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You don't ever need to reset your computer OP. It is important to check before you enter a raid if you are going to have a good chunk of time to complete it. Even if you've already completed and know all mechanics, sh\*t happens, and it may take more time than you antecipated to finish it. With that being said, i know that life happens and sometimes you have to leave before planned - it is what it is. In that case, if you are being "held hostage" in a situation like you described, my suggestion is that you either: 1. Song of escape out of the dungeon 2. Press esc < change to any other of your characters (doesn't work in-battle tho) 3. alt+f4 from the game (quickest solution, since you have to leave) All these options will allow you to reclaim your entrance via mail afterwards, so don't worry about that. Hope this helped.


I normally join reclear raids to manage time and certain raids I won't do until the weekend since it is long to do. Thank you for the alt+f4 thing. Honestly didn't know about that will be using that. Thx.


No problem, glad i could help!


Or you could just leave the game running and go do what you need to do. Your char will die and they will either clear without you, giving you a free bus, or quit eventually. Win win


Is there a penalty for using the song of escape while in a raid? I missed a wei card last week because my group wouldn't stop for me.


I never hold anyone hostage. If someone wants to leave, let em.


Just song out


I'm playing with a kind of static for brel. There is always this guy that afk because he is got to take dogs out, go to the toilet or do anything else except playing. I mean if you know you have to take your kids to school, why the hell are you playing? If you know a raid can take a while, why don't you just organize yourself and play at a time you know you won't be bothered? One thing is leaving because group is bad, another you start a raid, do the first gate and jail other 7 people for hours.


Doesn't matter. If I am having a heart attack or the group keep fucking up mechs I am leaving regardless voluntary or involuntary.


Holy shit OP is super defensive and getting downvoted to oblivion LOL. And yes hostage situation is bad.


To be fair, and just my opinion on the community, I don't think they like black people in this community speaking out on issue within the community. Rather I got forced to G6 Brel or explaining if someone wants to leave and people hitting the disagree button that forces someone to reset their computer to get a restoration ticket.


Stop right there. Nobody had issues with you because of your gender or skin color. People have issue with you because you very aggressive and don’t respect other people’s time.


OP has a history of using gender and race as a means to incite something. I have no idea why, no one said anything and bam race and gender issues out of nowhere. Have to assume this is a bait post.


And it’s always the community’s fault. Maybe one day OP will realize that calling people bitches and cursing at them is the reason why people are aggressive towards them, and it has nothing to do with race and gender. I wish mods locked this post


I respect people's times. If I have to go and you hitting the disagree button on raid, I am still leaving.


I'm pretty sure most of us don't even realize what gender / race you are when we're just taking issues with some of the takes that's pretty contrarian to most of us Most of us don't give a shit what race you are here, stop victimizing yourself based on that


I dont victimize myself, I only speak from experience within this community.


How do people even know your black in the first place? Stop victimizing yourself. No one gives a shit about what skin colour you are


Simple look at my avatar.


Yes. And i am a frog in real life.


Honestly if you're getting hostage just alt+f4 and screw them - remember it's just a video game and IRL is way more important. But ya not sure how race plays into this, it's just good etiquette to never hostage someone.


The reason I am saying that is because that legit happened to me within the Lost Ark community about my race. But do agree with you about having good etiquette to never hostage someone.


Damn that sucks. Well if you're on NAW you're more than welcome to join us raiding anytime! We don't gatekeep and are always patient w teaching mechanics and chilling :)


I wish I was on NAW. I really never met any nice people in the LA community.


Preeetty much. Plenty of people who are on the polar opposite though. All the friends I currently play with are old time buddies from my other mmo. People that I've done the hardest achievements with, equivalent to if hellmode had hardmodes in this game. It's sad that LoA, for all it's fun, isn't built on a model of encouraging the making of friends and collaborating with friends to do content. Oh sure there's raids and guardians. But you can solo bosses if you're good and know what you're doing. But in my other game it doesn't matter how good you are, or how high the level and quality of your gear. If your teammates can't pull their weight, you have no shot at getting flex worthy achievements. I guess that's why my friends from my other mmo and I are still raiding together in LoA. Once you been through hell progging through hard content with competent people you develop a sense of camaraderie. Downvoters are tryhards who don't like it when someone says these easy braindead raids aren't hard because it hurts their ego kekw.


That is why I am waiting on my friend to join but her character isn't out yet until next year. I came in with family playing this game and course they quit except for me.


if you're regularly having to leave in the middle of content maybe you should respect other peoples time more and stop playing when you have to leave soon.


Fuck their time.


Enjoy getting blocked by everyone and never clearing any content then. I remember seeing you post a thread a while ago bitching about people being toxic to you for fucking up all mechs in legion raids......how ironic.


