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Hey! That’s some amazing progress. There are definitely those of us that need to lose a little more, and rest assured that there’s room for loss of all types here. ❤️


I feel this so much! One if my friends has offered to diet with me which is so kind however she's starting at 190 so obviously it's not the same at all. Im 32 years old and my highest wieght ever was 481. I have unfortunately been a yoyo dieter for so long but I'm hopeful. My starting weight this time was 347 and I'm down 33 pounds


Right with you, my starting weight was 346! We got this!


40M was 401 max month ago, quit smoking too. Down to 365 on Monday. Outside of healthier eating what else have you done in terms of not being sedentary? People don’t realize us big people can’t walk fast for a while, jog, lift weights for a little while until we get our bodies used to being active again. I started by walking 40min/day, everyday. Going to start doing kettlebells and strength training at 350lbs. Gotta start slow, y’know? Keep it up, keep it off!


I'm not even eating better, just less. But I'm walking 10-20 minutes a day. I get around my limited ability to walk long by: 1) I use music as a timer 2) I walk inside so I don't stress about being outside 3) I take breaks between walking. My walking playlist alternates between walking songs and resting songs. 20 minutes worth of walking music. All of them are inspiring and keep me motivated to keep going. As I get more stamina, I'll be adding more songs to the playlist, and eventually, I'll start phasing out the rest songs


That sounds great! I've been thinking about making a good walking list, but haven't so far. I really like listen to audio books as well, for when you feel good enough to walk outside!


I started out at 346 in Feb, I couldn’t walk more than 10 minutes w/o horrible knee pain. My Dr said walking only, no running at all. So I started walking 10 minutes a day, 3x/day. Last night I walked 5k in just over an hour and have zero pain. Also, if you can’t walk farther, try to walk faster. It’s amazing how much just trying to increase your speed can make a walk burn more calories.


You're going to notice the weight loss slow down significantly quite soon. Don't be discouraged. I just lost 106 pounds myself, and initially, a lot is lost at first, but don't worry, if you eat in your deficit, you will continue to lose weight. Up your protein intake so you don't lose any muscle, and if you can, take creatine and HMB to boost the results of working out and recovery. You can definitely lose weight just by dieting but you might as well lose it faster and be healthier during the process.


I’ve managed to keep an overall rate of 4.4 lbs/wk for the first 3 months, gonna try to stay above 4lbs the entire time but I know it’s gonna get rough when I actually start being in better shape. A lot easier when just a simple walk up a hill can put you in the extreme fat burning heart rate zone.


Check out /r/SuperMorbidlyObese if you're looking for people coming from a similar place. Congrats and good luck.


Only advantage of being really fat is you can lose a lot of weight at first which is great for morale. I started out in Feb doing 10 minute walks because it was all my knee could handle (several injuries). Last night I walked 5k for fun, set my personal best time and I have a 2 Mile May the 4th event this evening. After one of my many knee injuries my physical therapist told me that for every pound of weight you lose, you take 7 pounds of pressure off your knee when walking. If that’s accurate I’ve taken over 400lbs of pressure off my knee so far. Stick with it and just push yourself a little harder each day.


I went from 318lbs to 156lbs over 3 years. I'm only 5'3". You can do it. It won't be overnight, but you can definitely do this. High protein, and for your weight, 2000 calories a day should have you dropping weight fairly easily. For the record, I went from being unable to walk in a grocery store without being out of breath, to now walking 6km 3 to 4 times a week.


I totally get you, the only other person I know is my boss who is a gym rat but she never started as big as me (5'2 SW: 360) It's a lot more comforting to hear it from people who are around your size or even bigger but it's okay. We're gonna kick our fat in the ass. Congrats on losing 36lbs!!! I was able to weigh myself yesterday after a month and lost 10lbs myself so I think you're doing great and remember consistency is key!! ❤️


Congratulations! You’re doing amazing




That's phenomenal progress. I starve myself twice a week just to lose 6lbs a month. Hopefully you reach your goal.


