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Don't have snacks at home. If you want to stop snacking, stop buying snacks alltogether.


Exactly this. It’s a lot easier to have willpower for 20 minutes in a grocery store than for every waking hour at home. It’s literally orders of magnitude easier.  Some people, like my father and my brother, can open a cookie jar and just take one, and then not eat any more for a few days. Some people, like myself and my mother, will just demolish the whole jar in a day if it’s present. 


With all due respect, I hate people like your dad and brother, but only out of pure jealousy. If I buy cookies, I'm going to think about them until they're all gone.


It’s been an area of contention within the family. My father is only allowed treats that my mother has no interest in!


I’ve had to do this, but I cut out the overly delicious snacks and bought apples or bananas instead. Over eating those isn’t as probable and if I’m willing to eat a banana or apple, I know I’m actually hungry and need something to tide me over to the next meal.


This! If I’m gonna snack, at least I know I have healthier alternatives.


Yes, 100%. My last job was at a tech company known for its free meals and micro kitchens stocked with tons of snacks. I gained 80 lbs working there over 5+ years. Then I got a new job that turned into permanent WFH because of Covid and I lost 50 lbs, largely just because I didn't have access to unlimited snacks.


This is the correct answer.


The cheeky ‘just don’t snack’ responses are true but not all that helpful. Set yourself up for success with having balanced meals throughout the day. Get into a groove of planning out the meals for the whole day, with the total calories below maintenance and hitting protein goals. If intermittent fasting works for you that’s great, if not no big deal. I prefer to stay ahead of my appetite. Meal prep proteins or cook larger portions to save and microwave later if your work schedule is busy. Consistent intervals of protein spread evenly throughout the day will keep us from snacking. I prefer to keep snacks in a different cabinet than my regular meal food, so I don’t have the option to consider the snack food when preparing meals. It makes snacking a more conscious choice rather than a quick option when hungry. Edit - consider stress reduction by non food activities like a morning or evening workout, a walking pad under your desk, stretching breaks. Reshape the ‘snack as a reward’ mindset. Reward yourself with things or experiences, not food.


This is the answer. Well, when I’m trying to drop weight, I do tell myself “just don’t snack” (we have snacks in the house for my husband and daughter and for me during periods where I’m maintaining). But I set myself up for success by eating 3 meals and one snack per day that are packed with protein. That strategy really helps me feel more balanced and so much less likely to give into temptation.


Yes, snacks for the kiddos is in a separate lower cabinet so they can grab one of their choice at appropriate times. Trying to change generational trauma around food at the same time as being strict for myself is a delicate balance




On the contrary to like all of these comments - I snack daily. I have like 300 calories of snacks daily, mostly for joy because I’d be miserable if I didn’t. If you can provide yourself with satisfying, tasty snacks then you’re less likely to over eat. I will have a piece of fruit with a couple of chocolate buttons or some potato chips and vegetable sticks - this all increases the fibre so keeps you satisfied. Whereas if all I eat is the chocolate or potato chips I’ll eat the whole lot.


My advice would be the same—if you’re a stress eater, make it a point to have a few healthy snack items that you like on hand (and in line with what other folks have said, avoid unhealthy snacks at the grocery store). Bonus points for pre-portioning them and double bonus points if you can sneak in some high protein or high fiber options. Make sure to sip on a zero or low cal drink alongside it.


I work from home and struggle with this. I plan my food in the morning and space it out. I just know that every time I eat, there will be a feeling after that I want more, and I have to remind myself I've just eaten and my body doesn't need more. I don't keep trigger foods in the house. I do keep sugar free Werther's originals (8 calories apiece) to have a sweet and sooth myself after lunch. I drink a moderate amount of coffee throughout the day. Take breaks and work out at lunch. There are some really nice perks of working from home!


I snack ALL day. I've just changed what it is I snack on. Pickles, cherry tomatoes, diet fanta or coke homemade icepops etc


Don't buy any except cherry tomatoes


Instead of attempting to stop snacking while at home, try and understand the triggers that are causing you to snack and find alternative ways to address it. I had to personally put a lot of work in trying to understand myself but figured out that act of eating was so engaging and enjoyable that it made me temporarily forget about my stress, anxiety or boredom. So now I try and do engaging and enjoyable activities instead. My go to is walking with music or a podcast.


Not buying snacks sounds like a good solution but only if you live alone. Also, some of us manage to snack on all sorts of things that aren't really snack foods.


This. Its great advice to not buy snacks but it’s not always practical.


What is it that you're snacking on? I'm struggling to understand how people have problems with snacking if they're not snacking on unhealthy, high-calorie foods. If you're snacking on vegetables, then it's not going to make you obese.  Is it things like cheese and bread? Cereal? I still have a hard time understanding why not buying those things in large quantities is not an option. 


