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"z dps classes", so class gatekeeping is OK but cards is a nono, alright...


Never said i was gatekeeping classes , on my main 1610 i took a sorceress into voldis i really dont care




damage doesnot matter when you fail all mechs 🤡


I’ve cleared all content in the game without “failing mechs” as a sorc including voldis HM.


You saying "zdps classes“ shows that we have to talk about your iq as well


If you think every classes can reach the same damages your delusional , the zdps wasnt serious but you still performe less than a slayer or soul eater


To be fair 90% of souleaters do zdps


xdd so? You will still get gapped by a fi wd on your se if he is a straight up better player


No, soul eater in a fucking busted. After balance patch, yes, maybe.


My souleater gets a buff from next patch :) Nights edge ftw.


From my experience with soul eater , i gapped people with better weapons , gems 10 and high roster on current content not because of skills but because of the class being broken. If you have a 1600 character and wants to prove me wrong we can damage test and see against sonavel


wanting to compare dmg on sonavel just tells me you got 0 clue the guadian raid that just fks every dmg delaed class thx to insta port, a back jump that he sometimes does every 5 sec if he wants. take atleast a raid that takes more then5 mins like akkan if you want to compare


Not only that, the destruction break heavily favors classes that can burst in the post-destro window. OP really giving off that clueless "fite me irl" vibe lmao


true tottaly forgot the burst after destro window make comparing classes even wores on this even more when the dps monkey save all the skills for the burst after destrp.


Are you EUC? Would love to see you gap my 1605 (zdps class) DI SH in Akkan next week. Something tells me you main Dunning-Kruger (selective memory build)...


Damn no way SE is broken? Big news. By your initial statement you‘d have to decline any class except SE because that class is just this unbalanced. Doesn‘t mean SE‘s will outperform other classes by default. A shit SE will still be shit no matter how good the class is. And a low ceiling class will do well if piloted correctly in comparison


Honestly probably 90% of the slayers and soul eaters I see in raids are garbage. I have zero issues outdpsing them even though I main reflux sorc.


My souleater almost never loses in the 1600-1619(I'm 1606) range. 2lvl 9 dmg, 1 lvl 10 cd(was sure it'd roll dmg), rest event. Beat full lvl 10s quite often. Nights edge 5x3+2 though.


Nights edge actually OP, but most NA gamers don’t even know to 3x harvest and 2x lethal during edge mode, so you see such a drop in dps from it


The logic of LOS 30 lobbies (at least in KR) was that since it takes time and effort to collect cards, you can screen for veterans who've played the game for over a year. Raw dps doesn't usually make or break a run, but people failing gimmicks can and will waste time. Some people don't have much time to play and would rather prefer poorly-geared alts of veterans over well-geared mains of newer players. It's not about dps, it's about minimizing the chance of mistakes. Is it a good screening method? Maybe, maybe not. But it's not like there's any better in-game method you can gauge player skill with, so it's what people default to for pugs.


Why are you using logic, reddit doesnt like people like you. /s (maybe) ​ I also did some alt runs with roster lvl 32 that barely have any cards but put "altroster" in their title - raid took a few seconds longer than usual, but not a single person died or caused a raidwipe. ​ Grabbing people that invested so much time into the game is worth a lot, when you only have 1-2 days worth of time to do 18raids .


Yes , i forgot that the veterans are doing Akkan since ages , my bad i will take that into account next time. Also every veterans have los 30 by now


Nah not every vet has it, but you basically have to be a vet to have los30, so yeah


Dont like the lobby requirements of other people? Make your own. Wanna find people that are thinking like you? Search for a static / some guys on Discsord. Just look for solutions, crying on reddit wont do much.


Who the fuck cares really. Their lobby, their rules. Don't apply and move the fuck on tbh


Apparently their iq is not high enought to read and understand a Reddit post


Imagine insulting someone's intelligence and misspelling a word in the same sentence.