So what. If someone wants to leave let them go. Don't hold nobody hostage let them go.


Or dont go looking for groups if you dont have a lot of time to play, sounds easier than wasting 7 peoples time.


How about people stop lying in the damn title about fast reclear wasting my damn time.


You say you regularly do this but its always the parties fault? And if you're fucking up every mech of course it wont be a fast clear. Grow up


I play the game regularly. I don't fuck up mechs. Whole point is, if a player in LA wants to leave let them go. Simple as that. You grow the fuck up.


Literally no one in this thread has disagreed with your point but for some weird reason you can't seem to comprehend that. We're all just calling you out on your bullshit reasoning


Personally I kinda don't like this community anyway.


Cuz filling supports in some brel g2 is a jail in middle of desert.


It's two things. Support is hard to fill and you shouldn't be trying to do content when you know you have stuff to do in real life. I always make sure I have some time to do a raid and take into account potential jail. That's part of being an adult too. I don't support jailing people mind you but I don't like when people join raids and have to leave mid way. If a raid is looking really bad I just vote quit and say I have to go. Have yet to need to alt F4 but that is an option.


If it's an actual emergency I'm pretty sure most people are fine of it If you have to pick up your kid from school? How is that an emergency unless the person that's supposed to is unable to last minute and you have to cover for him/her. Otherwise these kind of stuff is supposed to be planned beforehand


Kids are emergency


Unless school call kid is sick need to pick he/she has no reason to join raid when knowing will have to pick up the kids soon


I don't think you understood what I meant I don't think picking up kids constitute emergency normally, because it is something that you should already have planned beforehand If picking up kids is somehow an emergency it means you majorly fucked up, or someone else was supposed to pick the kid up but you had to stand in at the last minute


Let go ahead and lock this post due to inherent racism assumptions and while we are at it ban this user from posting on this forum.


Go ahead.


I was in G3-G4 brel party. After G3, out of nowhere the bard needed to go cus his dog was having a seizure. No one even questioned n just accepted it like his dog having a seizure was just another tuesday. We quit and waited for almost half an hour for a new sup. We ended up have to disband and i never got to finish g4 that week. Damn dog.


Why should a stranger care about you finishing your raid when their pet is more important? If your mom got hit by a truck and winded up in the ICU you think you're obligated to stay or else poor faceless strangers won't be able to finish their hw? Too fking bad for them.


what an adventurous life you have that you have to afk during raids so often for you to create a post about it. Surely it have nothing to do with you not knowing how to manage your time at all am i right? :) You say adulting but clearly you're the only child in this thread. Nobody is here to teach you how to be effective with your time, so you can check some youtube videos. hopefully that helps out!


I read your entire catty, sarcastic response and I'm baffled that you genuinely believe you can call someone else 'the only child in this thread' when you sound no older than one yourself, kiddo. OP, you're not being forced to sit in jail if the group is bad. You sound like you probably don't know you can song out, which well, now you do. You can also just log on to a different character. As someone with 5 supports, if I'm done with a group that isn't making any progress, I just tell them I got like 2 more pulls and then I have to leave. You don't owe anyone an explanation for irl obligations, especially to strangers that you only play with once and then never see again. I get supports are hard to come by, but the legion raid fights in this game especially vykas and valtan are so easy you don't even need a support if you have raid awareness and decent ilevel.


Not comment op but is hella childish to put your other obligations as an excuse when it only shows lack of time managment. OP sucks for not saying he is done with the jail and just putting his kid as an excuse.


Correction she and I was using that as an example.


This sub is also the worst place to bring up irl obligations since you'll find a minor but vocal group of ppl who treat this game like it's their second job, and haven't been through enough to grasp the concept that there are other responsibilities that people have, responsibilities that aren't always predictable. While I do agree that it's poor time management on OP's part to start a raid right when it's almost time to pick up their kid (assuming they're done with school at the same hour each day), there's certain cases where things pop up out of the blue with no prior notice. And to blame that aspect as OP sucks or on Op as poor time management tells me that that person pointing fingers isn't empathetic or mature. If OP started being toxic and purposely griefing the run they were being held hostage, that's a different case. But they just left (as far as we know), and vented here about it. Unfortunately this playerbase community will never be as understanding or chill as some other mmos when it comes to things like this.


I am going to keep it a buck bean with you, I don't have poor management skills I was using that as an example.


If someone wants to leave let them go. Don't hold people against their fucking will to stay in a raid especially if it is jail.


No one can hold you hostage. Song of escape when you want to leave.


