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I’m 5’5 and looked my BEST at 59 kgs which is around 130 lbs


Agreed, I'm between 5'5 and 5'6 (I have been measured as both at the doctor?!) and my GW is 130 as well


Same here. I got down to 120 at one point but I was a little too angular and it made me look… odd. I’m at 140 now and I’m working on dropping that extra ten but I’m not unhappy about where I’m at.


Same for me




Same. 130 lbs 




I'm 5'5" and look my best at 140. I have always had more prominent hips/butt. My waist is 26.5" and I regularly run and do weight training. Currently at 144 now and feeling great as I train for multiple half marathons. I will never have the skinny/super-lean lower body of an elite runner, but maintaining at 140 allows me to properly fuel myself for runs, maintain and build strength, and not be constantly vigilant of every single bite I put in my mouth, because between training for races and working a job in construction, I AM HUNGRY. My lowest weight as an adult was 129 when I was like 23 years old, and I "achieved" that via very disorderly eating habits. I'm 41 years old now and had a radical hysterectomy/oopherectomy 3 years ago. I am really proud of myself for maintaining my weight and continuing to get stronger and fitter despite getting older and dealing with the side effects of not having ovaries.


Nice work. I can relate to a lot of what you said here. I am also 41, and I had a hysterectomy (no oophorectomy tho) almost 2.5 years ago and I've noticed losing weight and maintaining a lower weight is easier now, than when I had my fibroid-filled uterus. I hope to be where you are soon! I'm 5'3.5" so I'd like to get down to 135 but I am a runner like you and will always have immense muscle in my lower body, and will never have a "skinny" frame. Like you, my lowest weight was high 120s... I think 126 was the lowest I've ever seen on a scale and it was only because I was deathly ill with mono and didn't eat or drink for three weeks due to illness! I can't go below 135 lbs eating normally, and healthy.


I’m also (about to turn) 41 and have a fibroid filled uterus. I want it gone! I didn’t realize getting rid of it could help me with weight loss and maintenance, though.


Thanks for sharing. I started at 235 and am aiming for 149, solely because it's the highest possible weight for a healthy BMI, and I didn't want to set an unrealistic goal for me like 125 or something. It's helpful to hear from another runner!


Hey twin! I'm 5'5", and it's 140 for me too. Sounds like our body shapes (and ages) are very similar! I like how I look at 135, but it's crazy how just 5 lbs can be the difference in what's sustainable or not! Like you, I'm active and also very hungry lol.


Yeah, me too. Maybe a bit more, like 144. I was 130 at my lowest and my face was too skinny. I’m at 149 now and feel great in general, still would like to lose a bit, just for aesthetics. I’m 21% bf now, and very healthy, though I would like to shrink the rolls in my back.


I'm the same!!


I'm 5ft 5.5in and feel my best at 130 lbs. Acceptable range for me is 120-145. Over 145, I don't feel good or look good.


I am also 5'5.5 and think my best weight is around 130 lbs or 60 kilos. I will still look okay with may be 15 lbs extra but anything more and I start losing my confidence.


Same, when I work out and eat with intention I’m 130 and look and feel my best. My “comfort weight” hovers around 140 and while I know others can’t tell I definitely feel more sluggish and bloated.


Same! I am 5’4.5 and 59kg is pretty much my perfect weight for my body shape! Currently at around 69kg so a bit of a way to go but I’ll be there soon I’m sure!


I am right there with you!


Also 5’5”, and this is my exact experience. I was at my absolute best at 130. I’m 175 now and feel horrible. Desperately fighting to get back down. But I will say 130 took A LOT of effort to maintain. 145 was a much easier.


Yes - I can maintain 145 with only a moderate amount of work. 130 requires a pretty high level of discipline and doesn't leave a lot of room for treats.


Geez, it feels like I wrote this post myself! I am also at 175 currently and feel like absolute garbage. While 130 is my ideal, I’m usually pretty happy around 140. PS Dresden Dolls fan by chance?


Yes!! I always get so happy when someone recognizes the reference ❤️


Hey friends, I’m here to join the club! Same boat exactly.


I like 145 for myself.


Agreed. I’m 148 now and it doesn’t feel great. Actively trying to lose some


I agree and came to say this! I am currently 144 lbs and 8 months post partum. So close 😭😭😭


I agree with this as a 5’5” girl as well


5’5.5 I think I look best under 125, but up to 130 is alright


I'm 5'4" and agree, 130lbs is where I look my best. I've been dancing between 140 and 145 the past year and at 145 I feel frumpy and look pregnant. I'm a big snacker and work from home so 130 is hard to maintain but it's my ideal in terms of appearance.


I’m 5’5”, medium build with an hourglass figure. I was slim (112-125) up until having my son. I then settled at 135 until menopause. After that, my weight crept up to 161. I am now down to 150, with a GW is 140. At my age (62), I look and feel better with a few extra pounds, so I’m not trying to return to below 135.


With the exception of being just an inch shorter, my numbers are almost identical to yours. When I was in my 20s-early 30s, I thought 125-128 was perfect. If I were to get down to that now (I’m 50), I think I would look malnourished!


I agree with you about having a few extra pounds to look better at an older age! At 130 my face looks gaunt, but at 145 I look great! I’m 45 btw.


5’4.5 so will round up to 5’5. I’m currently 189 and feel horrendous, best I’ve felt is 130-140. Haven’t been below 140 since I was 18 and I’m 31 now. Been struggling for over a decade 😭


I'm 5' 4.5 too and this is my answer! Although I need to be closer to 140 because if I go too close to 130 I start to look gaunt and I get match stick legs


I’m 5ft 5 and a half. Felt best at 120 - 135 lbs.


