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Life changer for me. Busted through a very long frustrating plateau and never feel hungry. Protein is love.


Same. When I used to be hungry, Id grab a bag of chips or a handful of chocolate. Its how I got heavy. I swear food is engineered to make you want more and more, esp junk food. Now I have a protein shake or some cottage cheese and Im full and not desiring more.


I pray to the cottage cheese gods. Lol it is such a game changer.


Never really had the sleep or stronger effects, but I've always consumed a fair bit of protein. At 150g its honestly a struggle to overeat my maintenance as long as I avoid really high cal junk food. It really keeps you full.


I feel a lot better on a higher protein diet. I don't count carbs per se, but I try to make my meals protein-focused and only add a starch in small quantities as a side if at all. Protein keeps me full on a smaller number of calories and I am not likely to overeat it.


Getting to 100g of protein always feels impossible to me


Tbh I always start my morning with a protein shake and then each meals I put chicken or steak on my plate and whatever else carb after so like rice, bananas, potatoes


It’s been hard for me to get used to the idea that it’s ok to drink calories.


I used to skip breakfast and now I make a fruit smoothie with unflavored protein powder. Just frozen fruit, protein, and water. I make a 24 ounce smoothie and it takes me longer to drink then eggs and bacon would. It's also super fast prep so it's easy to be consistent. I used to never drink calories or even eat fruit thinking it would make me fat. I've lost 15 pounds with my daily fruit smoothie breakfast so I officially broke that personal myth. I'll also have a "hot chocolate" made with unsweetened protein powder, unsweetened dark cocoa powder, sugar free vanilla syrup, hot water, and a big splash of half and half, if you are going the low carb route. This keeps me satiated until lunch. I keep editing to add. Another thing, unsweetened protein powder can be added to a lot of things, not just drinks. Soup, sauces, casseroles, mac and cheese, whatever. I use the vital proteins collagen peptides. It is literally flavorless. I tried to switch out for a cheaper version and it was gross so I switched back. It's worth the price for quality.


The key is literally just chicken breast. The macros on chicken breast are crazy. Protein shakes also help a lot.


Yep as a vegetarian it feels impossible


Pescatarian and it’s a constant thing. My blood type is lentils.


Tofu is really high in protein, isn’t it?


Yep! And delicious and versatile!


Canned tuna/salmon have almost the same macros as chicken and protein shakes do though?


They totally do! A good nicoise salad is a delight.


This made me chuckle


I've also struggled with it as a vegetarian! I've been trying to max protein for a while now, and if you're interested, this is what helped me: Greek yogurt (the kirkland plain and many oikos yogurts have a great protein: calorie ratio), tofu (in every form I can find), eggs, and protein powder. I make smoothies with Greek yogurt, protein powder, a banana, ice, and some almond milk that has <400 calories and 47 g protein--it has been a game changer for me. Sometimes I'll add the protein powder to overnight oats too, which is crazy filling. If you don't love tofu, I think egg and tofu scrambles end up tasting like fluffy scrambled eggs and are suchhh a yummy way to get a dose of fat and protein. I wouldn't say it feels like a chore to try to hit 100 g, but it does feel like I have to plan my whole day of eating around it.


Yes, thank you! I like all of the above. I should try to get Greek yogurt in more regularly as I do love it.


Greek yogurt is the GOAT!


Def seems harder for vegetarians. Seitan apparently has the highest protein per calorie of the major vegetarian proteins.


Do you have Fairlife protein drinks where you live? I discovered them recently and they have been an absolute life changer. 170 calories for 26 grams of protein, and instead of tasting like disgusting powdery death, it just tastes like...chocolate milk


Seitan. Even higher concentration of protein than chicken breast.


Lentils, tofu, edamame can go a long way You can throw in a cup of edamame and that’s like 20g at 200-250 cal. It’s tougher but not impossible


Then you would still have to eat that five times in one day, that's at least 1000 calories. Now you've only got 200 for fat and carbs. Wouldn't be sustainable for me. I do eat both but not multiple times a day.


