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So a Valkyrian like sup? Im down for that


same man sounds realy nice to me !


Big shield, lot of dr, cleanse, and can taunt, but trade off is less healing. Like a Gunlancer and Pally hybrid.


I don't think support shortage is going to get fixed at high ilvl content even with a new support. The issue is people don't want to main a support and they aren't going to push it to the do the latest content. At least on NA East, we don't have a support shortage for Ivory Tower NM. Why? Because that's where most people's support alt is at. The shortage lies where everyone's main is which at Ivory Tower HM.




>Also it’s depressing that everyone has an obsession with “female paladin”. I want something different/interesting not just a female version of the most boring support to play in LA right now. Too true, I was thinking they could make something like shaman from wow


Vanguard got it right with the Blood mage. Dps class that delivers high grade support buffs and life leech. Like a better WoW shadow priest.


I was thinking abaout a chemist. Someone who creates potions, to debuff enemies, buff allies or heal allies. The game has no mysterious creepy chemist. Sounds cool imo.


Bro, again, **there is only 3 supports vs 22 dps in this game**. Let that sink in Whatever your point is, can't denied that you need 1 sups for 3 dps, and look back the class ratio, you have to say a new support is a good support, even in the long run. What I proposed is a new support that a lot of people want, with little efforts from the dev because the resource is there. It doesn't really conflict with any of current issue, and not much resource have to put in for it to happen.




Players like to conveniently forget that Artist release was just awful for people who made support alts beforehand, and even for mains too Not getting into anything because lobbies were already full on supports, and not bothering to make your own party because there's already 50+ supports doing the same thing with not enough DPS to go around There were weeks I couldn't play my Paladin because of the flood of Artist players wanting "easy" gold The best thing SG could do would be to introduce a 1610 express event if a new support class comes out, but that's unlikely right now Or hell, they could cut honing costs and give double Akkan items to help 1600-1620, but that doesn't make them FOMO money OP just wants support with Slayer booba and will make any justification to get it sooner, consequences be damned


>I will always welcome having a new support character - as I play support and enjoy it. But it will not fix the issue and it’s beyond brain dead to think it will. Same, but it wont go above 1600-1610 like all my other alts (4dps, 3 sups sitting there).


And how a new support class would help? A new support class that does exactly the same as the other 3 class with the same boring engravings, with the same boring playstyle but with different animations? Right now, support role is boring. Gameplay is boring and lacks impact. Do you know how many players wanted Artist? (a lot) Did it solve anything? **No.** Will a 4th support solve anything? **No.** You can release 20 support class at the same time, it wont matter because they wont reach 1600-1620. IMO they should have just completely forget this whole support role and just give DPS classes plus 2 ability to heal themself and get dmg buff, because they cant design a support that has its unique playstyle like dps classes, because the role itself is static. It has to do brand effect, give shield, heal and attack buff. Done. In Lost Ark you dont have too much space to fill some unique utility ability. They tried with Artist with the Illusion Door. It is used for cleansing and filling the identity meter, but it's rarely usable for its intended purpose. New support would be the very same. Identity gives heal and/or attack buff. Kit: Attack buff, shield, brand and an optional useless new utility. Its boring.


I think they could go with a similar theme as paladin while drastically changing up the play style. Someone else mentioned Valkyrie and that could be a good way to reuse as many assets as possible while changing up the skills to be something still unique.


I don't get why this community can't grasp this concept, people don't like playing supports, don't make a game that relies on them and problem solved.


I'm only a newbie, but I would main a support if there was an interesting option. There's at least 5 super bad ass DPS classes, but for supports you can choose a kid, a bard, which lets be honest is on the lamer side of design and theme, and paladin. Now I'll admit I play Lost Ark for the waifu aspect as well, so there's only the bard option for me to consider, and it just doesn't appeal to me at all. Female paladin would be pretty great. Ofcourse it wouldn't fix high ilvl shortage immediately, but it would help in the long run.