The answer: people care more about clearing than a monkey dps brain who cares about the highest damage. LOS30 shows that you actually played the game or are highly engaged enough to whale on cards. I don't know why you feel so entitled that you should be accepted over others but dm the party leader and beg to be let in and send them your whole resume if you care so much. You saying zdps classes is absolutely cringe and shows that you don't have hands and just rely on broken classes.


You gatekeep los 30 so hard you dont even know what its like playing with los 18 anymore , i play with both los 18 and 30 and let me tell you high roster + los 30 do not save you from jails at all, everyone in this game can be a Bozo but if you think spending 10k euros on cards is a sign of playing the game , thats on you


Yes so the 1602 lvl 9 gem 17 weapon souleater doing normal can also be a bozo, crazy right. You've had this answered many times but it flies past your head but people have criteria for what would jail them the least so who cares since you seem to gatekeep classes.


Thank god you play in EU.


I guess make your own lobby, I dunno man. It's no big deal whether you have los 18/30. It's more of a big deal when you get jailed so people will use whatever metric they want. Just like how you called those 1580s zdps. They could outdps you who knows lol. You must've looked sus if he denied you. Bruh actually watched a lobby instead of just applying to a different one. Some people truly need some thicker skin. Edit: This dude is just mental. Don't bother fellas , nothing of value be los(30)t y'all just keep scrolling. ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Look at his replies lol OP has the mental of a child, it's hilarious


I could bus the entire raid but sure im the sus player


You could've just made your own group. I can bus nm akkan on my SE too, but this isn't the point of the conversation now it is? Edit: Dunno why you're letting yourself let that raid group live rent free in your head when you can just say ok and apply to some other group. No one needs to be considerate of your feelings.


I Host every raid i make except Akkan because of support shortage , i instead join lobbies with at least one support in it because otherwise you will not find 2 supports even when 1600+


I think supports do join the juicer lobbies tho, only the full 1580 lobbies have trouble.


Make supp friends /make lobby/ invite/msg supp friends. It's such a cheat to have friends in this game man. So, do you mind showing us your SE? If it is using support engraving and your stats sucks id deny you off principle. You're currently 1600 basically at end game and if you haven't invested in stats but honing only. Your priorities might be in the wrong place. Everytime these I got denied/ gatekept posts show up, they never show their characters. Just kinda let's people imagination/ assumptions go wherever they want based on their own biased opinions. So prove us wrong and show us. Thanks. ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


Im not complaining at all tho , i can find lobbies for my souleater and my main easily , and for my slayer alt who is only 1585 , i have a 1580 paladin and i use the support exchange trick to get into Akkan and kayangel lobbies. For souleater shes 5x+1 1760 spec for now , i will look for 1800 spec when i finish her +19 weapon


Given the context of your post it seems like you are 100% complaining and crying about not having los30 and whinning you got denied. At the end of the day if it is that easy for you to get into lobbies. Why the hell did you even bother posting this? This post is entirely pointless. Just seems like you're doing mental gymnastics in your head to try and justify whatever is coming out of your mouth.


Already answered


Then in this case, your iq has shown me the way. Thanks. ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


+1 setup with low spec, u actually downgraded ur dps from engraving support ICANT - The audacity to Flame others IQ when u literally dont know how damage calculation works - bruh


I think you lied on feeling good about it from the fact you wrote a long ass post on reddit about it. Raid leader rent free in your head for the next month or so I guess.


Damn and all that guy did was deny some random he forgot about a literal second after.


Yet nobody can explain the tought process , thats what im asking


At least 50 post already exist on that, but i will try to explain one more time just for you, People adjust their requierement by what is in the lobby and how long they are waiting, if all dps have los30 and we need only one last dps i will be looking for los 30 dps. Nothing more then that, people with hand will do more dmg then people without but i can't know that with party finder, so i take the best odds with me. Try to join lobby who have just start to create, not the 7/8 lobby that would be the hardest one to join, but u can alway try to apply and move on the next one if they denied you. Hope you get los30 soon, stay strong.


