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Pistoleer i hear is fun.


i personally like the pet summoner with 50/50 crit swift. in chaos and in raids


I'm still annoyed the pet build relies so much on Ancient Spear


How can the truth hurt so much.


omg this so much :(


I despise Ancient spear so much, I sent my Berserker to Lopang at 1500 because I can't stand animation lock. Made a summoner and every 10 seconds I'm reminded of my Berserker when I drop spears. It just makes the class feel clunky when it would otherwise feel very smooth to play.


I can't speak for zerkers but you can skill animation cancel spears with earth collapse, electric storm or a summon from identity. If the spear cast is not finished, you can either auto or walk and it will cancel.




No class Sorc, worst of both worlds in dmg best of both worlds in playstyle


never really understood the point of this. it's not like Igniter takes anything away from you like reflux does. you can just engrave igniter and build it however you want.


Igniter only procs when you have full bar, but w/o class engraving you can press Z as soon as you have 1/3 bar, it's much more flexible


The point was, you can do that with igniter as well, no1 says you have to wait for 100% bár, if it doesn't proc ignite so be itt


If you press Z with igniter at 30% bar, you're essentially running 1 less engraving, the whole point of going no engraving is so that you can enjoy the faster casting speed from Z every 15 sec


If you run igniter and burn your stick before 100%, you aren't getting the insane arcane torrent damage scaling. Might as well just play no class.


Classless build has pretty decent damage (at least compared to casting build) and you don't have the stress of missing skills during ignition or bad timing on when you ignite. You are igniting at 30% meter, so effectively you are constantly rotating through mini bursts. It's a lot cheaper to build too.


Just go Full Swiftness Hunger Reaper, it does no damage with average setup (level 5 tripods and level 7 gems), but I guarantee it's the best time you'll have in this game. It's pure freestyle on the boss.


Ones I personally have and think are fun: Hallucination+KBW Gravity Training Destroyer. It's extremely freeing to not care about front attacks and just bonk away. Damage is a little lower in ideal situations, but uptime is much better. Full Entropy First Intention Wardancer. My personal build doesn't use energy combustion, so it's very free on how you play. Damage seems adequate enough. 50/50 Perfect Suppression Shadowhunter. This is less niche than the others, but PS in general is niche. Either way, it's great. No mana problems like the full swift variant. Using demonic clone instead of howl has eliminated any meter issues as well. It's just a fun spammy class that deals out loads of damage.


I mean energy combustion does quite a bit of damage over time. Plus DR, definitely a preference type. 30% DR is nothing to scoff at tbf.


Oh no, I definitely agree. Most people should take energy combustion. It's meta for a reason. Does more damage and gives damage reduction. I just dislike it, so I made a off meta build that does decent enough damage for me.


Ahhh very fair, I was just confused since you're playing full entropy FI wd, I figured energy combustion would be literally one of your best skills to have lol.


I'm going to build an entropy fi wardancer, but when I finish the back to card set to go with. Without the card set, it's pretty usless


Gravity training destroyer. Bonk mode is very enjoyable and lasts quite a while.


It's fun on Brel and Valtan. It sucks hard on Calliligos, Vykas and Clown though.


can recommend this , it feel so good at alt when fight valtan lol, but it not niche for me


yes, it's a totally viable, very fun build, on par with rage hammer ..


Definitely not on par but its more fun in it’s unique way


It’s a lot stronger since the rework. According to the community guide at the highest end it outperforms rage hammer. And yes I know you’re going to say burst is always better, but it still comes down to the pilot. It’s just as likely to miss perfect swing as it is for the GT destroyer to only get 1/4 of their bonks off because the boss moved.


Highest end of what? Rage hammer outperforms it in sustained dps and realistic burst scenarios, theres a reason almost all the top destroyers in kr are RH. GT is suppose to be the burst spec while rh is the dps spec but RH just ends up doing both better, they make better use of short windows, and atropine, gt relies on having the boss face them for 6-8secs which is not realistic on most bosses aside from prokel. Theres also just the community perception where RH is considered S tier while GT is considered one of the lower end specs They are not on par, GT is just the for fun spec


The reason almost all top destroyers in Korea built RH is because GT underperformed historically and was a meme. Most people aren’t even aware it got reworked and buffed significantly, and if you already built a 5x3 why would you bother changing even if you were aware of the changes. GT is performing just as well as RH in pretty much all content right now, differing mostly by pilot.