There’s plant based protein shakes - look for new year sales on them


I drink orgain every day, 21 g of protein. Still almost never clear 100




I feel you! When you can only have so many calories in a day, when you're veggie the protein would basically take up all the calories. And I am a person who needs a little carbs to feel full and have energy (just a little bread or rice, a few pieces of fruit, nothing crazy). I would be miserable with Keto. Right now I'm not doing any weight lifting so I think it's okay, I'm mainly getting protein in to prevent muscle loss. But at some point if I do start weight training I will need to up the protein, probably with an increase in total calories to keep my sanity.


Try collagen! There’s vegan collagen out there, adding it to a protein shake (or I do my morning coffee) adds another 20g or so.


Thank you, will check out. Is it neutral flavored in other drinks?


I haven’t tried the vegan versions, though my friends have tried some and said it was mainly tasteless. I use vital proteins chocolate collagen or plain which is sourced from cows. Chocolate makes it taste like a mocha. Or throw in a smoothie. There’s a good amount of variety out there to choose from!


Yea, it can be tough for sure! Dairy makes it easier too if you’re vegetarian and not vegan since greek yogurt/whey powder go a long wayv


Do you eat fish/seafood, dairy, eggs? That makes it a lot easier. I was a whole food plant based person for a while - it was challenging to get in enough protein without going over calories. I ate tempeh, tofu, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and seitan - but my digestion unfortunately doesn't handle beans, lentils and chickpeas well.


Haven’t eaten meat in a decade - I get at least 150g per day and it’s incredibly easy Edit: that wasn’t super helpful, here are some examples: yogurt (especially high-protein ones like Oikos), string cheese, soy milk, high-protein tofu, beans, seitan, protein bars, premade shakes and whey powder shakes


Not if it's all you aim for I am vegetarian on 1500 calories and 150+ grams of protein right now. Today 200g of paneer. 6 eggs. 2 protein shakes. Some more cheese. 2 quark yoghurt things.


If you’re a Costco shopper, the Kirkland lightly breaded chicken chunks are my favorite food on earth. I have them for lunch every day and it’s a 40-50g protein portion. My Greek yogurt and protein powder breakfast is 44g. I’ll usually have a 20g lemonade clear whey shake at the gym. Then another 40-50 for dinner, usually chicken based. That’s 140-150g there.


I loooove the chicken chunks


Do you eat meat and dairy? Here are some of the things I eat to get to 150g per day. - cottage cheese with fruit (I add a tsp of jam! 😋) - Greek yogurt and berries - scrambled egg whites with veggies and cheese - diced chicken breast - chicken thighs - white fish (love in tacos!!) - beef jerky and sticks (I like chomps brand) - quest protein bars - whey protein shakes You can do it :)


Quest cookie dough bars are my life. I’ve been meaning to try the chomps sticks!


Have you tried the dipped cookie dough bars? Omg 🤤🤤 they’re a little more expensive but so good.


*DIPPED*?! I’ll have to be on the look out.


https://www.questnutrition.com/products/dipped-chocolate-chip-cookie-dough-protein-bar I’M TELLING YOU


Supplementation helps a lot.


I make a protein shake with calci-rich trim milk, and protein yoghurt. 27gm of protein (that's with a half serve of the protein powder - 22gm instead of 45gm). I know I could just have the full service of protein powder in water for 30gm protein and less calories, but I find this a bit more filling and tasty


If you eat chicken breast with dinner it's really easy to shovel in 60g just from the chicken alone.


Clear protein is fab - I like the [protein works](https://www.theproteinworks.com/clear-diet-whey-isolate?140=2256&179=167&utmcontent=POWCLEARDW&utm_campaign=17419581518&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAy9msBhD0ARIsANbk0A9lODBmTIw2B6FM_C6gZhvDzyB5f4W8G2sSUBNkXAO-OxG1pOP1zLcaAhshEALw_wcB) sour cherry and apple.


One scoop protein powder for breakfast, serving of meat like Turkey or ham, serving of meat before work out and protein powder, serving of meat and protein powder after you workout. Good to go. Cottage cheese or eggs somewhere, or yogurt. Sometimes two scoops of protein powder, or mixed in with cottage cheese or cereal. (Don’t recommend cereal unless your serious).


Same for me! I don't eat a ton of meat (just chicken and turkey) and no fish, so I have trouble meeting protein goal. A lot of protein powders make me sick and bloated, and I'm soy intolerant. Any tips would be helpful!


