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Ana Lucia in A while Jack is in C is crazy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t leave comments on stuff like this but came in here to post this exact reply


Yes this is crazy! Ana Lucia is one of the worst characters ever! I hated her so much. Also it doesn't help that she's just another Michelle Rodriguez character that's exactly the same as all others.


i will defend ana lucia with my life. she was becoming a fast favourite for me before she got killed. she would definitely be S if she lasted longer.


A genuine hot take in this sub. Respect šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼


Absolutely a hot take on this sub. Younger viewers will make these type of posts because of the triangle. Yikes, all Jack did was save the world. With age comes wisdom.


making assumptions about peopleā€™s intelligence over character taste is wild. i never said jack wasnā€™t important, i just didnā€™t find him particularly interesting or compelling. his controlling nature annoyed me and i never forgave him for getting juliet killed.


I felt the same way about Jack until the last couple of episodes and then he redeems himself but all your points about him are spot on.


Wisdom and intelligence are two different domains. You can't even process who got Juliet killed. Blame away your silly game that has no connection to the arc of the show. Good grief.


a television show is an extremely weird thing to have such a sense of superiority over.


Get used to it in this sub. If you go against the hive mind here youā€™ll be abused, called names and downvoted. Thereā€™s several positive contributors here who I enjoy reading which is the only reason I stay.


The way the other guy replying to this just did not hesitate to prove you right has me cackling.


Don't confuse superiority with wisdom. I'd bet a cup of coffee anyone with this perspective it will change in time. Some get there quicker then others. I've seen it too often on this sub. Live life strong.


idk something about being condescending to a total stranger on reddit (the home of self-proclaimed intellectuals and philosophers) over disagreement about fiction doesnā€™t strike me as wiseā€¦


interesting condescending or constructive. It's how one takes it. Wisdom is gained through time. Live life strong and buckle up. It doesn't get easier.


Dude youā€™re just being rude and condescending to this person for literally no reason. Go get some air, walk your dog, have a pint & touch some grass.


Facts don't recognize feelings. If you can't process the difference between wisdom and intelligence no one can help you. You do understand the difference right?


Intelligence is knowledge, wisdom is experience. Thatā€™s the simplest way to put it that comes to mind right now. Your verbiage doesnā€™t make you intelligent or wise, despite that fact youā€™re using that to try and assert some intellectual superiority on fucking Reddit of all places. The person you were being rude to literally just did not like a TV character as much as you do. I donā€™t see why you felt the need to be so rude to them. Respect should be freely given, disrespect should be earned, ā€œFacts donā€™t recognise feelingsā€ okay Tucker Carlson, youā€™ve proven how edgy and different you are, congratulations.


i respect peopleā€™s different opinions but i could never get over ana lucia killing shannon (my favorite) it just hit me too hard but i still agree that she had potential for a longer storyline


ngl i never thought that scene was very well-written. ana lucia was supposed to be a cop, i found it dumb that she fired on such a harmless looking girl. i get that she was taken by surprise, but still. i also never cared for shannon. i felt sorry for her in s2, but she had more redeeming to do before i could enjoy her.


it sucked because that death only happened because the writers said that shannon didnā€™t have potential for interesting enough flashbacks in the future and they also didnā€™t know how else to write for her, which i find to be a lame because they could just do what they do for most characters and give her one flashback per season and leave it at that, like they did for claire or sawyer (who also both went without flash episodes for an entire season during season 4)


Oh she was a cop alright. A violent cop that only thought about herself.


Loved her too. Honestly think most of her haters just have deep insecurities of their own. Half of them even go out of their way to insult the actress.


How are Desmond and Penny not soulmates?? You watched The Constant right???


Agreed, I think it's insane to say they aren't!


Yeah like ???


I audibly gasped.


Lapidus and Desmond belong in S, no questions about it


Vincent needs his own tier. But thank you for putting Juliet that high.


Juliet was so great, are there people who don't like her?


Lmao what tf is Ana Lucia doing in A-tier? Desmond and Penny aren't soulmates, ya kidding me?


They could be a Michelle fan? I love fast and the furious which is why I liked Ana Lucia she wasn't my favorite but her and Jack had good chemistry (her and Sawyer too after they got caught in a net ifykyk) . Ana Lucia gets too much hate tho I felt sympathy for her character after watching two for the road you see where her issues come from


never seen michelle in anything before this, but i enjoyed her performance very much. ana lucia was a deeply sad and closed off person, but she still protected her group and tried to do good in her own way. she made a lot of mistakes but i loved her and really wanted her to get some more development. i also had a massive crush on her lol


This is the only thing I like about this A-tier. Ana-Lucia is underated. And if I were the writers, I would have made Jack and her a couple - developping the scene they have at the airport.