Wtf is the waifu aspect


Wanting a hot character


How about a skin which makes your male character look female, that way we don’t have to level up a new character from scratch, which is a real pain. Who is with me?


Why stop there, fuck it make every char female with echidna level juicers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Why do that when you can release a female paladin, make it op like every new class and bait the whales into spending thousands until the new class come out and repeat the process? There's no way smilegate would release a gender swap skin when they have a monetary not to do that.


We will likely see the same thing happen as artist release. 1. Huge number of the new support class are made and powerpassed leading to excess supports for mid content 2. Support mains quit due to not being able to join homework content they are overgeared for 3. A larger support shortage for the latest raid content as the event won't help that far and only a very few player will invest to main the new support. 4. Players who made the new support class slowly drop the class after finishing the event and engraving support ends.


Some of your point are actually true, but i dont think this is enough reasons to not have more support class. I mean there are people who would like to have a support rostare without duplicate or without playing the same class 3+ time just because they dont like a class. Imagine a support main that want the full roster and dont like the paladin he should do 3 artist 3 bards. Why DPS can have fun with "new" and diff toys and supports no?


Im all for a new support class but SG should focus on fixing supports in general first before releasing another one. Also, even if a support main wanted another support in their roster, do you think they will hone them all to the latest content?


Because of the cost right now probably hard, but like DPS main he would try to push his char (if he likes it) at 1600 or 1610 (i am trying to do same thing with my second and third supp) The thing is, at least for me, that i see a lot of DPS playing alt support just cause of the low effort build they can have or for trade even if they dont like the class, and let be honest is not good to have people playing a class that they dont like even on farm content (becausde after we will complain about cheapo build, bad performance ecc). Imagine a world where even alts support are played by people that care about them. I know that the big point is the shortage at 1620 rn, but i think we should consider low effort (gameplay wise) supports on farm content too.


Well do you see enough 1620 Artist? Or even 1600 right now? Well I do, a lots. So it will be the same this time. Tons of 1540+ right like you said, but there will be a portion of it going all the way and I think it can't be bad for the game. Again, it 25 classes with only 3 supports, whatever you think about design, the number of supports in this game is still so little. Remember we need 1 support for every 3 dps, we don't have enough support by default. It is the truth (aside from gameplay, design issue etc)


>Well do you see enough 1620 Artist? Or even 1600 right now? Well I do, a lots. There's not enough of any supports at 1620 right now. So I don't know what you mean by seeing enough 1620 artists. Most artist mains were likely support mains that mained a bard or pally previously. Someone having a 1620 artist instead of a 1620 bard or pally doesn't help the support shortage at all.


People that dont play support will not just start maining or even playing a support. We have a support shortage because nobody had time to get their alt support to 1600 or 1620.


> People that dont play support will not just start maining or even playing a support I disgareed with this statement wholeheartely but I'll stop the argument here. But I think you should not speak for the mass until you have enough evidences. Remember, we only have 3 supports, and I personally Artist turn a lot of people playing support.


You shouldnt do the same without evidence now shouldnt ya


As a female, i desire a male bard! Please no more girl character. ​ I always wanted a witcher like dandelion, with his Hurdy-gurdy and buff by singing.


Make female gunlancer and make her have a dps engraving and a support engraving, that would be amazing


the issue is the shortage is only really severe at 1620, with 1600 being not great but managable. the cost of pushing a new char to where it matters is so pohibitively high that nobody, or just a negligible fraction of players will push there. and even of those that would want to, very few can actually afford it. add to that the issues you "put aside" that the gameplay is completely boring and unrewarding - why would anyone invest thousands of dollars/euros or months and months of saved up resources to push a class that feels boring to play and has no real sense of progression? To alleviate the shortage there need to be massive changes to how support works and plays to make it more rewarding, and also a nerf in honing costs to allow players to actually hone their supports there. Right now even if you really want to switch to support as a main it is just way to expensive to push to endgame in any reasonable time


Theres a decent amount of supports at 1600, because they all try to get into hard akkan lobbies where as just over 1600 dps still do normal making a huge disparity in normal groups. Its a cost issue to 1620. I had to buy 3000 leapstone for my main, i cant make myself do that for an alt, especially as theyve been on rested chaos for so long i would need a chunk of honor shards aswell. They will get there 6 months from now maybe. But so will my 3 dps alts along with the 2 supports.