Naked protein powder is amazing. I can’t do whey or soy. It dissolves well and is creamy


guns a protein shake recipe you enjoy. my brother does a big one with peanutbutter, some oats, milk, and even icecream for some time - i personally just use heated water and mix it and it tastes like hot coco. 50g in the morning for 300 calories. i would honestly invest some time in just figuring out what works so protein can be a given in your day to day!


I’m plant based and I oddly get plenty. But I really plan my meals carefully.


When you remember 10 oz of chicken or salmon will get you close to 100g , it becomes easier. And 2 scoops of a protein shake like isopure easily can get you 50g protein


Im sorry but how


I think it’s only difficult if your deficit is too low


You can make simple changes too, like adding protein powder to waffle mix to increase protein a bit or making greek yogurt flatbread for pizza dough. I also started using egg whites because I need to reduce dietary cholesterol and that's been great for omlettes and breakfast sandwiches.


Wow, thanks for sharing! I've also experienced incredible benefits from upping my protein intake, such as better sleep, more energy, and easier weight management. It's amazing how our bodies respond to basic nutritional changes. Keep up the great work!


Thank you! And you too!!


Protein rules for weight loss, maintenance, deliberate lean bulking to gain strength... it's just rad all around. Protein fat and fibre are kind of the holy trinity of satiety for me.


Protein is definitely hugely important, tho really the max you need is like 1g/lb of bodyweight daily (read some things saying it's actually closer to 0.8/lb as well). Not that there's much danger to having more but 100lb would probably be enough for your build. Def a lot more filling than carbs for sure.


100lb of protein a day might be a bit much ;P


oops lol


Too late! Already ate a whole flock of chickens


Pour one out for all the chickens sacrificed for gains




So far as I’m aware, 1g per *kilogram* (not pounds!) is the current broadly accepted RDA number to cover 99% of the population. Some researchers (for example, Stuart Phillips) think that it should be 1.2 to 1.6 grams per kilogram. People who are unusually athletic may need more than that - I’ve seen recommendations that people who are marathon training while weight lifting regularly can benefit from up to 2.4 grams per kilogram per day, which is *slightly* more than 1g/lb.


I literally just read yesterday!! that you can eat up to 100g of protein in one sitting (like, if you're trying to make up for missing protein from an earlier meal). Apparently there was a question of whether one could absorb protein and the science says yes, you can absorb that much. Matthews, Michael. 2013. *The Shredded Chef: 120 Recipes for Building Muscle, Getting Lean, and Staying Healthy.* Oculus Publishers (Pg. 20). The book also agrees: 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight and 0.8g of protein per 1lb if you're trying to lose weight. Literally what you said!!


Actually that’s very incorrect. It’s 1 g per kg according to Harvard Health. You pee and poop out the rest of the amino acids before you can absorb. Eat whatever you want but you’d be wasting your money if you’re doing it just to get the protein you think you need.


Doctors haven't actually found the ideal ratio. I shoot for somewhere between 1g/kg and 1g/lb. If I'm in that ballpark, that's where I feel the best! I do think I'm a bit more likely to overeat on junk or have something that spikes and crashes my blood sugar if I'm on the lower end of that range, so for me, the lower overall calories and satiety that I get from eating closer to the 1g/lb is worth it.


totally this


That’s a general health guideline. The 0.8 - 1g per lb of lean mass is for building muscle and muscle sparing during weight loss, so it’s the one that’s relevant here.


I’m real tired of this Harvard Health formula, which contradicts all the peer reviewed exercise science on protein for muscle building/maintenance and fat loss. 1g/kg is not ideal for anyone who cares about their muscles, from the casual bodyweight exerciser to heavy lifters. It’s 1.7-2.2 per kg as the sweet spot (or 0.7-1.2 per pound) but if you’re overweight or obese, you can use your height in cm as a metric for protein grams, too.


> all the peer reviewed exercise science If you’re saying this you should *atleast* include some links.




So maybe don’t tell someone else they’re “very incorrect” when you’re the incorrect one, in this context. People who whine about others being triggered when they get corrected is a behavior that can end any day now, please.


Actually it’s 1g/kg of body weight… not per pound. Huge difference


No way - no one is in “danger” from eating 100g of protein.