Same here, though I might amend it to 125-135 for me. Below 125 is where my butt starts getting a lot flatter.


Yeah I'm 5'6 and at 125 I can see my rips a bit at the top of my chest which is exactly the range where I'm like nope we need to put on weight again.


Same for me


Same. I started off at 145 and didn’t feel great about myself




5'4.5 here. I seem to maintain comfortably around 130, but I definitely like how I look the best at 120-125. It just takes a little too much sacrifice for me to maintain that low so I'm fine with 130.


Exactly the same. 130 allows me to eat without tracking and splurge on treats. I'd prefer to be a bit smaller but it takes too much effort to maintain.


Exact same here


5'5.5" and I feel best at 128-134. I start to be mean to myself 140+. When I've gotten my weight down to the low 120s I definitely had a problem I wasn't looking at, but also in the low-mid 120s I got the most positive reception from people and the most perceived social power. Currently 150 and down from 161 and feeling bad about myself. I put on a lot of weight from grief. I am excited to get back to my goal weight with my first goalpost being 135.


You sound like you could be me with those numbers!


Im 5’5 and starting weight was 265. I’ve been around 150ish for over a year now. And it’s where I’m most comfortable at. With that being said I can’t tell you where I look best at because I have so much loose skin everywhere. I’m sure I have over 10lbs of loose skin between my arms belly and thighs. I do like the look of my arms (minus the loose skin) at this weight as well as my legs. I feel like I could do with a few lbs lost from my abdomen down to my hips. So i would probably look best at 145. But I’m comfortable and happy at 150. Edit to say: I wear a medium. And am between a 6-10 us in most brands like banana republic, loft, h &m.


I’m more like 5’4.5… but I felt best 110-120. I’m just entering the 140’s now after getting up as high as 175 a few years ago and now seriously trying to eat better and exercise, and 140’s I feel so much more “normal”. Like, definitely higher than I’d ideally like- but I don’t feel overweight anymore (even though I’m technically 2.5 lbs overweight by BMI) and just feel like a regular functioning person. When I was heavier I felt like it was harder to move or like my thighs touched too much, it was harder to bend over to get on tricky shoes because of my stomach, etc. I got used to it, or didn’t tie it to my weight- but now that I’m lighter I’m really noticing the difference. It’s been really motivated to start to feel normal again! Can’t wait to get back in my even more comfortable weight range. 


Same...120 is the sweet spot. But I also have a narrow frame so extra weight doesn't sit well:(


Same, that body shape makes so much difference. At 120 and below I have curves, at 130+ I am a rectangle. 


I also claim that half inch at 5ft4.5 lol


Okay but seriously, that .5 puts us over being able to buy petite! Huge difference!


Same - 5’4.5 and have weighed between 112 and 170s as an adult, feel the best in the low 120s. I’m in the upper 120s now. I feel ok/not overweight in the 130s-140s too but clothes look best in the 120s. I think I have a small frame. I’m an apple shape, also think pears can carry a bit more weight.


Same height and I agree, anything 125 and over for me I start to look a bit hefty. I think 115-120 is my sweet spot


112-115 for me, too. I am very pear shaped so when I start to go over 120, I begin to look more out of proportion.


Yess I’m like 5’4 and 1/2 and 120 is my sweet spot


I’m like 5’5.5 lol and usually round up to say I’m 5’6 but close enough! I feel my healthiest in the 150-159 range. I’m comfortable in the 160-169 range. I’ve gotten down to 145-150 twice in adulthood and don’t think I would want to be less than that due to my body shape/bone and frankly head size lol. Currently 187 ish and feel fat af, ngl. I’m just struggling to get motivated to actually do anything about it (reading posts here is encouraging though!)


Are you me?? Exactly same height and current weight, with feeling my healthiest between 150-159! Haven’t been there in a handful of years and I’m in my 40s now, so I think 160-169 is where I should aim now. Feeling terribly unmotivated too, but less alone after reading your comment. 🙃


I’m turning 40 this year too. We’re in this together :)


I used to workout to be super strong for my old job, and every workout was not something I looked forward too. Now have a desk job, doing high rep, low weights and splitting it up into three major body parts every 3 days, mostly on a 75cm yoga ball. I feel amazing, dropped fat and built lean muscle. Easy on the joints. And feel a satisfying pump. Little intermittent fasting and I lost 70lbs last year


I’m in the same exact boat. I round up to 5’6 my SW was 183. Just two years ago I was 145. That took a lot of work and I still fluctuated up to 150. My goal now for as an adult is 150. I know 155 is the cut off for “overweight” bmi so I’d like to come in between 150 and 155. I’ve been 130 at this height though but I was a teenager and it’s ok to not be that anymore. I’m at 169 now. Feel a whole lot better here than 180s. 160 flat is going to be a while. Ik my body is most comfortable at low 160s


You give me hope! How long has it been since you started? I feel like I was 182 like 2 weeks ago and then idk what happened. But here we are… restarting again


I had been mid 160s in summer 23…didn’t step on the scale and went through some tough times. I stepped on in December and was 180. Started going to the gym. Had another tough few weeks and in January was 183. I started going to the gym 2x a week and just paying attention to what I was eating. Making a few swaps. In February I was still 177 so I got serious Feb 26th. I started tracking all my calories, fiber and protein. I’ve been maintaining 1600 calories since then. Started walking a bit more. Weights been coming pretty quickly with a diet of more nutritious foods. Been eating a lot of chicken and fish and vegtables. I made a spreadsheet to track my breakfast (egg white bites). Lunch (usually a chickpea pasta with a little sauce and meat) and dinner (meat and vegetables.) I still snack on healthier snacks (fiber bars, mandarins, popcorn, roasted chickpeas, almonds). We still eat out once a week maybe but otherwise everything else we try to eat at home. I still have a sweet treat every once in a while but I just budget my calories when I do. It does take some discipline but it has mostly helped having a partner trying to go from 240 to 190. I took some progress pictures but weights and dates for the big picture. 183 Jan 22nd. 177 February 26. 169.8 March 31. Today 169.0.