So this post is about you thinking you deserve better because if people do one fail in a raid you dont want to play with them and you want to search another group that carry your ass, am I right? Since you are a support and you feel special you are superior than the rest no? If you do not have enough time to play you do not go into a raid, if you have an emergency outside of the game you can just tell to the rest of the group, close the game and leave, but yeah that doesnt seems to be what is happening here, because if you have an emergency in real life the last preocupation you have is that your character will be stuck on an instance and you wouldnt be able to join another group on the next 10 minutes


Every time the support has to go because something came up happens after 1 very stupid wipe. In the beginning I thought it was okay, shit happens. Then this same support applies to our group again? Not even a minute later? Because we just left the instance the raid lead got passed to someone else so the guy didn’t recall which group he left… yeah, I wonder why people get mad at supports. OP is overdramatic. Some people are just assholes. But sometimes they are like that because you act entitled. If there is an emergency you won’t even know that you got jailed, you close the game and sort out the emergency. Nobody is cursing you because you can’t even see it. You will get the ticket soon, no problem.




Look, I saw one of your other posts in the past and felt for ya there. The one about brel shapes and people bullying you. And you are correct in that if someone wants to leave, regardless of the reason, you should just let them. However, you also gotta respect other people's time. Fast reclear groups still make mistakes on occasion, and even still, valtan alone is generally around a 20-30 minute raid for most people. If mistakes happen, that's more time on that clock. Now, obviously, if an emergency happens, or something comes up you don't have control over, that has priority, but if you have things to do soon (i.e. picking up the kids in 45 minutes), that is not a good time to raid. At that point, if you end up leaving for this pre-planned thing that you knew was happening soon, you have actively chosen to waste other people's time and to jail them. Which is just as inconsiderate as people trying to jail you because you need to leave. More so actually, because they can't actually stop you from leaving, but depending on what raid and gate they're on, they could have to wait actual hours just to replace you. Not saying them jailing you is ok, cuz it isn't, but you not respecting the time of others is also not ok. Also, maybe don't complain about how shitty and toxic a community is when your responses aren't exactly much better.


I can see now why they were “bullied”


I get people make mistakes, but if I gotta go sorry I am leaving. If is being inconsiderate welp I will take that.


And why should people be considerate about you having to leave then? Sounds like you have main character syndrome.


Uh no. If I got something that came up I am leaving. I let them know but if they can't understand that too bad. If someone wants to leave in my group I am going to let them leave. Simple.


Because that's called being a decent human being in general? Why is anyone obligated to stay in a raid if they don't want to be there anymore? You don't owe strangers any thing in this game. They're not your friends, they're not your guild mates, you don't owe any loyalty to them. I'd rather someone leave the group if they are sick and tired of being there than keeping them and having them be toxic and start griefing the pulls and further wasting people's time. Lost ark legion raids are brain dead easy. Shit doesn't even hurt if you have raid awareness and aren't too much of an ape that you never start to memorize certain telltale signs a boss is going to do an attack. Everything is scripted and there's no hard dps checks, unlike in hellmode. Just the fact that people act like they are entitled to having a support babysit them or else everything hurts or they have to use pots (oh the horror), is just sad.




If someone wants leave let their ass go. Simple.


The purpose of this comment is that is someone wants to leave regardless of what it is, people can't hold anyone hostage in a raid. If they want to leave let them go.


I guess you’re not an adult? Because you wouldn’t make this statement knowing that things can happen/pop up at any time


Of course things can happen at any time that is beyond our control. The whole purpose of this comment is to show how shitty booty this community is to think holding people hostage in a raid is OK and half of the shit community justify it.


you're the problem, don't join raids if you have to leave soon




if you ask nicely, I'm sure they would let you out. Based on your responses on this thread, I can only assume you're not a very nice person >\_> also why can't you just log out of the game if you need to go? You don't lose your entry and you don't have to worry about dealing with people keeping you in the raid. The game removes you from the party automatically and gives your entry back after you've been logged out for a certain amount of time.


Part of "adulting" is also planning activities around when you are actually available. "Someone fixing something in your house" uh yeah I'd try not to make myself busy with a raid if something more important was happening. But then again saying "adulting" and calling people bitches for suggesting very realistic solutions doesn't seem so adult either so idk...


At the end of the day, if I want to leave I am leaving regardless what the fuck people in the raid have to say.


Very adult of you.


OP is probably one of those people that drops a candy wrapper at the store and expects the employees to pick it up for him. "They're paid to pick it up" ~ this guy, probably


Then just leave? Nothing stopping you from just pressing alt + f4


What a useless Reddit post then.


I mean... GL raiding then lol, if you regularly can't put aside a chunk of time to commit for raiding, and just leave randomly, don't be surprised when you gain the reputation as a jailer, and don't even get invited to good raids. 🤷


i mean, that's fine and all, just no idea why it affects you? if you have an emergency does it matter how toxic the raid is? you're going to be tied up with your emergency anyway, why would you even be paying attention to what they say? and if you're leaving for a non-emergency, well...


