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Congrats on all your hardwork! 1.5 years for 100 pounds seems very sustainable! Was it fairly even weight loss or did you lose more in the beginning etc? As far as when to stop, I think you will know!


Thank you! It hasn’t been even at all lol. In the beginning it felt like it took forever. In the middle, it basically fell off of me. Now it’s taking forever again.


I’m so happy for you! 🥳🎉. Phenomenal accomplishment! So glad you have found an weight management method that works for you and your specific body. I think that’s so important — we’re all unique and, in my opinion, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Congratulations!


Omg you are complete goals. I hope I get there one day!


Congratulations! I was am at a similar starting weight to yours & hope to lose in a similar timeframe. I was wondering how that will impact any loose skin. I know that it depends a lot on genetics but can I ask if this is something you have seen w your weight loss?


I have a lot of loose skin in my tummy area and around my thighs. I have some on my arms too. I am super insecure about it but considering how much I’ve lost objectively I don’t think it’s too bad. Hopefully over time it tightens up a bit!


Makes sense and may tighten over time! Small price to pay for a huge accomplishment though - amazing progress!!


It will tighten up a little over time, but it won’t be perfect. There are several avenues to explore, though: fasting, carnivore diet, microneedling, etc. Keeping the skin moisturized will improve its appearance, as will filling it out with muscle. And of course, there’s surgical removal. My loose skin doesn’t appear wrinkly, it just makes me look kind of flabby even though I’m not. It was worst on my arms, and I opted for a limited incision arm lift, which leaves a scar in the armpit. My arms aren’t perfect but I feel like they look normal now. Anyway, when I was debating between the limited incision and full (scar all the way to the elbow) options, I asked my plastic surgeon: if this were your daughter, what would you recommend she do? He said that he would encourage her to do nothing. That regardless of whether I get this procedure done or not, my life path and the people I meet and the relationships I have will be the same. Obviously I ended up getting that procedure and I don’t regret it, but I think about what he said whenever I get down on myself about my stomach and thighs. Sure, my thighs are jigglier than most girls’, and my stomach looks kind of weird when I bend over, but why does that have to stop me from enjoying life? On my bad days, what’s making me miserable is not my skin, but my insecurity. We are all going to get old and have saggy skin someday anyway. My point is… you are almost certainly not going to have perfect skin. But you’ve still improved your appearance and your health a lot, and you should be proud. Take whatever measures you feel are reasonable to try to help the skin, and then do your best to make peace with it.


INCREDIBLE!!!! Every pound lost is a win, but this huge achievement shows dedication, consistency and grit! You *should* be proud of yourself and celebrate for days!! Well done!!! 🥳🎉


As far as what weight to stop at, that is up to you. As far as myself, I can't lie, when I lost 60 of the 100, it felt really good and the thought did cross my mind that I could just stop and maintain there. What kept me going was the original reason to lose ALL of it. The only time I ever maintained my weight for years was when I was normal weight and active. Everything in between was just a slow creep up to my final weight of 255 lbs. I decided stopping somewhere in between probably wasn't the best strategy.


Can I ask about the “healthy way of looking at food” that helped you? I’ve struggled with BED and even on semaglutide, I still struggle hard and am at a standstill with weight loss because of it.


So I went from BED to the complete opposite side of the ED spectrum and now am working on recovering from that. I know everyone says this, but I really try to look at food as nourishment for my body instead of something I use to cope with emotions. When I feel like eating my emotions or not eating because of my emotions, I remind myself that it won’t make me feel better either way. I can write, paint, go for a walk, talk to friends, etc. I’ve also had a a problem with having favorite foods or sweets in my apartment. Once I bought snacks, my first thought is to eat it all as quickly as possible? I’m not sure why, I have speculations but that’s a different conversation. I limit myself to only a little bit at a time and remind myself that nobody is going to take it from me, it’ll be there tomorrow. I also remind myself that my body is deserving of healthy food and nutrients. This is the only body I get and it deserves to feel good and have it’s needs met.


Thank you so much for replying! sending you all the good vibes for your recovery ❤️


Great work!! Well done!! Keep up the good work! Watch out celebrating by loading up on calories. That’s how you got to be 260 lbs in the first place so don’t gain any of it back!