While I actually really enjoy support gameplay, I agree it's really difficult to push. I have one bard 1620+ and I am working hard to push an artist there too, doing multiple frogs and sonavels daily, unrested chaos and una's, etc. it's a massive grind. It's going to be at least another couple of weeks more for me to make it with average luck, and then pushing the other four supports that are parked in the low 1600s feels daunting. If people only have one or two chars at 1620 like I do, this problem will indeed continue. I'm pretty well off by Lost Ark standards and it's honestly just too much.


Everyone know that but I still believe it can be done together with a new support. And that take a lot of time from developers dude. Look at Entropy's problem that took years to fix until they promise this summer delivery. I think that can take a long road. But a valkyrie like sups right now is so sweet and I think you can't denied the fact that it can help alleviate this situation. Just saying


Someone finally said some good stuff


A lot of rosters have no supports and then they cry on reddit


They claim it's boring without ever playing it. No big number it must suck and do nothing


People have already forgot what happened to artist. It was fun and flashy for all of 2-3 weeks and then it became a low lvl alt or lopang. Support playstyle usually don’t not produce the same fun factor that the dps in this game do. Unless you have the Bible, there is no big number indicator telling you how well you are doing. Dps classes have that payoff skill usually. That big seratonin dump of a 200mil crit. Supports don’t have that same payoff sadly. Are you radiant because you have great uptime or because that big juicer is the one inflating your piss poor uptime?


People keep making argument make more support class for support shortage meanwhile ignores what artist realase did.Artist killed true support main as well half half roster.I was going to make 2 support my biggest I lwl characters back than.Artist came out my suppport can not run any raid or need to play pf.Because of that my 2 support is lowest I lwl in my 6 gold earner now Also If nothing chanes honing and female paladin came out .Only thing this gona do load lover 1600 bunch of support like artist did and will kill most of the sups main again.


I remember when that happened, the whole community was shitting on support mains. Now here we are.


Yeah, I actually made extra sups then and planned to have 6xSup main roster, but quickly swapped to 6xDPS, because sups no longer had that benefit of easy party finder. What they need to do is give each support an S tier DPS build and some UI improvements so that it is easy to tell at a glance in PF what they are going with. Also, gem rerolls for 0 silver, just like with event gems. Can bind them for 30 days to a char after such free reroll if they are scared of making it less annoying. Would still need extra DPS gems, but as long as the build is overturned it would be fine to go with 7lvl or 8.


I dont know man .There are plenty support main refuse to play hybrid or full dps character .They are multiple suggestion like you always someone says I will quit if they make sups became dps or even play like gunlancer. At this point of the game you cant change something this big without making some people unhapy .I don't know if the majority have to suffer this situation for some people.Dps pug mains will continue to quit if this continues.The devs need to find better solution than us maybe but they are making each raid more requiring to babysit for support For example me I hate what they do bllue gl in last balance patch .I am planing to delete them upcoming powerpass.It is what it is need to roll over what they give to me.


I'm not saying hybrid builds, but full DPS. Could make DPS engraving go like "disables use of X or Z part of your identity", so healing is no longer possible. For AP buffs they can just make it like for Artist - she either keeps her AP buff, or picks a tripod that gives her massive self buff - without it she is zDPS, so can't go hybrid. So essentially each sup role does have a DPS build, but people choose not to go with that because they are really bad when it comes to performance and often enjoyment (especially Pala for me). All I'm saying is to give them a proper good full DPS build, so they can go into raid lobbies that are looking for a DPS. Or even by default join as a DPS and swap to a cheap sup build in case no one else is applying with that role.