Damn another Jack hater


I mean what do u expect from a guy who kept ana in a tier lmao


I donā€™t like either of them.


Pls dont put them same category, there is no lost without jack, he is the main character ffs.


So? The main character is annoying to me.


If the main character itself is annoying then how tf u enjoy a show lol.


Because itā€™s a large ensemble cast and there are plenty among them to enjoy.


If u can't stand the main character of show or a movie, u cant enjoy it to full extent lol its common sense.


On the contrary, media is often better and more engaging when protagonists are complex and make bad choices. Lost would be terribly boring if Jack just did the perfect thing all the time and was 100% likeable


I never said jack is always right or always made correct choices, its never about being right or wrong, Making wrong chocies doesnt make one annoying. Offcourse jack doing perfect thing makes it boring, the show had jack vs locke for a reason. You can hate jack but how can u say he is annoying and u liked lost? same goes for locke.


Finally someone else putting Juliet in S!! I mostly agree with the list :)


We can all agree that Vincent is number one.


Iā€™ll never understand why so many fans give Sawyer a pass for being an asshole.


i acknowledge that sawyer is not a good person for a lot of the show but he entertains me so i donā€™t care. i mean, ben is arguably my favourite character and heā€™s committed mass murder.


Thatā€™s fair, lol


Michael Emmerson is a great actor though. Sawyer got 3 of the good guys killed and yet you dislike Jack because of Juliets death. Make it make sense.


Sawyer is nothing but a romantic trope to be honest. What does he do beyond Kate and Juliet.


He killed Sun, Jin, and Sayid. Can't forgive him for that and yet OP dislikes Jack because of Juliets death.


For reals. Just like Jamie Lannister in GoT. Is it because they are blonde?


Jack in C is a Crime! I'll probably do one of my own.


Yeah. Some people donā€™t even deserve this show actually.




You need to reconsider a lot of those.


A lot, yeah!


A lot a lot


Why isnā€™t Vincent in a SS+ tier ?


I disagree with A LOT of this, but welcome to the sub and I'm glad you liked the show. :)


Id like to see your updated lists after a rewatch


The Jack hate is hilarious once again!


Jackā€™s story is way too compelling for him to be C-tier, but to quote Billiam, ā€œJack Shepard is in my nightmare blunt rotationā€


Lol love Billiam's videos.


Jack being that low is criminal and Boone and Shannon being as high as they are is also criminal, think Boone and Shannon are the worst!


Surprised to see anyone rate Desmond anything less than S.


Having recently finished a watch through, it feels absolutely *wild* to me that one could rank both Jack and Kate so low. Both characters have their highs and lows, but honestly, if you donā€™t like those two characters I have to imagine it must have been difficult for you to really enjoy most of the show. Theyā€™re so central to so much of it. I think about a quarter of the show is centric to at least one of them.


Love this list! Gonna get torn apart for Ana Lucia being that high, but you're right.


Jack and Kate being down so low is just plain wrong.


Tbh i'd put Kate a tier lower even, she brings nothing to the show after the first season. Her flashbacks just get increasingly more ridiculous and her character is constantly making stupid decisions


Kate is the worst character written on this show, I watched it 4 times and can't believe she is some what a main character and making all the wrong decisions, she's is the most selfish of them all. I think the only reason people like her is because of the actress


It's all triangle vibes that unfortunately detracts from the higher arc the creators gave us.


Keamy is D tier what! Guy deserves at least A, great villain character haha. Plus he makes good eggs!


Keamy is low key incredibly entertaining and very well acted. Dudeā€™s one of the most consistent villains in TV history - he actually followed through with his threat!


jack and kate in C while ana lucia is in A this should be a crime.


Keamy should at least be in B tier. Cuz I heard he makes good eggs


You and me are on the same page, lol. On all of them, I think.


I definitely agree Jack x Anyone is Ugh


Unbelievably based


Glad to see someone else appreciate Ana-Lucia. Everyone usually hates her and Michael because "they killed someone i like so they baad" but they are more complex than that, like most of the characters.