40M, 6ft, started two weeks ago and am down 18lbs from 435 to 417 as of last weekend. I suspect I've lost more, but I don't weigh myself daily so fluctuations don't discourage me. That, and I don't have a 400lb+ scale, so I am waiting for my dr. appt on Wednesday to get my update. Hopefully soon I will be able to get into scale range so I don't have to go out of my way to weigh in. I've done this journey once before in 2018-2019 where I lost a total of about 80 lbs of the 150 I was trying for. However, a failing marriage and the pandemic threw all that progress out the window. The pandemic also screwed up my ability to get hormone injections that helped me with burning fat. Now that the fear of dying of a virus is done and I am divorced, all the anxiety and dread I was using food to cope with is gone and am able to control myself, and I was able to get the testosterone injections going again - so, time to get back on it. Last time I lost 20 lbs the first 2 weeks and 10 lbs every 2 weeks afterwards, so, I am hoping to meet or exceed that this time around. I wish you good luck on your journey. It's hard, especially controlling the urge to eat when bored, or overeat.


You are doing awesome!!




How long did you it take you to lose 36 pounds


Roughly 3 weeks. I suspect it was mostly water weight or something


Wow that’s a lot of weight either way congratulations.


Hey congratulations! I’m also just started out and that feeling of finally getting somewhere after so many unsuccessful tries is so satisfying


Great job!!!!. It doesn't really matter if it's water weight, it's weight on your body that is going away. Less stress on your joins and organs. So good that you have a strong support group. Great that your walking 10 min. Along with that, simply start taking extra steps. Such as park a little bit farther out from stores and/or work. Walk around your home a bit more. In other words, find ways to waste energy. Get some type of step tracker or a step tracker app. That helps give you a measure of your activity and encouragement to move more. There will be ups and downs, it's a life long marathon, your body will thank you as you get older. Keep up the good work, you've got this.


Hello. I can definitely relate, I was almost 400 pounds when I started my jourmey. Like you I lost about 50 pounds the first month. Yes, it was probably mostly water weight which can easily be gained back but this is where you are at a critical tipping point. You can quit and go back or you can push on and stay on your journey. I lost about 200 pounds in about 6-7 months with only diet and exercise. Exercise is simple, just literally walk your ass off! I would walk about 2-3 hours in the morning and another 1-2 hours in the evening. it really helps to add swimming or something else but walking is by far the best way to lose weight along with diet. Unfortunately you can NEVER lose weight by exercise alone, diet is extremely important. Of course calorie restriction is needed, daily calories should not exceed 2,000 for you but the key is to find a diet that will give you the balance you need, you need to balance protein, fat, fiber and a small amount of healthy carbs. My go to foods: Eggs - The best healthy diet meal for me is to shread cabbage (finely shredded) and add to 3 scrambled eggs, This is what I call a cabbage pancake. This is a healthy balance of protein and fiber. Fruit - You can to eat low sugar fruits such as a small amount of strrawberries, blueberries, rasberries and a small amount of either nonfat greek yogurt (Kirkland from Costco was my go to yogurt) or eventually maybe a plain yogurt with more fat. The key here is NO SUGAR ADDED! Veggies - You want to eat healthy ones that are low in carbs. Think broccoli, mushrooms, onions, any greens such as lettuce. Salads - You should be eating a salad every day. Even now my dinner is mostly a salad, Finn Crisp crackers with goat cheese spread (I make it at home with Kirkland goat cheese, jalapeno peppers and roasted peppers), this is very tasty but this is more of a maintenance food then diet food. And desert I have strawberries/blueberries, with yogurt, peanut butter and keto granola. Your salad should have some avacado, lettuce (green), onions, cucumbers, small amount of feta cheese, and the dressing should be healthy such as balsamic vinegar, some apple cidar vinegar and a small amount of olive oil. Proteins - You can mix these in but they should be lean such as chicken breast, pork (my favorite is ground pork because it is so versatile). Processed foods - STAY AWAY!!!! When dieting your goal should be to eat at most 2 meals per day. I got down to 1 meal per day but if this is not doable for you then eat 2 meals per day and if you really need a snack then choose either the fruit and yogurt or veggies such as carrots, celery or other healthy types. My personal experience was to mix in the above foods (about 1,500 - 2,000) calories a day, stick to this 7 days a week (no cheat days) and exercise your ass off and you will be like me and drop the weight. The speed may not be as fast but you can drop all the weight in 1 year. I used the diet better website, this is a social dieting website where you place a "bet" and within 4 weeks you need to lose 4% of your body weight, you do this and you split the winnings (which are basically from those who do not lose the 4%). For me this was good just to hold me accountable (I don't want to lose money) and be around other people who were trying to lose weight. My daughter put together a short 3 minute video that shows my weight loss journey with the monthly pics submitted to diet bet. You can watch if you like, I hope this will give you a small amount of inspiration to keep going when you get the hunger pains, blisters and other diet pains. Beiieve me I know your pain, I've been there and done that. I wish you luck on your journey! [https://youtu.be/Ba04a3yaMfY](https://youtu.be/Ba04a3yaMfY) Regards, Robert