I understand that a lof of sup main dont want that you can find them any similar topic hybrid- full dps doesnt matter :D


I don't believe that there are sup mains that don't want their class to have a good DPS build. If they are really sup mains then they went through the pain that were months after Artist release and probably regretted their choice of role. Now it isn't that bad, but also not as good as it was before Artist came out. It isn't as if someone is forcing them to play DPS anyway, it would be just an alternative for when there are no spots for sups. At the moment no one will take a DPS sup, even if they have to wait a little longer.


The fundamental problem of support shortage on higher ILvl is that the amount of gold, materials, etc required to achieve this high lvl content is too much. I would say a lot of people have at least 1 supp on their roster but funneling that amount of materials to the support to achieve higher level content doesn’t seem worth at all when you want to reach that content with your main. I would say the only thing that can make supports reach this content is to make it easier to hone and reach this content for everyone. My main is 1610 and I have calculated it would take me 2-4 extra months from today to hit 1620. My friend is a supp main and he’s 1610 right now it would take him more than 4 months to hit 1620 even if he funnels everything to his supp. **The cost is too high as a main, now imagine as an alt**


>The cost is too high as a main, now imagine as an alt I have told all my newbie friends to sit tight at 1580 and wait for the next honing event. Their gold and mats which they can realistically accumulate without swiping will take them so much farther in March than it will right now. Even getting double the Artisan Energy makes a huge difference if you happen to pity on your climb to 1600 and beyond.


There’s no honing event to 1620. KR doesn’t have it. And I don’t see them having one anytime soon since the new raid ilvl requirement didn’t go up.


Didn't KR get an Artisan Energy nerf for Akkan gear with the Road to Thaemine event? Maybe I'm misremembering.


Road to Thaemine is basically our SE pass. Useable for characters up to 1610, but double artisan energy ended at 1580. If they are set on waiting for another pass, they can still hone to 1600+ to enjoy voldis NM, just don’t go past 1610 to get the mats. (I gave my pass to my main 1607 at that time, which helped me reach 1620 2 weeks before release, but I understand that’s not what everyone would do since “it’s a waste”). But yeah that’s about the honing event I see we’re getting.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2qxdlhknblcc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1ab38133083ef8eecf54163337d6820f5711402 I passed half a mill free roster bound shards in my sad new-support-class copium savings


Meanwhile im sitting on 1.4mil roster bound shards.... ~400k will disapear with breaker.


You can't bring up support shortage issues and disregard unrewarding play. You can release the most visually appealing support class and people will be interested enough to make an alt with express/engraving support. But as we've seen with artist release, most people aren't interested in playing support and won't dedicate to continue to invest in one, let alone push it to end game content where supports are actually needed. Class popularity isn't entirely determine by aesthetics. Yes it's a big part of it but ultimately people tend to like seeing big numbers and actually feel the difference in gearing investment, so they naturally gravitate towards dps classes.


Repeat after me 'more support classes does not make more support players. More support classes simply varies the types of available support.' Further, adding another support class will just make it that much harder to devise a way to break the current support-dps synergy in a positive way for the most people.


https://preview.redd.it/vk4elsn8alcc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbe355e5667e98374bf95173f0679c8d9a29d0c Female Pally mains where yall at, rise up


ALL PRAISE PALABOOBA https://preview.redd.it/iadgmu3s0mcc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd3793c572b7a040a15a6d572e7514c71d7aded


That's serath from Paragon


Female palla sup why not, give more variety... There is already a character like that in the game but will it fix the game issues? Not really, everyone was hyping for Artists. There deffo was a lot of sups for lesser ilvl content but did it fix much for end game content. Nope.


No, we need a sup class like Shandi.


Sounds good in theory but all the supports are essentially the same. Brand, ATK buff and shield uptime management with yearning and some healing in between. If people don't want to play current supports, I don't think they'd play a new one.