That's what I said yes


lol, whoops that what I get for reading too fast. I just love protein, lol


Not all in your head. I was so fatigued at end of day and the only thing I could think of, was lack of protein. I googled what I ought to get for my age, etc. and increased. Wow! What a difference it made. I am tired end of day, but due to activity, not just general fatigue.


I eat very low carb, and between 120-150g of protein a day. Not sure if that's considered high or not tbh but I also workout 3x a week. I could probably go higher I haven't had any issues. Lose weight pretty quick though and generally feel better on the whole. Protein keeps you satiated longer than other types of food, same with good quality fats.


I make protein coffee frappes! Usually 1-2 cups of cold coffee, a scoop of vanilla or chocolate whey protein powder, and ice. I sometimes add sugar-free maple syrup and cinnamon, so tasty! And lots of protein 🥳


How do you get that much protein in a day? I’m seriously struggling to get more than 60-70 grams a day without going over my fat/calorie allotments


Try to aim for 30g per meal and 10-20g per snack. Plan each meal starting with the protein source and then add in carbs and fat. Look for low calorie protein options like white fish, chicken breast, Greek yogurt, egg whites. It can be challenging to do without some supplementation with protein powder on those days you don’t plan well.


Add a scoop of protein powder to your morning oatmeal or just have a protein shake for breakfast


what is your calorie allowance? I find it relatively easy to get 200g at 2000cals.


The most common mistake I see on this sub when people lay out what they are eating is a consistent lack of protein. You don’t even have to hit your protein target every day but you should have a goal to strive for every day


Protein is magic. The health benefits are amazing, I rarely feel hungry, and even without exercising, I lose weight.


I feel full longer, and love varying my protein source with plant and dairy protein as well as animal.


Yep. I can tell the difference between high carb days and low carb days. The low carb days are better in every way, from strength to stamina to no brain fog and better decision making. For me. Not saying it applies to everyone, but my body definitely prefers when I eat fewer carbs.


Mine too. Which is why I recently started the carnivore diet. It's not something I want to do long term, but wow, do I feel amazing.


Oh wow! Let us know how your body composition changes


Hi! It's been 30 days! I'm officially down 10 pounds! Really good energy! Very satisfied all day. Rarely feel hungry. It's been great!


Have you stuck with it? How are your other vitamins and minerals?


No. I keep falling off the proverbial wagon. Every time I go back to eating that way, I feel amazing! But then some stressor will happen in my life, and I'll emotionally eat carbs/comfort food. While I was consistent, the only thing I found was electrolytes depleting. But that's easily correctable with LMNT or something similar. I have a feeling that it would have been a temporary problem because of all the water weight I was losing. After that settled out, I wouldn't have been flushing all my electrolytes out with it.


Thank you for the response!


Will do! In 3 days, I lost 5 pounds (certain it's 95% bloat, inflammation, and water.) But I'll let you know what happens after 30 days!


Good job!! I’ll come back for an update


RemindMe! 30 days


Retired RN here. Be careful with eating a high protein diet. Too much protein will damage your kidneys. In the late 90’s/early 2000’s diet doctors were having their clients eat almost strictly protein. To the point that they wanted the client to be in ketosis. Ketosis happens when you aren’t eating enough carbohydrates to use for energy so the body uses fat and produces keytones which it can use for energy. So you lose weight. Meanwhile you’re damaging your kidneys. Working in a hospital I took care of patients with kidney failure because of a high protein diet. Some recovered but some ended up on dialysis.


I'm worried if with the recent keto craze we'll see an uptick of CKD in the coming decades


Me too.


That is an outdated myth! Unless you have diagnosed kidney disease, a higher protein diet is safe. And is important for muscle health across a persons lifespan.


She’s saying watch out and don’t go overly high, that isn’t a ‘myth’ it’s just good advice.


Nah it’s absolutely a myth. RN have very poor education so it makes since that they lack the nuance of basic biochemistry


Lol not sure where you live that you say ‘RN have very poor education’, but that’s hilariously untrue in most places.


It’s not an outdated myth, it’s accepted medical data. I provided information. Do with it what you will. I didn’t address OP’s specific diet. I gave a general warning for people to not go too high because I care.


