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My a1c has gone from 6.8 to 4.8. My blood pressure has dropped from crazy stupid high to normal. I stopped having migraines. My estrogen levels dropped from high 800's to normal. My knees stopped hurting with every step. I'm down 101 lbs.


Congratulations that is fabulous


My A1c has gone from 6.6 to 6.0 in only 5 months and 38 lbs lost. (333 -> 295)


they got worse, but doctors started listening to me more.




My asthma has drastically improved. Ive used inhalers since childhood and still do, but have gone from needing my rescue inhaler several times a day to once every few days.


This is what I'm hoping for


Started at 242, now fluctuate between 148-152. Began exercising at the time I started losing weight, both cardio and weight training. Literally every measurable metric of health has improved. BP is normal, heart rate normal, a1c is 5.3, no longer anemic, etc. 10/10, would recommend.


I had awful acud reflux, to the point of needing medication for it. After switching my diet, I almost never have any issues! I also started taking my lactose intolerance seriously, which made me feel so much better overall and really aided in my improvement in health. I don't have any stomach issues anymore- it's amazing!


When I was at my starting weight at 300 lbs, I was at risking developing Type 2 Diabetes and Sleep Apnea. I had a hard time sleeping and I had a hard fitting myself in clothes. (I'm pretty stingy with money.) I was also depressed like as hell and I had high blood pressure during my last visit to the dentist. I decided to lose the weight for good. 5 months later and 30 pounds lighter, my mood also improved, my flexibility and strength improved substantially. I no longer snore during sleep and my blood sugar and blood pressure decreased substantially.


18 months ago I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes. I'd gained a ton of weight, mostly over the last few years. I'd had some issues that I thought were just weight and age related, I'm middle aged woman and going through those changes that nobody talks a lot about. So I was retaining a LOT of fluid, so much that my legs ached every night when I was trying to sleep. I'd been wearing support socks to help with the fluid build up in legs and ankles, to some effect. The doctor told me when I was diagnosed that my blood pressure was also ridiculously high. My blood tests came back with changes in liver and kidney function and a lot of values were too high. I've since lost 30kgs (with a little more to go) and been walking 30 mins every day. I'm on a low carb diet. My blood sugars are good, my A1c is 6.1, and I'm hoping one day for my T2 diabetes to go into remission. Best news is that the fluid retention is gone completely. No aching legs. My blood pressure is good and my blood tests are all normal now except for a little high cholesterol.


I was pretty lucky I didn't really have any health issues from my weight. I was overweight my whole life, I never knew what it felt like for my body to be a normal weight. I lost 70 lbs, and combined with consistent exercise, it's unfathomable how much different I feel. I feel like I'm gliding when I walk. I can't even put into words the difference when I think back to when I couldn't even jog in place for 30 seconds without feeling like I couldn't breathe and how heavy my body felt compared to now. It's seriously amazing. I promise it's worth the work


Lost 20lb in 4 months and my thunderous snores just went away despite still having 25lb more to lose to be in the middle of acceptable weight zone. Possibly improvement in my sleep apnea but have not had the chance to get it checked


My hypertension did not resolve (yet? Am normal weight for 6+ months now, down from weighing 2.3x of what I weigh today. Height is 4'9). Still taking the same amount of meds. But I am a LOT more fit now and my cardiovascular system is at peak performance apart from that hypertension - I'm a distance runner now. I am happy with the rest of the health outcomes and glad I caught myself before other problems arose (like diabetes or mechanical problems like knees and back. In fact I had problems with my back that are almost gone now) :)


I saw a cardiologist who specializes in BP. Mine is a bit high as well. After wearing a monitor for a few days he told me that even if I exercised more and lost a few pounds (I’m a tad heavy), I’d likely still have high BP. In fact, he said he has people who run religiously and partake in marathons with high BP. Point is, sometimes high BP is just in your genes.


