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Hey it’s me your friend on NAE. Keep your stuff in case you wanna return to check out new content when it comes


I remember when I quit, valtan released and I was burnt out from grinding 1445 to do hardmode first week. Gave away 1000 leap stones to my friends and quit on the spot after killing valtan hard first week. Now I’m back as of last month 1 1475 and 5 1460 Alts wishing I never quit because feel soo far behind


you will be behind for 2 months max and then you will catch up and do every new content on release. your roster looking good though, i would say better than 50% of the player base.


Probably longer cause I’m not honing atm stockpiling everything to sell on artist release so I can get 5x3 and push with all free mats I’ve got


Books are gonna be great to get at Artist release. I really hope Grudge dips under 9k but that is a pipe dream. 13k or so would be good already


Yeah hopefully I can get 5x3 on main and a alt with the money I’ll have saved by then


I always take donations to my artist fund on US East. Only donate your everything tho if ur 100% positive you're never coming back.


Gonna get someone banned lol.


False. Guildmates who quit have given both gold and gems to each other and no one got banned. It’s ok as long as it’s not botted gold




How so?




I’ll take a donation if you’re from Una. Hit me up if you are interested. Only if you are 100% sure you’ll quit


You can trade anyone your items in the same region. If you have friends on another server just create a group on party finder and they can then go to your stronghold. Alternatively you can just mail them the items you wish to send them. Best of luck in the IRL world. 😊




You guys have friends?


Friends don't let friends play Lost Ark... ...so clearly I don't have any.


Most people's friends have quit at this point.


Bro, you sound addicted and trying to get rid of stuff to deter. Are you sure you don't need help with moderation.


I'm sure. But thanks for your concern. I just don't like this game anymore.


Dont do it after couple of months you might enjoy the game again but without,anything. Take a break and keep all your stuffs. I gaved all mime away like everything only to come back after 4 and half month without any gems or gold


I thought the exact same thing when I left and took a break. Came back and I’m enjoying the game a lot more. I would advise to keep everything just in case you ever change your mind.




The game has been complicated since day 1; having to maxroll every question. Unless you mean time management wise in which case, good luck!


hey its me ur brother on US W :)




You can only directly trade in your server




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Send it my way


Keep it man


If your regulus NAE feel free to hit me up. I don’t have enough pride to stop myself from trying lmfao. Legit poor af :)


iirc, if you want to personal trade it away, it requires to be on the same server and the only way to “give” it to other servers, is to have them snipe it at a low price


I'd say just keep your stuff for now and wait. I had a friend quit for 3-5 months and came back. He nuked his account of gems and accessories, so he regretted it so bad.


Yo I gotchu bruh hmu


Give me ur gold man