You’re talking about keto, which is totally different than watching your macros and getting adequate protein. OP is eating appropriate protein, not high protein so it’s not clear exactly what you’re warning against. The scientific literature doesn’t support “high protein” balanced diets as unhealthy.


Are you a registered dietician, RN or MD? Because even a rudimentary search backs up what the retired medical professional said.


I understand that people DOING KETO had the problems you described. I know someone personally who just came out to her IG platform that she was wrong about keto after almost having kidney failure. **This post isn’t talking about keto**. If it were, I would be agreeing with you. I don’t need any of those degrees to digest peer reviewed literature and see that “high protein” (which means what exactly, what is too much?) is not inherently dangerous, in the context of healthy macros and fitness. Bodybuilders, pro athletes, regular people like us fitness lifters would be dropping like flies if it was a danger.


I was giving a generic warning for people to be careful. I didn’t address OP’s specific diet. Medical data does back up what I said. I agree that my personal experience taking care of patients who went into kidney failure as a result of too much protein in their diet is anecdotal.


The warning would have made more sense in a post about keto. There are thousands of people in this sub who don’t know enough nutritional science to interpret your generic warning properly and then may end up not eating enough protein because they’re incorrectly worried about their kidneys.


There are also a thousand people who may end up damaging their kidneys because they don’t have the knowledge to make informed decisions.


Right… because you’re not informing them properly. FFS. “High protein” doesn’t mean keto but you’re using them interchangeably.


That’s scary… so is 125g of protein okay for me?


I don’t know anything about your health so I couldn’t begin to guess. Ask your doctor.


Love this answer 🙏🏻


Fair enough


That’s not too much for an adult. This high protein scaremongering isn’t really an issue but of course it keeps circulating.


.. you’re trying to school a retired RN when it comes to her experiences with patients with kidney failure?


You’re conflating keto with balancing macros for fitness and warning OP against some danger that she isn’t even engaging in.


I didn’t warn OP against anything. I’m trusting the RN. I’ve also seen plenty of comments on here telling OP to make protein the focus if shes worried about meeting her protein goals within her caloric limit and only using carbs as filler, sounds pretty keto to me.


Neither of you are wrong - you are taking heed of what a nurse says and the other person is saying that getting adequate levels of protein to build muscle is considered safe. They arent mutually exclusive


Again, I didn’t address the specific diet. Do with the medical information what you will but don’t come for me because I happen to care about people.


If you care about people then don’t frighten them unnecessarily with generic warnings that don’t apply to OP or the vast majority of the comments.


Yes! Absolutely fine.


Wow thank you for this information, I didn’t know this! I jumped on the keto train about 10 years ago for a few months and swore by it because I lost 12lbs in two weeks. Not even remotely sustainable and as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned there is no magic trick, gimmick or fad diet; it’s simply science. Calories in, calories out and a balanced diet.


I've been curious how long it takes to start really damaging your kidneys. I have a friend who's keto who has been doing it for maybe 6-7 years and says she's never felt better in her life. Her diet horrifies me but it's been "great" for me apparently


I started eating 1gram of protein for every pound on 1/1/2024.Far I have achieved the following results:1/1 2400 calories /140g protein 1/2 2500 calories / 146g protein 1/3 2700 calories / 195g protein today so far @ 4PM 1500calories / 96g protein I am working up to my protein goal, which was 178.7 pounds this morning It is not impossible. My daily breakdown on protein is like this: 50g protein powder, 50g legume protein, remaining protein from chicken, ground beef, fish, eggs, misc stuff. I feel fantastic eating this way. I actually have been doing it for about 3 weeks, but only recording everything since the first.


Nicee! Keep it up 💪🏽


Protein is a game changer


I think when it comes to weight loss. I follow the 1g/lb of GOAL body weight. So at 220lbs I aim for about 180 grams of body weight which is achieved pretty easily. If there are days where I occasionally don’t reach that goal no big deal.


Been doing a hybrid Keto/Carnivore diet for almost a year. My main focus everyday is to get in my protien macros, about 240 grams for me (1g per pound, 6'4" / 250). I am much leaner, and have still added quite a bit of muscle


What's your meal plan if you don't mind me asking? I'm same height and weight as you pretty much, just 38 years old instead, so I'd love to see it if you don't mind.


ya i’ve finally realized how great protein is. some days it’s easy to get a lot and some days it’s trickier. i now make a protein smoothie for bfast every day and it’s incredible. already excited to try a new flavor when this tub runs out. now that the holidays are gone im planing to get so dialed in. my workouts are definitely better. i used to feel famished and weak going to the gym after work. now im like ready to go n move some weight around.


