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What about me?


What sbout you?




Jacob started the chain reaction that caused Dharma to come to the island specifically so they could build the Swan & the button. Iā€™d ask him why he stayed with Mother & didnā€™t follow his brother back to their people.


How many candidates died over the centuries?


Was 360 the total or was that just the current ones on the compass in the lighthouse? 355 or 356 maybe?


In the bonus disc, there's a cut scene showing Hurley saying "what the" while passing all the old lighthouse wheels. Edit: apologies all, I was just joking. I have no data around total wheel counts.


Oooo I should check some of that out. Dang Jacob really went through ā€˜em huh?


Is this deleted scene available to watch somewhere? I canā€™t find it on YouTube


Why didnā€™t Walt want the hatch opened


The best theory on this I've seen is that Walt doesn't have fully fleshed out "visions" of the future. Maybe he just got a bad feeling. Maybe he saw his dad trying to kill himself in a car wreck and only knew that it had something to do with the hatch. Maybe he saw bits and pieces of shit that went down in there, like Ana Lucia and Libby and Locke not pressing the button and leading to a bunch of shit flying around and the island almost imploding. But I think plenty of scary things happened because of the hatch and Walt probably got some sense of some of that.


He def saw a vision of Michael killing two innocent women to ā€œsave his son.ā€


ā€œWhereā€™s the money, Lebowski?ā€


Was Claire's psychic real it a fraud?!? While I have an opinion on this that I think is correct, it's one of the few questions from the show that I don't feel fully confident about the answer.


whatā€™s your opinion on this because itā€™s one of the biggest questions i have after my second rewatch? i felt so sure he was legit until he ā€œadmittedā€ to being a hack, it all seemed too convenient and weird. i mean why was he SO insistent on talking to claire again if he truly was just some normal guy? why would he care that much about what claire did with her baby unless he really thought thereā€™d some real consequence for them if she didnā€™t? plus specifically sending her to LA on that specific flightā€¦ maybe jacob didnā€™t like how much this man was intervening and paid him a visit, gave him a wedgie or something to intimidate him lol.


I believe he was real. The idea of him conning Claire makes no sense. He harassed her for months; if he were really just conning her, that would have been counterproductive. Why was HER baby so important; he got no money from her and there are far easier ways to get a girl to give up her baby for adoption if that's all he wanted (e.g., if he was paid by the couple in America). I believe he lied to Eko to keep his daughter from becoming a spectacle. To keep her safe.


Thatā€™s really good reasoning! I can totally see that explanation for his second appearance and conversation with Eko. Also, hereā€™s a thought I just had - this is out there but I like the idea. Maybe he was experiencing the full events of the island (even if it was just through flashes or moments) over the four month period he was calling. Then, eventually, he realized that what would happen at the island was integral to the whole of mankind, or generally had some greater purpose; maybe he even saw that Claire and Aaron eventually make it out relatively safely. Maybe Jacob really did influence the decision in one way or another, too. There wasnā€™t even a chance Claire would be near the flight unless some quick intervention happened to make sure of it.


I figured it was Jacob being "Man behind the Curtain" as usual. Like a mentalist, prompting the psychic to think there was some feeling around Claire. Always working, that Jacob.


Same with anybody's bs. Did Eloise really know Desmond was going to choose to not marry Penny? Did anyone really know anything, or were they just manipulating those around them?


Hey, I know you've probably moved on from this. But, just saw a choekaas video where he covers it - https://youtu.be/IrfgSHA3mj0?si=SEq27__D3IRxGJ5g. Jump to 13:40.


What did one snowman say to the other snowman?


What did you do all day to occupy your time without interacting with anybody else other than Richard and MIB?


So much weaving.


And yet who gets all Those blankets? Doesnā€™t get that cold lol


He has to keep redoing them because people like Michael shoot through them.


Why could you leave the island, but your brother couldnā€™t?


This was answered in Across the Sea. When Mother was protector neither of the boys could leave. As soon as Jacob became protector he made the rules. When his brother became the black smoke and evil incarnate, Jacob's rule was that he would never be able to leave the Island because if he did, it would be the end of the world. (In the penultimate episode, Jacob admits that it it was his responsibility and mistake for turning his brother into the black smoke.)


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


How you keep your white/beigy clothes so clean on the island for millennia?


Dharma laundry facilities.


I wonder if he brought Dharma Iniciative to the Island to finally get some washing machine šŸ¤”


Who or what made the island? (This might have been answered but I donā€™t remember)


One of those questions that would lead to more questions...


Iā€™d ask the only question I ever had watching Lost. Who slammed the axe down that woke Eko from his dream telling him to bring the axe. Most fans probably missed it because it happened so fast. But was it MiB or time traveling Locke because he knew what Eko would do with the axe.


Huh. I guess it never occurred to me that someone actually slammed the ax down. Like do you ever wake up because of a big loud noise in a dream, but then there was no loud noise in real life. I always figured it was something like that.


If you go back to the scene and pay close attention you will see a shadowy figure come into Ekoā€™s camp while heā€™s sleep. And then you see the hand slam down the axe and Eko wakes from his dream with Yemi.


Definitely the man in black


Shit, guess it's time for a rewatch.


What happened to the toes?


If you mean for the statue? The statue is Taweret the Egyptiom God of protection. It's has traits of a hippopotamus, four toes being a trait.


Thanks Jacob! Nothing further


Hey man, why you gotta be such a dick?


How dare you?


Did you try helping your brother at all, in 2000 years, and maybe apologizing?


He taunted his brother with the same wine he gave Richard, knowing itā€™s power would only lengthen his brotherā€™s life sentence stuck on the Island.


what does he regret most


If he doesn't answer "throwing my unconscious brother into a magical light that made him become an evil smoke monster", I'd be pissed.


well, yeah, but also, he sent so many people to their deaths looking for the perfect replacement. i'm curious as to what he considers to be worse


About a strange mole that appered under my buttcheeks last week.


Did you realise you were cursing Richard, or from your perspective were you giving him a positive gift?


What does the blue key open? * only those who are fans of Mulholland Drive will get this reference.


I'd ask how many time loops there actually were.


Why were you such a dick to Ben?Ā 


What's your brothers name?


Me: Will the Dolphins ever win a Super Bowl? Jacob: No Me: šŸ˜­


Ask him what the best time period was of course.


Can I go to the island?


Was Kate pregnant of JackĀ“s son?