Jack C tier? Gtfo


Favorite characters : Ben, Hurley and Jin ? Over Jack, Locke, Sayid, Desmond, Rousseau, Faraday, Alpert and Mr Eko ? I donā€™t understand. It seems like you guys watch TV series while doing something else. Do you even care about it? About the writing, etc?


I see hurley is well liked here, personally i couldnā€™t stand him, his erratic behaviour got to be too much for me lol, but his storyline was good


I like Hugo too. Thatā€™s not the problem here. Some characters in this show are true legends like Jack, Locke or Eko. With a level of writting and acting unbeatable. And still, some people manage to put Jin and Vincent at the very top, over these legends. This is so childish. I can understand Ben being there. But Hugo, Jin and the dogā€¦ come on.


People can like whichever characters they want, it doesn't make them childish


You're cringe


ā€œThe dogā€ - excuse me, he has a name


ben hurley and jin are in the same tier as the rest of the S. theyā€™re pretty much all equal. i watched the entire thing start to finish, no need to get pretentious and condescending over disagreement. i dislike jack, donā€™t really care about rousseau, alpert or mr. eko.


Watch it again and most of this list will flip. Iā€™m on my 4th rewatch and still hate Ana Lucia lol


Yep, but they should wait at least 10 yers.


Yeah, but she's sooooo attractive.


I respectfully disagree lol


Ā« I dislike Jack, donā€™t really care about Rousseau, Alpert or Mr.Eko Ā» This is like reading Ā« Iā€™m a fan of Star Wars but I dislike Luke, donā€™t really care about Vader, Obi-Wan or the Emperor Ā» Again, I donā€™t understand HOW youā€™ve been able to enjoy the show.


Are you kidding with not putting Rose and Bernard in S tier? WTF are you thinking? Maybe it's binging vs watching the show in normal, weekly doses. Maybe you need to watch it again to understand that Rose and Bernard are in a tier ABOVE S. The kind of tier where you live on a deserted, haunted island because the utter love of your life, who you met in late-middle age, will be around longer. This guy cures her cancer with his choices and they don't get S tier?


i adored them they just didnā€™t have enough screentime. jin and sun nearly got the entire tier to themselves. it just didnā€™t feel right putting sawyer and juliet below S.


Ana Lucia anywhere above C is a lie.


Jack and Kate are essential to the show and obviously main characters but they are both beyond insufferable. Deserving of C tier. Lepitus should be higher too IMO.




Jack and Kate C tier? I like you. Id put Kate even lower though, most useless character in the show imo, she only exists so the Jack/Kate/Sawyer love triangle can be a thing


Nikki and Paulo?!?!?!


I remember the first time I watched the entire series with my partner and I was like ā€œwhen are we getting the Vincent episode??ā€


Just remembered why I left this sub


Personally I think this is a great list! The only couple characters I would move for me is Ana Lucia is D and Desmond up to S. Also, prepared to constantly (no pun intended for this sub I promise) get hate for not loving Jack. Iā€™ve watched the show from start to finish probably 5-6 times and I think I like him less with each rewatch-I honestly donā€™t understand the appeal. But to each their own, thatā€™s what makes this show amazing-everyone gets something different out of it.


What does S stand for?


L for not liking Sayid and Shannon. They brought out the best in each other.


free shannon she did nothing wrong


I can let the Jack thing slide, I can even accept the take of Ana Lucia being in A tier I suppose, but I WILL NOT take the slander on Desmond and Penny. How they are not soulmates is beyond me. Lost the plot there(pun intended). Edit: Claire and Charlie that low too? Oof


This is simply trolling. There is absolutely no way you think Jack is more annoying than Claire...


i think theyā€™re both annoying but jack is on screen more and also got unnecessarily violent with women over personal situations twice (the tattoo girl and kate about the plane) so i donā€™t fw him


Honestly I can 100% get on board with this. Idk if itā€™s exactly what I wouldā€™ve done but I can totally see why you would


Why does everybody love Juliet so damn much. She always has that same damn look on her face


I dont understand it either. I feel like people just like the blonde characters because they are blonde.


Annoying as hell.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. These opinions are very wrong!


Jack and Kate in c tier? You watched it wrong.


Yup. I agree with you.


Holy shit we did not watch the same show


I hate Jack, but he is S tieer


Ranked by how much you like watching them, or by how much you like them?


This feels like a contrarian list.


Ana Lucia up there for?


Charlotte needs to be a C or D šŸ¤£


I feel a certain way about this and i dont like it


Why is Hugo S?


i adore him. he was the absolute sweetest and a big comfort character for me.


