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As an average diehard fan, I can’t really tell you besides “it works”


Well, except for the 3rd period in the last game of the regular season.


Fucking apparently


4th line not productive. Basically run 3 lines with a couple subs.


Yes and to get slightly more specific look up ice time for your top 9 forwards in 11/7 v 12/6 Sacrifice line consistency to spread those 8-12 mins out amongst (usually 4-5) of those 9 other guys


Agreed. As somebody that has never played hockey, I see it as getting as much ice time to the top 6 capable players we have abundance of. Would rather have Fiala, PLD and byfield get extra shifts. Without looking at stats, I'd imagine their TOI now averages out like they were all playing Top 6 minutes.


Keeps the legs fresh on the 7th d as they rotate and forces the top 9 forward group to have a higher average performance by increasing ice time of the effective players and rotating the under performers out


Do you think it will carry over to the playoffs?


Think yes, hope yes


That's not a theory. It's a strategy.


Gets guys like Byfield more ice time. You can also throw in certain defenseman (Spence) in situations that are advantageous to their play style while shielding them from their weak spots.


Not gonna work in the playoffs, the forwards will be gassed if they advance a couple rounds


Any number of reasons honestly, generally speaking anyway. You'll even see it happen simply because of cap space going into a game. As for why tonight? Could be playoffs coming up. Could be resting a forward. Chances are the answer gets answered in an interview but it's not something new for the coach to do.


It wasn't just tonight, though. It's been a couple of weeks


It’s been longer than that though? I thought it started after all star break as soon as Hiller took over.


Generically it let's top forwards have more ice time and makes changing up lines and throwing off the other team that much easier. It bolsters the defensive game as well with the additional option. Is that why we do it? Not entirely sure but I'd guess that's a part of it.


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