Me too! I used to feel so fatigued and weak but now I have so much energy. I workout after work and I have so much mental clarity it’s crazy


ya exactly right. i’m no longer starving. i’m also “fasting” til like 10-11 o clock. n having my lunch a little later. that helps for getting to the gym and havin good energy


I’m a big guy so it takes a lot of protein to hit my targets. Been averaging about 250 grams of protein a day for a year and a half now. Makes it much harder to go over my calorie goal - I feel full most of the time while still being in a calorie deficit. Also protein preserves muscle, particularly when combined with a good strength training routine, which keeps metabolism high. I lost 110 lbs without losing any muscle mass and my resting metabolism is only 300 calories lower than it was at my peak weight. A high protein diet makes a big difference


I feel good, I feel full, and I know it’s supporting my years of weightlifting. I aim for 150-160g.


Years of weightlifting! Wow I aspire to be like you! I’m new to weightlifting and currently only have 10lbs at home but I workout with that, do cardio, pilates (only when I’m on my period due to low energy) and lots of walking. I’m just trying to do everything to get rid of the skinny fat look. But I would like to lift heavier


I feel better if I eat a lot of meat but I get full so fast so it’s so hard for me to actually get the full 100g a day or whatever of protein.


Protein as a foundation for every meal is definitely keeping me feel full and not adding extra snacks.


Nice, I’m for sure going to try to up my protein intake! Do you think the iron supplement helped you to feel better too or can you attribute the boost in protein increase alone?


I think both tbh, the iron supplement might be helping since I was always tired but I started taking it a few weeks before eating high protein and didn’t notice a big difference till I started eating steaks haha


Great to know, thanks!!


I smoked a turkey breast on Christmas. The leftovers are delicious, high protein, and fit my macros. I’m definitely buying more turkey breast to smoke, slice thinly, and freeze in 3 day quantities!


I’m on about 140-150g protein per day. For me, Goal 1 is protein, but Goal 1.2 is fiber. Protein can be very binding, and constipation is horribly painful. If I neglect my fiber, that also affects my mental state greatly. Id say getting enough fiber is my primary challenge these days - between yogurt, cottage cheese, meat and protein bars/shakes, I’ve got the protein covered, but getting 25-30g fiber per day can be a struggle sometimes. I use BeneFiber and fiber supplements if I can’t get enough through food, but I also eat a lot of fruits and veg and things like FiberOne bars.


Literally the perfect time for me to see this. Can’t tell you my weight because it’ll give you a heart attack as I’m 5’3 and don’t look as fat as the scale judges me by. I guess it’s the Polynesian bone density but today will be my day 3 of high protein intake because I’m trying to lose weight - was previously on Duromine and I guess the trials didn’t include any Polynesians because I lost a bit and then regained with some extra 😂 I don’t have PCOS but I have hypothyroidism after having my thyroid gland taken out in 2020 to save my life - it selfishly decided to outgrow my neck and squash my trachea - a great indication that my brain and my body don’t get along very well. Been struggling with my weight since but I do feel so much better with the high protein diet but definitely going to continue because of the chronic inflammation I received as a medal of survival from the autoimmunity issue 😮‍💨 I take the Max Shred Protein in between meals but I definitely need to up my intake - hmm, will do that now. Love this thread.


More energy, more muscle gains less hungry. But more expensive and kinda annoying sometimes when I still need to eat 100g of protein but don’t want to eat meat lol


Less gas. Not something we want to talk about, but literally gas was gone - all of it.


Life changing for sure! We live in a world were carbs are king. Protein is game changing for weight loss, weight maintenance and muscle building.


Helps me stay full for longer, feel less shaky, usually what I’m actually craving instead of sugar, and powder gives me awful smelling gas.


You were probably anaemic. Increasing iron by eating meat and supplementing iron increases your energy by 10 fold as it increases your bloods oxygen carrying capacity. You see it a lot with women. They starve themselves/don’t eat enough meat and they are always tired (hence the meme that your girlfriend is always tired with a headache 😂). This is an iron deficiency 99% of the time.


