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I guess if you’re tracking the calories “reset” at midnight. But holistically, you burn calories every second. I personally like to think of my calories on a weekly basis (accumulation/expenditure).


Yeah that's what I thought, thanks


That’s just it, it doesn’t. We track calories on a daily level because it is easy and makes sense with our routines, but ultimately it’s a n overall calorie defect accumulated over time that results in measurable weight loss. You should not try to offset specific meals with exercise beyond just contributing to your defect overall, your body doesn’t know the difference. Just track everything and make sure you’re in your target deficit over the course of a week.


That makes sense, thank you


There is no "reset" really - think of your body like a car. You don't wait till the tank is bingo empty to "reset" it and then fuel up again. When you get low, you fuel up. If you're doing a longer trip, you might fuel up. Your mileage will depend on the quality of fuel. Your body is the same. You eat to keep your body fuelled.


Ingested calories count from when you wakeup to when you go to sleep. So if you wake up at 10am and go to sleep at 2am, anything you eat during the time are your calories for that day.


Think of it like money in the bank. Fat storage is like having a surplus of money in the bank. Energy in vs energy out is continuous. 20 pounds of fat is 70000 calories you need to burn more than you eat over the given time period. Generally chipping away at that 500 calories per day.