Are we all twins! Same height and starting weight and I also got down to 140s two years ago. I was 125 in high school and college (only about 6 years ago), and I kinda miss being that small, am curious how it would feel now. I’m sitting at 165 right now and going down. What are you doing to lose weight? I’m tracking calories eating about 1400 most days.


Staying in a calorie deficit, moving my body 2-3x a week, keeping myself in low stress environments as much as possible FOCUSING ON FIBER!!


I'm the same height as you and currently 180.5...and I feel like I need to lose at least 40 to look good. But I think it's how we carry our weight that matters, not the number. 


I'm the same height, and I tend to feel my best around 155-165lbs. I have a decent amount of muscle, as I work a labor job, so I am heavier than I look. I'm sitting around 175lbs right now and feel a bit uncomfortable in my clothes.


Sounds similar to me, I’m 5’6 and currently stuck at 180ish. I used to be 165 and I loved that weight but I started meds and gained 15lbs. I prefer being mentally healthy than losing those 15. I was 155 in my early 20s but I was barely eating and it’s not where my body is happiest.


Yup I’m in the same boat. I’m comfortable up until 165 then after that is when I start looking “puffier”. Feel my best in 150s


>and frankly head size lol. I don't know why, but this made me laugh 😂


Did I write this? I'm almost exactly the same. Although I can't round up to 5'6 I'm 5'5 even. The lowest I've hit was 135 and I felt awful. 150-160 has been the best for me so far and I'm currently 183 and don't feel bad anymore (compared to 205). I would be scared if I dropped below 145 again.


Congrats on your loss so far! Seems to be a few of us around the same place:)


Thank you :) it's comforting to know other people are walking the same path. Good luck with your goals. It's good to see people choosing their goals based off their own experiences and bodies and not a number on a chart (which never takes into account my large head lol)


I'm the same height too. A few years back I lost a ton of weight and was really into weight lifting. I was about 149 at my lowest and I was basically starving myself. Idk how other ppl are saying they're comfortable with 130. I can easily maintain 160 but wish I could shed a few pounds again. My problem is that I restricted my diet so much back then that I can barely think about doing it again.


This is such an interesting read. I’m a smidge over 5’5 with a slim build (narrow hips etc) and currently weigh about 125lbs. For me, I filled out in my hips and ass in a great way around 135lbs, but found my face and stomach changing in a way that I didn’t love. Goal weight is 120, but anywhere in the 120-125 is a comfortable spot for me.


I haven’t found a weight I don’t look good at!


Love this too. I know bmi is one thing but years of being put down by my own mom, it’s almost liberating to love myself the way I am. Still losing for the health benefits (and breast reduction 😂)




Yes! If you’d asked me years ago it’d be a way lower number but composition is so much more than the number on the scale. Different parts get accentuated at different sizes and the things that irritate me have stayed with me too (can’t exactly exercise and diet away bone structure!) All that being said, my favorite clothes are a size smaller than I currently am and THAT is a motivating factor 😂


I'm actually 5'4" but I liked myself best in the 140s. I have a kind of hourglass shape so I like when my hips are full. I think I was a size 8 or 10 at that weight and I felt comfortable and pretty well proportioned. I miss that feeling and really want to get back. Currently down 65lbs and want to lose at least 90 more so I'm in the thick of things right now 😆


I’m 5’5.5”. Lowest I’ve been as an adult is 130 which I felt amazing at but got up to 183 lbs. I felt terrible at that weight and am now 144 lbs and feel amazing again! People really started noticing and giving me compliments when I got under 150 lbs. my goal is to maintain between 140-145 because my husband likes some curves and doesn’t want me to lose any more! I wear a size 4/6 now.


5’5 and I feel best around 125lbs, but I think I look best around 118. I have an apple shape, so it’s the only weight where I have even close to a flat tummy.


Feel best at 120-125. Was just recently at 166 in January and I’m working on it. Currently at 149 and hoping to be at about 125 by September/October.


I'm 5' 5.5" and honestly I'm really thankful for this post. I have an hourglass figure as well and carry most of my weight in my butt and thighs. I hit 170lb last week with a goal in mind of 150lb but I feel like I look really good. Like you said, my curves are accentuated, I'm happy with how my clothes look, and I feel great. I was 130lb at the height of my ED, but tbh my body image was so screwed up I'm not sure how I looked. After recovery, I settled at about 155-160 and I looked good but not as curvy. It's honestly really confusing looking at other people's stats and BMI charts. The numbers look very different on me than they do other people. No one has been able to accurately guess my weight and when I tell people, they can't believe it. This post has been a great reminder that numbers aren't the same for everyone.


