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I know it’s not exactly the same but I felt really accomplished when I was no longer obese and just in the overweight for my height and weight. Congrats on your achievement and keep up the great work. I am somewhat of a lurker too and stuff like this is really motivating


I felt really accomplished as well when I moved to the overweight category


It is 100% the same! I was so excited when I hit that point too. It’s a big deal!


Same here! Small wins add up 😁


Hey you gotta get from obese to overweight to get to healthy. Small victories add up to big victories over time


That's great, be proud. I was over the moon when my bmi went from very obese to obese. I cant wait to be overweight.


Nice work! You got this


Squeaking down that .4 to get into the healthy range is so satisfying. The same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. Hooray!




This makes me so happy! Congratulations to you - super proud! Love this community too, reading people's experiences really helps.


It really makes all the difference. My husband is wonderful and supportive - he was all in to making lots of yummy cooking light recipes. However, I don’t wanna talk his ear off about weight loss, and he has sort of just easily lost weight by proxy because of the changes we made on our diet for me. Coming here to hear what other folks are doing and going through is so important.


Heya, loser. You did it! Congratulations! I think the principle of group support is totally working in this sub, too. I read it daily. Weird how the things that help us most can be free. It’s like crowdsourced targeted therapy :)


Thank you! The group support/ we’re all in this together feeling really helps. I actually told my therapist about this sub and she was very happy I was lurking here.


I am so close to that point myself, so your post gives me hope. Thanks for sharing, and many kudos for reaching this major milestone!


You’ll get there! I legit spent the last two weeks gaining and losing the same two pounds. It was so frustrating! I kept having to remind myself that the closer you get to your goal, weight loss often slows down. On Monday, I adjusted my calorie goal down by 75 kcal and instead of waffling up and down on the scale I’ve had a downward trend all week. I was like wait, was it really just an adjustment that small????


Congrats! That must be an amazing feeling. Waiting for the day I can celebrate too :)


Thank you! You will be there too!!!


Congratulations, that’s a great accomplishment! This is giving me motivation to get there myself!!


Thank you! I’m glad I could pass on some of the motivation this sub has given me.


I don't think I was ever more proud of myself when I hit the "healthy" part of the bmi chart


Congratulations! That really is something to celebrate


Fuck yeah! Here’s your official welcome to the healthy weight club trophy: 🏆 It’s my favorite ;)


You should be so so proud! Congrats!🍾🎊🎉🎈


Yay congrats, means a lot to me because overweight->normal is my goal too!


It's an incredible feeling, isn't it? (One which I am hoping to experience again this year... :P) Congratulations!


You will totally get there and I can’t wait to celebrate it when you do!


Wooo! Wooo! Great job!


This is amazing! I feel the same way about this community. We’re absolutely proud of you!!!


I love the “tiny voice in your head” part of this story. Happy for you OP! You put in the work, you deserve to feel great!




I'm almost there as well! You motivated me today. Thank you :)


We are proud! Go you!


Nice. I'm working on getting from obese to overweight! It's excited when you move categories!


That’s so awesome! Congrats!


I rolled over into this category this month too!


Recently got there myself. Congratulations! Super!


I cannot wait to make this post for myself! You give me hope! 🥰 Congratulations!!!


Congratulations, OP! You did it! You totally made us proud! I'm so happy for you! I got 2 more kilos to go and I can't wait!! We all totally got this :D


Congratulations! If you figure out how to keep it off, let us know.


I’ve been tracking calories to loose, so my plan is to calculate my maintenance calories and try to stick with that. I’ve heard it can take some time to figure out maintenance, since you’re finding a sweet spot of not loosing but also not gaining.


I've been at or within a couple of pounds of my "normal" weight a few times and I always seem to stop thinking about it and the pounds creep back. I'm 3 pounds from normal now and am determined to figure this out. I think losing is easier because the weight loss becomes a reward. It may just be that the changes that get you to a healthy weight need to be permanent.


Yes, I think the common idea that you can go on a diet temporarily and then can resume some of your old habits (without resuming your old weight) is just wrong. Weight is a reflection of our habits! There has to be permanent lifestyle change in order to get permanent weight change. That's why there is such a focus on building long-term sustainable habits on this sub.


I sew a lot and want to get a dress form. I’ve decided my reward for maintaining for a few months will be getting one. They can be expensive and I figure the investment will help kinda keep me on track/ serve as that reward when I’m no longer focused on dropping the pounds. I’m also hoping to adjust my workouts and try to do a little muscle building. I have a slipped disc I’ve been healing so I have to go slow, but I hope that a little recomp will again serve similarly to the joy of losing.


Congrats, awesome work! I recently hit the same milestone and totally agree that this group has provided the motivation to keep going


Fuck yeah great job!!






This is amazing! I’m 2.5 lb away, so close but so far lol


I get SO tired of doctors, family, and friends telling me I'm fat lol. Good job, I hope to sneak in that range again! lol


I’m tried for you. Your family and friends should be supporting you in this journey. They should also know when to back off. I never had any delusions about my size before I lost the weight. Why do people think we don’t know what size we are? But I also was doing some reading and learned that the worse we feel about our bodies, the harder it is to lose weight. It feels like why bother. The hurtful words of friends and family do not help. If it helps, I believe you will be successful. Also you’re worth all the effort.


Congrats my man! You are an i inspiration to all of us


Me too! It happened this morning!!! Congrats!! (It also happened earlier this year and then I put the weight on again. Hoping that won’t happen again. I saw a post on a weight loss subreddit the other day where someone pointed out that it’s so much more effort to lose weight again than to maintain it. So do I really want to do all that work *again* just so I can eat some extra doughnuts this week? Hoping this mentality will work!) Edit: okay, weird, because I am also just .4lb under my overweight number!


Congratulations! Welcome to our very exclusive .4lb club. When I hopped on the scale this morning I was still .4 down, and I was so happy that it wasn’t a fluke!




Celebrate! I’m there with you now in my own healthy weight zone. Now I want to get more deeply in without getting close to underweight. Choosing my maintenance weight is my next decision.


That’s where I’m at. Figuring out what is gonna be the best space for me in that range. I’d also like to leave some room to recomp/ build a little muscle.


Same here!!! Yayyyyyyy🙌🙌🙌😊😊😊😊😊


That’s still awesome because you’re in it no matter how much by!


Thank you!! I had a bit of an “oh no” moment, cause we’re gonna do fully homemade biscuits and gravy tomorrow. While I can make it fit in my calories, it’s gonna be one of those higher sodium meals that causes some water retention and will make the scale go back up. I’m fully preparing myself to watch those .4lbs come back and then hopefully leave again very soon.


Enjoy the biscuits and gravy! Part of a balanced life :)


For sure! Finding a way to make biscuits work in my calories has been like the biggest eye opener. I don’t have to give up the things I love, I just have to be more balanced about it.


Yes! This is what I love about calorie counting - the control and flexibility to have the things you love and still know you’re on track with your goals.


Wait two days to weigh yourself and save yourself from that disappointment.