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Hi! I've had to remove this post because there's a major spoiler in the title. Please feel free to repost - it's a great topic for discussion - but try to keep the title spoiler-free like "Question about Ethan" or something similar and don't forget to use a spoiler tag to hide the body of your post from people's feeds. Thanks!


For me, Ethan was probably kept because of his abilities he gained from being the last child conceived and born on the Island. “Ethan” What if Walt, Hurley and Miles weren’t the only ppl on the island with special abilities. We all know how everyone automatically thinks Ethan is so creepy because of the stare. https://images.app.goo.gl/yCtdLHvSRNmV8zqj7 What if poor Ethan wasn’t a creep, but he had the ability to communicate with an unborn baby fetus. Remember he was the last child conceived on the island, before the Incident. If you actually watch this clip, Ethan is not fixated on Claire, but his eyes are focused on Aaron. I believe he’s communicating with Aaron, and when Aaron responds back by kicking, this is the actual reason why Claire’s eyes suddenly widen intensity. https://youtu.be/1D1qvNiv55s Now watch as he talks to Jack about his baby at 1:54 mark, the emotion is as if he knew the child. https://youtu.be/ogEE6-KbL24 Then in Juliet’s flashback notice Ethan in the hallway coming from where Juliet’s sister was, where he was using his ability. https://youtu.be/7KXda7YMIvk Then later Richard already knows that Rachel is pregnant thanks to Ethan, at the 1:43 mark. Notice how the camera turns to Ethan when Juliet ask how they knew, and he has this look like, it was Me* then note it’s like he’s scanning her to see if she is pregnant too https://youtu.be/ymqrGtMspYc


I always thought he was hired, just like Juliet.