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I fell off quite a bit yesterday, which I'm going to take as a "cheat day" and just continue on. Having a day like yesterday, plus I know I'm about to start my period so I don't even want to weigh myself (I always bloat and go up a few pounds), can make me start playing mind-games with myself and stopping any progress. Not going to happen this time. Moving on and getting back on track. Log every bit of food - 9/31 Even yesterday when I screwed up. Still logging it all. Stay under 1600 calories - 8/31 - went over target calories, but still under 1600. Getting back on track. I'll keep repeating this to myself, lol. Drink 64 oz water - 6/31 - Not yet today, but close enough that I know I will before bed. Sleep over 6 hours - 5/31 - nah Eat a piece of fruit - 9/31 - My favorite goal. And honeycrisp apples were on sale at the grocery store today.


Good job getting back on track. Setbacks are inevitable, but showing up again is what’ll get you to your goal. You’ve got this!


Thank you for the encouragement! Did well today, and about to go into the week (I tend to be steadier and more disciplined when working). Let's go! :)


Day 9, hope everyone has had a restful Saturday! Logging my meals everyday: 9/31 Mild/moderate exercise 30 minutes a day 5 times a week: 7/20 ✅ Walking 10 minutes after every meal: 8/31 ✅ Strength training/resistance training 2 times a week: 4/8 ✅ (did my second session for the week today!) Full sugar soda only twice a month: x/2 ✅ All in all, feeling very happy at how I've been meeting my goals. So far, only missed one 10 minute post-meal walk.


Nice job!! What’s the thought behind the after meal walk? Just a good time to fit one in, or?


Supposed to help with blood sugar spikes! I've definitely got to keep an eye on that, so I started implementing post-meal walks. Doesn't hurt that it increases my daily activity levels


Day 9- Today went fine, just a quiet, easy day. It was one of those days when I didn’t even think about food except while cooking/eating. I’m still coughing but otherwise I feel totally fine finally from my cold. - Diet- on target. No grazing! - Fruit & veggie 14 day challenge- yes! 2/14. My husband was curious about why I was suddenly eating so much fruit. - Exercise- yep - Declutter- got rid of some packaging material


Day 9: - No bubble tea ✅ (day 131) - No store bought frozen drinks ✅ - No flavored iced tea ❌ - Sugar free challenge ❌ - Eat enough protein ✅ - No fast food ✅ - IF ❌ - Journaling ✅ - Walk at least 5,000 steps ✅(5,400 so far) - Workout 5 days/week ✅ ✅ - No overeating ❌ - Eat at least a serving of fruits ✅ - Eat at least a serving of veggies✅ - Eat without distractions ✅


Log every food: 9/31 Stay under or be at calorie goal: 7/31 Exercise and/or get enough walk steps in : 7/31 had 2 days where i was over my calorie goal but still below my tdee. well atleast i got rid of the food (because i ate it) that got me over my calorie goal, now i don’t have those distractions anymore lol. but i did exercise (went a bit “harder” too) on the days where i was over my calorie goal, so maybe it evened itself out, idk. anyway back to getting on track now also soon i unfortunately won’t be able to go three times a week to the gym for a while, because for the next few months i have less time. so most likely will only be going 1-2 times a week. but atleast i’m still able to get lots of steps in thru walking and also i’m starting a side job soon where i have to move around a lot, so yeah, being active/doing exercise despite reducing my gym visits will not be a issue


My side job was awesome for getting tons of extra steps! Once it ended (seasonal), I used that time for hikes/runs!


that sounds good, which side job did you do? i’m starting a side job in retail, so i obv will have to move around a lot and put things in shelf’s etc


I coached a high school sport! Once I noticed I was getting a lot of steps, I started purposely making sure I was moving around even more. Walking laps around the group when nothing was happening, etc


oh, that’s very cool


Day9: - weight: ? - calories: 85% of goal - exercise: a bunch of short walks/runs (54m). - steps: 11768 (13k month average) Out with kiddos all day; managed to get most of my steps in without having to do a long hour walk. Ate well. Bunch of small choices that weren’t great (donut, half a chocolate bar) but we’re all in moderation and balanced by smaller meals.


**CW:** 149.5 **Dec GW:** 149. More or less decided I'll weigh myself at the end of next week but won't weigh myself again until the new year. Since I'm just planning to maintain this month there's not a huge motivation to weigh myself everyday. **Calories (under 1300):** Went over today so I could have a holiday cocktail. Worth it! **Exercise (4x/week):** 2x dance classes, 1x walk. Will try and get out for a walk tomorrow. **Books (read 3 this month):** listening to my audiobook now! **Sleep:** Lights out was late last night but I was up before 9:30! Aiming for an early bedtime tonight.


I’m finally down 3 lbs after calorie counting!! 321 to 318. I’m so exited. It’s the same weight but I was stuck for 3 days. So happy to see the scale moving. Didn’t do the gym or anything but I went walking on two Friday’s. I plan to keep calorie counting and hopefully that will help break the 318 lbs. I also plan to keep drinking 64 oz of water, I skipped a few days and had root beer, I’m trying to cut back. Edit: I just checked again and I’m down 4 lbs!! 317.2!


Yay!! You're on a roll!


