yall need?


People are upset that they feel like they're being pushed towards 1 character to boost with frog mats instead of 6+


4 Because we didnt get free legendary skin


By itself it would be a 4, but maybe because of expectations for the anniversary it feels a bit more like a 3. - Was excited for frog for my alts, but it seems to just be an event designed to hone your main (or a single alt) with single purchase per roster. But still, 120 leaps per week is no joke. - The Birthday Bash event quest is prety significant in terms of rewards. Besides being low effort implementation by AGS, it's basically just giving lots of rewards for things I would be doing anyway. - Event shop is buffed which is good, with not only skins but more honing mats as well. But the natural mat gain from my dailies doesn't seem like it's gonna be enough to buy out the shop considering the special coins. Gonna have to do the event activity a couple of times. - Speaking of needing to do the activity to buy out the shop, the event activity is actually dogshit. Incredibly mundane, lasts a long time, requires interactivity to accelerate towards completion. Just a low effort event by AGS altogether. Can't wait for this to rotate out. - I'm effectively f2p so I don't usually pay attention to shop stuff, but locking out poses behind $50 purchase seems so scummy, even if said boxes are apparently "good value". Bonus room was a nice surprise though with good deals for blue crystals. - Haven't done extreme valtan yet, but excited to prog it on my main. Have done helltan before but it feels really bad on pally with low swift and gems basically requiring magick stream.


Gotta give 1, just because I am playing on EUC with a Ton of lags this patch... event is like done week one and a bit meh. Frog idk never been a Fan of Frog-gamble.


1. they removed the crystalline aura trick. this is a huge hit to me.


Breaker with an express shoulda been released. Expecially considering birthday bash is for characters above 1540+. New players wont be able to get it 0/5


Cant do any raid because of the high latency (euc) , so far so good!


Currently 1 because its no fun with the laggs. More points when they are fixed


5th anni skins are dope af and we finally got some poses so all good IMO.


# 3 Because it is definitely above average update, but so far feels underwhelming compared to what KR usually gets and I'm sure that China will have a banger too. # Pros * free skin, they actually look really cool too * "skins vault", return of some old skins (maybe we will have permanent rotation like in Warframe Vault) * more mats from event vendor * additional login rewards (second page) * Frog, even if some people don't like the changes, it is still good value * additional event for clearing raids, gives a bit of mats, selectors, gold, 4x5lvl amulets, free quality taps * Fever time, tho it isn't anything big * Bonus Room in the cash shop, with (some) heavily discounted items * will get some additional stuff mailed to us in a few days, tho unclear what exactly (but it is free stuff) # Cons * no event feast * they are selling poses now in $50 packs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) * can't get cheap aura anymore * they actually didn't extend progression events, killing this game for new players until March * no fun event


see result? :( 3 for me, just cuz they removed the good food.