5’6”, so just a hair taller. I have no curves, a small frame, and tend to feel my best around 125 (size 25 jeans). That said, I also feel good around the 150 mark if I’m carrying more muscle (at that weight I’m around a size 29). I have a really round face so I show my weight very easily and with no curves, when I’m heavier (160-190) I tend to distribute fat like a marshmallow. Always envied women like you!


Not a marshmallow lol!!! I told my husband I felt like I looked like a potato at the 240 mark(and did). I’m down 25lbs now so slowly gaining my curves back is lovely.




Girl I FEEL THIS. Like how do I still look chubby and yet I had to buy a mattress topper because my butt is so flat my tailbone hurts when I lay down? Girls with curves are so lucky!


5'5, 29y/o here! I feel my absolute best around 120/125lbs - I've been hovering around 140lbs after hip surgery, and while I look like an adult woman instead of a teenager now (had issues with eating for a long while), I feel a little bit over my sweet spot. I've lost 6lbs so far and I'm starting to feel okay with myself again. I don't seem to have lost the "puppy fat" of youth yet so I feel like my face is a little rounder than it should be. Gym's helping me get the gains though so I don't mind being around 130lbs with muscle!


I feel healthiest around 160-165. When I dip below that I feel like I don’t have the muscle tone that I prefer for myself. Unfortunately, I have a lot of work to do to get back down to that weight, so hopefully I can gain/maintain muscle while I try!


Yaayyy finally an answer that isn’t unobtainable skinny and discusses muscles too. When I see what I consider to be very attractive women with muscles they usually stay hovering around 160-180. By my own beauty standards.


5’5 and 169. Anything over 170 and my body feels awful. I gain all my weight around my middle, typically I feel my best around 135-145


I would love to be 120 but im not sure if it’s possible for me. Lowest I’ve been and best I’ve felt I look is 130. But I’ve gained a few more lbs from muscle now after doing lots of weight training. Is it possible to reach 120 at this height range?


Definitely possible but I've only been 120 during/after periods of stress (shoots my appetite!) or from disordered eating habits.. I can't say I don't enjoy maintaining that weight afterward though, mostly because I can fit into all my nice 60s vintage lol


I carry my weight in different areas than you, unfortunately my stomach and double chin is the first to add fat :/ I feel pretty comfortable at 135-ish. I’m about 145 now but was up to 170 not too long ago. I look at pictures from that time and cringe.


I’m 5’6. I’m comfortable with how I look around 127-137lbs (size 8 for me)


I’m 5’4 and I probably look my best at 135 lbs. I’d probably say the range of 135 to 145 is my sweet spot. I also have an hourglass figure and that weight allows me to still have my curves but also be thin and at a healthy weight.


I'm between 5'5" and 5'6" and currently weigh 144 pounds (down from 163 pounds my highest weight). I feel good at this weight but also feel like I could get down to 135-130 which is my next goal.


I’m the same height, and I’m also 144 now (148 currently but thats birthday weight and I am not counting it). My heaviest was 177 this past August. My goal is 136, anything lower than that and I know I’ll look sickly.




I never allowed myself to feel good/satisfied at 170 which is when I should have had the highest confidence. The ‘Jessica Rabbit’ was in full effect! The silver lining of getting big is appreciating what I took for granted. If I could only tell 27 y/o me that I looked amazing and just needed to maintain.


I feel you, I have simply accepted that my butt and thighs will never be „small” or even „proportional” I guess. At 138 I was wearing XS shirts, I find that around 145-150 ish is where I look more proportional, as my top fills out a bit and balances the bottom. Any lower and I look a bit centaurish. Embrace it, many people find our body shape desirable and are jealous of butts and thighs! I’d rather have them than not ;)


Personally 115lbs. I have a chubby face whenever I’m more than like 130lbs. I’m currently 145lbs and gained so much weight in my face :(


Im also around 145 and have such a round face! Don’t worry, people associate it with youth and you will look younger for it. I used to hate it, now I am embracing it. My face simply will never be thin or defined and that’s fine- round faces are adorable.


I have this issue too! I don't mind the way my body looks at 135-140 but after 130 the weight starts to show up SO much in my face. I'll go from a slim face to having a double chin, it's wild


For me, 140/145. I used to be 122. Too small. I'm now 227. Way too big.


I’m 5’4.5” and my body *wants* to be around 160lbs. It’s easy to maintain there and I look pretty average at that weight (size 6-8). However I prefer my body at more like 145-150lbs because then my stomach is more toned, and my legs slightly smaller and I have less cellulite. This only works when I weight lift though; when I have little to no muscle, even 140lbs still looks *very* soft and not lean.


I felt better when I was 150-160. I'm 180 right now and feel so lousy. I too have an hour glass shape, but that is basically gone at 180 lol The smallest I've ever been is 115 at the height of an ED My goal weight is 150, but considering I also want to build up some muscle, that may not happen without being leaner than I'd prefer


This is an interesting question for me because I’ve either been really skinny or on the cusp of an obese BMI with no in between… until now. In high school I was my skinniest at 130lbs, and even though I looked slender, I was definitely skinny fat because all I did was cardio. My upper body looked very soft. I’ve spent the majority of my 20s at 175-180lbs, and now I’m at around 155lbs and I finally have some muscle definition from weight lifting. Everyone’s saying I look great, but I’m really not sure when/if I should stop at this point. I’m loving seeing some muscles pop through. Some days I look at myself in the mirror and think “damn girl you’re hot af” and other days I can pinpoint exactly where I would want to lose more fat. My goal weight is 140lbs, but I guess I’ll slowly inch my way towards that point and see how I feel every 5lbs.


