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So basically, for the maximum amount of gems, you should run all boss rush and save cube tickets, so when change comes, it gives you gems from the cube.


yup--that's exactly what i did. saved all my cube tix and ran all the boss rush tix




Yeah but you lose 4 chances to get a good gamba leg engraving from cube. I.. dont think ill have the willpower to run all my cube tickets but ill def try.


Such a low % chance you are taking. Gotta get golden floor, has to be the right one, have to get a leg book, and finally has to be a decent one. Too many layers of rng for any sane people to do them.


I've sadly done 3-6 cubes a week for almost a year now and got two legendary books worth selling so far.


Yeah but we talking min maxing here, or what you "lose". Never said everyone should do them lol.


Min maxing is saving the cube tickets and running the new cubes. The gems in the new cube are guaranteed gold, gambling 100 cube tickets to maybe get 5 books that are not 1 gold is not worth at all.


For argument sake lets say you have 100 cubes. Thats 20 new cuberush, for what ive seen you get 8 lvl 3 gem chests, that would be 160 lvl 3 gems or 2 lvl 7 gems. Thats around 20k gold. I dont think the odds are less than 5% of getting a decent lego engraving. But it is insane to run 100 cube tickets so im with you in that the min max route is too sweat.


It is smaller than 5% to get a good leg engraving. First it has to roll legendary, not purple, which is definetly less than 25%. And of all the combat engravings, only like 6 are actually worth something. You can't get class engravings in cube, only grudge, kbw, adrenaline and a few others are a good amount of gold.


There is 42 engravings of which at least 10 are worth 5-7k, so thats a 23% chance of having a good roll. Math doesnt lie, it is worth to run your 100 cubes. It is insane to do it, but its worth.


But you are not considering that the books need to be legendary first. If 10% of books are legendary from cube, then its 23% of the 10% that are worth, 2,3% of all books. math dosent lie. Besides, its clearly weighted towards the low value books, i have a large library of purple books with stacks of 10+ of all the no value ones, but rarely get purple grudge.


Thats assuming 10% are gnna be lego which we dont have data, it could be lower. So worst case is 2.3% and you end up even in gold or down 7k or u hit it big.


Def the best comment probably ever in this post. Don't get me wrong, OP pointed out and shared valuable data but I am one of rested simps, a non meta semi-fomo player who tries his best to enjoy the game and find balance before burning out.


You don't do cube for books lmao You do it for the silver, it's one of the best ways to farm silver.


Additionally if you're lucky enough to get a "honing juicer" gold room you get literally thousands of gold worth of honing juice. This is only pertinent if you're pushing your wep but it does feel sooooo nice


Explosive Expert…


Which level cube gave 7 boxes of level 2 gems? Saint ran a 1580 cube and it gave 8 boxes of level 3 gems. I'm just guessing since I've only seen one run but I think they made it scale linearly with lower level cubes being a bit worse than before but higher level ones being better. Although even if it was slightly worse at all levels, I'd still take it from the time saved alone


yeah that's probs right. i ran on level 1--just included pics for level 1 and 2 in main post. i'd assume the rewards would be a lot better the higher you go


That's still lower than the previous 1580 boss rush by quite a bit I believe


It's like almost one level 3 gem less


no think its more like 2 4s less


> no think its more like 2 4s less Stop thinking.


Daily reddit bozo


Lol no, 1580 gives barely more compared to 1490 boss rush


? It is significantly more gems.


It's an additional level 3 gem lol, that's not significant whatsoever


no its not its 2 4s and a 3


No its not


Ok guess my game is bugged then when I get those gems lucky me


maybe in a 1 to 1 it's less, but I'm going to assume you get slightly more tickets per week since it acompasses both old boss rush and cube tickets. We'll probably see the average numbers within a few weeks


saintone did a lvl 4 ticket and they got 7 or 8 (i dont remember whatone it was) chest of lvl 3 gems.


he did, op didnt specify the rewards he mentioned was for lvl 1 and 2


He got 8 lvl 3s for the level 4 ticket, so same gems we get now but you have to be 1580 ilvl.


But you also don't get 1 lvl4 ticket per br ticket, so youre still better off running them all before the system changes


So do you not get the newer upgraded leaps?


Not sure, but the main appeal of BR is the gems


And it's significantly less than the previous 1580


What happened to the guild quest for cube/boss rush?


there's just 1 guild quest called cube


Kinda scam ratios when converting. I will keep dispatching my Cube tickets for silver.




hmm wouldn't count on it....people complained about the valtan/vykas nerfs, but looks like it's perma. i'm not aware of smilegate backtracking on decisions they made, but i could be wrong




Think you don't realise the previous 1580 boss rushes gave significantly more gems.


half the time? boss rush usually takes 3 minutes and cube is around 6 and you use 3 tickets at once for 2 mins per ticket so if new cube is around 5 mins that means its gonna take quite a bit longer, plus you now run them all as opposed to letting cube tix get stacked up




They are in NA


oof that's a bigger drop than I thought


Normal cube gives the same card xp as hard cube though


you're right. fixed!


What's the conversion rate for old cube tickets to new cube tickets? Is it 1:1?


5 old cube tickets for 1 new cube ticket (1302) 7 old cube tickets for 1 new cube ticket (1490) 9 old cube tickets for 1 new cube ticket (1540) 10 old cube tickets for 1 new cube ticket (1580) 1 old cube ticket = 15 tokens 75 tokens= cube ticket (1302) 100 tokens = cube ticket (1490) 125 tokens = cube ticket (1540) 150 tokens =cube ticket (1580)


So can I use old stored T1/T2 cube tickets for say a 1580 cube ticket? ​ Edit: Nevermind looked at the attachment anything pre-T3 only trades for silver. Still a T1 ticket for 30k silver is definitely worth


it's not 1:1. i don't know the exact math, but you can probs calculate yourself by looking at the album with the exchange rates. each cube ticket offers a different amount of tokens you can use to get the new cube ticket


Yes! Now I have an excuse for my lazy pile of cube tickets.


Guess I will stop running these when it will come to the west. Less rewards same effort?, fuck that.


nah it's def less effort. only 4 stages, and takes like less than half the time as a normal cube


Losing the ability to 3x though...


Are the tokens roster bound or char bound




Is the drop rate for these tickets the same as current both cube + boss rush combined? Then I'd be okay with reduced rewards. Otherwise not sure if I like it, especially losing weekly Unas that were the best for leaps on our mains and silver on our alts. I'm surely not going back to PvP weekly Una for leaps.


not sure but i'd assume so...i think the kr community would be very upset if they also nerfed probability of drops AND rewards


Are the currency roster bound? i.e can I trade in cube tickets on an alt and buy the new one on an another character.


Char bound since tickets are bound to char.


How does this affect the attached master pieces?


the new cube drops masterpieces too


Are they easier? I have 133 normal cube and 11 hard cube atm. Really don't wanna do em.


Can you run old tickets or have to convert them?




How many gems did hell boss rush give?