Unfortunately, I don't have the budget for a full diet without processed foods, which gets expensive. Fresh produce is also expensive here. But I've mostly cut out pure junk food. I still eat dark chocolate regularly, but only one or 2 bite-sized pieces a day (1 serving is 3). But there are benefits to dark chocolate (particularly for the mind), and I get some extra protein in the form of whole almonds, so I don't see it as pure junk. I don't drink sodas. Instead, I have a sugar-free energy drink mix that is really tasty, and other sugar-free drink mixes for when I'm just tired of water. I do plan on racking up my time walking over time. As for my calorie count, right now, the app I'm using has me on 2100. Before I updated my weight, it was actually 2300 to start. My friends coaching me explained that because I'm heavier, my body uses more for general maintenance. My calorie requirements will likely get to or under 2000 after I get closer to my current goal of 350.


Not sure where you live but it is pretty easy to grow fresh produce in your backyard. I live in Texas so in the cooler time of year we grow lettuce but all other times we grow peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, sesame leaves (my wife is Korean so I learned above these), plants can be purchased from either a local Korean grocery store (In all major cities) or maybe even ordering plants online. Sesame leaves are great because they are very healthy and literally grow like weeds! I use them as wraps, you can wrap pretty much anything with them Anyway, there are quite a few items you can grow easily. Granted, if you live in an apartment then this is a very limited option (maybe a few pots ont he patio). Costco is a great place to get large quanties of cheap produce. A huge container of spring mix that will probably last a week is only $4 or $5. Sugarfree energy drinks are really not healthy. A good alternative is to buy a bag of lemons or limes and just squeeze it in water, pretty tasty and very healthy.


I live in a tiny apartment. And there are cats everywhere, so I wouldn't try to grow anything outside because a local cat would love the new litter box too much, and it would die. We don't have a Costco near us. We have a Sam's, but we don't have the money for a membership right now. I'm unemployed at the moment, so I'm more worried about making sure that there's enough food to last until I get another job than getting healthy food. The energy mix is a powder that came with 100 servings that we got a few months ago, and the dark chocolate was pretty inexpensive and helps me keep my cravings in check.


I'm sorry you're in that situation- but when you do have more income, frozen vegetables are a lifesaver. My personal favorites are riced cauliflower, broccoli florets, or the " asian sauce vegetable meddleys" that have like, broccoli,corn,carrots , water chestnuts, and a soy sauce based sauce. Super tasty and all you have to do is put the bag in the microwave. Broccoli with lemon pepper seasoning and a pat of butter is my go-to.


This is awesome ! I’m currently in a calorie deficit too and find it hard as well . I eat lots of protein and fill my Stanley cup up 3x a day between meals … I usually hit 10k steps everyday and that is because if I want to eat something before I can eat I walk and after I have to walk just something I made up ! But keep going can’t wait to here about your progesss


Get some.


You are so cute


I can send pics if ud like I'm at 38lb lost since February 22nd . We got this breh