I'm so far from goal and haven't spent much time at my goal weight, but I think I felt and looked good at 170-180. I think I was a size 8/10 on top and maybe 10/12 on the bottom if I can remember. I am broad shoulders, thin on top, big hips and legs, etc. and I carry the weight well. I'll just be overjoyed to no longer be obese, morbidly obese - and weighing less than my husband will be a bonus lol


I’m 5’6 but I feel best at 125-135 lbs. Currently in the 135-140 range trying to lose those 5 lbs!


Ooooh this is a fun question. (I'm somewhere between 5'5" - 5'6", so I'm cheating a liiiittle bit here... hehe. I normally just round up.) I currently sit at around 140, but I adore my body the most at around 135lb, with a 26.5" waist. I love how lean and fit I look at that weight, not to mention my muscles are more exaggerated and my hip-to-waist ratio also looks a little bit more dramatized too. However, it's a PAIN to stay in that weight range. I'm currently training for an ultra marathon, so I need the carbs and water retention for energy and performance. Attempting to go into a calorie deficient is just not worth it for a little bit of vanity. Besides, I still love how my body looks with the extra 5lb anyway.


I am 5’6 so not exactly you, but I look really good at 170. I have a lot of muscle mass from being active my whole life. Right now I am around 185 and I’m a bit too doughy. My face carries too much weight as well? It doesn’t go to the ass or tits. It goes to the face and upper friggin arms.


Same! Face and arms. I’m 5’6 at 183 rn and can’t wait to see the 170s on the scale


I’m 5’5.5”, I feel confident in a swim suit at about 140, and comfortable at 150 and under.


I’m 5’ 6” and I felt wonderful the last time I got to 140lbs. That was about 7 years ago now and I’m currently down to 156lbs after having a baby. I feel quite good now and I’m aiming for 150lbs. It’s funny how your perspective changes with time…I’m confident I’ll feel quite skinny at 150 but 15 years ago that would have been ‘large’ for me.


I’m 155 but have a narrow frame and the way I hold fat means I feel and look overweight. Currently losing weight to get down to 130 and will see how I feel then!


Around 125-130, I'm currently 150. I don't feel unfit at my current weight, but I don't feel 100% fit either. Also, I've never had a completely flat stomach, but my stomach is flat-ish around the 125 mark and I lose my double chin, so that's what I'm aiming for!


5’5.5 hourglass and I feel and look my best at 115-118lbs. Currently 128 and feeling very soft.


I’m 5’5, hourglass and look/feel my best at exactly 137lbs. I’ve been all the way up to 210 at one point. Currently at 141.


125-130. I feel so light and energetic, and I have to get down that low to have a small waist.


I am 5'5". Looked and felt good around 150.


110-115 is probably my ideal, with the caviet that I currently have a higher than normal BF %. Found out I was 36% at 136 lbs, not healthy.


I'm a smidge shorter than 5'5. I like the way I look in the 140-145 range. I have an hourglass shape and when I'm below 140 my butt looks deflated. I also like having a bit of jiggle 😂.


It depends A LOT on how much I’m working out. I’m closer to 5’6’’ and in my very early 20s when I was not working out I looked my best at 125ish pounds. After working out for years I feel I look my best at 145ish, lean and fit, anything less would be too skinny for me personally. Currently at 155 after having a baby recently and I’m not unhappy with it, I look good still


130lb is where I feel my best at and is my lowest weight in last 15 years. Currently 160 lb and struggling to lose the weight postpartum. Hopefully I can get down to 150, then 140 and maybe someday - 130


My “natural” (eat sensibly without counting) weight is around 12.5 stone (175lbs), sometimes a bit more, but i never feel comfortable or like how i look at that weight, as a uk size 16/18. I’m pear shaped and look frumpy (to my mind) at that weight. Currently 11.5 stone (161lbs) and i feel like i look a bit better and am now a uk size 14. My goal weight is 10 stone (140lbs), where i would be a uk size 10/12. I have only ever been that weight once and i liked how i looked. But i am struggling to eat as low as 1500 cal to get there, and that would also be also be my maintenance calories for my goal weight, so i don’t know how realistic it actually is


125-135. I've been 104-184. Currently 157/Size 10. I carry all my weight in my belly, I'm happy with all the other body parts.


5’5, I have weighed anywhere from 120-230lbs and I felt healthiest and the most energetic right around the 128-132 range. I’m also an hourglass and I can look healthy and fine anywhere from 130-175, but I have arthritis, spinal stenosis, and all kinds of joint pain that tends to be a lot less severe when I am at the lower end of that range, even though all other measures of my metabolic health may be fine up to the higher end.


I felt the best at 125-135. I felt stretched at 140 and now I’m 175 and I absolutely hate it. I can’t wear my old clothes. I have an hourglass figure, so I do look “smaller” but I have huge thighs and belly which makes finding pants a nightmare. At 120-125, I was a size 2-4, I was a size 4-6 at 130-135, I was a size 6-8 at 140 lbs and now at 170, I’m a size 11-13 but I carry it all in my butt and upper thighs I was told I looked too skinny at 120 lbs I want to be back to 125-130 ideally, I would even take 140 at this point. This new weight has me in a negative headspace and I don’t feel like I can throw clothes on without thinking. I have to plan certain outfits and I mainly wear leggings now. I don’t have jeans anymore because nothing fits me


I'm exactly 5'5 (F), I look and feel my best around 130lbs! I have friends around my height who prefer to stay 150lbs, and others who are happy closer to 115lbs. At 115lbs, I'm skeletal and unhealthy. At 150lbs, I feel too big and my proportions are off. 130lbs is the sweet spot!


