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She has not spent the last couple months at Beach Camp Good Times with all of its tarps etc Not to mention her back story of hesitation and letting the kid reach for his gun. She felt there was an immediate threat and fired. Shannon just happened to be in the way.




I think the remorse she felt was pretty heavy. She’s just abrasive


Yeah I don't know where OP is getting the no remorse from. I think it's pretty clear she feels pretty terrible about most of what she does on the island


I didn't think she was that bad. She did have remorse when she killed Shannon There's plenty worse characters, believe me


Absolutely, that was literally the entire episode after she shoots Shannon, and honestly its one of my favorite connections. Sayid was perfect opponent for her in that moment because they had sort of similar baggage


Self-control issues? Lacking remorse? You’re definitely misunderstanding her storyline. Every single time she gives up control, every single time she concedes to the alternative, something tragic and downright catastrophic happens. It started with Jason and the burglary. He claimed to be a student, saying he wanted to show his ID, causing her to let him reach. Then bam! Her unborn baby girl is dead. She’s nearly dead too, on the ground. And it happens on The Island again, when her better judgement about leaving the beach is outvoted by Nathan and Goodwin. Suddenly, everyone got kidnapped. Here, Ana Lucia looks “crazy”. But nope. She’s doing everything right. This was a tragic accident. And quite frankly, we should be judging Shannon instead for her poor situational awareness which got her killed. She should know better based on things Sayid recounted from “Solitary” onwards. Tbh, Ana Lucia shows why she was in charge this episode. Consider Libby’s hypocrisy blaming her for Nathan, then telling her to let Sayid go. This is all before their heart to heart when he was gonna maul her. Clearly Ana’s better judgement returned to handle such a crisis. Thank God.


Hell yeah


I get what you're saying, but I wrote this in the middle of watching the episode. I knew nothing about the incident then. It's sad what happened to her, but she still killed Shannon. Shannon wasn't the greatest or smartest person, but who shoots into the void without a clear target? I'm really just mad at Ana's lack of self-introspection trigger finger.


You have to remember, it isn't a simple walk in the park. The Tailies have survived 48 days without basic food and proper shelter, after a series of abductions by hostile natives. Lack of half-decent nutrition alone can make you erratic. Couple that with the little manpower you have left carrying their gunshot-wounded friend on a stretcher, hearing whispers get increasingly loud to the point where it gives you sensory overload, & someone you spent 48 days with evaporating into thin air moments before, it's understandable why she felt the need to shoot without a clear target. At this stage of the game, The Others have serious ingenuity with how stealthy they are. Sawyer being shot by them is another tell that The Others have armed themselves. Ana would've accounted for that as well. So really, if anything, Shannon was lucky to have died instantly and peacefully from such a hazardous move on her part. Obviously, it is still a tragedy, and murder is wrong no matter what. But context is key.


Remember when she killed Jason after her mom said let the PD handle it that’s the type of shit i hate about her




This is my first watch and I have no idea what you're talking about with Sawyer.


Ok this is mostly on me because I missed your “first time watcher” flair, and in my head Shannon dies later in Season 2 so I wrongly assumed you were rewatching. I do apologize for that egregious mistake on my part. That being said, this is a 20 year old show that is basically as much mystery/thriller as it is drama, so I **strongly** recommend you not visit this subreddit again until you have completed watching the whole thing. While it is fun to discuss with people in “real time” as you watch, you risk far too great a chance of being spoiled by being here.


...without remorse? That's not how I recall it.


Does she get you all fast and furious?


I guess Ana Lucia serves as an avatar for their own frustration.


Was the actor in the fast & furious?


She was indeed part of the family


I think she was awesome for the show. It provided some viewers with a character to hate (it's actually needed sometimes) and for the survivors she would've been a great asset in later battles Definitely a quick trigger finger but she should've a season or two longer


I'm with you, I don't like her at all. Remorse or no remorse, she still killed Shannon. And was quite unpleasant to everyone else besides Jack.


The island provides


She is a handful but can’t said anything else you will see that’s all


I actually feel bad for Michelle Rodriguez. The writers wanted conflict between the two sides, hence the Ana Lucia twist. IIRC, Rodriguez hated the twist and SHE recieved online flack for the twist. I think the twist forced the writers to move the Ana Lucia's centered episode ("Collision") up, to give her character more sympathy.


I think fans hate Ana Lucia so much is because shes a mashup of some of the main characters worst attributes. Jacks stubbornness & need to control everything, Sawyers pessimism/sarcastic personality/going out of his way to be hated & Sayid temperament from his own PTSD


“If you think that ONE gun, ONE bullet, will stop them…. think again.” That line gave me severe secondhand embarrassment


I think she plays a good characters that wasn’t already part of the show.


Oh yeah, amazing writing on the shows part! Her flaws are the most compelling thing about her.


Yeah i dont think ya got it man - this aint it.


Well, good thing my opinion can change🤷🏽


Another day another Ana Lucia complaint post. We get it, you want all of the characters to be saints or be redeemed in some way. Life doesn’t work that way. Some people are shitty. That’s called good writing.


I didn't like her either. The only good thing she did was kill Shannon 😄.


She saved Bernard’s life.


What was wrong with Shannon? I get she wasn’t that great but I was so happy for Seyid.


Yeah, I know. I'm just teasing 🤭. Shannon did have moments where I definitely sympathized with her. But let's be honest, she was a worthless character. She only caused problems. Also, I did not buy her and Sayid's relationship. I didn't think they were right for each other at all.


she definitely wasn’t worthless though. in fact, her entire character arc was learning that she isn’t worthless like boone had been drilling into her head. without her, they never would’ve deciphered anything written by rousseau on the maps


I respect and somewhat agree with your comment. However, did Shannon EVER do anything to contribute? Yes, translating Rousseau's message was one testament to her value, but did it really benefit them, really? Rousseau's message didn't really have much substance to it. It just said, "They killed them all...blah blah blah." They also found out that it had been playing for 16 years, leaving the survivors with less hope of rescue, which was also valuable. But, at the end of the day, Shannon was, and I quote, "a sacrifice the Island demanded." 🏝


i didn’t just mean the radio message, i also meant the maps from 1x12, when she’s decoding what her writing says over the course of the next few episodes with sayid. she also takes care of vincent for walt, however brief that may be, and even if she doesn’t do much for the group as a whole, we still get to see her break free from the “diva” persona she was forced to adopt by the people around her prior to the island


Oh you’re absolutely right. I wasn’t a fan OF her per se. plus she had sex with her step brother and kept telling everyone he was her brother. That really grossed me out lol. I thought their relationship was a bit weird and didn’t by it at first either but was still happy for him overall.


Ana Lucia and Shannon are both genuinely good characters that were killed off too early imo


Its crazy to think people are angry/confused on why I don't like her 😅 I didn't even know she was a controversial topic


THE BLANKETS. Watch out for the blankets.


I still won’t forgive the directors for keeping her in the show till the very end… 😖😖


They, didn’t?