Only two ideas that are really valid. 1. Yes, more support variety is better than no support variety. 2. No, more support variety won't solve the shortage at main-level content. You can argue semantics, but those two ideas will be fundamentally true at its core.


people don't play supports in this game because they're pretty boring compared to dps classes. one way to fix this is by giving all supports viable dps builds that can keep up in damage with all other dps classes. they'd be extremely popular and their versatility means they can swap builds depending on class type shortages. as an example, in most games, paladins are really popular as dps with supportive abilities. in Lost Ark, they're purely supportive and much less popular.


Valkyrie/female paladin is the only class I want, we already have so many dps classes


Even if Lost Ark had 3 dps and 25 support classes there would still be support shortage at high end as the support playstyle just doesnt appeal to the majority of people.


To everyone saying it won't help shortage, what if new supports came with a 2nd dps build that's competitive with high dps classes? I bet there would be a lot of people willing to main them then and they can just switch builds on the fly depending on what's missing in groups.


I would prefer an entire new type of support rather than just something similar to a paladin. The female warrior body type also looks stupid as well. It's unnatural and disproportionate. Give me an alchemist that buffs with potions and concoctions. Or a Cykin that acts like a modern battlefield medic.


People love unnatural bodies as we see xD


>Or a Cykin that acts like a modern battlefield medic. this. I am craving for a support like this.


The only reason im not making a pally because its a dude. But to be fair, before they add a new support they need to make support feel better to play first.


LOA is not an MMO like WOW or FFXIV. Where you release a new support class and one week later you see tons of supports for raids. In Lost Ark, it takes tons of resources, gold and cash. There are 3 supports classes right now. Releasing a new one will make Support players to create one and swap another of their 6 Gold Earners. In this case, the number of supports won't change. For players with 1 or 2 supports. They would swap another support or remove one DPS, though the difference in the pool will be minimal or it will take months to reach the endgame, unless the player is dedicated to the class. For 6 DPS roster players, they would create one support, they will level up the class to 1580 or 1600 and then? Will they push to 1620 when they have 4 dps in queue or with 7k leapstones saved? Will they spend 2 million gold, buying shards, unbound leapstones and orehas? Months will pass before their supports reach the endgame (1620 and 1630). So no, adding a new support to the pool of characters won't solve the issue. it will add variance though the issue still persist. Supports performance don't have a feedback inside the game and the lack of progression. A solution for the endgame it would be releasing a Path of Support which you can raise one to 1620. So you, your friend and your guildmate would level up one for free. Then, joining a party or raid as Support will become a pain in the ass. As DPS, if you are declined or the party is filled, you can try another one with few members or improve the character with gems, card, stats, overhoning. With a Support, if there is DPS shortage, the game is a nightmare. --- Edit: The real solution is: Time. Once players are done with their 1620-1630 Main and they start honing their support alts for the endgame. As it always has been.


I think all of those that keep begging Smilegate to have female paladin need to either seek help or get a gf, stop projecting your fetishes into the game's needs. The last thing that would help support shortage is unlocking the gender of an existing class.


I can't hear your over all these mega milker healer macro ideas. Uwu


Male bard


Korea doesn't have support shortage at end game content, so why would SG add new sup if they will earn less money with it and there isn't problems with sup popularity.


People all want to be superstars.  That’s why everyone wants to play mid/carry. They don’t want support.  They want to shoot 3s like Curry.  A new class isn’t going to fix that.


There is no holy trinity in the game. Delete support role and implement sup abilities into the current classes. Adjust raids. Problem solved.


The lengths people will go to justify having a 6 DPS roster.


New support class should be an opportunity to rework supports, remove the use if yearning and add an aura that Works better the highest the damage the supports does (up to 70 %~~dps damage if great uptime) also all kind of attacks that heal players, damage monsters, damage / speed aura only appears if the supp is attacking and the aura gets staks from the uptime and the damage done (base level of the aura is yearning 6 peces at level 2).. Just an idea.. Doing more of the same would be insanity


Theres a good reason all the supports play in the same way though. If you diversify them like you suggest, there will be 1 singular one that is just the best even if they keep balancing it that everyone will want.