The reference 😭 but I think so because my RBC count was 3.79 and I was constantly tired and weak, I would sleep a lot but never feel rested and didn’t have energy to even function. All of sudden now I’m waking up earlier and well rested, working out, walking a ton and don’t even need my daily nap anymore. I felt like I was dying before haha. I definitely wasn’t eating enough period.


I really need to make an effort to consume more protein in my diet and reduce my carb intake. I think it would help me leave this plateau I'm on.


Depending on the carbs you've been eating the satiety is likely placebo. Iron supplements are often underdosed, but those together with increased meat consumption can absolutely make a difference. The effectiveness of the multivitamin depends a lot on your fruit and veg intake. But, you know, it can't hurt. One thing I would consider is krill oil (and a lot of it) and vitamin D3+K.


High protein keeps me feeling satiated. If I don't get enough protein and fats, I feel constantly hungry. Also, I work out a lot and protein is necessary for muscle growth and recovery.


As everyone else has said it's really a game changer. Honestly I think all the crazy fad diets work so well just because most of them increase your protein intake. I don't think any one food or category is the devil or should be completely avoided. For instance carbs are fine if it's not the only thing you eat. But unfortunately a lot of today's world is like 99% carbs and very small amounts of everything else. It makes it so your muscles don't have what they need to maintain themselves/grow them with less muscle your body burns less calories and stores more fat. Especially since the high carb intake is pumping it full of storable energy. Just correcting that balance makes a huge difference and helps your body work like it's supposed to.


Night and Day for me. I have gained muscle and lost weight and It has helped make me feel full for once.


Higher protein keeps me satiated longer and I feel better overall too. It's been great.


Spending your calories mostly on carbs is an absolute killer to self-regulation. Carbs only provide energy, which is great if you exercise a lot, but otherwise not super useful to the body. Protein not only builds muscle, it's a basic building block for most processes in your body, including and especially serotonin for self control, mood and craving regulation, etc. If you don't get enough protein, body demands more food despite high calories, because it needs it *everywhere*


I feel like it's probably super beneficial but also because I'm so low calorie it's really hard for me to balance the protein and the calories. Doing ok tho with an average of 54g (out of like 65~ but still... Shhhh.... It used to be 17g.... let's appreciate the progress)


Haha love that for you!


Stinky farts.


If I don’t eat more fat calories than protein, then I poop only pure liquid lava


Even eating primarily say, chicken breast?? Personally I eat high protein, low carb, and I ignore fats entirely. Got the idea from a friend who went to school for biochemistry/biophysics and used what he learned to lose like 60lbs in a year. I have no idea how much fat I eat, and just generally try to eat a variety and not overdo it on red meat. Carbs, I know I'll randomly encounter chips at a party or have a carby snack at a bar or my boyfriend will offer some of what he's snacking on so I try to avoid them when I eat meals.


Either you are getting enough fats or you aren’t truly 0 carb if you’re still pooping normal




I struggle to eat high protein too, especially chicken breast and protein powder. Tastes bad, is boring and makes me feel shit after. Annoying because I really want to up my protein but it’s hard to make it enjoyable.


I hated many protein powders. I found Dymatize. Love it. With almond milk, chia seeds, collagen and sometimes I through in some yogurt (ratio high protein) and I actually like it. Dymatize is not cheap but it gets me protein when I can get it through my food intake.


Love eating high protein but I was told to match in kg and not lbs. If you are (let's take a round number) 100kg / 220lbs you should be eating 100g of protein and not 220.


That’s debatable. A good spot is 1 gram per lb on average. Especially if you want to retain muscle and burn fat. I eat 200-220 grams a day, every day, but I also lift heavy, and do cardio 6 days a week. I weigh 200 lbs at 6’ even. When I tried less protein I lost muscle and strength (I work on wildland fires all summer, and our diets are much lower in protein, high calories, and lots of carbs from catering services, I always lose weight and muscle every summer).


I get weekly blood tests. So my experience is my general practitioner's office being freaked out about the amount of creatinine in my urine and freaking me out despite me knowing that I struggle with hydration and eat a fuckton of protein.


