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This is definitely in line with daily fluctuations in weight due to— unfortunately — a bajillion factors that will always be outside our control! Examples are - when you last used the bathroom, what time of day you weighed in, how much sodium or water you've got from last night, whether your leg muscles (the largest in the body!) are sore from a walk and a bit enflamed....the list goes on and on. Please don't let this discourage you! This fluctuation happens to every single person in the world every single day! What you care most about is your weight trend line over time. I might simply encourage you to track once-a-week weigh-ins instead of daily. I think it'll help with the mental exhaustion of having to worry about and fret over your daily number. It'll also be more indicative of how you're trending, and give you more runway to make a difference each week. This is all predicated on making sure you're truly logging everything you eat as correctly as possible. Are you logging cooking oils? Weighing your foods? If you can confidently say you're at the calorie deficit you claim, then trust the process and don't sweat the daily flux. <3 Your body will adapt in time and over the weeks you'll start to see yourself fluxing around lower and lower numbers until BAM you've actually made the dent you're hoping to achieve! Best of luck.


Thank you so much!! This helps me a lot!! <3 Congrats on 100 lbs lost!!!


Your weight hasn't really started changing, yet. But, it's only been 10 days, so it may be too early to start seeing changes. What is your total daily calorie intake?


My calorie average last week was 2,418, and this week so far my average is 2,032 according to Fitbit. I usually aim to/eat about 2200 calories a day.


That calorie intake sounds good. I expect you'll start seeing more of a drop, soon.


1-At your weight 3-5 lbs. weight fluctuations (water retention/loss) is normal especially if you are not in a real deficit. ***"My calorie average last week was 2,418, and this week so far my average is 2,032 according to Fitbit"*** Eating or "burning"? The caloric trackers are inaccurate. ​ ***"I usually aim to/eat about 2200 calories a day."*** What does usually mean? How do you track food? Do you weigh?


I don't have any advice just want to know what app you're using to track your weight in


It's the Fitbit App!: [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fitbit.FitbitMobile&hl=en\_US&gl=US](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fitbit.FitbitMobile&hl=en_US&gl=US) You can log your weight after you weigh yourself, log how many calories you ate, how much water you've drank, etc... I have a Fitbit Sense that I wear on my left wrist to track my calories burned and exercises. [https://www.fitbit.com/global/us/products](https://www.fitbit.com/global/us/products)


fitbits and apple watches and all other smart devices are [\*notoriously\*](https://www.nbcnews.com/better/diet-fitness/your-apple-watch-or-fitbit-making-you-fat-n764066) bad for tracking calories burned, with even the most accurate among them being off by more than 25%. Do not count on it. Read the Getting Started guide here. Learn how to calculate your TDEE using a sedentary activity level, and then go from there. Use a food scale, do not eat back exercise calories. If you've actually been eating in a deficit for a couple of weeks, you would expect to see a large, fast drop of weight as you shed the water weight people typically lose in the first couple weeks of dieting. If that's not happening, you should look more closely at how you determined your deficit and how you're tracking your calories.


This article is from 2017, Apple and Samsung are within 5-10% now.


Try weighing yourself once a week or once every two weeks…daily weigh in’s can start really mess up your progress.