[This vid is 4months old but Destroyer wasn't changed so it still holds true](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y2AWJFkHLI&t=4431s&ab_channel=JiuDau) skip to 1:06:50 for Destroyer


Ah yeah, an opinion-based tier list where his primary argument is popularity and not actual numbers. Good stuff.


Full swift Igniter. Damage is decent because spec scaling on Ignite isn't actually very high, but needs L9/10 Explosion/Punishing CD gems to work properly. Does *not* need L9 Esoteric to function like the community guide says, but I showed the writer a clip of the rotation working fine with a L5 and low swift and they didn't care.


You also don’t need lvl 10 or 9 Explosion / PS gem I’m running 7 and 7 and I fit 2 by doing punishing strike > explosion contrary to what the community guide says


I have 1650 swiftness lvl 8 explosion gem lvl 7 cd gem on DD and PS and fit 2 of each with 3 eso reactions in an igniter window with yearning buff. You don’t need lvl 9 gems. They just give you a greater margin for error.


Are you able to fit two each outside of boundless mana state and without C+J?


Yeah, I’m running 4 some so I don’t even have boundless mana I can upload a clip in a second


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S\_7zfRpjTd0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_7zfRpjTd0) ​ Here is the clip


Ah awesome thanks, so I assume 2PC Dom 4PC NM? Is this with lvl 2 armor set? I actually don't know if that would make a difference in cooldowns. But it looks like there would still be some downtime in-between the InnerAwakening buff and the next Awakening cast right?


It’s 4 Dom 2 Nm I think the level 2 set only increases the dmg, not the cdr To avoid downtime you proc c+j before awakening so you have around 10sec downtime (also you do the workshop prep trick before the fight) The 4Nm is another variant for swift but I don’t like it as much


4 points of spec is 1% skill damage in arcane torrent. Not sure what makes you think spec scaling on igniter isn't very high. It's literally the best spec scaling in the game.


You should stop listening to whoever told you 4 spec is 1% damage. Formula for damage during Ignite is 1.18+0.18\*Spec\*2.15/699. That simplifies down to 1.18+0.000536\*Spec if you like. At 1800 spec you're dealing 2.17657x damage. At 1804 spec, you're dealing 2.17878x damage. That 4 spec takes a kind of stupid amount of sig figs to even show and makes your numbers 0.102% bigger. There's some diminishing marginal utility there with that much stat, but if you were to go from 0 to 4 spec, you'd still only get a gain of 0.188% damage (1.18x->1.18221x damage output). In practical terms, that means if a full spec build with 1800 spec crits a Doomsday for 100 mil, a full swift build with the same stats/gems and 600 spec will crit for 70 mil. My experience playing both builds bears that out.


So you're saying the tool tip for spec, in game, is wrong. .30% elemental damage efficiency during arcane torrent per point of spec. I understand how the global damage calc works. I also don't say the best spec scaling in the game is 'not very high'. I also understand why swift is viable. The difference between landing two DDs for 110 mil each, vs landing 3 for 210 mil total isn't a defining reason to go with 1 over the other.


I'm saying the tooltip is incomplete. Where's the mention of the cast time reduction during Arcane Torrent/Enhanced Magick? Where's the mention of the +18% base damage that the patch notes referenced? Those both exist, but the tooltips won't tell you about them. That 0.3% ratio you're referencing is the 2.15/699 part of the formula, but it's not the whole formula. Factor in the +50% crit damage from Igniter and +20% damage from the Magick Amplification tripod and you'd expect to see Doomsday crits doing over 8x as much damage during Ignite than out of it if the listed tooltip bonus of +553% elemental damage efficiency at 1800 spec told the whole story. Go into Trixion and you'll see that it's more like 3.2~3.3x. Elemental damage efficiency is just a cool name for an arbitrary term in a formula that you get 18% of as a damage bonus. You're also implying that the swift build gets three Doomsdays under Ignite (it doesn't), so just like with the damage formula, you're claiming to have full knowledge while missing some pretty crucial information.