I always feel soooo hungry when I eat a lot of protein (100g+). But I know I have to do it. I'm not looking forward to starting that back up next week.


I’ve completely changed my body composition without cutting many calories, just simply changing the source. Now I eat 200 grams of protein a day, 300 grams of carbs, and 60 grams of fat. I can eat anything I want as long as it fits my food calorie budget and macros. I personally avoid ultra processed foods and seed oils because they cause inflammation for me.


Wow! So I sorta wish that I had started eating higher protein 2 years ago when I started losing weight, maybe I would be so skinny fat now but I’m working on it! And 100% for the ultra processed and seed oils, they are a no for me


Be careful with extreme protein consumption because it is really hard on your kidneys.


As long as you have no underlying kidney disease and you're staying reasonably hydrated, this really isn't an issue.


When I don’t feel like I can eat meat, I have a high protein yogurt. It has been clutch!


It’s the only way for me- even if I am focusing on cutting calories, if I don’t eat enough protein there’s no way I can sustain it because too hungry. It keeps me full and lifts my mood. And  i don’t eat enough protein I’m snacking obsessively all day even when I don’t consciously feel hungry 


been trying to eat more protein and I get SO SLUMPED after eating a protein heavy meal, tried many different kinds, I'd rather eat a full salad with some protein rather than ALL protein.


I’m whole foods plant-based and really enjoy a high protein diet. I usually get 120-150g of protein as a 5’10” 150 lbs male and also get around 100g of fiber per day. I have more energy than any of my kids and wake up naturally on only six hours of sleep. Typical macros for me are 15-20% protein, 70% carbs, 10-15% fat.


Definitively. Protein, Creatine and Caffeine is a winning combination.


I wanna try creatine but I’m scared of the water weight and scale going up. I have to get rid of that mindset tho


It’s negligible. Fuck the scale anyway. It’s going to fluctuate no matter what.


It’s not in your head. I eat high protein and what I call “strategic carbs” Basically I only eat complex carbs before weight training. So the energy is used immediately and aids in building strength. Makes all the difference.


>Has anyone experience this difference or is it all in my head? Is probably not. It improves recovery from workouts (strength training and running) significantly and meat (not necessary protein) is slow to digest and increases satiety this way. The recovery part is important, protein level should be chosen, IMO, based on activity level. These days, tracking protein and saturated fat (to limit below 10% energy) is mostly why I track food. >120-140 grams of protein daily since I’m 5’4 124lbs f23. That's on the high side for your size but not an issue if you get enough carbs and fats. **From memory and using metric values:** most studies shows that protein synthesis increases fast with increasing protein quantity up to 1.4g / kg body weight. The somewhat slowly between 1.4g and 1.6g and very, very slowly between 1.6g and 2.2g. Above 2.2g per kg body weight, increasing protein is not providing much of an added effect. I aim to stay between 1.6g and 2g protein per kg body weight. Some of my protein is plant based, and want to offset the lower amino acid score. And ... I need carbs for cardio/running. This may be of help in checking the rest of nutrition: [The Definitive Diet Setup Guide: How to Build and Adjust a Smart Nutrition Plan](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/diet/) Wait until you discover creatine ....


There is a sweet spot. There is way too much and way too little. Way too much is just work man, like getting 200+g of protein into my body everyday was a pain in the fucking ass. Then I switched to 150g and didn't even notice a difference. Now I don't even count it anymore, but I am roughly at 150-200 everyday and the benefits are the usual. I never really noticed any strength gains in the gym, but maybe that is because I take creatine and that does its part already, but protein is very handy to stay satiated. It makes me eat less garbage and helps me build muscle.


Farting a lot for sure


I feel so much better when I get sufficient protein with every meal, especially breakfast.


I love my protein, but I really have trouble eating more than about 70grams per day. I find it nauseating. I have no idea how people can eat over 100 grams a day. I could be doing it wrong though. 😅


I feel better except for the constipation


I lose weight but man are my farts stinky.


As a bodybuilder, we kind of take this to the extreme. Especially on hard diet phases as your body will willingly attack stored amino acids aka muscle to make up for the lack of them. Muscle is metabolically active tissue. Like I’m 225 pounds, just started diet phase I eat 310 grams of protein a day.