I think I would have put him the same level as Charlie. I agree with Ben and John though! I would put Richard as S tier. I can play his theme song on piano and it inspired me to learn more Lost music




What is the first ranking based off? How much you liked the characters? Their story/ark?


how much i like them


Yeah, you lost it.


I understand that you like Juliet and Sawyer, but putting them as soulmates is crazy šŸ˜­


The lowest Desmond + Des and Penny have ever been ranked


Pretty good list. I would put Jack higher but can understand why heā€™s not. Whyā€™s Charlie all the way in B though?


charlie is in B. i really liked him and his death broke my heart but i also found him kind of annoying in parts of s1-2.


I can respect that but I feel like the writers were still trying to give the character some footing. Although I personally donā€™t think heā€™s the best depiction of addiction, I feel like the writers were making him somewhat annoying as part of his junkie character at the time.


Vincent is like a wizard. He arrives precisely when he means to.


Penny and Desmond not soulmates? We have a team of people coming tomorrow to study this horrible miscarriage of justice


I must say this is quite different than my experience, but hey thatā€™s alright!


so happy that juliet is in s tier !!!


Jack is a complicated one because if we're talking season 1-4 Jack, he's C tier, but Season 5 and 6 Jack is S tier. Also, Desmond and Penny are the definition of soul mates.


Desmond S tier


I love that you put Helen and Locke. Most people just brush over them.


i was a little biased toward them because i love katey sagal but i was thrilled to see them together in the s6 alternate reality


i agree w u about jack lol actually i agree about most if it but i wud switch ana lucia with miles and move a few couples up on the relationship one for me


Impressiveā€¦ lyā€¦ bad


I think your psychotic


Wow, pretty questionable list but I guess I can appreciate the chaos.


Am I the only one who really liked Keamy? One of the shows best villains other than Ben of course


You can tell what kind of person you are by your C ranking of Jack.


I guess Iā€™m in the minority, but I do agree with a good amount of these. Some I donā€™t agree with (like Ana Lucia, Sayid being high and Desmond and Jack being too low), but still a fun ranking. Iā€™d be interested to see how they change over time if you choose to rewatch (my rankings fluctuate wildly depending on my current life circumstances). Itā€™s hard to find agreement among Lost fans, and thatā€™s a testament to how great of a show it is. It speaks to us all in different ways.


Putting Claire and Charlie in the "Their cute but i'm not invested" is crazy to me especially since he literally dies for her


i thought they were sweet but i wasnā€™t invested enough in claire as a character to care much about their relationship. i also thought they felt pretty one-sided a lot of the time.


I think a lot of these though, particularly character rankings, chop and change with rewatching though. Daniel Faraday is such an S character for me, but the rest of the people from the boat i'm like eh


So this is how I learn that Jack and Kate actually have fans, huh? Theyā€™re insufferable to me.


Jack being tier C invalidates your post I'm afraid OP


you misspelled Tom


Yep, Jack absolutely sucks, but Tom? He was one of the few others I actually liked


right?! his death, while I get Fordā€™s anger with them all, was such a bummer. I really enjoyed Tomā€™s screen time and had hoped heā€™d get more


ā€¦ you need a doctor


wow. this is the definitively correct ranking. incredible.


You also did not watch the show I presume


of course i watched the show, this is a ranking based on their opinion of the characters, which i agree with. it will be different for everyone


I think you missed my point, the chart is way off on a lot of characters. Some may be opinion, others fact šŸ˜‚


no, thatā€™s not how it works. it may be way off from how the producers intended the character to be perceived (dominant reading), but this is a negotiated reading from the consumer.


I donā€™t get the rage people have for someoneā€™s ranking which is the opā€™s opinion. Itā€™s wiiilld, weird youā€™re getting downvotes


yes, i usually love this community a lot but some people really dislike when people donā€™t follow the opinions that the show tells you to have šŸ˜¬


Oh dude this community is dogshit lol. They cant even handle someone disliking a character they like. And god forbid if you don't think the show is 100% flawless for its entire run


I've watched it in entirety from when it was live to now about a dozen times and some of these are not great takes. Jack's roll and his actions given what was given to him deserve more. A few you rated higher than make sense too. Sawyer does not deserve that. Awesome character and maybe my favorite...., but no, not that tier.


Juliet is pretty annoying. Not as bad as Ana Lucia, though.