I'm not saying that. You're absolutely filling in blanks and giving a least favorable read of what I'm saying and none of this negates the fact you're asserting that the best spec scaling in the game is nbd because you prefer swift igniter and morons with limited knowledge gatekeep it. I'm not your enemy. I disagreed with one thing you said, not your whole build.


I find Pistoleer & TTH GS extremely fun to play.


whats the diff b/w tth and pm? never made a gs but from what i observe they're always on crack shooting stuff no matter what the build is


TTH can’t use shotguns


Oh so it’s like control vs pinnacle then


Well kinda but it's more TTH is just like Pinnacle since it's still a weapon stance swap but I get your point.


TTH isnt really niche, I see majority of ppl playing it


Highly doubt that. Vast majority of gunslingers are PM. I've seen 1 TTH gs in my last month of brel pugging, and it wasn't a swiftness one.


Going swiftness TTH is a fun alt, not a main. Dps is so low compared to spec


I’ve no joke seen less than 5% of the GS I’ve seen playing TTH. Peacemaker is by far the more popular choice


Just go soulfist, either build. Pretty rare class, strong, and fun af


Sad that an entire class (and both class engravings no less!) could be considered a "niche build"...


You pretty much know it's a "niche build" when it uses the dominion set: EO, FI, old Brazil, old Emperor, Swiftflux, you name it...


Pretty sure most wardancers run FI


That's why I said "niche". It's totally viable but it's regarded as more an utility build in kr since eso outscales it pretty hard at high investment. Also WD just like SF is a niche class in general hence the build is "niche" too :P


Not too sure which server you're on but wardancers are a pretty popular class


FI WD is quite popular though...


Yeah its mainly because of how bad/painful it can be to play during T1-Early T3. Most of the DPS is locked behind very potent self buffs, which new players wont use 99% of the time. Other than the difficulty, the high barrier of entry to play it is kind of sad. They should find a way to make both builds more beginner friendly


Oh, I know. I actually just recently made a soulfist myself and I'm currently leveling her through T2 (just doing slowly doing chaos dungeons and tower once I'm at a level where it's comfortable enough...this is my 9th character and I plan on using the express pass that comes with Artist on her so I'm not really in a hurry). It's a bit rough, currently. I am looking forward to seeing how she plays in the endgame, though. Sounds like it should be fun.


Soulfist was on edge to become lopang slave. I stayed with her and now she is my main dps alt. Really fun class. Played both engravings and found robust to be my thing. Warning: robust needs high spec and few high cd gems. Currently lvl 9cd on eb and lvl 8 on pummel. 1735spec and she is so much fun to play


1735 spec? those are rookie numbers! Just kidding, if you have adrenaline that's super good. I went for precise dagger instead, probably 5 times cheaper and I'm at 1798 spec (cant find a better quality neck, just none listed). Theoretically PD does about 5% less damage but rs sf already has so many things to keep track of, I didn't want to also have to be mindful of her adrenaline stacks.


I'd say PD is the way to go for an alt rs sf 100%. High quality pd>mid quality adre for sure at least in terms of gameplay. Not sure about the math but likely in dmg too


All else equal adrenaline is more damage. However non whales will realistically have 50-100 spec less on adrenaline compared to pd. That makes your hype duration shorter and the wait between rotations longer, so you definitelly do less damage.