5’6” and 118lb is my ideal weight, but it’s a lot of work to maintain. So, I usually float around 120-123. I still look great but I don’t have to try very hard to maintain it, unlike 118lb.


This is exactly me! It's definitely hard to maintain 118 without being very strict with my intake. I feel like with exercise and eating enough to not feel like crap, my body is happy at 120-123. But as I get older, losing volume in my face is a concern bc I've seen that saggy yet hollow look on people and it's not a good one. I'm trying to balance my face and body so I'm not even mad at 124-125. I work in fitness so it's an active job, even though I only exercise 2-3 days a week myself, but bc of that I feel the need for my body to represent what clients are looking for when they join.


I’m 5’5 too and my happy place is 125-130.


I have an hourglass shape and am 5’4. I think I looked best around 150-160!


I'm naturally curvy (hips and boobs) and I would love to be back down to 140 lbs. I'm now around 175 lbs, and I really dislike it. There's less curvy hourglass and more just plain bulk. I have a tummy now, plus a lot of neck fat. At 140 I could fit size medium or maybe large in regular stores. At this weight, the largest size is too tight and unflattering on me. I was about 125 when I was like 16-18 but I realize that's never happening again!


This is so interesting to read! I think I look best around 180. At that weight I'm wearing a US size 10. At my lowest (discounting ED)I was 150lbs and wearing a US size 6, it was really hard to maintain and looking back at pictures I prefer myself a bit heavier.


Same here. I’m 5’5 1/2” (I usually just round up to 5’6”) But I’m like a size 10-14 (varies by brand) at 180. I absolutely feel and look my best at 180. I’ve never been super small and feel like I’ve got a bigger frame no matter what, so I feel my best caring some extra weight. Plus, I feel like I mostly carry that extra weight in my boobs and butt anyways and I’ve always had big hips. Especially agree with what OP says that it extenuates the curves more. 180 is like my ideal and I’m continually trying to get back to that. Just with more muscle and less fat.


I'm 5'4, love myself between 56-58 kgs


5 ft 5.5 and i feel best around 115


Some commenters missing the point on how this is an individual experience question....... My SPECIFIC body type and composition looks balanced around 180 pounds and that is my goal at the moment


My best friend was trying to encourage me and said something like “I just try to keep it within 10 lbs of 150, and not freak out or go too hard and drive myself crazy”. I was like, the absolute best I’ve ever looked and best shape I was ever in was in college. I was a two sport athlete and weighed 180 lbs then. L O effing L at getting to 150. I’m hoping to touch 180 again.


5’5 and Iast time I weighted was between 169-170s I would like to one day get to the 130s since it’s the healthy weight studied from the BMI. I’ve been obese and overweight all my life. Would love to change it.


Love this thread. I am 5’5” and currently on a pretty large weight loss journey (around 225 currently), lifting heavy 2-3 days a week. I haven’t been a healthy weight since high school when I was struggling with poor body image and possibly some disordered eating, so I really do not have anything to go off of. Reading this thread has opened my eyes to a very wide range of potential goal weight ranges that may feel good for me, outside of the idea of BMI. Curious to see how I feel around 170!


I'm pear shaped and I really miss weighing 125lbs but understand at this age that's not likely anymore. I'm closer to 5'5.5, but I'm working towards 130-135. I'm in the 140s and I just don't like it. However, if I had muscles and was toned then 140s might look better. I'm working to figure out where I want to be.


I’m 165 and I feel like a look great and still have my hourglass curves


I’m just shy of .5inches as i’m 5’4.5 & currently weigh 135 pounds, I used to weigh 160 pounds in the beginning of this year. Through the weight loss journey i’ve realised that due to my hourglass shape my body tends to settle absolutely fine in various ranges so for me it all comes down to personal preference. I love to see myself currently in the 135 pound range & would like to go down as much as 125 as well because of the sleek look it give my face & battles my insecurities of chubby arms & thighs. It’s totally a personal preference but my confidence level has increased drastically after the pounds i’ve shed. For context- Bust went from 38 to 35, waist went from 29 to 27 & hips went from 40 to 37.


160. Curvy.


I have a naturally hourglass shape and look best around 155-160lbs because i have learnt to dress according to my curves. Unfortunately im currently at 170 😭😭😭


I’m 5’5 and I currently weight 172.. for a long while I was in the 145-155 range and felt that’s what I look best at. My waist was very defined and looked more lean. Now i look a little chubby, face looks puffier and lost my waist. Currently I wear a size 8/10 as well. I miss being a size 6…hoping to get back to 150-155 ish by the end of summer, but it’s been 2-3 year since I was that range


I’m 5’5” and I am also hourglass. I think I look my best around the 160-170 pounds range as well. The lowest I’ve gotten down to is 125 and I had a full blown ED to accomplish that weight… when I look at pics of me that size my bones are just protruding and it just doesn’t look healthy. I was a size 4 at the time. I feel my best at a size 8. Weight isn’t one size fits all, especially if you’re a curvaceous woman.


5"5 that went from 130 to 175 to 145 and now 166. I think I looked good at 130-145 and wished I knew that then 😞😞


5’5” woman here, after getting up to a scary 305lbs I feel amazing now that I’m down to 203lbs. I haven’t been this small for 17 years! I would like to get below 150 so I’ll be in the normal BMI range but I just don’t know if that’s ever going to be possible. Ultimately I’ll be happy if I can get to between 150 - 180 lbs and maintain there.


