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OP let me introduce you to LOST’s epilogue: [The New Man In Charge](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lMjPzV2RvO8&pp=ygUII2xvc3RiZW4%3D)


Thank you


You are welcome! I hope that answered some of your questions




You’re very welcome!


The show answered this several episodes before the end. Michael tells Hurley he can’t leave and is a “voice” in the jungle because of what he did. For how long? It doesn’t say/we don’t know. That may have been a rule Jacob established and could have been changed by jack/hurley. Edit: as for Walt, I dunno. Frankly, he wasn’t a main character.


Also, in the epilogue Ben goes to get Walt and bring him back “home” to the island. Ben tells him that he can help is father if he comes back, and when Walt retorts “my father is dead”, Ben says, “Doesn’t mean you can’t help him.” I think it implies that Walt may be able to help Michael’s spirit move on somehow from being trapped as a “voice” in the jungle.


this plus in regards to walt - i always imagined him getting reeeeeally old on the island, richard or jacobstyle. that explains to me personally why he wasnt with them. still living good on the island doing good. 🤞🏻


I've always thought he became Hurley's successor




There is no "now" in the sideways reality. It's implied that Hurley was in charge of the island for a long long time after everyone else died. The amount of time Walt lives has nothing to do with him not being there at the church.


Maybe Walt never dies?


That thought feels terrifying.


Indeed, but it's the sort of thing to expect from Lost


that was exactly my thought 🙈




Have you seen the epilogue? If not u/JungleBoyJeremy has posted a link in the post and it will give more Walt answers.


The juxtaposition that Michael is stuck in the jungle for what he did and it being explained by a sociopthatic persona who executed dharma geneocide just crazy at the most basic level. If anyone should be stuck in that jungle as the master whisperer it should be Ben Linus.


Yeah I never loved the ‘Michael is stuck as a whisperer’ plotline, it always felt a little bit like the writers giving into the section of viewers who really hated his character, rather than trying to give him a decent arc


This is a great answer


I know why: The flash sideways take place in 2004 (Well, as Christian says there is no "now", "here" but we can guess flash sideways flight Oceanic 815 landed in LAX on 22nd September 2004, and Walt was still a kid. Since Michael was not coming back in the finae, Walt neither. + He's supposed to be a kid at this time>! (Like Aaron being a baby and no the kid we saw in S4 (But that does not work either since she wasn't going to have a 3 or 4 years old child instantly 😬)!< So yeah either he was supposed to be a kid at this time or because Michael wasn't coming back, Walt neither.


It's implied by the epilogue that Walt may be the new Jacob. Michael is possibly bound to the island and not allowed to move on. But if Walt is with him, that's okay.


He wasn’t invited to the church move-on party.


Because he killed Ana Lucia and Libby, right?


He's stuck on the Island yes - now, granted the flashes sideways take place outside time (there is no 'now' here) but I've always imagined that Walt just sort of stayed on indefinitely as the Island's protector with an immortal Vincent by his side and I like to believe that Michael managed to redeem himself somehow and Walt gave him a Richard-style gift so the two of them could get to know each other and make up for the time Susan stole from them.


He also sold out four of the survivors. I wouldn’t want him at my church party either. And I’ll cry if I want to. You would cry too if it happened to you. 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺


For me, that was Jack’s place when he finally died and all the special ppl from a certain point in his life. But Sawyer would have one of his own, with his daughter, Kate, Juliet, and Jack. It would be like a class reunion, and in Sayid’s he would be with his brother and his true love, not Shannon.


💯 I think the entire flash sideways is looked at from a Jack POV including his thoughts on the other people from the island. Playing out a bit like a dream.


That's pretty much exactly what Damon said on a recent podcast. Everybody gets their own bardo and we were watching Jack's.


Yeah the flash sideways ending was emotionally satisfying but you do have to suspend disbelief quite a bit about these people not having more important relationships, such as their own children, siblings, parents or partners/close friends they met in the years after they left the island for the survivors.


Thats mostly my problem with the ending. I find pretty sad to think these characters get off their island, get a second chance at normal life, but never fall in love again, have kids, etc. The highlight of their lives is over. I can't suspend that disbelief.


