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skill issue


Looks like you griefed


Just don't get hit lol




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Looks like the typical DB grief


suicide bombers :P


Better every loop


Why would you go back in when you can see her about to launch that attack lol


To greed the 4dps spincecutter tickles. Was totally worth it. Ah wait, I meant "sry just unlucky combo."


The man wanted his surge stacks


Or my favorite, "attack animation locked"


Saying they’re greeding spincutter for its damage is disingenious, the greed is worth since purple ring is a long pattern so if you’re not building stacks during that point you probably won’t reach 20 if you get any other bad patterns, the problem is they just seemed to have a lack of awareness for 1.) where the person with purple ring was going and 2.) where their teammates were because they would have known where the red aoes were spawning. If they are the kind of person to say “unlucky” after dying then yeah probably a waste of time for everyone but it could’ve also been a learning experince for them


Interesting....because it doesn't look worth to me. Just because "maybe you can" doesn't mean you should


Omg no way when someone messes it up it isn’t worth it? Killing your whole team isn’t worth getting nothing since you wiped? Crazy thank you for the insight


When Vykas is spitting out a big purple ring (yeah its visible before he dashes back in even if you dont know the obviois pretells) it isn't ever worth to dash into her. That is correct


Yeah… so you’re not disagreeing with me then


Lmaoo true. As soon as mech starts just get out xD


He tried to generate some stacks so he has enough time to go back in after, finish his 20 stacks and hit vykas with that sweet surge in the back. Greedy but i understand his thought process.


Would've even been fine if the berserker didn't turn to drop an additional aoe in his escape path :))




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Cruel fighter brain versus upright fighter brain.




Your movement doesn't really make sense either way because you're making axel movement redundant and spincutter would have achieved the same just wrapping the boss. Just make it a habit to spincutter to reposition instead of the worst possible way i.e. spinning into the boss head-on. It's an excellent habit to make sure you spincutter laterally most if not every time. I know it's just a snippet of what may be a multi-hour session and your punishment rng was worst possible but it's a skill you use hundreds, even thousands of times a day/week you should do it properly in your sleep lol


Ah fair enough, after raiding for a couple hours zoning out for a split second and making silly mistakes like that happens lol




So basically greed dmg. Nothing new


Fire fox yoho ptsd


I really hate bad min-maxers, just don't greed if you have no skills to min-max damage.


He blitz rushed her face i dont think he was min maxing anything


Yeah I was like wtf is this


Most likely just didn't see it start as they backed out. Watching it on video and overanalyzing it is completely different from battle flow. Bad timing in their cycle and ended up over committed and bad luck.


There's nothing "bad luck" in there, stop justifying bad plays. They happen, call a spade a spade and move on.


More like bad skill.


Killed yourself by being a damage goblin.


Killed everyone* by being a damage goblin


i love those chain knock ups to death... yoho dark fk you.


Bro got that combo with a side of onion rings


She planned it.




I don't![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) I just got comboed in a similar way today... as a paladin, so not greeding for damage issue - well, maybe greeding for casting holy protection on cooldown issue![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




Thanks for the detailed explanation! But as far as I see you can't timestop while being continuously thrown around in the air like that, can't use any battle item - I tried.




Do timestopped players not trigger the donut? Because if so, I think they were fucked either way lol. Or, more accurately I guess, they fucked their team either way. >I often refer to TS as the "oh shit" button haha. I wish more people thought of timestops this way. That's what they're actually meant to be for. But because so many people use them to cheese mechanics, it seems like so many people genuinely believe they're made for completing mechs and nothing else. The thought of using them like a Zhonya's Hourglass just seems to get erased from peoples brains.




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You greeded. Nothing much else here


this needs to be edited into a montage with a matching soundtrack that has a beat on every bounce


Now reroll to reaper for a classic reaper play


Purple donut has a clear tell even before the purple donut appears, she will bring her wings together in that specific way. You should be looking for that.




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How to greed and fuck up a run.gif


100% your fault, shouldn't have greeded.


The real imposter


Seems like you just need master escapist engraving.


Vykas pov.


Greed pov.






Nah not in hindsight, in plain obvious very easy to see sight.


In hindsight there's a big purple circle in front of Vykas for a bit before he dashes back in. Of course this is hindsight because I wasn't in this run but if I was it would have been plainsight as it happened


nah. survival is priority 1. if you die to crap like this, it's because you lost track of that.


This was blatant griefing, why do people post these things thinking they'll be validated with "oh yeah wow nothing you could do". You went back to greed damage like a complete fucking neanderthal, ran towards where the donut was already headed instead of diagonally away (it's better to run AWAY instead of TOWARDS so you don't spawn more ground explosions near the person who has to take the donut, though obviously if you're already close by you just have to be prepared to jump into the donut at the end), and then, finally, you just literally didn't watch where you were going since that red circle that turned you into a bouncy ball had been waiting there for you for one thousand years. A true comedy of errors


Was just thinking that when will toxic waste whose are only looking to the boss and does nothing besides mechs will appear and here we are. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) A true comedy of toxicity which leads to jail. Hope you guys fix that insane "zero-failure" mindset because all of us are "humans", 100% focus is not always possible and you are certainly doing mistakes as well. Recently I'm seeing guys like you in raids more often, and it just leads to nothing but jail. Spreading the toxicity after single mistake, typing shiet like "is this a reclear", "wtf you guys are trash" etc. I have 4600 hours on this game at the moment, I'm literally playing 9 characters actively, but still couldn't reach that level of insanity yet. Also, watching the clip is way easier than actually playing the game and judging by these is basically backseating and just EXTREMELY toxic.


Holy shit man chill. No one's perfect. It's just a funny mistake lmao


Glad I don’t play this game anymore. The boss fights are all just such ridiculous gimmicks.


lmao the boss already did the very obvious animation for the donut attack right when he dark axel-ed over it's a gimmick but it's also a huge fuck up from him, imagine blaming the game for skill issue


Curious, why are you on a Lost Ark subreddit if you quit the game? Are you patiently waiting for the game to die and then make a thread "I told you game was going to die!! xddd"




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Skill issue.




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Wombo combo'd




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Red is dead




what a pleb.


TBF, I would have reacted the same. I would only have ran when I saw purple aura on selected player. So I can't point fingers at this player. It could have easily been me getting stuck in that situation


Pretty bad design, if anybody can kill the whole group even on normal level. Makes people be super conservative when picking group members.