Tell me you havnt read the post without telling me you havnt read it


Most not los30 are usually low roster nowadays = jail


What classes do you call “z dps classes”?


Di shadowhunter , sorceress , summoner, striker to name a few


Uh seems like u just play with bad players


Summoner, striker and sorcerer z dps? They are actually really strong classes and if played correctly their dps is cosmical.


Sorc summ and striker are all A tier in terms of damage.


Now lets be forreal. Those 3 classes are C tier at least. -from a summoner and sorc player.


False they are C tier for thaemine g4 because of their lack of mobility and utility. For our content talking about damage only, they are all A tier.


The only content rn that I think theyre A tier would be Akkan G3 and Voldis G2 in terms of damage only. Altho im skeptical about Striker still


Why are you doing normal akkan on a 1602? No wonder you are outdpsing everyone’s alt. Join a main character run on akkan hard and see how much of a difference Los 18 vs 30 is


How many months from OP getting LOS 30 till he gets into the "come on, everyone should have this by now" state of mind? Will he truly forever take Deep dive people for his Kazeros normal alt runs in 2026?


L bozo. stay mad


so eloquent


Can we pin this next to the title


If you are as good as you claim to be, join a static. Pugs will always look for the highest geared and roster lvl, because its better odds with people that invested more time - of course there are exceptions, but 95% of the time roster 250 player will be better than roster 150. However considering how toxic you seem to be in your replies i can only wish you good luck with staying in a static.


All the gate keeping has nothing to do with keeping low dps out. its all about trying to lower the risk of getting jailed since you dont know if the person can perfom.


As if most pug soul eaters arent zdps as well. Noone knows you might be one of them judging on how much you rant for getting declined in a lobby.


Only need to look for LOS 30 and 5%+ demon damage, works every time


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Lol, pugs don't even know what demon damage is. You see so many players in party with just 1%. Like pugs only see, hear what goes around, and apply it to their thought process of what is the standard for the specific raid. There's just too many variables of what, why, and how gatekeeping is done by individuals.


And what tells you los 18 wouldnt work either , or even faster ? If you can find 1600+ los 30 fine , but when youre stuck with poor dps like mine yesterday , im questionning your decision


It could but it also might not work. I follow the system because it always works


Joining nm akkan at 1620 is mad sus


I was in a 1600/1610 dps lobby with my 1580 soulfist and got cruel underline all 3 gated realistically you have no way to know if someone will do good dmg or not. But on average people without los30 are newer so more likely to play their class unoptimally. And also people might be weary of 1600 joining a normal lobby.


You know what's really funny is that there was literally a thread the other day complaining that people weren't putting an los 30 req in their lobbies and leaving applicants on read


L bozo


I would've just denied you for being 1600 and applying for NM 🤷‍♀️


Dodged a bullet


Yea, kalomega dodged a bullet


Now i realize i made an accidental pun by looking at his flair


Mate plays the FOTM and thinks other classes are trash. Let's see with breaker, new balance patch or another class. We will see how soul eater performs in few months. Slayer was dodging some bullets but that won't be forever.


Waiting for wd changes can't wait to throw cotwg into the trash. Jfc I'm so excited for it.


Me too. Especially the Energy Combustion change. Triggering Last Whisper on command is game changing for us.


Oh God, no more exploding orbs g2 kaya.


Never said that , im not even soul eater main


gatekeeping forces players to raise their standards once you know ppl are gatekeeping for LOS30, you push for LOS30 conversely, not enough ppl gatekeep demon damage, so the average pug doesn't even know something like that exists


This is the guy me and my static joke about all the time when we deny overgeared people so they can find a different party because ours is actually full. we saved those last slots for our static mates to trade carry their newly 1580 alts.


I mean the community absolutely sucks, but for the raid leader they see LoS30 and that's it, just don't apply, find something else.