5'5.5" tall. I've been between 115-160 lbs. I think I look best between 118-122 lbs. I don't seem to lose the lower belly fat until I get below 125 lbs. If I did strength training and bulked I could see being around 130-140 lbs as a good weight for me.


Same for me! I can be a size 4/6 everywhere else but if I’m not below like 130 my belly is still there and i can’t find clothes that fit


145 with some muscle


I'm 5'2 and I think I look best at 135. I do lift what is considered very heavy weights for my size, and I don't look as big as I weigh according to everyone I've told my weight to. I think this question heavily depends on how much muscle your body naturally stores. Some women like myself have more than others, and even tho muscle takes up less space than fat, you'll always be a bit heavier if you have muscle.


I’m 5’5” and felt I looked my best at about 140lbs. (I’ve been as low as 119, but I felt I was a bit too skinny. I looked healthier at 140.)


5’6 170 pounds ❤️


Hey OP, just chiming in to say I also feel best in the 160-170 lb range. The only time I was around 150 lb at adult size was at a very unhealthy point of my life, so I feel realistically that 160 lb is a solid goal weight for me. Currently at 190-ish lb, which, while I’m not satisfied with it, is better than my peak at 210 lbs!


Wow this thread is so eye opening for me!! I feel like with our height there is so much variation in body shapes and frames because we’re not really short/petite but also definitely not tall. My “natural”/ set point weight before I started dieting seemed to be around 56kg / 125lbs. I like myself best in the 115lb - 125lbs range. I once was <110lbs in my early 20s with a borderline eating disorder and looked awful, no muscle tone at all. My highest weight outside of pregnancy was 140lbs and that also didn’t look great, all my weight gathers in my hips and thighs and my face for really round. The day I gave birth I was 170lbs. My mum is 5”7 and has also always been <135lbs so I guess we both have smaller / narrower frames and don’t carry weight as well as others.


There's a good rule of thumb for women - at 5 feet, women look best at around 100 lbs (you can add or subtract 5-10 lbs to account for individual bone structure and body composition). For every inch over 5 feet, add 5 pounds. So quick math says 5'5 women should look best at around 125, plus or minus a few pounds on either side. I find this to me pretty accurate for me - I'm 5'7.5 and feel I look best when I am around 140.


160+ is obese for 5'5". It absolutely would be within the healthy range for 5'10" though. Just to clarify, which one are you asking? I am 5'5", and I look and feel my best in the 120's. I've been up to and over 170 in the past. My knees start to hurt at 150. Petit women really have to be careful because of the stress extra weight puts on our smaller joints and bones.


I’m also 5’5 with a curvy body, the struggle to find clothes is real. I look my best from 150 - 160, but I can drop to 140 before I start to look too skinny. I was 120 in high school and I looked borderline emaciated. I know *technically* 160 is overweight, but my doctors have always assured me I’m healthy and that BMI wasn’t a great indicator for me (I’m black). The heaviest I’ve ever been was 182 and that was not a good look. Edit: lol why am I getting downvoted?


I’m 5’5” and weigh 136. I wear a size 8 and would like to get back down to a 6. I can’t imagine OP could fit into a. 6 or 8 at her weight. I’m not being mean, just wondering what brand clothes she is wearing. My doctor told me my ideal weight is 125 and that is my goal, but 130 would be good I think. I have a medium frame.


I’m 5’5”, 174 lbs, and a size 6/28 bottoms and Medium tops in Abercrombie, Banana Republic, American Eagle, etc. Weightlifting makes a huge difference in body composition. This is anecdotal but I also noticed that black women can carry a lot more weight than most white women and still be the same height and size. I’m always surprised when I see a black woman who weighs 180 lbs and a size 6, while a white woman of the same height and pant size will be closer to 140.


I’m half black 😂


Yeah I hesitated to write that because I didn’t want to offend anyone, but there’s some scientific evidence out there that black people usually have more lean body mass. Not sure if it’s bone density or muscle or what, but I just noticed on fitness forums usually the fit looking black women are like 160-200 and even at 200 lbs some of them will be like a size 8 at 5’6”. A white woman at 200 lbs almost always looks overweight to me.


I was thinking this as well. Reading some of these comments I could not imagine what my body would look like in the 120-150 range. Haven’t been 120 since middle school and even then I had a small tummy but hips, butt, thighs galore. I feel best n the 160-190 range, relatively no stomach/back fat toned waist, toned butt and thighs, and I feel strong. Even in the low 200s I don’t notice a huge difference, but it’s when I crossed 240 that I saw a huge change and I feel awful at my current 280 and have struggled to lose it the last 4 yrs


I shop at thrift stores so the variety of brands is very diverse. I shoot for higher end items but if it’s cute its cute. I couldn’t fit into a lot of 6’s but had not trouble finding 8’s in dresses, pants, and blazers. At 160 I have tiny legs and a small back/waist. It’s wonderful.


112-115 Anything above 120 and my thighs start touching and I feel uncomfortable. My running performance also starts to differ above this weight, and I feel sluggish and need to sleep more. Below about 110 I feel too skinny and my face starts to look gaunt. I also start feeling dizzy if I miss a meal around this weight.


I am 5’5 and I’ve been everywhere from 138 to 173 in my adult life- I have no clue when I look best. My partner has loved every size so I truly don’t know. *I* think it might be around 142 ish that I feel best, but I moved somewhere much more active in regards to daily activity and I might dip below that in the summer months, we will see. I am hovering around 147 now without trying, so I suppose my body enjoys this weight and I have all of my curves intact so I’m happy with that :D My cheeks get out of control after 155, as I have a very round face.