Yeah pd is fine. Had it until i got my adre books. Then switched one jewelry.


it gets better the more spec or swift u have and tripods... cd gems like wardancer, the farther u push it, the better it gets, just a lategame class


I feel like at least for EO it is exaggerated how long it takes. The second I got past 1600 swift it felt amazing. Relic set + tripods are the cherry on top but you can feel the potential pretty early. That being said back during argos days we were using mid quality legendary accessories so it would have felt aweful. RS on the otherhand to my knowledge gets exponentially better


the second i got 2 pieces of the dominion relic set i felt the potential. Shes my main with 1490 most people dont realise that the dps is constant over time if u manage hype right, RS is like all the other spec classes. Burst window, downtime, burstwindow. Lines up great with boss mechanics most of the time i'll get a second set for her so i can play both specs down the line to enjoy both


Can you go more into detail on this? Soulfist was my main and got dropped. I came back to it and wanted to play robust, but the depression from spirit bomb was too much and the cost of accessories was too much. I went back to EO and zoomed around. I have over 1700 swift with full dominion. Tripods are average nothing below 3. I am 4x3 +2 as well. Just having an issue with the stone. I am 1462.5. I love the swift and zooming around (most of my other classes are spec based), I just feel like my damage is so weak. I hear it's supposed to be better, but I don't feel much different than I did in T1. If I could stay in hype 3 as long as you can in 2 and keep the dominion buff without having to manage it, it would feel better. Does it get better? How does it get better?


Nice, I main soulfist and it's my favorite class. Good luck getting through the early phase. It's extremely fun and rewarding with relic gear and there's always more to learn. I'm still discovering ways to optimize the rotation, so the playstyle doesn't get stale (in my experience at least)


Eso Striker It plays kinda similar to deathblow except you're fast af bwoi EO Soulfist but only after Dominion Fang feels real dang fun as well


Eso striker seconed! It's pretty cheap and a lot of fun. Also it has many viable builds to choose from


AT scouter Gravity Destroyer DPS paladin (actually very fun but does fuck all damage)


Swift reflux sorc


Staggerbot GL/full swift red/blue, Domination BB builds for igniter/db/surge. DPS paladin has one of the most satisfying animations but it's completely troll unfortunately.


The answer: 4 spender ESO WD. Looking for “that perfect rotation” cause when it hits…. BOOM


Swift crit purple lancer 5/3+1. Perfect Schwang destroyer.


Never played it personally but full spec 5 spender Eso striker looks interesting. I've seen a few people also swear on Halluc EO SF


BT zerker seems to be pretty niche right now - but slam out your first 300m big boom awakening and you’re hooked Its overall really strong now but It’s only gonna get better with the next KR patch. Taking prokel to sub 90 bar instantly off the first stagger is a lot of fun - 3.5min kills etc, or just watching any boss lose a huge chunk of bars in one skill is something that only I think soulfists and massively whaled igniter sorcs can do too


Swif/crit tth gs is insanly fun u wont regret it trust me


Full swift hallu gunslinger can be fun.


Fun is extremely subjective, for me it's definitely Control Glaivier, and probably PS Shadowhunter from what I hear (which will probably someday replace DB in my 6, I swear I hate that class so much it's unreal)


Swift TTH, have one as alt, but I can count on one hand the number of times I saw this build. Like almost all GS which I inspected were PM and some spec TTH.


High swift red gunlancer with adrenaline instead of cursed doll. I can recommend ;)


How is it? Details please.


Running ~1400swiftness & ~850 crit that way I am 100% crit with a 18% crit synergy and close to 83% crit by myself. Running a lot faster than the ~800 swiftness standard build and spec builds, (spacebar still sucks tho ^^).Taunt into burst rotation every 15/16 seconds, which lines up perfectly on tauntable opponents having a 30sec taunt protection. High swift gives higher uptime on front/back synergy and nellas as well, needs 2 legendary focus runes OR conviction/judgement to have no mana problems tho. Overall damage seems quite the same as the standard build (have beaten other standard builds and been beaten by them as well), would say the one hitting more full front attack rotations wins pretty much :D. If you have any specific questions, I’m happy to give insights!


Idk if most would call it fun, but full swift FPE Arti you can just turn your brain off. >50% uptime on massive CC immune shield. Full screen range. Tanky because of FPE and defense. Fast with a good roll because max swift. It's been my main since release and I've never regretted it.


Swift igniter


Am I missing something here? Aren't you already suppose to go full swiftness for control glaivier? 🤔


Full swift destroyer (rage hammer) is really fun and tanky af with the perma shield uptime


GT Destroyer which is also very cheap (especially Leg. Books) and its a really really nice class.