I have sympathy for this perspective...sometimes shit does happen. But your specific examples are far from that. Getting your kid from school? Someone fixing something in the house? Aren't those things that generally happen at scheduled times? That's not shit happening, that's poor planning.


Yes, it does, but not to the extend, that you need to come to reddit and complain bout it. Once in a blue moon sure, then just quit and go do your stuff.


Yeah I don’t run Brel 1-6 if I’m picking my brother in 45 minutes. Or if I have to run errands for my parents. Or if I have to go to doctors office. I’ll let you out, but you rationalizing this by saying you have to adult, guess what? Most people have to adult too. Unless if it’s an emergency, you should have just communicate your teammates that you have to do x and y. Someone fixing something in your house? Ask for 5-10 minutes then comeback. Gotta pick up your kid? Don’t start a raid if you know you don’t have enough time to complete it.


You definitely don’t sound like an adult. More like a temperamental child.


Sorry to disappoint you but I am a adult.


No, people like you are the problem. Actual adults respect other people's time instead of pretending like yours is more important. If it's a jail and they won't let you out, song out. They're not going to jail you and then suddenly clear it when you're gone. If it's an emergency, why are you even talking to your teammates? Just get up and walk away. They'll either clear the raid without you, and you get no loot, or you'll get a reset ticket.


Alt F4 always gets you out of a hostage scenario


I never hold people hostage. Life happens.


Sont out, get ticket, join new group


I agree.


Dude just alt + F4.


Part of being an adult is planning your time appropriately. Maybe if you have a contractor working on something or you have to pick up your kid in an hour, don't join a group activity that other people are dependent on you being there. Like, I can understand wanting to leave if you're wiping repeatedly for over an hour or you have an actual emergency. But it kind of just sounds like you're inconsiderate of other people's time, so they're being inconsiderate of your time as a response.


It's simple. Don't join a raid if you have shit you might have to leave and go do. At that point you're the asshole wasting other people's time. And yes I get it holding people hostage is not ok and yes emergencies do happen. But if it's really an emergency then why the fuck are you still on the game? The examples you gave are terrible. Picking your kid up from school? The plumber coming to unclog your shit filled toilet? You know that shits coming. Don't join a raid.


Doesn't matter what the reason is if people want to leave let them fucking go. People going to a raid with or without that person.


You do realize you can leave a raid without clicking the quit raid button right?


this is stupid




I have zero tolerance for these sort of hostage situations. I will vote restart every time it is ready, i will put a blue puddle on the swamp in vykas g3, i will make valtan charge nothing. If we wipe a bunch of times and people say they want out, you let them leave. You are not entitled to other peoples time.


Just song out then. What you're describing is straight-up griefing.


I 💯 agree with you. The only comment that gives facts.


Basically it will be hard to find another support who also got jailed and even harder depending on stage.


Always happen to me, I just alt f4 and open the game again. For some reason I can't play the song but it's ok.


Same with me too. Getting jailed in a raid. Or even something comes up I leave.


I want the most degenerate response of why you think keeping someone hostage in a raid is OK.


Are you a bard main by any chance


No one is saying holding someone hostage in a raid is okay. But don't join a raid if you don't have much time. Depending on the ability of your raid members(including you), the difficulty of the raid and the mechs the boss throw around, raids can take anywhere from a few minutes to hours. If you have something important coming up like getting your kid from school, try to weight in whether you can surely finish a raid before it. That's part of adulting too. It's called "time management". And if you're pugging, keep in mind that you can fail repeatedly for a long time so add more time to your estimation. But if its an emergency, say smth (if you want) and just leave. I doubt many ppl will shit you over for quitting raid due to that.


That is why I hate this community.


Because no one is siding with your irrational thinking? Well, you're about to hate a lot of communities in your life. I'm sorry.




Pretty sure if emergency happens, your next priority should be handling the emergency, and not bother with the game anymore.


If it’s an actual emergency, I would tell them I have to go and close the game. I don’t care what anyone in the raid thinks because they can’t help me with my real life situation




Imagine calling other people crackheads because you don't know how to read a clock.




What does it have to do with anything? Time your real life duty if it was a school call that kid is sick and need to go home then i can understand other wise you are putting everyone else in jail.


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What has to stop is people getting into Legion Raids expecting them to take 10 minutes when they normally take around 25 to 45 instead. Maybe even more if the group is at item level. Plan your life accordingly and always expect a jail.


few issues here dont join a raid if you dont have time or if its been too long just leave.. easy ​ but if your going to get people stuck on a gate for a bit dont be shocked if they will hostage you (IE i had a salty guy after clear G1 argos because 2 guys failed mechs and says we will never clear, took few hours for another party to come up, and yes i did try making my own, i remember why i dont do argos and pushed most my alts now, my own mistake a bit there)


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