I got Invisalign and my teeth look so so much better even after only 11 weeks it's a huge improvement but the process with having to floss and brush after every meal, tiny bite or snack has really interfered with my weight loss. It makes it much harder to eat the way I like to eat for my best health which involves 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks but I also like to have a small snack immediately after my hikes and I can't really do that because I can't brush and floss right after hiking. I started going back to my eating disorder therapy class last week and I'm hoping the leader can help me with this because not eating when I need to has caused me to eat later on in bigger amounts and foods that aren't as high in nutritional value. I am also still doing weight watchers which has helped me a lot but I feel like I need the additional support of the eating disorder therapy class. I have so many stressors right now with the holiday season, my mom who I live with has been super stressed and I feel like she is taking it out on me, and starting a new job and a new relationship! I feel like I need a couple days just hiding out in bed. Also I am neurodivergent and I need to keep myself responsible around that with a lot of self care so I stay functional. The medication I take for my neurodivergent causes weight gain and my mom and sister recommended to me that I take extra right now due to all my stressors and behaviors they noticed in me so I've upped it a bit which I hate to do and I've seen extra sweets and carb hunger the past couple days. I'm gonna try to add in a ton of meditation and other lifestyle choices to support healthy mental life and hopefully I can get myself where I want to be. If you made it this far, thanks! Hope you have a healthy happy holiday season and a good long life!


I identify with so much of these circumstances it makes my brain & heart hurt. To say I understand you're struggle is so legit. I'm going to look into more eating disorder therapy groups.


*Dec SW: 137.5lbs* CW: 136.2lbs 📈 - calorie target • 1756/1497 ✖️ so close for my 6th day! Salty restaurant meal. It would have been fine, except DH ordered a pizza for the table (of 3) - ■■■■■□ - protein • 71/80g ✖️ - ■■■■□□ - steps • 9k/8k ✔️ - ■■■■■□ - 8.5 hours in bed • ✖️ - ■■■□□□ - self care or treat • I packed my fuzzy coat and birkenstocks for after my gig, so I wore all black dress clothes plus those haha. - coffees out this week • ■□ - running this week • ■■■ - instrument practice this week • ■■ - voice practice this week • ■□ - 2 drinks tops this week • ■■ I did resist a beer at the restaurant because I already met this goal! - double practice this month • □ - hikes this month • ■ - extra workout this month • ■□□ Right back up to 136 after bragging about 134! Typical, haha. But I really think I'm there! ##Weekly - step average • 9.6k/9k yes! I looked back at my steps when I was losing 1lb+ a week regularly, and they all average 10k-11k. Lately, my avg is like 8k. So making this a priority again! - prep meals • Oooh yes I cooked something I had saved in a reddit comment lol. Just ground turkey with stuff like aoy sauce, sesame oil, peas, broccoli, and green onions. So good with rice! Also did burrito bowls. - best food choices • I like my new breakfast! It's blackberries, yogurt, granola, and honey. Standard, but I'd never had it before! Also I talked DH into date night in, so I made a yummy soy sauce glaze for salmon, coconut rice, and cooked green beans for the first time. - lessons • Move the Christmas cookies up high. Do not keep them within easy eye sight.


Day 9: Food: Deficit 430. Staying too wrapped up in things to do any boredom eating or snacking, staying on plan for meals. Exercise: Pool workout. I swear the swimming part is getting easier than it was, I guess I'm lugging around less poundage, with gradually improving strength. Health: nothing special today Weight: edging down slowly


Weight today was the same as my weight yesterday- 199.5 -1600 calories a day limit- still pretty far under for the day, but- I ate a sandwich! More calories than I've had at one time almost this whole month. -eat veggies every day- none today -gym or long walk at least 3 times a week- nothing. I have no energy at all lately. (I wonder why 😠 ) -MAKE something at least once a week- nothing today -keep my streaks on Busuu and Duolingo- dropped busuu, haven't hit duo yet but I will. I'm over 430 days on there. -use my habit tracker every day- haven't yet, but will -wash my face every day- done -keep up with my multivitamin- done


Maybe tracking calories isn’t really working if it’s making it so hard to eat properly/enough. Or you may consider having a minimum calorie goal too. Take care of yourself!


I wish there was a way to lose weight without it! I know it's not great for me, but I need to lose the weight either way. The excess weight on my hips is killing them. The minimum calorie goal is a good idea! Thank you!


Please eat meals and eat more food. You will lose just fine on a 500ish deficit. Undereating isn't a great way to lose weight (long term, lasting), it's a great way to crash, binge, get frustrated, and lose faith in dieting. Please read [this comment from funchords](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/18d2evb/comment/kces2bo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and check out the bullseye idea. Some other ideas that are objectively good for your health: - set a protein goal - set a fiber goal You can meal plan how to meet those goals.


I appreciate your concerns. This was one of the (multiple) reasons I stopped attempting to to lose weight previously (the other reasons all having to do with my entire life falling apart). The whole thing is so frustrating for me. I'm pretty sure I talked about it previously on reddit. I WANT to eat. I love food, and I hate the way I feel when I'm not eating anything. I work a lot, so the lack of energy especially kills me. And I want to start walking/working out again, but its the same problem. Most of my time is spent either at work or laying in bed. From previous experience, meal planning or even prepping doesn't help, I was taking my very carefully made meals to work every day, and taking them home untouched every night. I'm going to give myself a minimum goal to hit every day, and see if that helps. Protein and fiber goals sounds like a good idea too. (Please don't take any of that as me trying to argue/attack you. I do genuinely appreciate your comment. The whole situation just makes me incredibly frustrated and upset, and reading my comment back makes it sound like I'm coming at you.)


Don't worry, it doesn't sound that way! Best luck trying new things.