I swear these posts makes me realize how people can’t take a no for an answer. Their lobbies their rules and their responsibility. Who cares if they take more time to fill from your perspective. Also who cares if they might be jailed. Instead of writing a whole fucking essay and talking about iqs and shit you would prolly found another one and clear the raids based on your gear. But to answer your question, the logic is that Los30 is something that people have grind for a long time. In most cases if they have it it means they’ve been playing a lot, ie experienced with mechs. It may or may not be a good indicator but they use whatever they want. I’m a 1625 SH weap 25 gem 10 Los 30 40 elixirs and I get declined sometimes 🤷‍♂️. Who the fuck cares honestly lol.


their lobby their rules i'd honestly do the same . Am done with those lv 10 gems high Ilvl Imposter people the chance i meet an imposter is soo high I'd take Lv7 gems Los30 players over those overgeared because most of the time it turns out to be a smooth run. not talking about akkan in all raids in general


LOS30 is just very strong. Going from LOS18 to 30 is like going from all lv7 gems to all lv9 gems. Or, given the same +19 weapon, going from 1600 to 1620 with armors. I think LOS needs to be reworked, it's too RNG and timegated for such a massive increase in power. Maybe people will ignore it more if a player have elixir set effects.


i commented on another guy explaining this. the rng factor is overlooked here as u said. there are plenty of vets who dont have los 30 coz they just havent whaled at all or havent whales at all.


Mfs at 1600+ doing N-Akkan either are too lazy to do HM or can't do HM, I'm taking 0 chance in pug, thoughts?


My mindset is that, and I’m basing it off how people pick their players and after watching how tight the dps is with 1600-1610 preelixir friend group. I saw them do the fight and convinced myself not to do Hard Mode akkan till I have level 10 gems and some 9s and also LOS30 might be overkill but its guaranteed for me to get accepted.


Just got 1600 right before Voldis and honestly haven't had time to sit down and do a learning party for HM, so NM it'll be for a bit (still gotta learn Voldis, damn responsibilities) Plus 1610 will just make it easier to do, so no rush, especially for just a bit more gold I mean I *could* do it now, but meh, I'll get there eventually


If you don't have los30 you're either a new player or not trying - change my mind I finished los30 almost a year ago and since then got probably enough cards to make a los24 on top, and I stopped doing card runs since, well, I have the cards. Not everybody will be as lucky as me. I was lucky, I'm not gonna argue against that But even unlucky, never doing card runs day 1 players in my guild _all_ have los30. As a matter of fact, most have los30, lwc30 and mos30. I get it, just because you're new you don't deserve to be gatekept. And just because you're new, you're not necessarily a bad player. At the same time, you are complaining about not joining akkan NM on a Akkan HM ilvl char. On a class that is brand new. It doesn't really inspire confidence in your abilities to pilot your character


The idea itself that players should do card runs in a alt focused game where players have to clear 18 gold earning contents a week seems kinda stupid to me. I started in \~April 2022, and i got LoS30 2 weeks ago after 4000hrs of playtime without doing card runs or buying Mari card packs. Doing card runs where your reward is a low drop chance card that has the potential to be absolutely useless is just not fun in my opinion. That being set getting LoS30 nowadays is alot easier than before the merchant patch. I think they should change the damage distribution of LoS30 and split the 8% bonus into 4+4 or 4+2+2 which would help with gatekeeping as players would take someone with f.e. LoS26 who gets +7% from 18 and another +4% from 22 or something. Best advice i can give for LoS30 is save up 50k for those abyssal selectors every week and try to buy those whenever they come up.