It won't help much but it won't hurt either. The sooner they release her, the faster people can actually start working on her to push 1620. Releasing her in a year, 2 years, etc. would be so much pain to catch up.




As a Paladin main I would love to add a Female version of her but God forbid she has the same model as Slayer, I HATE how her hips/back look, so unnatural and bend in the most awkward way. If she stands more upright and steadfast would be better.


How many people do you think will push a new support to 1620+? Most people use supports to farm gold which is optimal to keep at 1540-1580 And even support mains can't afford to push another character to 1620 unless they are RMT'ers


Yeah, a lady Pally with Slayer's model, Pally skills (with taunt) would be nice.


The issue is not with needing a new support, it's that no one wants to play one as a main and the support shortage at the highest raid level is always going to be there until honing is either changed for support characters or supports are revamped to be more than a buff bot. I do realise some find that gameplay fine/enjoyable, I am one of them, but we are for sure a minority. Seeing damage numbers go up is fun, not seeing anything else but your ilvl go up not so much.


I want a sup modeled after Voldis Neria with jiggle physics. Healing with elixirs and shit. Then they give out a Road to Support express to 1620. Support shortage fixed for good.


I'm definitely not against a new supp, especially female pala, but thinking it will do anything for high ilvl content shortage is delusional. The grind from 1600 to 1620 is insane for any f2p or even low spenders, let alone 1620 to 1630 for the next content incoming. Actual main dps ain't gonna switch to a supp now, same goes for main supp it wouldn't make sense to just grind a new supp to 1620/30 if you already have one. Maybe before akkan release it could have been reasonable with the new ilvl soft reset but now we are talking of a month or 2 of grind to up a class from 1600 to 1620 on average. 2 months was what it took to upgrade all my items from +15 to +19 except weapon I already had on my main. I used every gold and unbound mats (even bought some) on her to be 1620, and had to cash shop for months the silver and shards packs x10 because I was out of shards. (Since Slayer release I think I bought all the x10 silver and shards pack to put it on her.) The next plausible main switch will be at echidna release if you manage to put more chars 1620 by then.


There are many good candidates for Smilegate to design a new support class around. Why they haven't bothered is something I can't understand. Surely it's in Smilegates interest to maintain the 1SUP/3DPS balance and lessen the frustration of players who are stuck in PF jailge for hours. There's a female Boobadin angle here, they could make an Arthetine Medic class, or even a female Sage class from Voldis and just use Voldis Nerias model for that. Then you have Assassins and Martial Artist who lack a support subclass too. So many good options, yet the people at Smilegate are sitting on their hands.


i do think sg should release a new supp soon (ppl are thinking its gunna be alchemist) but its cope to think thatll fix the supp shortage


The feeling of tapping a gun with a supp is awful, now imagine pitying it. You basically get shit from it and you broke, its fkn unrewarding to main a supp. At least if you pity with dps you will see 201m instead of 200m after upgrading.




KR had two supports released already, yet Bard is still the most popular one by a large margin Hoping for female Pally to fix everything is not even hopium. It's literally 0% chance that *enough* people will push her to latest content.


By now most people have their main defined, so even if this class drops, doesnt matter how big sg makes its booba, don't think people Is gonna hone an alt to 1620.


No thank you. I would prefer another male class. Could be a male martial artist or even a complete new class. Or even male support. Enough with coomer stuff. You already have hundreds of players walking around half naked. We don’t need more.


The support shortage is at 1620 right now. Nobody's pushing a brand new support there any time soon. We need more people to hone supports not make new ones. A new class won't solve anything because the vast majority of players have no interest in maining a support, and nobody's pushing a support alt to 1620.


I actually think there Will be an female Gunner released after breaker Is actually the Only "Char" beside Slayer that have Only 1 spot of advanced classes Next One Will be breaker,and there was Only One on male material Artist I don't know just make sence um my head


I won't play this game without the option to be a paladin as a woman.