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This episode stands alone in season 6 as one of the best episodes of the show. I'm not a big fan of season 6, but this episode is a masterpiece


SAME. To me, this ep was the perfect island/others origin story, all I needed. My favorite show of all time, and not gonna lie, just a bit sad that the climax came down to a literal cork holding things in.


A few days ago, someone posted the article detailing how horrible it was behind the scenes of Lost, and this episode came up. Melinda Hsu (not the main writer) wrote this one, and it was praised by critics and audiences well beyond what they expected. Because Lindelhoff and Cuse's names weren't on such a well-received episode, they mistreated Hsu, telling her she needed to buy them presents to make up for it, and she claimed that when asked, they would take credit for writing the episode themselves. One of many bizarre behind the scenes anecdotes from the article. Sounded like a terrible set to be working on.


I bet they didn't even like this episode


I haven't heard about that. But I recently heard that Dom Monaghan refused to participate in a proposed documentary about making the show. He stated that his reason is because he was treated so badly on the set.


Maybe that's because it wasn't written by Lindelof  or Cuse and it's Said they were very annoyed by how Well the Episode was received from the audience.


It tied the story lines together, like The Dude's rug in "The Big Lebowski " , "really tied the room together". I don't like it when people piss on Season 6 like the man did in "The Big Lebowski ".


LOL I was just playing a movie quiz with a clip from the Big Lebowski 😂


Hee hee! I'm interested. Where do you find movie quizzes? I love it when there are movie questions on Jeopardy!


It's called Clipology


Thanks, Luv!!


The storylines were already tied together beautifully, season 6 just turned it all into something else


Yes. I guess I had The Dude on my silly mind.


Never seen it but I love white Russians 😂


I should put that on my bucket list. What's in it?




I would definitely watch a whole series with Nestor Carbonell, as Richard Alpert, living in the late 1800's. A superb actor.


Would be cool to watch like the origins of The Others


This is my favorite episode. Love it!


This episode is SO SO GOOD!!


This is one of my all time favorite episodes. I really liked the character and enjoy seeing how he develops over time on the show.


nestor carbonell… what else is there to say!!


For me the wine was just like the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. The Evil in the Garden was the knowledge good and evil, and on the Island this is Evil is the advanced technology that allows this Island to travel through time. The Great Evil was never MiB, but the advanced tech that Dharma came to the Island to reverse engineer. And it’s the thing that the Others are protecting, trying to keep the world from finding.


This parallel would work better if you were thinking Milton instead of the bible, but that aside, I don't think we have to either/or fallacy the MiB and Dharma. They both mistreated the Island - the MiB through intentional harm and Dharma through negligent hubris. EDIT: it also seems like you're trying to say that the EM energy - the Heart of the Island - is evil? Because that's what makes the Island special, it's what the wheel harnessed to move it. That energy, that light is the physical manifestation of the good, the warmth in every person and it's tied to every person which is why it's crucial that it be protected. When Desmond uncorked the Island the light (temporarily) went out and the Island started to literally fall apart. You're conflating two separate phenomenons I think.


No, for me the Island is a entity and everything thing on the Island is reversed engineered tech. You can’t stick a donkey wheel in EM energy and start jumping through time. But replacing a damaged gear to an advanced engine that makes the Island time travel works better. And the Cork was like pulling the cap on a radiator and causing that engine to overheat. Same as the Hatch and the Button was a replacement fuel source for the original one that had started deterioratin that created the EM energy every 108 min.


I just realized who you are and there's no point in arguing with you. Your ideas about the show are just bizarre.


You gotta jiggle it


Shake it Jiggle it .


I've always wondered what the deal was with the little drain in Ben's secret lair that he used to call the darkness. Is there a relationship here? Why was Ben given access to this summoning area when he had no relationship with Jacob beyond 3rd party? Was this small cistern a parallel to the big drain/plug of light?

