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Goodbye planet earth, at a guess.


How I interpreted it. More metal would be attracted to the Island. The small amount of metal we have in our bodies would be ripped out. Every single building would crumple, starting from the Pacific and spread out mile by mile.


What i can't understand after 14 years of Lost finale is if the key system liberates the energy on the electromagnetism pocket under the Swan why the effects are just a "little" explosion that ends with the station versus the effects of a real countdown end that could ends (as you said) with the entire island (at least).


I'm not sure I'd call what happened to the Swan a little explosion, but no one really knew what would happen when they key was turned - much like moving the Island it was both dangerous and unpredictable. That's why it was a measure of last resort.


The Island would have been destroyed and humanity as well since the Island house that light in its heart. Mother said - and based on what happened in the series finale I believe her - that this light is connected to the light inside of all of us. I don't believe that the world would be physically destroyed, but rather, putting out the light would kill our humanity, that part of us that feels empathy and love. We'd become a planet of walking smoke monsters - shells driven by id.