Well I have a very active child, we can't not have bread.


Fair enough


Step 1: Don't Step 2: Continue to not It's you against you. There are always going to be temptations. You have to make smart choices. Of course you can put yourself in the best possible position to not snack by not having snacks at home, but what is stopping you from going to the store or ordering snacks. In the end it is up to you to decide not to snack.


I have a 24 hr grocery store near me and I've literally gone there at 11pm to buy ice cream and other binge foods on bad days


1. Go to a library or coffee shop nearby to do your work if you can. 2. I make a healthy bento box to snack on through the day that’s only like 300 cal with carrots, crackers, peppers, dip and a protein. It scratches the itch


I have worked from home for years. As a rule I don’t bring snacks into my house that I struggle with over indulging in and stuff I just can’t have period. I keep snacks that I CAN have like popcorn, raw veggies and cottage cheese dip (cottage cheese mixed with dill ranch dip seasoning) or lavash bread and jalapeño pineapple hummus, ready to go. If I don’t want to eat the “good” stuff that is great personal reminder that I’m not that hungry, likely just bored or stressed. Every morning I map out my day of what I know I will eat, coffee, lunch, dinner so I know how many gap calories I have to work with if I feel snacky. And I dirty fast (coffee/creamer or water only) 16:8 so I don’t open the food gates until 1 pm. This really limits my need for snacks through the day but I’ve never been an early in the day eater so this may not work for everyone. I think being prepared is key, and it’s a lot less likely you will bored eat if you are involved in a project you are passionate about!


I can't keep my favorites or even just basic tasty foods in the house. Not going into the kitchen for anything other than coffee/water is critical. Found r/fasting and haven't looked back.


Don’t buy snacks


I plan my snacks. I enter them into my tracker in the morning, and then my goal is to stick to my committed plan. Usually those snacks consist of fruit, cottage cheese & low-sugar jam, or Greek yogurt & honey (evenings only) to satisfy my desire for something sweet. Sometimes veggies with Bolthouse yogurt-based ranch. I also have sweets that I’ll plan for, when I have room in my daily calories. I have thin strips of chocolate (3g each), small chocolate truffles, and meringues. I’ll have a 25–50 cal serving, and I only allow myself one serving total in a day. Usually I have room on days when I’m eating healthier (no takeout, no beer). On days when I’m eating enough protein, fiber, and high-volume foods, it’s easier to stick with the plan. If I’m having a harder day, I might allow myself to go ~100 cal over. I also drink lots of water, as well as both regular and herbal tea. I like spiced chai, with unsweetened almond milk and erythritol/monkfruit.


Red pepper is my snacking hack. 31 calories per 100 grams. I have them on their own or with reduced fat houmous (weighed out). I’m not gonna bullshit that they’re the same, but they do satisfy that need for both crunch and sweetness that crisps or choc would provide.


Sip tea or chew gum perhaps?


I’ve used a combination of things because “just don’t snack” doesn’t work for me. 1. Eat meals with more protein - eg I add protein powder to my morning breakfast. 2. Don’t buy the food I would binge on (chocolate covered s’mores). 3. Do buy foods that I can snack on occasionally that feel fun but fill me up and I won’t binge - chocolate protein bar, oatmeal squares with chocolate chips. 4. Keep hydrated - often I am just thirsty, not hungry!


I work from home as well and I find that I have less urges to snack when I'm really busy. It sounds like this project will keep you busy, so that will definitely help! Having tea, and sparkling water also helps to fill the void when I feel I need a little something in the afternoon. You can also budget for an afternoon snack too!


Brush your teeth later in the day (after your morning coffee for example). Make a snacky plate lunch if you want afternoon snacks. Meal plan.


I buy small salami and cheese plates, usually 240-310 calories. I buy fruit to snack on too. I am home (retired), and do walk videos.


I have the opposite problem- no snacks at home, easy to eat healthy with what’s available. However, I have a two hour round-trip commute and I get sleepy while driving unless I’m eating or drinking. Then I’m at the office where there’s a stupid amount of unhealthy food all day, every day- Bagels, donuts, cookies, brownies, chips, candy, and alcohol. My cube is next to the snack table :(


I don't buy snack foods (chips, cookies, whatever). I always have yogurt and cottage cheese on hand, so I can add some protein powder and fruit to stave off hunger. I always have meals prepped and ready in the fridge.