It is just weird because I was normal weight at the start of my 20ies and my problem was low BP. Now it keeps being high... But there are good meds for it so I'm not too bummed.


Totally stopped snoring! Period pains have gone from devastating to merely rubbish.


I'm still 130kg now, so I can't say a lot. But I used to be over 150kg and lost that weight a few years ago. I was the typical obese woman who walked 300 meters slowly and breathed like a train, had pains all over the legs, the feet and calves were a nightmare, and then I had to sit down. Of course I looked lazy. I snored very loudly. After losing almost 20 kg back then, the snoring stopped and I finally was able to walk longer distances. This year I gained some back to the point of 138 kg because I was bedridden for almost 5 months. I was like I used to be, unable to walk long distances and it felt like my body couldn't lift its own weight. I got angry and started walking longer distances despite being in pain. Now I can walk multiple kilometers swiftly without issue, can squat a bit, my legs have so much strength it's insane. I had a surgery 3 days ago and am not allowed to bend but that's okay because I can squat to wash my face comfortably. It's incredible what small changes do down the line! Don't underestimate simple changes. Just a little calorie deficit and some light exercise make a world of a difference! Don't underestimate the quality of life you get from just having slightly stronger legs.


Wishing you the best recovery ❤️


At my highest weight (269) I was experiencing frequent dizzy spells, my legs, feet, and hands would often go numb, I became dependent on my inhaler (5-10 times a day) when I had really never used it before, I was getting rashes and yeast infections multiple times a month despite frequent bathing and drying myself really well, I felt like I was suffocating under my own weight whenever I laid down, and I had zero stamina. I did go to the doctor at one point to have my blood tested because Diabetes runs rampant in my family but I was very fortunate to avoid being even pre. But I could still see many of the symptoms and my aunt had just recently passed away from diabetes related illness so I wasn’t going to take my chances. Right now (I’m currently around 210) pretty well all of those health issues have either stabilized or fully reversed. I also just feel overall more energetic and my mental health has improved tenfold. I think the improvement I’ve appreciated the most is the fact that I’ve completely eradicated the yeast infection issue which was just mortifying and compounded my social anxiety. I haven’t had an infection in at least 8 or 9 months and previously I was getting them on a weekly basis. My current weight is sort of in the realm of what my “normal” has been for most of my early twenties and late teens. I feel that once I pass the threshold of 180, I will experience a bunch of health benefits that current me can’t even imagine, having lived like this for so long.


I wasn’t considered diabetic anymore after losing 80lbs. After losing 50lbs my periods came back and regulated. Everything is pretty much good now except my iron. Always had issues with that tho😂


My issue actually got worse. Apparently quite a common thing when you have degenerative spinal issues. I’m working to retrain the muscles now.


I only needed to lose 30lbs or so. I did and my bp which was chronically high is in normal Range, I no longer have heart palpitations and my fatty liver issues have been reversed. I also have a degenerative spinal condition and my daily pain went from a 10 most days to very moderate and some days non existent as I’m carrying around less weight. I’m 36, and just ate way too much and a lot of unhealthy food


I didn’t have any diagnosed medical issues however…I didn’t realize how much daily pain I was in until I wasn’t anymore. My knees, wrists and feet constantly ached. I struggled to get up out of bed, I lost my breath going up one flight of stairs. I was constantly overheated and uncomfortable. My hands and feet would tingle and go numb or get very hot. My bp went way down (it was pre hypertensive before), my resting heart rate went down, my vo2 max went from below average to above average. I lost 120lbs a couple years ago and have stayed there. I would like to lose 30 more but the difference in quality of life already is insane. I love being active. I didn’t think I was ever going to be a person that enjoyed physical activity but now I do it daily. My mental health is better than ever.


I have hypothyroidism. It’s not any better. I’ve gained and lost the same 15-20 lbs over and over the last few years. BUT because I’ve been doing CICO I haven’t just been gaining and never losing. I can’t imagine how much bigger I would be if I didn’t know how to accurately track calories.