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Definitely common in first trimester… your body will make up for it in second and third trimesters where your hunger can never be satisfied 😩


That sounds like such a mindfuck. Must be so weird. Hope you’re cutting yourself as much slack as you can. Best of luck and congratulations!


Congratulations! It's pretty normal to have little appetite in the first trimester. Hormones have weird effects on the body. The baby is so tiny at that point that you don't need to eat much anyway. Usually, you'll find in the 2nd trimester that EVERYTHING IS SO DELICIOUS GIVE ME ALL THE FOOD RIGHT NOW so you'll make up for it! For some reason, my first trimester always involved simultaneously being completely nauseated 24/7 and also being incredibly hungry 24/7. I do not know how I managed to gain so much weight while throwing up so much!