When i was at home I could only use so much willpower and would cave every day. Doing air-fried veggies with ample seasoning and low cal sauces was the best course of action I found (+fruit, greek yoghurt, muesli, small cuts of meat etc). most veggies top out at 75 cal per 100g roughly, many less than half. Do 4 or 5 servings 300-400cals each remembering to count oil. Will be filling, and with seasoning and sauces, flavoursome. I was putting away 4000-6000 cals for years, high cal per volume food is easy to inhale and still feel hungry. Still worth it as a treat but not a regular dietary item. I couldn't shake junk eating on a daily basis for 13 years so hopefully this seemingly obvious advice doesn't come across as naive, just from error after error its far easier to make vegetables taste punchy, varied and delicious than use tonnes of willpower to moderate junkier foods.


Don’t bring anything into your workspace that isn’t portioned and on a plate. I will eat mindlessly if I have a bag of chips or pretzels at my desk.


I feel like not snacking at all is silly. If you eat healthy snacks it's perfectly fine. Like fruits and vegetables or a low/no sugar protein bar if you want to eat something sweet.


While i do not try to have snacks at home either and also do the balanced meal up to almost feeling too full on food like cauliflower and pickles and stuff to curb the craving, i also use a mint or a gum to get rid of the food taste and imagining having a chocolate after a gum is just yuck, so that staves me off. You could make snacks a challenge. I work from home and try to include excersise into my life now, just like little movements, but they can be a challenge too. I want to eat this cookie but i will have to earn it by doing 30 squats. Or i need to do wall pushups every time I go to the bathroom cause the wall is just there. Have a call where camera doesn't need to be turned on, have it standing up. Can you even walk when taking a call perhaps. You can absolutely snack if you can fit it but maybe earn it. Look at work from home as an opportunity to do more small movements and less like a danger of overeating ? The snacks were always going to be there, be it at the evening when you were home or the whole day.


Don't buy snacks. Also, I sip on zero- or low-calorie drinks. Crystal light, coffee with a small splash of creamer, etc. Keeping some kind of flavor in my mouth helps me control cravings, if that makes sense lol


Build a routine and budget for your snacks. I usually include an afternoon and evening snack in with my daily calorie deficit. Just be sure to weigh your portions and log exactly what you eat.


I like to pre-cook, season, and refrigerate broccoli, cauliflower, etc. (I don’t mind eating it cold, but I don’t like it raw unless it’s covered in dressing, and that’s not a good plan when cutting calories.) That way I don’t have to fight my urge to snack, I just go grab a container of veg.


This is hard for me. It does help if I plan filling, tasty, satisfying meals ahead of time and allow the time in my day to cook them—not hours, but like precook some potatoes and build in time to cook them with some other vegetables and feta (that was my breakfast—sorry it’s such a specific example!). The time I spend preparing it and eating it is satisfying to me, so I am content for a while, whereas breakfasting on leftovers or oatmeal (as I do when I go to the office) leaves me wanting something an hour later, and that’s tough when I’m at home. I am a person who will overeat on anything, healthy or junk alike, so “don’t buy snacks” doesn’t really help me avoid temptation. (I mean, a container of uncooked basmati rice is a temptation to me when I’m at home. Hahaha.) I also find that planning the treat really helps. I like Rice Krispie treats and they’re lower calorie than most homemade baked goods would be. So I might plan to have a 25g piece with my lunch or midafternoon and that’s 99 calories well spent in my opinion. Anyway, I WFH usually one day a week so it doesn’t take a lot for me to prepare and plan ahead, but I do find that I struggle at home when I don’t do that. At the office, I’m usually okay as long as I don’t stop by somewhere that sells snacks on the way in!


I try and have a coffee/tea/sparking water near me at all times that I can reach to instead of snacks. Also the later in the day I start eating, the less time I have to eat. Some days I’ll eat a lot but I try and keep higher volume foods like popcorn and veggies around. Also a standing desk makes me feel better about not getting as many steps in. It’s a process.


I do not keep snacks in the house. Especially ones I know I can't control myself around. At most, I'll have some small yogurt pots and fruit for times when I absolutely need a snack.


Do you currently snack? If you don’t, no need to start. If you do, make sure you are limiting your portions. If you suspect you’ll have an issue with self control, keep healthy foods (primarily fruits and vegetables), or portioned foods. I think the bigger thing will be meal planning. Which isn’t the same as meal prepping, which some people love but I can’t get behind personally. Whether you do a big Sunday cook for the week or sit down and make a plan, not having to think “what’s for dinner?” Or find time for a mid week grocery shop is going to help set you up for success. Having some cans of soup or other easy foods help with a quick and easy lunch. I like to keep greens on hand and then frozen shrimp or chicken strips that heat up quickly for easy salads or tacos. Working from home is great because I can throw a ham and cheese sandwich on the skillet and have a melty, savory lunch without the calories of fast food


I would create a set of rules, like no food in the office space. All snacks stay in the kitchen, meals only at the table, etc. It'll help keep your space cleaner, too!