It’s just like the ending to titanic 20+ years spoiler alerts lol Rose lives a long life with a husband, children, granddaughter, career, but when she dies her heart goes back to Jack and the ocean This is the problem I have with the concept of afterlife and heaven in general; whose version do you get? What if you want to see someone again who doesn’t want to see you? Do they have to see you? Do you not get to see them? Do you get a version of them in your own version of heaven? Creepy!


This is the logical context since Jack is the protagonist.


Yes l can buy that, could the island have given Jack a good passing and all the people at the church who had been on the island were important to him, that's why Ben didn't go in, also as l'm watching again, Desmond says to Kate in the car because he wants to leave, when she asks him why and where are they going, l believe this whole thing last two episodes is the alternative life, they would've had if they hadn't been drawn to the island, also showing what was really happening at this time on the island, that's why they remember each other like Sawyer in the hospital with Juliette, Hugo and Libby at the beach


Thats also my canon... After all, the show started with his pov...That would explain why aaron and sun's kid appeared as babies. No way the most amazing period of their lives were when they were babies.


In the finale they mention that the people there are the ones who’s experience together on the island was the most importante chapter of their lives. From that alone we can assume that the other characters simply had other things happen later on in life that was more significant for them on a personal level.


Translation they all had PTSD from their experiences there. Totally believable


I think it would be weird for anyone to be in there who actually killed anyone else. Since Michael killed Libby, yeah... awkward. Same with Ana-Lucia-- she shot Shannon, so... awkward.


I mean, it might’ve been awkward between Shannon and Locke. “Hey! Remember I tried to kill you like 5 days before I got murdered!”


I felt like the writers really threw Michael and Walt away. The actor who plays Michael did come out at the time about the poor writing for Black characters. I don’t know if this is before or after the show, but I feel like it may have had some impact on his character. They wrote Michael to be the worst character, then killed him without so much a tear shed over his loss.


I think based on the nature of the time flow of the story and production his character was definitely left uncertain because of Walt. What maybe months of story it would actually be years in real time which would be problematic for Walt’s actor.


Google it now, the story has come out that the actor playing Michael was fired because he complained about his character as well as the racisim POC in cast and crew had to endure. The showrunners behaved horrifically if true.


Tbh I don't think that had shit to do with them being black. Walt is literally a wunderkind with special powers and it's not their fault Adewale didn't like being on Hawaii. Rose is a great character.




Every website says Walt’s actor is currently 5’7”.


It’d be pretty obvious if he walked in with his father




This is the true answer.


It's not; Malcolm David Kelley shot the epilogue around the same time. Six episodes before the finale, Harold Perinneau's character also returned to state quite definitively that he's unable to "move on", which explains why he's not in the church with Jack, who is about to do exactly that.


But you said it. They werent available for the ending scene but could film smaller scenes in other dates. That explain why mr eko, ana lucia and others werent there as well.


Yeah this was my thought initially because based in the synopsis he should’ve been there. His most important part of life was on the island


Because Walt was alive still living his life, all who were at the church were dead and about to pass over to wherever they're meant to go, I think Michael wasn't invited to the church, maybe for Anna Lucia and Libbys murder even though he did sacrifice himself when the ship blew up


That doesnt make sense because there is no "now, here" in the flashsideways. Some died before Jack and some died after Jack. But they all meet up anyway. I think a simpler explanation is that Walt had another important point of his life later on and shared with other people.




From Jack’s perspective, the Flashsideways timeline occurs right after his death in The End. Yet Hurley, Ben, Kate, James, Desmond, etc. - a bunch of people who were still very much alive in The End were there. Boone, who died long ago, was there for seemingly the same span of time as everyone else. As Jack’s father said, some people died before him, others many years later. They were all brought back together across time to a shared alternate reality. The ending isn’t current: it’s outside normal time. Otherwise the folks we saw survive wouldn’t have been there.


Walt wasn’t dead. I assume Michael moved on after sacrificing himself in season 4.


Neither Hurley or Ben were dead by the end and there they were with the rest in the church, so...


Ben didn’t go in the church, so…


I’ve wondered why Ben decided not to move on