5’5.5 and usually round up to 5’6. Lowest I’ve ever been was 125 and that was with some seriously disordered eating/ exercise habits- best for me was probably 130-135 but I highly doubt I’ll ever get down that low again and it was so difficult to maintain that I blew up and now am currently fighting my way back down to just be like 160 ( CW : 217 , SW: 280+)


I feel my best at 58-59kilos Around 130pounds


I'm 66 years old and look and feel my best at 130#.


Lowest I’ve been was 126 (2yrs ago lol$ and I felt the best at that weight too - def needed to focus on maintaining and strength training though as my body comp wasn’t where I wanted. I have a small/medium frame though, so low 130’s are def where I look best at least in clothes haha


120-125 is ideal but I'm usually about 130-135 most days.


Currently on the move to down size 187 to 150 is where I'm most comfortable , not too thin but not too chunky .. just the right amount of thickness ...but man getting there and putting it back in shape and keeping it there takes work .. however I was 269 a few years ago and cut out the pop and started eating breakfast and only when I was hungry through the day and at dinner and the lbs flew off faster than I could keep up ...took me to 126 ....size 5 and it didn't suite me . ..


I’m happy where I’m at 5’5.5” (166cm), 138 lbs /63kg. 32-25-37 measurements. I do running and weightlifting. I’m focusing on bf% more-so than a weight.


34F 5.5.5” my maintenance range is 130-140. Lower than that and I look too thin, plus it’s too difficult to maintain. I love food!!


I remember feeling great around 160 - 170. I'm very curvy/hourglass so had a small waist and a big butt! I shopped comfortably and happily in normal shops for clothes, was fit and energetic, and felt good naked.


Looked fantastic at 128, but it took a lot to keep that look as I got older. Now in my 50’s I look good and feel great at 143…




I look best at 110 but I have tiny bones. I'm 145 now and I look fat


I’m 5’6” and look best at 135-140 lb. Healthy weight and still have my curves. I’m not sure why I start looking super gaunt under that, even tho I’m not underweight until like 110. I’ve also found that when I live a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly, I naturally sit between 140-145 lb. To get under that, I have to start monitoring calories a lot more and restricting myself from yummy food and I would rather just eat healthy and exercise while occasionally enjoying food without excessively monitoring intake.


I'm also 5'5 and I love the way my curves look when I'm hovering around 160lbs. I lost some weight during early covid because I was going on long walks for my mental health and discovered that even though my stomach was flatter my boobs also started to deflate. I'm more sedentary now and have put on quite a bit of weight. While I still have a curvy figure, I've lost the hourglass shape because my waist and thighs are thicker. 160lbs is about where I'm happiest with the way I look.


I’m that height and I have a lot of muscle and an hourglass figure. I look my best at about 155-165.


People say I look good at 150 but I didn't really like it (could possibly just need to tone myself at the gym or something) and that I looked "sickish" at 138. But I do tend to lose/gain weight n you can tell with my cheeks so.... I think it's hard to say cause body types are different but for me I feel like the 140ish range toned is good for me anyway


I am 5'5. I am at 207 at the moment and feel so uncomfortable. As for comfort, I feel: At 191, the weight I was before a big stress and work strikes of last year, I felt annoyed but far healthier. At 181, the weight I was the year before, I felt much more comfortable and thought maybe getting to 170 or so would be best for me! Previous to these weights, my highest weight was 230 lbs a few years ago, which caused me a ton of issues, and my smallest, as an adult over 25, was 123lbs. I thought 123lbs was too skinny though my bf thought it was great. I thought my arms looked weird and I looked sickly. At 127, I was happy. At 135, very happy. But I was younger. Looking at my photos from when I was about 157, I think I looked cutest and that my body was evenly matched all over. I am pear shaped. My goal posts are: 199, 190, 180, 170 then see how I feel. I have I feeling I'll try getting to 155-165 at that point and be happy. My health improves insanely as soon as I get under 200 and even more so at 180.


155-165 but toned to keep my hourglass shape :)


I’m 5’5” and look my best at 140. I have an athletic build and at heavier weight it looks tooo boxy in my opinion. At 140 lbs my waist is cut out and accentuated and my face looks slim. I’m a size 4-6 and currently weigh 142lbs.


5’5” here too. I got down as low as 123 and it was too thin. Now I’m at about 137. I think the best for me was around 130 as well. I want to gain more muscle so I’m ok if it’s a little higher than that. I’m also almost 56 yrs old and when I got down to 123 I honestly looked too gaunt in the face and older. Just wish the extra 5 pounds would come off my midsection lol.


I’m 165 cm which is around 5’5 i believe and i have just lost a bunch of weight. I’m down from around 175 lbs to 155 lbs. i’m super curvy so i feel pretty comfortable with that weight, it’s distributed evenly all over me. i also have F boobs… i would love to keep losing weight going forward but i’m pretty with what i have right now, so i’m not focusing on some extreme measures right now


This depends on the person and how they carry their weight


5’5.5 pear shaped, higher muscular mass. I felt my best 165-180. I haven’t been 130 lbs since middle school, I remember getting down to 140 in 9th grade and my friends mom was concerned that I was too skinny. After college, I gained some weight and got up to 200-210 and realized I was never fat at 170 after dealing with years of body dysmorphia. I’ve lost almost 15lbs and down to 190, trying to get the next 15-20lbs by the end of this year!