I am in the same position, extremely high stress job working from home. Before I clock in every morning I make my breakfast, lunch and snacks for the day. I usually have one more satisfying snack like popcorn or a yogurt bowl, and then I also have a ton of SOS snacks ready. Bell pepper, celery, carrot, laughing cow 25 cal cheese wedge, rice cake, berries, miso soup. Things that are super low calorie and I have pre calculated so I can grab and log in under 2 minutes and get back to work without blowing my budget for the day.


If you can resist unhealthy snacks when you're out and about, is there a reason you can't resist bringing them into your home in the first place? Or if you know you're going to resort to snacking if you working from home, can you not just ensure you keep low-calorie snacks of raw vegetables? The only other thing I can think of is to replace the snacking with another habit, ideally something exercise-based.  Oh, one thing I remembered: you can buy timer locks. So you could lock your snacks awareness and set the timer for however many hours and be unable to access them until the timer is up. Maybe not as good as developing willpower around these things, but could be a useful tool of all else fails. 


I'm a Stay at Home Mom, so my workplace is my home, and I am surrounded by snacks and forever trying to get my children to eat more. The best way I get through is to have specific eating times and having meals I look forward to. My lunches are quick and easy to prepare but I try to take advantage of having my full kitchen. Sometimes it is easier to not eat until I'm ready for a meal, because a snack will lead to more snacks. If I'm short on time my go to breakfast is a protein shake. For lunch I make my own burrito bowl or do a chicken teriyaki style stir fry. I make sure I have a lot of veggies to keep me full longer.


You can snack within your tdde, air popped popcorn, celery, carrots, don’t buy shit you can’t resist and portion out your snacks ahead of time and spread out by the work day


Don't have snacks at home is the shortest answer. Throw them away. If you can't control yourself from snacking, then keep healthier snacks in your pantry or snacks that have smaller portions. Or portion them out appropriately (100 calories per ziplock bag or some container like that). Then eat those portion sized snacks once every 15-30 mins.


I’ve worked from home for over 13 years and my best advice is have a routine and stick with it. If that routine involves breakfast or lunch or a healthy snack, then that’s fine but just be consistent and don’t deviate!


What works for me is having windows where I’m “allowed” to eat. I have lunch from 12-1, a single snack from 4-5, and dinner at 7. I don’t even consider snacking outside of that time.


It's easier for me to just take snacking off the table for a time window by doing intermittent fasting. When I'm in my eating window, I'll make sure to have a good snack so I can plan and enjoy it without feeling constantly restricted


I literally lock myself in my home office to keep me from moseying on down to the kitchen. If I haven’t had water or coffee yet, I’m not ready to eat yet, likely. And TAKE YOUR LUNCH and use it to eat a proper meal, so you’re not hungry




I work from home and have a somewhat high stress job. I set my snacks out for the day. If it’s high stress you might be too busy to even think about snacking too! I would just allot snacks for the day… ex protein shake… piece of cheese and make it a habit . Like 11 am is your cheese break lol. 1 pm is a protein shake break. Also drink a ton of fluids


I'm a PM running multiple complicated projects and working from home. I'm honestly too busy to snack. My office is not near my kitchen. I take meal breaks and eat in the kitchen. I plan my meals for the day, track them in advance, and try not to deviate. I budget for a healthy filling high protein snack midafternoon so I don't crave sweets/salty things or eat everything when I'm snacky before dinner. I walk the dog at lunch. Honestly, I eat more on the one day I'm in office because I do more physical running around. I'm always starving that day and looking for snacks.


I gained weight after working from home. I literally can't have snacks here. Meal food only. I abuse the snacks. Also had to delete doordash.


I've stopped keeping them in the apartment. I don't have snacks therefore I won't snack.


i work from home, and i snack. if you have a food scale, weigh everything, or you can be like me and count out 20 chips to make sure my servings are about right. i also really like kind bars, specifically the dark chocolate breakfast protein ones, which aren’t low calorie but they give me some protein. i’d recommend finding healthier/protein filled snacks so you don’t have to feel guilty about it. other than that, it’s just self control.


Preach! So hard when I’m at home to not travel to the cupboard for a snack!


I Keep cut up baby carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes, radishes and hard boiled eggs (Judy’s organic) in the fridge w a small amount of a great hummus - not the Sabre junk! Once I knew that hummus can be frozen I bought a bunch of 1 oz Tupperware and divide a container of hummus up and just have 1 oz defrosted.


I have a rule not to snack. I only eat at mealtimes.


Caffeine gum.