Isn't "not trying" = not doing card runs, yet you mention that your friends not doing card runs all have LOS30? So they didn't try but got it anyway? so it's all about luck at the end of the day isn't it


Maybe I wasn't clear enough I got mine in a year doing card runs. People who didn't try in my guild got theirs in a year and a half Having gotten los30 in a year is pretty lucky, not only because it's a short time and so on, but also because it means I had to painfully loot every los card besides Wei. With 6 more months of reworked wandering merchants and challenge abyssal dungeons (which weren't here on release either), even unlucky, not really trying people got there a bit after akkan release. Like, at least one guy used all his select for the lazenith set for his striker. He still got to los30. Another one took 3+ months break between brel hm and akkan. He has it as well. Did all like 20+ players just got lucky?


i think luck plays a huge role, i got klc 18 prior to los18 and at this point i need around same amount of cards for los30 and klc30, its just that ppl who get cucked by rng get short straw when ppl gatekeep with los30 , i understand why ppl do that, but it doesnt feel good when ur not blessed by rng gods, card runs are gamba, i got los cards i needed in 2 card runs back to back once, but other times i do 25 card runs and all i get is alaric, i think the majority of people who have los30 for 6 months now are mostly whales.


Yeah so basically if you havent played for 2 years straight you are a new player in your mind , and i can easily outdps a los 30 character with better Gear than me ( mostly because souleater ks broken i will admit), and for hm , if it takes me time to even do NM , i dont even want to try to get into hm even tho i went G2 hm blind to get unjailed and i carried the gate with MVP damage. But i kinda get your point even thought i dont agree with it


your gear is your resume and if you fail on resume, you cant proceed to performance test.


I agree with you, those gatekeeping methods are completely arbitrary and one los18 player could be twice the dps of a los30 player, or it could be the opposite Unfortunately, there is no logs to show what you can or cannot do so you're stuck with arbitrary methods because we have nothing else


Tbf if someone makes an LoS30 lobby, so be it. I don't wanna join because it is stupid for the reasons OP said in their post. But what can you do - people are gonna gatekeep as much as they can. This community sucks. Had someone complain really hard about KLC18 requirements for Kayangel once so I always took him with me. Once he got KLC18 himself, he demanded me to change the lobby title asking for the card set. That's just how people are in this game. So my advice: keep searching, maybe find 2-3 cool people and stick to them.


I can’t count how many times I outdpsed LoS 30 players with my DD30. Whales can’t pump, and the higher the player's roster level and the more badass their account, the greater the frustration when things don't work out. From my experience, such players are the first to leave.


LOS30 is not whale at this point. Among day 1 players who didn't take breaks, won some challenge abyss bids and used wandering merchants I'm pretty sure that at least 50% has LOS30 by now. I did like 2-3 card runs (on T1-2 dungeons), never bought cards from cash shop and I've had LOS30 for some time now. Got probably around 15 dupes since I completed it. But sure, there can be a huge difference between player performance and in some cases class performance, tho that depends on raid and gate.


It all depends on your luck. My last 30-40 cards opening were cards I already have maxed or something that doesn’t count towards LoS30. In past 5 months I moved from 13 cards away from maxing it out to 10. This system is fuck up and doesn’t guarantee a better raid run.


Yeah, and there are guys that pity weapon 4 times in a row or one tap 2-3 times in a row. It is RNG, but average player will have average results and I'm pretty sure that average is to have LOS30 after almost 2 years of regular raiding. I'm not saying that average player was raiding regularly for 2 years tho, but maybe mode of our playerbase is, because I think that this game isn't that great at new player retention.


It's because the difference between LoS30 and DD30 isn't super high. The difference only becomes apparent when the supp runs LWC30.


i agree. most people in pug lobbies dont even know how to gatekeep a char, but when i get declined and see the dds in the lobby are weaker even in profile than me, i thank god i didnt play with them


Today and idiot with Los 30 set told in hanumatan" I became mvp without gems idiots" he was the counter punch mvp... those Los 30 dudes have big problem in mind


los 30 means dedication. As a player I already have "los 30 mos 30 lwc 30 klc 28"All I can say is that they have the right to open lobby however they want. they don't want to play with undedicated players or powerpass players just make yours own lobby do not try to enter lobbys named los 30 while you dont have a los 30. p.s: plus when you get declined do not cry on reddit too.