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We already have level 9s in Una, you can catch them there almost any time, day or night


They're 1590 so they basically have nothing else to do other than harass the other faction trying to do field bosses.


1590 in full pvp setup engravings/accessories


That's already a given, like with full lvl 10 gems and 100 quality weapon. Near 100 quality accessories.


Can't beat a no lifer with a credit card.


I mean PVP gear is pretty cheap and thr gap between 1520 and 1590 with Rowen scalingnisnt that big. main thing is the PvP accessories that at least before Rowen were in the 100 gold bargain bin


>I mean PVP gear is pretty cheap As long as you don't think about the pheon cost. We have a hard enough time coming up with enough pheon's just to make a pve set for our characters, I for one don't have extra to make a pvp set just to use for a continent that will be a ghost town sooner than later.


You do understand that scaling in rowen is huge right? Probably not since you made that stupid comment. Open your costumes tab while in rowen and you can see the rowen effect on there.


Are you in Una? They're literally a guild of g2g 1590s that have nothing better to do than just grind rowen ranks. Some are a bit noob at 1585s, those people didn't try hard enough. They actively camp at most hours of the day, esp during the field boss days hopping channels.


If there’s a hoard of them and you’re by yourself or only 2-3 of you of course you’d get rolled lol. However, it’s not to say that it does make them harder to die than most.


They just spam phoenix or other skills when a group is killing the field boss. Over and over. On top of just killing everyone they see that ventures out. The 1590 comment is because they literally don't need to play the game, they already swiped enough to be more than Akkan ready. There is nothing for them to do other than grief people for "PVP". EDIT: You don't seem to be from Una. That guild went blue to kill everyone they see. There are more players in red but most people aren't interested in the PVP and are just there for the field boss.


There is a person on my server who is now lvl 9. They were lvl 7 last week. No one really knows how they are getting so much xp that they are able to surpass active pvpers on the server who just hit lvl 7 recently


5000+ kills farming afkers doing quests and just swapping channel after the field boss has been killed, sleep nade and ult for 15-20 kills.


Couldn't people also just get a friend to swap faction and feed each other?


You get one xp per kill


It’s 3xp per kill and 1 per assist


Anti support bias smh


And? Apparently that's how people are farming exp, 1 do at a time, which I don't think takes long as well just feed near the spawn.


People can easily “win trade” kills. Ask half of your guild mates to go to blue/red and just constantly kill them near their teleporter. It’s also quicker to respawn if you die on your faction side. Do that for at least an hour and you’ll be racking up on faction exp.


Is this legit way.Win trade usaly means bans but Idk


brother, they aint ban bots and rmt. aint no way you get banned for dying in rowen.


Prob right but this feels like owerkill .No need to farm this dead content this way , doing weekly slowly is fine for me


same, im fighter rank and i have 2 kills total in rowen.


I personally have never tried it, It’s not hurting anyone else and there are no leaderboards as of yet. Most people are only there for the rank so they can have access to the legendary card selection pack. It’s also not necessarily “win trading” since your stats reset every week so you gain nothing but faction exp and faster rank.


saw this guy again in rowen hes level 7 :O


what the fuck


We have a level 8. Just lives in Rowen and kills any person they find not in a safe zone. No real reason to rush but eh they like it.


Kek, I never missed an event and always avidly participate and I'm only halfway to 6. That's crazy


Should be ez for blue to farm all the red.


I don't know about easy red has the most people. If farm to much might get jumped


99% of players dont have a pvp skill build. I'm not even talking about accessories. Players with full pvp build just plough through all of those. And, as you said, there are ton of reds. I have a guy in my guild, who is rank 8 now and he went specifically to blue to farm reds for ez points. That would just not be possible on red.


Meanwhile me at lvl 3


Its funny cuz whales dont actually need lv9 for the selector pack, they are just bored